Hi, new here

Little bit of background about myself.

I spent 10 years in the US Navy as a Seebee from 2000-2010.

I like black/death/thrash metal and hardcore hip hop.

I'm an amateur powerlifter and strongman.

I also like things that make people very uncomfortable, like Satan and the occult.
Little bit of background about myself.

I spent 10 years in the US Navy as a Seebee from 2000-2010.

I like black/death/thrash metal and hardcore hip hop.

I'm an amateur powerlifter and strongman.

I also like things that make people very uncomfortable, like Satan and the occult.

First of all, thank you for your service to our Union. :thup:

Second, I also do powerlifting. :thup:

Third, Satan sucks. I prefer G-d. :thup:
Little bit of background about myself.

I spent 10 years in the US Navy as a Seebee from 2000-2010.

I like black/death/thrash metal and hardcore hip hop.

I'm an amateur powerlifter and strongman.

I also like things that make people very uncomfortable, like Satan and the occult.

First of all, thank you for your service to our Union. :thup:

Second, I also do powerlifting. :thup:

Third, Satan sucks. I prefer G-d. :thup:

No problem

Awesome, what fed do you compete in?

to each their own.
little bit of background about myself.

I spent 10 years in the us navy as a seebee from 2000-2010.

I like black/death/thrash metal and hardcore hip hop.

I'm an amateur powerlifter and strongman.

I also like things that make people very uncomfortable, like satan and the occult.

first of all, thank you for your service to our union. :thup:

Second, i also do powerlifting. :thup:

Third, satan sucks. I prefer g-d. :thup:

no problem

awesome, what fed do you compete in?

To each their own.



No guts, no glory by the traps! Fuck, over 600, that is immense.
Says great master: the best rep is the one where you fail.

Really good squat form - :thup:

Some German for you:

Squats = "Kniebeugen" (Knees-bending)
Dead Lifts = "Kreuzheben" (Cross-lifting)
Cleans = "Cleans" lol...

When you do dls, do you do LH down, RH over?


No guts, no glory by the traps! Fuck, over 600, that is immense.
Says great master: the best rep is the one where you fail.

Really good squat form - :thup:

Some German for you:

Squats = "Kniebeugen" (Knees-bending)
Dead Lifts = "Kreuzheben" (Cross-lifting)
Cleans = "Cleans" lol...

When you do dls, do you do LH down, RH over?

Yes we call that Mixed grip. I pull as many sets as I can with both hands palm in until I can no longer do it...that I switch grips


No guts, no glory by the traps! Fuck, over 600, that is immense.
Says great master: the best rep is the one where you fail.

Really good squat form - :thup:

Some German for you:

Squats = "Kniebeugen" (Knees-bending)
Dead Lifts = "Kreuzheben" (Cross-lifting)
Cleans = "Cleans" lol...

When you do dls, do you do LH down, RH over?

Yes we call that Mixed grip. I pull as many sets as I can with both hands palm in until I can no longer do it...that I switch grips

finially got that 615 up...

[ame=http://youtu.be/60LuqDfbflA]Trap Pull Audio - YouTube[/ame]

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