Hey Unions: Welcome to Politics


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Hey Unions: Welcome to Politics

7/10/12 By John Ransom

The U.S. Supreme Court, in a hat tip to common sense, decided yesterday that nonunion members can opt out of union fees that are targeted towards political purposes.
“Labor unions must give nonmember workers ‘fresh notice’ of unplanned increases in fees or assessments -- money that might be used for political purposes -- the Supreme Court ruled Thursday,” according to CNN.

For labor unions around the country, it serves as a painful reminder that when they decided to go all-in for Obama in 2008, they alienated the rest of us non-government, non-union members- the 99 Percent- who have to go out and earn our keep every day. And that alienation is being felt in political defeats by unions around the country.

Hey Unions: Welcome to Politics - John Ransom - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1

Repubs had no problem with the union when their union president was backed by unions and was a member of a union, in fact he was the president of the the Film Actors Guild union. Mr. Ronald Reagan.
Repubs had no problem with the union when their union president was backed by unions and was a member of a union, in fact he was the president of the the Film Actors Guild union. Mr. Ronald Reagan.

Unions weren't such a greedy, partisan pain in the ass back then...
Repubs had no problem with the union when their union president was backed by unions and was a member of a union, in fact he was the president of the the Film Actors Guild union. Mr. Ronald Reagan.

YA, he knew about unions and how they operated, Ronald Reagan vs. Air Traffic Controllers...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5JSToyiyr8]1981 Reagan fires air traffic controllers - YouTube[/ame]

Unions Killed the Twinkie

Twinkies Maker Hostess Files for Chapter 11 Protection


Hostess Brands Inc. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection Wednesday to confront burdensome debt and labor costs that the Twinkies and Wonder Bread baker says have left it fighting to compete.

The privately held Irving, Texas, company's move marks the second significant court restructuring in the past several years. In a statement, Hostess said the current cost structure "is not competitive, primarily due to legacy pension and medical benefit obligations and restrictive work rules." It said it would be able to maintain operations thanks to a $75 million financing commitment from a group of lenders.

In bankruptcy, Hostess said it plans to continue negotiating with 12 unions to modify the collective-bargaining agreements governing the employment of its union workers, who comprise 83% of its approximately 19,000 employees.
Twinkies Maker Hostess Files for Chapter 11 Protection - WSJ.com
Union Gangsters: Ron Bloom


Don’t miss FrontPage’s other Union Gangsters profiles featuring Craig Becker, Richard Trumka, Stephen Lerner, Andy Stern, Jimmy Hoffa Jr., John Sweeney, Leo Gerard, Wade Rathke, Heather Booth and Daniel De Leon.

Sometimes union thugs wear pinstriped business suits.

Investment banker Ron Bloom​ is one of those thugs.

He decided in the 1970s to devote his life to helping labor unions stick it to America’s corporations. As an organizer, negotiator, and researcher for the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Booth observed that many union negotiators didn’t have the skills they needed to bargain effectively with management.

“Unions were being backed into corners by companies and couldn’t understand on a sophisticated level, the company’s arguments … Labor needed to be armed with the equivalent skills.”

A longtime leftist, Bloom acquired the skills he needed to run circles around management. He went to Harvard Business School​ and built up his resume.

Bloom, who was President Obama’s car czar and then manufacturing czar, excels at wheeling and dealing. Last year Time magazine fawned over Bloom, naming him as one of the “100 Most Influential People in the World.” Bloom’s “role in brokering the rescue of General Motors and Chrysler while preserving more than 100,000 jobs demanded a synergist who could work both sides of the equation with authority and respect.”


Union Gangsters: Ron Bloom | FrontPage Magazine

Big boss Barack Obongo from Chicongo

Unions Killed the Twinkie

Twinkies Maker Hostess Files for Chapter 11 Protection


Hostess Brands Inc. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection Wednesday to confront burdensome debt and labor costs that the Twinkies and Wonder Bread baker says have left it fighting to compete.

The privately held Irving, Texas, company's move marks the second significant court restructuring in the past several years. In a statement, Hostess said the current cost structure "is not competitive, primarily due to legacy pension and medical benefit obligations and restrictive work rules." It said it would be able to maintain operations thanks to a $75 million financing commitment from a group of lenders.

In bankruptcy, Hostess said it plans to continue negotiating with 12 unions to modify the collective-bargaining agreements governing the employment of its union workers, who comprise 83% of its approximately 19,000 employees.
Twinkies Maker Hostess Files for Chapter 11 Protection - WSJ.com

Not to derail the thread....but to the whiny assed liberals out there...that group of investors might be someone line Bain or a group Bain would pull together. They would try to save the company.......

You faggots just don't get it.
Detroit Mayor Dave Bing slashes city workers' pay, lays off hundreds more

By Suzette Hackney and Matt Helms

On the same day that Detroit Mayor Dave Bing announced he was immediately imposing new contracts -- which include a 10% wage cut and work rule changes for city employees -- union leaders were delivered layoff notifications for hundreds of workers.

The one-two punch enraged labor bosses, many of whom spent Wednesday in closed-door meetings with union attorneys, strategizing a response to Bing's effort to save $102 million through pay and benefit cuts to city workers and pension reductions to retirees.

"This is a tough day for me; a tough day for city workers and a tough day for all Detroiters," Bing said. "However, it's a necessary day."

Detroit Mayor Dave Bing slashes city workers' pay, lays off hundreds more | Metro Detroit | Detroit Free Press | freep.com
See Union Thugs Assault People for Freedom of Speech

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Steven Crowder was sucker-punched 4 times on camera, without retaliation, choked, and the AFP tent is torn to the ground with women and children inside of it. Extremely violent footage.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=u_F3oev06i0]UNIONS ASSAULT ON CAMERA!! - YouTube[/ame]

Post Continues on www.mediaite.com

Read more: See Union Thugs Assault People for Freedom of Speech – Patriot Update
Why Does the Teamsters Union Appear to Be Flying Its Union Flag Above the U.S. One Outside the Group’s D.C. HQ?

Posted on December 18, 2012
by Tiffany Gabbay

TheBlaze’s Jonathon M. Seidl contributed to this report.

A photo depicting what appears to be the Teamsters Union flag improperly flying above the American flag outside the union’s D.C. headquarters on Tuesday was sent to TheBlaze, and the story of how a Marine veteran who tried to bring it to the group’s attention was treated is sure to raise eyebrows.

The photo was taken by the Marine at approximately 2:10 pm ET and sent to TheBlaze by his brother. Both have requested anonymity for fear of retaliation by the union.

This is the picture:


You can just make out the image of the horses and the star-like figure present in the union’s logo:

Why Does the Teamsters Union Appear to Be Flying Its Union Flag Above the U.S. One Outside the Group’s D.C. HQ? | TheBlaze.com

I recall as a teenager walking through a General Motors Plant where my father was the General Manager. It was 5 1/2 hours into the work day and I asked him why most everyone wasn't working and just kinda sitting around. He told me that they had finished their union quota of work for the day and all they had to do was stay in their work area until it was time to go home.

In my younger years I worked for the a Machinist Union in S. California. This was in the early 80's. I was making $32.46 hr. and my quota of work lasted at most 5 hrs. a day, ask for more work because it was damn boring and you were threatened by fellow union members with broken body parts.

Nope, Unions have screwed up a good thing by expecting a free ride and making the businesses they worked for non-competitive and finally the companies being forced to move out of the country.

I recall as a teenager walking through a General Motors Plant where my father was the General Manager. It was 5 1/2 hours into the work day and I asked him why most everyone wasn't working and just kinda sitting around. He told me that they had finished their union quota of work for the day and all they had to do was stay in their work area until it was time to go home.

In my younger years I worked for the a Machinist Union in S. California. This was in the early 80's. I was making $32.46 hr. and my quota of work lasted at most 5 hrs. a day, ask for more work because it was damn boring and you were threatened by fellow union members with broken body parts.

Nope, Unions have screwed up a good thing by expecting a free ride and making the businesses they worked for non-competitive and finally the companies being forced to move out of the country.

Lumpy, Lumpy, Lumpy...what to do with you? How many times does it have to be explained that Reagan‘s twenty-five percent federal tax cut caused a considerable addition to the federal deficit, and an almost twenty percent rise in foreign investment on that debt that led to higher large dollar holdings and an unfavorable trade imbalance? That ninety-five percent of the reason for the deficits was high defense spending and Reagan‘s refusal to raise taxes to pay for it? That by 1982, the deficit was 90 billion dollars, and by 1987 it totaled 283 billion dollars? That the shortfall of revenue required the US to borrow money, which raised interest rates? That the higher interest rates attracted foreign investment, which caused the value of the dollar to rise out of any proportion to its actual worth? That, as the dollar skyrocketed, imports became cheaper than products made by American labor, and the trade imbalance became even more disproportionate as foreign markets could not afford American made goods at the inflated dollar value either?

These circumstances were what compelled many American businesses to relocate to third-world countries in search of low wage labor platforms.Not the demands for decent working conditions and reasonable increases in wages by unions, not regulations that prohibited industry from urinating in our common well, and not a tax code that billed the wealthiest among us at very reasonable rates for services rendered.

Hamby, Alonzo L. Liberalism and Its Challengers, 1992, 367-369.

Stockman, David A, The Triumph of Politics; How the Reagan Revolution Failed, 10-14 and 392, See also Chafe, William H. The Unfinished Journey, 486-487

Chafe, William H. The Unfinished Journey, 486-487

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