Hey Rosenstein....PROVE IT.

No doubt one of his staffers, super duper. Same way Republican staffers would have done if Democrats had evil assholes on on their side.

WTF does Podesta falling for a phishing scam have to do Republicans?
It wasn't podesta himself, stupid. And at the time Republicans would have fallen for the same hacking, if Democrats had any evil assholes on their side... But they only do in imaginary dupe world.

You stupid mother fucker.....
Republicans had nothing to do with Podesta falling for a phishing scam.
They only approved of it, knew about it, used it, and did nothing about it. Stealing elections is how they win in a million ways.... Super duper...

Wait....so Assange is a Republican?
Might as well have been...
WTF does Podesta falling for a phishing scam have to do Republicans?
It wasn't podesta himself, stupid. And at the time Republicans would have fallen for the same hacking, if Democrats had any evil assholes on their side... But they only do in imaginary dupe world.

You stupid mother fucker.....
Republicans had nothing to do with Podesta falling for a phishing scam.
They only approved of it, knew about it, used it, and did nothing about it. Stealing elections is how they win in a million ways.... Super duper...

Wait....so Assange is a Republican?
Might as well have been...

Funny,you loved him when he was dishing dirt on Republicans.
The cuff-linked creep indicts Russians for the Podesta "hack" just days before Trump meets with Putin...they say in life, timing is everything. But what's curious is that nobody, not anybody, has ever offered proof the Ivans hacked the DNC. They claim it happened but then they claim Trump colluded with Russia and committed obstruction of justice by firing Comey too but they offer no evidence of any of it. Who believes Putin's GRU doesn't know how our computer defenses work so why keep claiming our "sources and methods" are at stake? Here's some PROOF the Ivans did NOT hack the DNC, ya creep: :26:


The VIPS theory relies on forensic findings by independent researchers who go by the pseudonyms "Forensicator" and "Adam Carter." The former found that 1,976 MB of Guccifer's files were copied from a DNC server on July 5 in just 87 seconds, implying a transfer rate of 22.6 megabytes per second -- or, converted to a measure most people use, about 180 megabits per second, a speed not commonly available from U.S. internet providers. Downloading such files this quickly over the internet, especially over a VPN (most hackers would use one), would have been all but impossible because the network infrastructure through which the traffic would have to pass would further slow the traffic. However, as Forensicator has pointed out, the files could have been copied to a thumb drive -- something only an insider could have done -- at about that speed.

Why Some U.S. Ex-Spies Don't Buy the Russia Story

You are clear on what an indictment is?

What a grand jury is?

And what a trial is?

And what a trial jury is?

And what order these come in...
Guess they missed the BI PARTISAN Intel group that said there is no doubt that russia hacked us to help Trump
if Pres Trump actually believes he's going to meet Putin and talk one on one with him without witnesses,

and without Putin somehow recording the conversation for Kompromat over Trump, he's extremely naive...

The President doesn't walk into a room, any room anywhere, that hasn't been swept by the Secret Service for potential bombs, listening devices, or recording devices.
are their sweeps done when Putin is in the room so he can be checked by our security??
Our moron is going one on one with the guy who helped him win the election ??
"Hi Vlad good to see you again How am I doing" Think we have room for a trump tower in Stalingrad?""
The proof is highly classified and every Republican and Democrat on the intelligence committees and everyone else who has seen the evidence agrees it proves the Russians did it. Fox is a disgrace and it's better than the rest of them....
Only hater dupes use a dead man in a conspiracy theory to try and excuse the Russians eh.
and what a silly and stupid theory on seth rich!

Hello? How did podesta emails get hacked how did state election boards get hacked how'd the DCCC get hacked, how'd that State voter registration lists get hacked?

SETH RICH who worked at the DNC did those too? And even stole emails, after he had died!!! :lol:

so called conservatives have lost their minds....with their mindless and thoughtless and illogical and even impossible, conspiracy theories..... dumb is contagious....who knew??

The Idiot Podesta fell for a phishing scam that wouldnt have fooled a twelve year old.
Yes of course, and so did the other hundred people that were hacked by them and the DNC, and the DCCC, and the state secretary of state departments, and the 20 states whose voter registration systems were hacked the same way too.... and by the same entity....

You just said the DNC hacked people.

then let me sum it up....Podesta was not the only dummy!

The other 100 individual campaign workers that were hacked by them, along with the hacking of the DNC, DCCC, Hillary Clinton private server held and maintenance by a firm in Arizona, State level Secretary of States, the Voter Registration files from 20 States, and the hacking of an independent company that provides states with their electronic voting machines.... ALL HACKED in to by the Russian Government...using the same Military Intelligence Agents.... and spear phishing scams...


Last edited:
The cuff-linked creep indicts Russians for the Podesta "hack" just days before Trump meets with Putin...they say in life, timing is everything. But what's curious is that nobody, not anybody, has ever offered proof the Ivans hacked the DNC. They claim it happened but then they claim Trump colluded with Russia and committed obstruction of justice by firing Comey too but they offer no evidence of any of it. Who believes Putin's GRU doesn't know how our computer defenses work so why keep claiming our "sources and methods" are at stake? Here's some PROOF the Ivans did NOT hack the DNC, ya creep: :26:


The VIPS theory relies on forensic findings by independent researchers who go by the pseudonyms "Forensicator" and "Adam Carter." The former found that 1,976 MB of Guccifer's files were copied from a DNC server on July 5 in just 87 seconds, implying a transfer rate of 22.6 megabytes per second -- or, converted to a measure most people use, about 180 megabits per second, a speed not commonly available from U.S. internet providers. Downloading such files this quickly over the internet, especially over a VPN (most hackers would use one), would have been all but impossible because the network infrastructure through which the traffic would have to pass would further slow the traffic. However, as Forensicator has pointed out, the files could have been copied to a thumb drive -- something only an insider could have done -- at about that speed.

Why Some U.S. Ex-Spies Don't Buy the Russia Story

You are clear on what an indictment is?

What a grand jury is?

And what a trial is?

And what a trial jury is?

And what order these come in...

Judging by the OP...the answer is obviously 'no'.
Some other details from a source I won't divulge at this point....if you think I'm lying, go fuck yourself (nobody else will). Rich left the sports bar he was at at around 1:30am....the shots that killed him were reported at 4:17 am....it was supposedly a ten minute walk home....so where was he for almost 3 hours between leaving the bar and being murdered? Trying to shake off somebody tailing him? A "witness" supposedly told a reporter that the police were pulling Rich around on a gurney asking people if they recognized him....why would they be doing that instead of putting him in the ambulance and racing to the hospital. This witness also claimed Rich "didn't know he'd been shot and was in no pain"...I can tell you from personal experience, you know when you're shot....twice, there's no mistaking it...it's like getting getting punched and burns like hell. The original report that the FBI van "that was broken into and guns stolen" ten minutes away said that happened several hours earlier, then admitted it happened between 12:20am and 2am. How convenient if the ballistics report (nobody has seen it) match the weapon to the murder....somebody in the FBI owns that firearm and apparently that and an M-16 were taken from a safe ripped out of the van's interior. Although it's normal for witness accounts and police reports to be wildly inaccurate and change over time, there is a consistency in the DC police actions that stink to high heaven. I can understand the Rich family being distraught and wanting their son's murder out of the news....if they have either been paid off or scared off. If that was my kid, an hour wouldn't pass that I wouldn't be trying to find who killed him and who was behind it.
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Are you lefty revolutionaries connecting the crooked Hillary - Crowdstrike- Hillary angers Putin- Hillary campaign tried to destroy Bernie DOTS yet or is this too complicated for you?
Are you lefty revolutionaries connecting the crooked Hillary - Crowdstrike- Hillary angers Putin- Hillary campaign tried to destroy Bernie DOTS yet or is this too complicated for you?

No, we'll leave it to the Little Trumpster conspiracy tin foil hat wearers.
Below is a picture of either Tom Horn or AZGAL. I couldn't tell, sorry, all Little Trumpsters look alike.:dunno:
Only hater dupes use a dead man in a conspiracy theory to try and excuse the Russians eh.
and what a silly and stupid theory on seth rich!

Hello? How did podesta emails get hacked how did state election boards get hacked how'd the DCCC get hacked, how'd that State voter registration lists get hacked?

SETH RICH who worked at the DNC did those too? And even stole emails, after he had died!!! :lol:

so called conservatives have lost their minds....with their mindless and thoughtless and illogical and even impossible, conspiracy theories..... dumb is contagious....who knew??

The Idiot Podesta fell for a phishing scam that wouldnt have fooled a twelve year old.
Yes of course, and so did the other hundred people that were hacked by them and the DNC, and the DCCC, and the state secretary of state departments, and the 20 states whose voter registration systems were hacked the same way too.... and by the same entity....

You just said the DNC hacked people.

then let me sum it up....Podesta was not the only dummy!

The other 100 individual campaign workers that were hacked by them, along with the hacking of the DNC, DCCC, Hillary Clinton private server held and maintenance by a firm in Arizona, State level Secretary of States, the Voter Registration files from 20 States, and the hacking of an independent company that provides states with their electronic voting machines.... ALL HACKED in to by the Russian Government...using the same Military Intelligence Agents.... and spear phishing scams...



But barry said that was impossible.
In fact barry knew about it and did nothing.
Does Crowdstrike's Shawn Henry have any biases?

Former FBI Cyber Head Shawn Henry Joins Security Startup
Ross Wilkers April 18, 2012 Executive Moves, News 1,752 Views

Shawn Henry, CrowdStrike
Shawn Henry, the FBI’s former top official on cyber crime, has joined the California-based startup security firm CrowdStrike as president of the company’s services division.

In a blog post Wednesday, he said his new position will give him flexibility and opportunity to help the U.S. secure its cyber networks.
View attachment 204790

Press Releases • Shawn Henry Named Executive Assistant Director of the Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch

Shawn Henry Named Executive Assistant Director of the Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch
Washington, D.C. September 15, 2010

Director Robert S. Mueller, III has named Shawn Henry as the executive assistant director (EAD) of the Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch (CCRSB). Mr. Henry will succeed Assistant Deputy Director T.J. Harrington. Mr. Henry most recently served as assistant director in charge of the FBI's Washington Field Office.

“I am confident that under Shawn’s leadership, CCRSB will continue to sharpen its strategic focus and coordinated efforts with state, local, and international partners to address new and emerging international and domestic criminal and cyber threats to our nation's security” said Director Robert Mueller.

Since February 2010, Mr. Henry has served as assistant director in charge of the Washington Field Office, which is where he began his career with the FBI in 1989, investigating a variety of matters, focusing primarily on public corruption and serving as a member of the SWAT team.

In his 21 years with the Bureau, Mr. Henry has served in a variety of capacities at FBI Headquarters and in the field. Among his many assignments Mr. Henry has served as: a supervisory special agent in the Public Corruption Unit; chief of the Computer Investigations Unit in the National Infrastructure Protection Center; field supervisor of the Computer Crimes Squad for the FBI’s Baltimore Field Office; assistant inspector and team leader in the Inspection Division; assistant special agent in charge of the Philadelphia Field Office; and chief of the Executive Staff for the National Security Branch.

Shawn Henry‏Verified account @Shawn365Henry 17 Sep 2016

Shawn Henry Retweeted

Results of joint lab testing by @absolutvodka, @SmirnoffEurope, and @TitosVodka. Makes a nice after dinner drink too https://twitter.com/googlefacts/status/777131242097639426 …
if Pres Trump actually believes he's going to meet Putin and talk one on one with him without witnesses,

and without Putin somehow recording the conversation for Kompromat over Trump, he's extremely naive...

The President doesn't walk into a room, any room anywhere, that hasn't been swept by the Secret Service for potential bombs, listening devices, or recording devices.
are their sweeps done when Putin is in the room so he can be checked by our security??

No, it's assumed the world leader the President is meeting with won't try to assassinate him or record what is being said....why would Putin do that? Oh wait...you think Trump is senile and has no idea what he's talking about OR they're making grand plans to invade somebody in the Baltics or maybe "fix" the midterms. If you doubt Trump's abilities, check out what he just did to the NATO leaders...they're still wondering what hit them.
But their hacking of emails cost Hillary the election.....

If only Hillary knew what she was doing with her private server.
There is no evidence her server was ever hacked, dumbass dupe. It was the DNC server and the podesta server that were hacked. Staffers bullshiting became fact and actions on the propaganda machine and cowardly corporate media, who needed controversy for ratings.

The DNC server is part of our elections.
and what a silly and stupid theory on seth rich!

Hello? How did podesta emails get hacked how did state election boards get hacked how'd the DCCC get hacked, how'd that State voter registration lists get hacked?

SETH RICH who worked at the DNC did those too? And even stole emails, after he had died!!! :lol:

so called conservatives have lost their minds....with their mindless and thoughtless and illogical and even impossible, conspiracy theories..... dumb is contagious....who knew??

The Idiot Podesta fell for a phishing scam that wouldnt have fooled a twelve year old.
Yes of course, and so did the other hundred people that were hacked by them and the DNC, and the DCCC, and the state secretary of state departments, and the 20 states whose voter registration systems were hacked the same way too.... and by the same entity....

You just said the DNC hacked people.

then let me sum it up....Podesta was not the only dummy!

The other 100 individual campaign workers that were hacked by them, along with the hacking of the DNC, DCCC, Hillary Clinton private server held and maintenance by a firm in Arizona, State level Secretary of States, the Voter Registration files from 20 States, and the hacking of an independent company that provides states with their electronic voting machines.... ALL HACKED in to by the Russian Government...using the same Military Intelligence Agents.... and spear phishing scams...



But barry said that was impossible.
In fact barry knew about it and did nothing.
You know Damn well why he didn't No need here to repeat what every fool republican knows
and what a silly and stupid theory on seth rich!

Hello? How did podesta emails get hacked how did state election boards get hacked how'd the DCCC get hacked, how'd that State voter registration lists get hacked?

SETH RICH who worked at the DNC did those too? And even stole emails, after he had died!!! :lol:

so called conservatives have lost their minds....with their mindless and thoughtless and illogical and even impossible, conspiracy theories..... dumb is contagious....who knew??

The Idiot Podesta fell for a phishing scam that wouldnt have fooled a twelve year old.
Yes of course, and so did the other hundred people that were hacked by them and the DNC, and the DCCC, and the state secretary of state departments, and the 20 states whose voter registration systems were hacked the same way too.... and by the same entity....

You just said the DNC hacked people.

then let me sum it up....Podesta was not the only dummy!

The other 100 individual campaign workers that were hacked by them, along with the hacking of the DNC, DCCC, Hillary Clinton private server held and maintenance by a firm in Arizona, State level Secretary of States, the Voter Registration files from 20 States, and the hacking of an independent company that provides states with their electronic voting machines.... ALL HACKED in to by the Russian Government...using the same Military Intelligence Agents.... and spear phishing scams...



But barry said that was impossible.
In fact barry knew about it and did nothing.
Ahhh, yes, round up the Usual suspect! :lol:

Our intelligence agencies still do not know what the Russian Military Intelligence are doing with all of the Secretary of State and State Voter Information, or they did not let us know for some reason, but rumor is....our counter intelligence has not figured that part out yet.... and that's pretty important to know....imo!
Last edited:
and what a silly and stupid theory on seth rich!

Hello? How did podesta emails get hacked how did state election boards get hacked how'd the DCCC get hacked, how'd that State voter registration lists get hacked?

SETH RICH who worked at the DNC did those too? And even stole emails, after he had died!!! :lol:

so called conservatives have lost their minds....with their mindless and thoughtless and illogical and even impossible, conspiracy theories..... dumb is contagious....who knew??

The Idiot Podesta fell for a phishing scam that wouldnt have fooled a twelve year old.
No doubt one of his staffers, super duper. Same way Republican staffers would have done if Democrats had evil assholes on on their side.

WTF does Podesta falling for a phishing scam have to do Republicans?
It wasn't podesta himself, stupid. And at the time Republicans would have fallen for the same hacking, if Democrats had any evil assholes on their side... But they only do in imaginary dupe world.

You stupid mother fucker.....
Republicans had nothing to do with Podesta falling for a phishing scam.

Trump’s top advisor just happened to know about Podesta falling for a supposed phishing scam 6 weeks before the e-mails were released. Please explain how that is possible….

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