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Hey Trump! Still think the New York Times is Fake News?

Russia was not involved - the lawyer already stated so, and the Russian govt stated they have no idea who she is.
Doesn't matter, Easy. Besides the fact that Russia lies like a rug and no one has any reason to believe that official statement, it's the fact that Don Jr., Kushner and Manafort were WILLING.

The FACT that there is NO CRIME and NO EVIDENCE does not matter? WTF?! WHY? Because the Democrats want Trump to burn, and that's good enough?

It does not matter? The entire snowflake premise is that the Trumps colluded with the Russians, with Putin, with the Russian govt, and you are saying the FACT that this lawyer was NOT any of that does not matter...because it completely destroys the Democrats' argument?!

I never mentioned crimes. That's beside the point, for me anyway. It seems you are the one whose mind is immediately going there. Why?
Then if you are conceding there was no crime, wtf are the snowflakes going on and on about. You just admitted that the President and his son did nothing illegal. CASE CLOSED.

oh they are 'guilty' of trying to get dirt on their political opponent. C'mon, OL, you are way too damn intelligent to think Trump is the only one who tried to do so, too intelligent to think Hillary and Obama did not have their agents out trying to obtain all the info to use against Trump...like the Russian Dossier!

Hell, Obama's administration illegally used protected personal classified information, illegally unmasked US citizens, and perpetrated Felony ESPIONAGE against the United States in an attempt to undermine and overthrow the newly elected President, so don't tell me Trump Jr trying to legally acquire dirt on Hillary is some type of monstrous criminal at.

There is nothing to this - you even said it - NO CRIME!
Nothing Obama or the Hillary campaign did matters. Only getting Trump matters. They have made that perfectly clear.

These scumbags claim to be concerned with ethics and integrity, yet they display not the slightest trace of it.
So lets look he big picture

Up until now, the Trump team has claimed there is no evidence of collusion and they had not met with the Russians

What Lil' Donnies disclosure reveals is that the Trump campaign was not only aware that Russia was trying to help them, but was seeking to be actively involved
Ummm...no snowflake.

The lawyer is not connected to the Kremlin, the Russian govt, or Putin.
The Russians do not know her.
The lawyer said she did not have any information from the Russian govt.

The BIG Picture is:
- Hillary lost, and snowflakes can't get over it.
- Snowflakes continue to launch Fake News accusation after Fake News Accusation
- They have No Crime, No Criminal Activity, No Collusion, No Evidence, and No Case.

'Another one bites the dust...'

Doesn't matter if she actually had information from the Russians or not....it amounts to conspiracy much like if a cop sets you up in an attempt to buy drugs....they don't have to actually sell you drugs for the charges to stick

Looks like Putin played the Trump campaign. This whole thing reeks of a setup to see how willing Trumps campaign was to deal with the Russians
there was no meeting with the Russians...the woman is a lawyer, from Russia....

Read Lil Donnie's emails. They specifically say the Russian government has information on Hillary. Ex KGB agent Putin is not going to send someone wearing a badge that says "Russian Spy"

A bogus British publicist with absolutely no credibility says that, moron. And we know it turns out to be 100% untrue. Yet here you are spouting it like it's some kind of fact. What this demonstrates is the profound gullibility of snowflakes who are desperate to believe absolutely anything that incriminates Trump. There is no absolutely no lower limit on standard of evidence you accept.
The point that the snowflakes "bought it" isn't the point. The fact that Jr. did is the point.

The top members of Team Trump flocked to the meeting

Quite a representation for a "Nothing Burger" meeting
Another meaningless nothing burger.

LOL...You keep saying that as that little burger gets bigger and bigger
Doesn't matter if she actually had information from the Russians or not....it amounts to conspiracy...

'CONSPIRACY'? To do WHAT - win an election?


News flash, snowflake, that is why Hillary / the DNC bought the Fake News Trump Dossier from the foreign agent whose source was a member of Putin's inner Council!

The lawyer has stated she did not have what Trump Jr was looking for, so no information changed hands...unlike the Democrats paying for the Trump Dossier. The only ones who broke the law, again, are the Democrats!

Doesn't matter if she actually had information from the Russians or not....it amounts to conspiracy...

'CONSPIRACY'? To do WHAT - win an election?

View attachment 138387

News flash, snowflake, that is why Hillary / the DNC bought the Fake News Trump Dossier from the foreign agent whose source was a member of Putin's inner Council!

The lawyer has stated she did not have what Trump Jr was looking for, so no information changed hands...unlike the Democrats paying for the Trump Dossier. The only ones who broke the law, again, are the Democrats!


Pretty much

Conspiring with an enemy of our nation who was attempting to ensure your election through criminal acts
Read Lil Donnie's emails. They specifically say the Russian government has information on Hillary. Ex KGB agent Putin is not going to send someone wearing a badge that says "Russian Spy"

A bogus British publicist with absolutely no credibility says that, moron. And we know it turns out to be 100% untrue. Yet here you are spouting it like it's some kind of fact. What this demonstrates is the profound gullibility of snowflakes who are desperate to believe absolutely anything that incriminates Trump. There is no absolutely no lower limit on standard of evidence you accept.
The point that the snowflakes "bought it" isn't the point. The fact that Jr. did is the point.

The top members of Team Trump flocked to the meeting

Quite a representation for a "Nothing Burger" meeting
Another meaningless nothing burger.

LOL...You keep saying that as that little burger gets bigger and bigger
No it doesn't. The fake news media simply whines more.
Doesn't matter if she actually had information from the Russians or not....it amounts to conspiracy...

'CONSPIRACY'? To do WHAT - win an election?

View attachment 138387

News flash, snowflake, that is why Hillary / the DNC bought the Fake News Trump Dossier from the foreign agent whose source was a member of Putin's inner Council!

The lawyer has stated she did not have what Trump Jr was looking for, so no information changed hands...unlike the Democrats paying for the Trump Dossier. The only ones who broke the law, again, are the Democrats!


Pretty much

Conspiring with an enemy of our nation who was attempting to ensure your election through criminal acts
  1. Russia is not an official enemy of the United States.
  2. Trump has committed no criminal acts. However, crooked Hillary and Obama have both committed an abundance of crimes
Pretty much ... Conspiring with an enemy of our nation who was attempting to ensure your election through criminal acts

1. 'Pretty much'
-- Bwuhahahahahahaha!

2. 'An Enemy of our nation'
- Please post the link showing where Russia has officially been listed as 'an enemy of the United States'.
- We are currently in agreed upon Syrian Cease Fire Pact with the Russians in Syria. They are not officially our 'enemy'.

3. '...attempting to ensure your election through criminal acts'
Wonderful OPINION, but the fact is that we know Russia hacked the DNC e-mails. That does not equate to 'hacking the election'

The Democrats did more to ensure the election through 'criminal' acts:
- Rigging primaries
-Engaging in election fraud in primaries
- Cheating in elections
- Purchasing information from foreign agents whose source was a member of Putin's inner circle
- Threatening the lives of Electoral College voters in an attempt to alter the already-decided outcome of the 2016 election
- Illegal use of protected personal classified information
- Illegal unmasking of US citizens.
- Felony Espionage

Gee, where's the snowflake outcry of rage against criminals who would try to steal our election.... (snicker)?!
Pretty much ... Conspiring with an enemy of our nation who was attempting to ensure your election through criminal acts

1. 'Pretty much'
-- Bwuhahahahahahaha!

2. 'An Enemy of our nation'
- Please post the link showing where Russia has officially been listed as 'an enemy of the United States'.
- We are currently in agreed upon Syrian Cease Fire Pact with the Russians in Syria. They are not officially our 'enemy'.

3. '...attempting to ensure your election through criminal acts'
Wonderful OPINION, but the fact is that we know Russia hacked the DNC e-mails. That does not equate to 'hacking the election'

The Democrats did more to ensure the election through 'criminal' acts:
- Rigging primaries
-Engaging in election fraud in primaries
- Cheating in elections
- Purchasing information from foreign agents whose source was a member of Putin's inner circle
- Threatening the lives of Electoral College voters in an attempt to alter the already-decided outcome of the 2016 election
- Illegal use of protected personal classified information
- Illegal unmasking of US citizens.
- Felony Espionage

Gee, where's the snowflake outcry of rage against criminals who would try to steal our election.... (snicker)?!

Fake news
As a political pundit mentioned last night on the news, the vast majority of convicted wrong doing in D.C. ends up being not what they did, but that they lied about it to the investigators. Just like with Bill Clinton, it wasn't the blow job, it was lying about it that got him impeached.

Clinton was never Impeached because of his infidelity in the WH, certainly not because of a Blow Job - that is a Democratic party lie they have told so often people like you have begun to believe and spread it.

Bill Clinton was the 1st President to have to testify during a trail during his sitting term as President, and in that testimony he attempted to deceive the court and deny an American citizen her Constitutional Right to a fair trial, the Constitution Clinton swore to uphold and protect as President. For his actions he was found in Contempt of Court, for which he was stripped of his license to practice law in his home state...and eventually Impeached.

Regarding the 'cover up' point you made, I stick to my prediction that Donald Trump will never be proven to have committed any crime and will not be impeached. In order to 'save face', as the Democrats did when they tried to go after Bush, they will try to find their own 'Scooter Libby to prosecute and use to justify their Witch Hunt.

Meanwhile the criminals who have been identified / proven to have broken the law - Hillary, Lynch, Rice, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, and even Obama himself will remain ignored, un-touched...protected....if for no other reason that if Trump and his US Ag go after them - even legitimately - Democrats will falsely claim it is only due to revenge and as a distraction from their false accusations of collusion.

The Paula Jones suit was a Nothing Burger
She had long given up on her frivolous claims when Republican lobbyists financed yet another suit against Clinton. They then expanded their investigation to include an impeachment over a blow job

None of the claims came to fruition
The Paula Jones suit was a Nothing Burger
The Paula Jones Sexual Assault / harassment Suit was a 'Nothing Burger' that cost Bill Clinton thousands of dollars to make go away, cost him being charged with Contempt of Court, cost him his license to practice law, and cost him his Presidency as he was impeached for his behavior, actions, and reprimand.

That's a mighty expensive 'Nothing Burger'. I hope he at least got fries with that. :p
As a political pundit mentioned last night on the news, the vast majority of convicted wrong doing in D.C. ends up being not what they did, but that they lied about it to the investigators. Just like with Bill Clinton, it wasn't the blow job, it was lying about it that got him impeached.

Clinton was never Impeached because of his infidelity in the WH, certainly not because of a Blow Job - that is a Democratic party lie they have told so often people like you have begun to believe and spread it.

Bill Clinton was the 1st President to have to testify during a trail during his sitting term as President, and in that testimony he attempted to deceive the court and deny an American citizen her Constitutional Right to a fair trial, the Constitution Clinton swore to uphold and protect as President. For his actions he was found in Contempt of Court, for which he was stripped of his license to practice law in his home state...and eventually Impeached.

Regarding the 'cover up' point you made, I stick to my prediction that Donald Trump will never be proven to have committed any crime and will not be impeached. In order to 'save face', as the Democrats did when they tried to go after Bush, they will try to find their own 'Scooter Libby to prosecute and use to justify their Witch Hunt.

Meanwhile the criminals who have been identified / proven to have broken the law - Hillary, Lynch, Rice, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, and even Obama himself will remain ignored, un-touched...protected....if for no other reason that if Trump and his US Ag go after them - even legitimately - Democrats will falsely claim it is only due to revenge and as a distraction from their false accusations of collusion.
Exactly. He lied.
Stop whining about the entire past administration you guys couldn't manage to put in prison, as is your wont, I realize. Putting political opposition in prison for made up crimes is quite popular in certain countries. You should be proud for trying to start that tradition here.
In the case of Donald Trump, I think he probably colluded up the wazoo but I don't think it's illegal, at least according to what I hear on the shows, and I don't think he'll ever get caught red handed. HE not the Democrats will throw a few victims under the bus if necessary. But Trump will come through it. No one will forget this, though. Jr.'s email is damning as to the mindset of Trump's campaign and it wasn't just his underlings. He not only knew, he was the driver of it.
I don't think 2018 is going to go so hot for you guys.
Russia was not involved - the lawyer already stated so, and the Russian govt stated they have no idea who she is.
Doesn't matter, Easy. Besides the fact that Russia lies like a rug and no one has any reason to believe that official statement, it's the fact that Don Jr., Kushner and Manafort were WILLING.

The FACT that there is NO CRIME and NO EVIDENCE does not matter? WTF?! WHY? Because the Democrats want Trump to burn, and that's good enough?

It does not matter? The entire snowflake premise is that the Trumps colluded with the Russians, with Putin, with the Russian govt, and you are saying the FACT that this lawyer was NOT any of that does not matter...because it completely destroys the Democrats' argument?!

I never mentioned crimes. That's beside the point, for me anyway. It seems you are the one whose mind is immediately going there. Why?
Then if you are conceding there was no crime, wtf are the snowflakes going on and on about. You just admitted that the President and his son did nothing illegal. CASE CLOSED.

oh they are 'guilty' of trying to get dirt on their political opponent. C'mon, OL, you are way too damn intelligent to think Trump is the only one who tried to do so, too intelligent to think Hillary and Obama did not have their agents out trying to obtain all the info to use against Trump...like the Russian Dossier!

Hell, Obama's administration illegally used protected personal classified information, illegally unmasked US citizens, and perpetrated Felony ESPIONAGE against the United States in an attempt to undermine and overthrow the newly elected President, so don't tell me Trump Jr trying to legally acquire dirt on Hillary is some type of monstrous criminal at.

There is nothing to this - you even said it - NO CRIME!
Nothing Obama or the Hillary campaign did matters. Only getting Trump matters. They have made that perfectly clear.

These scumbags claim to be concerned with ethics and integrity, yet they display not the slightest trace of it.
Jesus God, you people investigated Hillary for YEARS. If there was anything to actually GET her on, it would have been found. You got nuthin on Obama. Nuthin. So leave it. You better start worrying about Trump and how you plan to defend these guys so lacking in American patriotism that they were happy to accept "help" from the Russians in winning the campaign. Oppo Research = hacking and handing Democrats emails to Wikileaks? That's not oppo research. That's stealing and meddling in a country's elections where it doesn't belong.
Stop whining about the entire past administration you guys couldn't manage to put in prison, as is your wont, I realize. Putting political opposition in prison for made up crimes is quite popular in certain countries. You should be proud for trying to start that tradition here.
You are either making a joke or have forgotten to take you medication, OL.

It is impossible to carry out justice when the President is corrupt and protecting his corrupt US AGs, NSA Director, CIA Director, FBI Director, Sect of State, etc..
- Holder was caught dead-to-rights perpetrating Felony Perjury
- Lynch, his replacement, Obstructed justice protecting Hillary, according to Comey
- Comey leaked classified, according to...Comey
- Clapper was caught in perjury but was allowed to 'amend' his testimony about the ongoing illegal spying on Americans
- D-Feinstein exposed Brennan's perjury and the CIA's illegal spying

Foreign dictatorships and 3rd world nations do what the Obama administration do - violate Constitution and law while protecting the administration / rulers from prosecution.

Thank God (hopefully) that is over here now....
The Paula Jones suit was a Nothing Burger
The Paula Jones Sexual Assault / harassment Suit was a 'Nothing Burger' that cost Bill Clinton thousands of dollars to make go away, cost him being charged with Contempt of Court, cost him his license to practice law, and cost him his Presidency as he was impeached for his behavior, actions, and reprimand.

That's a mighty expensive 'Nothing Burger'. I hope he at least got fries with that. :p

Bill Clinton left office with a 65% approval rating after the bogus Republican impeachment failed
Trump is struggling at 37%
Jesus God, you people investigated Hillary for YEARS.


Hillary should be glad 'incompetence' isn't a prosecuting offence...or she might have been given the death penalty.

Out of those investigations came the facts that she, as Sect of state, had no idea what was going on in Libya, according to her...until pressed in questioning. Under her leadership the US was the only country that did not pull it's people out of Benghazi due to the he threats f pending attacks, due to the rise of terrorist violence and presence, and even after 2 terrorist attacks on the compound - the last one leaving a 4-foot hole in the compound wall. She / her state department denied the ambassador's more than 50 requests for additional security - even after the 2 terrorist attacks on the compound...and even stripped him of security team members just before the final fore-warned attack on 9/11/12.

Snowflakes claim that Trump telling Comey he 'HOPES' the investigation of Flynn ends translates into an ORDER to stop the investigation of Flynn but declares Hillary's won 2 e-mails in which she tells the Egyptian ambassador and her own daughter that she 'KNOWS' it was a terrorist attack and that the video had nothing to do with the attack does NOT mean that Hillary really knew it was a terrorist attack and thought the video might have been the reason for the 'out-of-control protest'.

How f*ing stupid do stupid liberal really think people are?!

Comey testified that despite Hillary breaking laws with her server she was too stupid to know she was doing so. As that is apparently the case, there may be some merit to the argument to the idea that Hillary was just too stupid to know what was going on in Benghazi and too stupid to know how to handle it. Perhaps that is why she LAUGHED and said she thought the ambassador's 50+ requests for additional security were part of his SENSE OF HUMOR and why they were never taken seriously when asked about them before Congress.

As I said, Hillary should be thankful 'stupidity' and 'incompetence' are not prosecutable offenses or she would have been in Leavenworth as a result of the investigation findings.

As far as the crimes she committed in regards to her server, they are indisputable. Anyone who has ever worked with classified information knows this:

1. Illegal mishandling of classified information.
- No authorization for a private server and 13 separate devices
- No mandated security
- No mandated encryption
- Illegal storage: in the unsecured bathroom of an IT company who had no secure room and whose employees did not have the proper security clearances to store or handle her server.
- Illegally storing classified and unclassified on the same server.
- Giving illegal access to classified to personnel without security clearances: Her lawyers, her IT tech, her MAID
- Illegal storage of TS/SCI material: the Obama administration stated at one point information found on her serer could not be released at any level due to the extremely high classification level that would cause grave damage if released

2. Violations of both FOIA and Federal Records Act
- Failed to comply with these laws; at one point the State department publicly declared some official documents discovered had NOT bee turned over.
(This is really no surprise, as Obama set a record for most illegal refusals to comply w/FOIA requests of any President in US history ... so much for .Most Transparent Evuh'.)

And this is just for starters.... there is enough - each count for every applicable document on her server - here to send Hillary to jail for the rest of her life.

Comey testified that Hillary broke laws but, again, was too stupid to understand she was breaking laws (and you libs wanted this moron as President).
- Ignorance of the law, as Comey damn-well knows is NOT a legally accepted defense for breaking the law. INTELLIGENT people already knew that as he was saying it....
Bill Clinton left office with a 65% approval rating after the bogus Republican impeachment failed

Who gives a shit about how popular criminal democrats are among their snowflake base. The man was a lying, criminal sexual deviant who WAS Impeached by the House for his crimes.
The New York Times showed what good investigative reporting is as they dug up proof that the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians

Constant denials and whining from President Snowflake only proved that the NYT was correct once again
Jesus God, you people investigated Hillary for YEARS.


Hillary should be glad 'incompetence' isn't a prosecuting offence...or she might have been given the death penalty.

Out of those investigations came the facts that she, as Sect of state, had no idea what was going on in Libya, according to her...until pressed in questioning. Under her leadership the US was the only country that did not pull it's people out of Benghazi due to the he threats f pending attacks, due to the rise of terrorist violence and presence, and even after 2 terrorist attacks on the compound - the last one leaving a 4-foot hole in the compound wall. She / her state department denied the ambassador's more than 50 requests for additional security - even after the 2 terrorist attacks on the compound...and even stripped him of security team members just before the final fore-warned attack on 9/11/12.

Snowflakes claim that Trump telling Comey he 'HOPES' the investigation of Flynn ends translates into an ORDER to stop the investigation of Flynn but declares Hillary's won 2 e-mails in which she tells the Egyptian ambassador and her own daughter that she 'KNOWS' it was a terrorist attack and that the video had nothing to do with the attack does NOT mean that Hillary really knew it was a terrorist attack and thought the video might have been the reason for the 'out-of-control protest'.

How f*ing stupid do stupid liberal really think people are?!

Comey testified that despite Hillary breaking laws with her server she was too stupid to know she was doing so. As that is apparently the case, there may be some merit to the argument to the idea that Hillary was just too stupid to know what was going on in Benghazi and too stupid to know how to handle it. Perhaps that is why she LAUGHED and said she thought the ambassador's 50+ requests for additional security were part of his SENSE OF HUMOR and why they were never taken seriously when asked about them before Congress.

As I said, Hillary should be thankful 'stupidity' and 'incompetence' are not prosecutable offenses or she would have been in Leavenworth as a result of the investigation findings.

As far as the crimes she committed in regards to her server, they are indisputable. Anyone who has ever worked with classified information knows this:

1. Illegal mishandling of classified information.
- No authorization for a private server and 13 separate devices
- No mandated security
- No mandated encryption
- Illegal storage: in the unsecured bathroom of an IT company who had no secure room and whose employees did not have the proper security clearances to store or handle her server.
- Illegally storing classified and unclassified on the same server.
- Giving illegal access to classified to personnel without security clearances: Her lawyers, her IT tech, her MAID
- Illegal storage of TS/SCI material: the Obama administration stated at one point information found on her serer could not be released at any level due to the extremely high classification level that would cause grave damage if released

2. Violations of both FOIA and Federal Records Act
- Failed to comply with these laws; at one point the State department publicly declared some official documents discovered had NOT bee turned over.
(This is really no surprise, as Obama set a record for most illegal refusals to comply w/FOIA requests of any President in US history ... so much for .Most Transparent Evuh'.)

And this is just for starters.... there is enough - each count for every applicable document on her server - here to send Hillary to jail for the rest of her life.

Comey testified that Hillary broke laws but, again, was too stupid to understand she was breaking laws (and you libs wanted this moron as President).
- Ignorance of the law, as Comey damn-well knows is NOT a legally accepted defense for breaking the law. INTELLIGENT people already knew that as he was saying it....
Saw it was all about Hillary and Obama et al. though.
You guys really miss them, don't you? Can't get off them. I understand; it's a hell of a lot easier to make up shit against them sans any bonafide evidence than it is to defend the mess you've elected.

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