Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship

What do you get when you pin up fliers with right-of-center messages in a campus free speech zone? You can probably guess the answer: vigilante censorship by militant moonbats who cannot stand for any point of view to be expressed except the one they are fed by their professors and mindlessly conform to. The UMM College Republicans confirmed it at the University of Minnesota Morris with a hidden camera:

Several student passersby took the fliers down, according to the video, obtained exclusively by The College Fix. Others drew big Xs through them. One student used other posters to cover the College Republican ones up. And in one video, a woman wearing a UMM shirt, possibly an employee, is also seen taking down the fliers.
The fliers were not exactly provocative.

The fliers advertised the College Republicans’ meeting time and location. One quoted Brett Kavanaugh’s infamous line about liking and drinking beer. Another pro-life themed one calls Republicans “the party that has a future” because it doesn’t kill babies. A third declares there’s only two genders. And of course there’s one featuring President Donald Trump.

Contrasted with the fliers seen around campus for a club called Queer Devil Worshippers for a Better Future, that all sounds pretty mild.

Over 50 conservative fliers were destroyed, forcing them to switch from color printing to black and white to save money.

Observe progressive reverence for free speech on display:

for some reason i want to send them a few bucks so they can make a beer run ....and stop at printer for some triggerin flyers

Destroying fliers they don’t like is one of the many ways lefists use bully tactics to marginalize opposition and make conservatives feel like they are alone against the herd.
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship - Moonbattery
Well to be really really really fair the college Republicans we're promoting white nationalism and enticing racism ,hatred,and bigotry.One P.O.C. student who donned a sacred Muslim veil of womens liberation proclaimed that she no longer felt safe.
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Should have had a trash can close by. No reason for it to take a full 5 minutes to remove that crap.
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship

What do you get when you pin up fliers with right-of-center messages in a campus free speech zone? You can probably guess the answer: vigilante censorship by militant moonbats who cannot stand for any point of view to be expressed except the one they are fed by their professors and mindlessly conform to. The UMM College Republicans confirmed it at the University of Minnesota Morris with a hidden camera:

Several student passersby took the fliers down, according to the video, obtained exclusively by The College Fix. Others drew big Xs through them. One student used other posters to cover the College Republican ones up. And in one video, a woman wearing a UMM shirt, possibly an employee, is also seen taking down the fliers.
The fliers were not exactly provocative.

The fliers advertised the College Republicans’ meeting time and location. One quoted Brett Kavanaugh’s infamous line about liking and drinking beer. Another pro-life themed one calls Republicans “the party that has a future” because it doesn’t kill babies. A third declares there’s only two genders. And of course there’s one featuring President Donald Trump.

Contrasted with the fliers seen around campus for a club called Queer Devil Worshippers for a Better Future, that all sounds pretty mild.

Over 50 conservative fliers were destroyed, forcing them to switch from color printing to black and white to save money.

Observe progressive reverence for free speech on display:

for some reason i want to send them a few bucks so they can make a beer run ....and stop at printer for some triggerin flyers

Destroying fliers they don’t like is one of the many ways lefists use bully tactics to marginalize opposition and make conservatives feel like they are alone against the herd.
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship - Moonbattery
Well to be really really really fair the college Republicans we're promoting white nationalism and enticing racism ,hatred,and bigotry.One P.O.C. student who donned a sacred Muslim veil of womens liberation proclaimed that she no longer felt safe.

Freedom of speech baby. You kids are free to put them up and rational folks are free to take them down.
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship

What do you get when you pin up fliers with right-of-center messages in a campus free speech zone? You can probably guess the answer: vigilante censorship by militant moonbats who cannot stand for any point of view to be expressed except the one they are fed by their professors and mindlessly conform to. The UMM College Republicans confirmed it at the University of Minnesota Morris with a hidden camera:

Several student passersby took the fliers down, according to the video, obtained exclusively by The College Fix. Others drew big Xs through them. One student used other posters to cover the College Republican ones up. And in one video, a woman wearing a UMM shirt, possibly an employee, is also seen taking down the fliers.
The fliers were not exactly provocative.

The fliers advertised the College Republicans’ meeting time and location. One quoted Brett Kavanaugh’s infamous line about liking and drinking beer. Another pro-life themed one calls Republicans “the party that has a future” because it doesn’t kill babies. A third declares there’s only two genders. And of course there’s one featuring President Donald Trump.

Contrasted with the fliers seen around campus for a club called Queer Devil Worshippers for a Better Future, that all sounds pretty mild.

Over 50 conservative fliers were destroyed, forcing them to switch from color printing to black and white to save money.

Observe progressive reverence for free speech on display:

for some reason i want to send them a few bucks so they can make a beer run ....and stop at printer for some triggerin flyers

Destroying fliers they don’t like is one of the many ways lefists use bully tactics to marginalize opposition and make conservatives feel like they are alone against the herd.
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship - Moonbattery
Well to be really really really fair the college Republicans we're promoting white nationalism and enticing racism ,hatred,and bigotry.One P.O.C. student who donned a sacred Muslim veil of womens liberation proclaimed that she no longer felt safe.

Freedom of speech baby. You kids are free to put them up and rational folks are free to take them down.

Will you still preach that if the tables were turned, if it was Conservatives ripping down flyers from Liberals?
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship

What do you get when you pin up fliers with right-of-center messages in a campus free speech zone? You can probably guess the answer: vigilante censorship by militant moonbats who cannot stand for any point of view to be expressed except the one they are fed by their professors and mindlessly conform to. The UMM College Republicans confirmed it at the University of Minnesota Morris with a hidden camera:

Several student passersby took the fliers down, according to the video, obtained exclusively by The College Fix. Others drew big Xs through them. One student used other posters to cover the College Republican ones up. And in one video, a woman wearing a UMM shirt, possibly an employee, is also seen taking down the fliers.
The fliers were not exactly provocative.

The fliers advertised the College Republicans’ meeting time and location. One quoted Brett Kavanaugh’s infamous line about liking and drinking beer. Another pro-life themed one calls Republicans “the party that has a future” because it doesn’t kill babies. A third declares there’s only two genders. And of course there’s one featuring President Donald Trump.

Contrasted with the fliers seen around campus for a club called Queer Devil Worshippers for a Better Future, that all sounds pretty mild.

Over 50 conservative fliers were destroyed, forcing them to switch from color printing to black and white to save money.

Observe progressive reverence for free speech on display:

for some reason i want to send them a few bucks so they can make a beer run ....and stop at printer for some triggerin flyers

Destroying fliers they don’t like is one of the many ways lefists use bully tactics to marginalize opposition and make conservatives feel like they are alone against the herd.
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship - Moonbattery
Well to be really really really fair the college Republicans we're promoting white nationalism and enticing racism ,hatred,and bigotry.One P.O.C. student who donned a sacred Muslim veil of womens liberation proclaimed that she no longer felt safe.

Freedom of speech baby. You kids are free to put them up and rational folks are free to take them down.

Well since its a free spech zone for everyone they could try an ounce of respect ,restraint, and self control.

And here I thought the left was big on the morals and the moral high ground ?
Zero respect for others you disagree with ?...shows a total lack of any .
and pffft i'm no Sunday church goer
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship

What do you get when you pin up fliers with right-of-center messages in a campus free speech zone? You can probably guess the answer: vigilante censorship by militant moonbats who cannot stand for any point of view to be expressed except the one they are fed by their professors and mindlessly conform to. The UMM College Republicans confirmed it at the University of Minnesota Morris with a hidden camera:

Several student passersby took the fliers down, according to the video, obtained exclusively by The College Fix. Others drew big Xs through them. One student used other posters to cover the College Republican ones up. And in one video, a woman wearing a UMM shirt, possibly an employee, is also seen taking down the fliers.
The fliers were not exactly provocative.

The fliers advertised the College Republicans’ meeting time and location. One quoted Brett Kavanaugh’s infamous line about liking and drinking beer. Another pro-life themed one calls Republicans “the party that has a future” because it doesn’t kill babies. A third declares there’s only two genders. And of course there’s one featuring President Donald Trump.

Contrasted with the fliers seen around campus for a club called Queer Devil Worshippers for a Better Future, that all sounds pretty mild.

Over 50 conservative fliers were destroyed, forcing them to switch from color printing to black and white to save money.

Observe progressive reverence for free speech on display:

for some reason i want to send them a few bucks so they can make a beer run ....and stop at printer for some triggerin flyers

Destroying fliers they don’t like is one of the many ways lefists use bully tactics to marginalize opposition and make conservatives feel like they are alone against the herd.
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship - Moonbattery
Well to be really really really fair the college Republicans we're promoting white nationalism and enticing racism ,hatred,and bigotry.One P.O.C. student who donned a sacred Muslim veil of womens liberation proclaimed that she no longer felt safe.

Freedom of speech baby. You kids are free to put them up and rational folks are free to take them down.

Will you still preach that if the tables were turned, if it was Conservatives ripping down flyers from Liberals?

try and rip down the limp wristed beta boys devil worshipers flyer watch what happens ......being called "intolerant" would probably be the least of it ..

personally i wouldnt rip any of it down , ut we're getting o the point where fire will have to be met with fire
Should have had a trash can close by. No reason for it to take a full 5 minutes to remove that crap.
You are part of the problem.

The clown president is threatening a federal investigation because a comedy show made fun of him, and you think a few flyers are a problem? Grow up.

another clown president sicked the IRS on conservatives and harassed them what do ya want from ME

LEAVE The goddamn flyers alone ya totalitarian asswipes
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship

What do you get when you pin up fliers with right-of-center messages in a campus free speech zone? You can probably guess the answer: vigilante censorship by militant moonbats who cannot stand for any point of view to be expressed except the one they are fed by their professors and mindlessly conform to. The UMM College Republicans confirmed it at the University of Minnesota Morris with a hidden camera:

Several student passersby took the fliers down, according to the video, obtained exclusively by The College Fix. Others drew big Xs through them. One student used other posters to cover the College Republican ones up. And in one video, a woman wearing a UMM shirt, possibly an employee, is also seen taking down the fliers.
The fliers were not exactly provocative.

The fliers advertised the College Republicans’ meeting time and location. One quoted Brett Kavanaugh’s infamous line about liking and drinking beer. Another pro-life themed one calls Republicans “the party that has a future” because it doesn’t kill babies. A third declares there’s only two genders. And of course there’s one featuring President Donald Trump.

Contrasted with the fliers seen around campus for a club called Queer Devil Worshippers for a Better Future, that all sounds pretty mild.

Over 50 conservative fliers were destroyed, forcing them to switch from color printing to black and white to save money.

Observe progressive reverence for free speech on display:

for some reason i want to send them a few bucks so they can make a beer run ....and stop at printer for some triggerin flyers

Destroying fliers they don’t like is one of the many ways lefists use bully tactics to marginalize opposition and make conservatives feel like they are alone against the herd.
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship - Moonbattery
Well to be really really really fair the college Republicans we're promoting white nationalism and enticing racism ,hatred,and bigotry.One P.O.C. student who donned a sacred Muslim veil of womens liberation proclaimed that she no longer felt safe.

Freedom of speech baby. You kids are free to put them up and rational folks are free to take them down.

Will you still preach that if the tables were turned, if it was Conservatives ripping down flyers from Liberals?

Ayup. Because it's true.
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship

What do you get when you pin up fliers with right-of-center messages in a campus free speech zone? You can probably guess the answer: vigilante censorship by militant moonbats who cannot stand for any point of view to be expressed except the one they are fed by their professors and mindlessly conform to. The UMM College Republicans confirmed it at the University of Minnesota Morris with a hidden camera:

Several student passersby took the fliers down, according to the video, obtained exclusively by The College Fix. Others drew big Xs through them. One student used other posters to cover the College Republican ones up. And in one video, a woman wearing a UMM shirt, possibly an employee, is also seen taking down the fliers.
The fliers were not exactly provocative.

The fliers advertised the College Republicans’ meeting time and location. One quoted Brett Kavanaugh’s infamous line about liking and drinking beer. Another pro-life themed one calls Republicans “the party that has a future” because it doesn’t kill babies. A third declares there’s only two genders. And of course there’s one featuring President Donald Trump.

Contrasted with the fliers seen around campus for a club called Queer Devil Worshippers for a Better Future, that all sounds pretty mild.

Over 50 conservative fliers were destroyed, forcing them to switch from color printing to black and white to save money.

Observe progressive reverence for free speech on display:

for some reason i want to send them a few bucks so they can make a beer run ....and stop at printer for some triggerin flyers

Destroying fliers they don’t like is one of the many ways lefists use bully tactics to marginalize opposition and make conservatives feel like they are alone against the herd.
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship - Moonbattery
Well to be really really really fair the college Republicans we're promoting white nationalism and enticing racism ,hatred,and bigotry.One P.O.C. student who donned a sacred Muslim veil of womens liberation proclaimed that she no longer felt safe.

Freedom of speech baby. You kids are free to put them up and rational folks are free to take them down.

Well since its a free spech zone for everyone they could try an ounce of respect ,restraint, and self control.

And here I thought the left was big on the morals and the moral high ground ?
Zero respect for others you disagree with ?...shows a total lack of any .
and pffft i'm no Sunday church goer

Why don't you start at the top and work your way down kid. Cheeto Jesus wants to sick the FBI on a comedy show for making jokes about him.

There's your first amendment violation right there.
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship

What do you get when you pin up fliers with right-of-center messages in a campus free speech zone? You can probably guess the answer: vigilante censorship by militant moonbats who cannot stand for any point of view to be expressed except the one they are fed by their professors and mindlessly conform to. The UMM College Republicans confirmed it at the University of Minnesota Morris with a hidden camera:

Several student passersby took the fliers down, according to the video, obtained exclusively by The College Fix. Others drew big Xs through them. One student used other posters to cover the College Republican ones up. And in one video, a woman wearing a UMM shirt, possibly an employee, is also seen taking down the fliers.
The fliers were not exactly provocative.

The fliers advertised the College Republicans’ meeting time and location. One quoted Brett Kavanaugh’s infamous line about liking and drinking beer. Another pro-life themed one calls Republicans “the party that has a future” because it doesn’t kill babies. A third declares there’s only two genders. And of course there’s one featuring President Donald Trump.

Contrasted with the fliers seen around campus for a club called Queer Devil Worshippers for a Better Future, that all sounds pretty mild.

Over 50 conservative fliers were destroyed, forcing them to switch from color printing to black and white to save money.

Observe progressive reverence for free speech on display:

for some reason i want to send them a few bucks so they can make a beer run ....and stop at printer for some triggerin flyers

Destroying fliers they don’t like is one of the many ways lefists use bully tactics to marginalize opposition and make conservatives feel like they are alone against the herd.
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship - Moonbattery
Well to be really really really fair the college Republicans we're promoting white nationalism and enticing racism ,hatred,and bigotry.One P.O.C. student who donned a sacred Muslim veil of womens liberation proclaimed that she no longer felt safe.

Freedom of speech baby. You kids are free to put them up and rational folks are free to take them down.

Will you still preach that if the tables were turned, if it was Conservatives ripping down flyers from Liberals?

try and rip down the limp wristed beta boys devil worshipers flyer watch what happens ......being called "intolerant" would probably be the least of it ..

personally i wouldnt rip any of it down , ut we're getting o the point where fire will have to be met with fire
Should have had a trash can close by. No reason for it to take a full 5 minutes to remove that crap.
You are part of the problem.

The clown president is threatening a federal investigation because a comedy show made fun of him, and you think a few flyers are a problem? Grow up.

another clown president sicked the IRS on conservatives and harassed them what do ya want from ME

LEAVE The goddamn flyers alone ya totalitarian asswipes

It's funny when someone comes here pissing and moaning like a little kid and tries to call someone else a "beta".
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship

What do you get when you pin up fliers with right-of-center messages in a campus free speech zone? You can probably guess the answer: vigilante censorship by militant moonbats who cannot stand for any point of view to be expressed except the one they are fed by their professors and mindlessly conform to. The UMM College Republicans confirmed it at the University of Minnesota Morris with a hidden camera:

Several student passersby took the fliers down, according to the video, obtained exclusively by The College Fix. Others drew big Xs through them. One student used other posters to cover the College Republican ones up. And in one video, a woman wearing a UMM shirt, possibly an employee, is also seen taking down the fliers.
The fliers were not exactly provocative.

The fliers advertised the College Republicans’ meeting time and location. One quoted Brett Kavanaugh’s infamous line about liking and drinking beer. Another pro-life themed one calls Republicans “the party that has a future” because it doesn’t kill babies. A third declares there’s only two genders. And of course there’s one featuring President Donald Trump.

Contrasted with the fliers seen around campus for a club called Queer Devil Worshippers for a Better Future, that all sounds pretty mild.

Over 50 conservative fliers were destroyed, forcing them to switch from color printing to black and white to save money.

Observe progressive reverence for free speech on display:

for some reason i want to send them a few bucks so they can make a beer run ....and stop at printer for some triggerin flyers

Destroying fliers they don’t like is one of the many ways lefists use bully tactics to marginalize opposition and make conservatives feel like they are alone against the herd.
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship - Moonbattery
Well to be really really really fair the college Republicans we're promoting white nationalism and enticing racism ,hatred,and bigotry.One P.O.C. student who donned a sacred Muslim veil of womens liberation proclaimed that she no longer felt safe.

Freedom of speech baby. You kids are free to put them up and rational folks are free to take them down.

Will you still preach that if the tables were turned, if it was Conservatives ripping down flyers from Liberals?

Ayup. Because it's true.

really now whats so rational about ripping down a flyer in a "designated " free speech zone
your free speech is ripping something you don't like down ... were you yelling fire cause you see flames where their aren't any ?
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship

What do you get when you pin up fliers with right-of-center messages in a campus free speech zone? You can probably guess the answer: vigilante censorship by militant moonbats who cannot stand for any point of view to be expressed except the one they are fed by their professors and mindlessly conform to. The UMM College Republicans confirmed it at the University of Minnesota Morris with a hidden camera:

Several student passersby took the fliers down, according to the video, obtained exclusively by The College Fix. Others drew big Xs through them. One student used other posters to cover the College Republican ones up. And in one video, a woman wearing a UMM shirt, possibly an employee, is also seen taking down the fliers.
The fliers were not exactly provocative.

The fliers advertised the College Republicans’ meeting time and location. One quoted Brett Kavanaugh’s infamous line about liking and drinking beer. Another pro-life themed one calls Republicans “the party that has a future” because it doesn’t kill babies. A third declares there’s only two genders. And of course there’s one featuring President Donald Trump.

Contrasted with the fliers seen around campus for a club called Queer Devil Worshippers for a Better Future, that all sounds pretty mild.

Over 50 conservative fliers were destroyed, forcing them to switch from color printing to black and white to save money.

Observe progressive reverence for free speech on display:

for some reason i want to send them a few bucks so they can make a beer run ....and stop at printer for some triggerin flyers

Destroying fliers they don’t like is one of the many ways lefists use bully tactics to marginalize opposition and make conservatives feel like they are alone against the herd.
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship - Moonbattery
Well to be really really really fair the college Republicans we're promoting white nationalism and enticing racism ,hatred,and bigotry.One P.O.C. student who donned a sacred Muslim veil of womens liberation proclaimed that she no longer felt safe.

Freedom of speech baby. You kids are free to put them up and rational folks are free to take them down.

Will you still preach that if the tables were turned, if it was Conservatives ripping down flyers from Liberals?

Ayup. Because it's true.

really now whats so rational about ripping down a flyer in a "designated " free speech zone
your free speech is ripping something you don't like down ... were you yelling fire cause you see flames where their aren't any ?

Try again, you aren't making sense.
you said rational people rip it down
but it seems you lost the argument already ...ya got anything else besides personal attacks ?

when you rip down something you dont like its more of an angry emotional response ? right ?
very rational !

emotion over all eh?
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship

What do you get when you pin up fliers with right-of-center messages in a campus free speech zone? You can probably guess the answer: vigilante censorship by militant moonbats who cannot stand for any point of view to be expressed except the one they are fed by their professors and mindlessly conform to. The UMM College Republicans confirmed it at the University of Minnesota Morris with a hidden camera:

Several student passersby took the fliers down, according to the video, obtained exclusively by The College Fix. Others drew big Xs through them. One student used other posters to cover the College Republican ones up. And in one video, a woman wearing a UMM shirt, possibly an employee, is also seen taking down the fliers.
The fliers were not exactly provocative.

The fliers advertised the College Republicans’ meeting time and location. One quoted Brett Kavanaugh’s infamous line about liking and drinking beer. Another pro-life themed one calls Republicans “the party that has a future” because it doesn’t kill babies. A third declares there’s only two genders. And of course there’s one featuring President Donald Trump.

Contrasted with the fliers seen around campus for a club called Queer Devil Worshippers for a Better Future, that all sounds pretty mild.

Over 50 conservative fliers were destroyed, forcing them to switch from color printing to black and white to save money.

Observe progressive reverence for free speech on display:

for some reason i want to send them a few bucks so they can make a beer run ....and stop at printer for some triggerin flyers

Destroying fliers they don’t like is one of the many ways lefists use bully tactics to marginalize opposition and make conservatives feel like they are alone against the herd.
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship - Moonbattery
Well to be really really really fair the college Republicans we're promoting white nationalism and enticing racism ,hatred,and bigotry.One P.O.C. student who donned a sacred Muslim veil of womens liberation proclaimed that she no longer felt safe.

Freedom of speech baby. You kids are free to put them up and rational folks are free to take them down.

If you were running this site, you would undoubtedly ban all conservatives.
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship

What do you get when you pin up fliers with right-of-center messages in a campus free speech zone? You can probably guess the answer: vigilante censorship by militant moonbats who cannot stand for any point of view to be expressed except the one they are fed by their professors and mindlessly conform to. The UMM College Republicans confirmed it at the University of Minnesota Morris with a hidden camera:

Several student passersby took the fliers down, according to the video, obtained exclusively by The College Fix. Others drew big Xs through them. One student used other posters to cover the College Republican ones up. And in one video, a woman wearing a UMM shirt, possibly an employee, is also seen taking down the fliers.
The fliers were not exactly provocative.

The fliers advertised the College Republicans’ meeting time and location. One quoted Brett Kavanaugh’s infamous line about liking and drinking beer. Another pro-life themed one calls Republicans “the party that has a future” because it doesn’t kill babies. A third declares there’s only two genders. And of course there’s one featuring President Donald Trump.

Contrasted with the fliers seen around campus for a club called Queer Devil Worshippers for a Better Future, that all sounds pretty mild.

Over 50 conservative fliers were destroyed, forcing them to switch from color printing to black and white to save money.

Observe progressive reverence for free speech on display:

for some reason i want to send them a few bucks so they can make a beer run ....and stop at printer for some triggerin flyers

Destroying fliers they don’t like is one of the many ways lefists use bully tactics to marginalize opposition and make conservatives feel like they are alone against the herd.
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship - Moonbattery
Well to be really really really fair the college Republicans we're promoting white nationalism and enticing racism ,hatred,and bigotry.One P.O.C. student who donned a sacred Muslim veil of womens liberation proclaimed that she no longer felt safe.

Freedom of speech baby. You kids are free to put them up and rational folks are free to take them down.

If you were running this site, you would undoubtedly ban all conservatives.

Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship

What do you get when you pin up fliers with right-of-center messages in a campus free speech zone? You can probably guess the answer: vigilante censorship by militant moonbats who cannot stand for any point of view to be expressed except the one they are fed by their professors and mindlessly conform to. The UMM College Republicans confirmed it at the University of Minnesota Morris with a hidden camera:

Several student passersby took the fliers down, according to the video, obtained exclusively by The College Fix. Others drew big Xs through them. One student used other posters to cover the College Republican ones up. And in one video, a woman wearing a UMM shirt, possibly an employee, is also seen taking down the fliers.
The fliers were not exactly provocative.

The fliers advertised the College Republicans’ meeting time and location. One quoted Brett Kavanaugh’s infamous line about liking and drinking beer. Another pro-life themed one calls Republicans “the party that has a future” because it doesn’t kill babies. A third declares there’s only two genders. And of course there’s one featuring President Donald Trump.

Contrasted with the fliers seen around campus for a club called Queer Devil Worshippers for a Better Future, that all sounds pretty mild.

Over 50 conservative fliers were destroyed, forcing them to switch from color printing to black and white to save money.

Observe progressive reverence for free speech on display:

for some reason i want to send them a few bucks so they can make a beer run ....and stop at printer for some triggerin flyers

Destroying fliers they don’t like is one of the many ways lefists use bully tactics to marginalize opposition and make conservatives feel like they are alone against the herd.
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship - Moonbattery
Well to be really really really fair the college Republicans we're promoting white nationalism and enticing racism ,hatred,and bigotry.One P.O.C. student who donned a sacred Muslim veil of womens liberation proclaimed that she no longer felt safe.

Freedom of speech baby. You kids are free to put them up and rational folks are free to take them down.

If you were running this site, you would undoubtedly ban all conservatives.


You apparently have no problem with suppressing the expression of conservative ideas.
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship

What do you get when you pin up fliers with right-of-center messages in a campus free speech zone? You can probably guess the answer: vigilante censorship by militant moonbats who cannot stand for any point of view to be expressed except the one they are fed by their professors and mindlessly conform to. The UMM College Republicans confirmed it at the University of Minnesota Morris with a hidden camera:

Several student passersby took the fliers down, according to the video, obtained exclusively by The College Fix. Others drew big Xs through them. One student used other posters to cover the College Republican ones up. And in one video, a woman wearing a UMM shirt, possibly an employee, is also seen taking down the fliers.
The fliers were not exactly provocative.

The fliers advertised the College Republicans’ meeting time and location. One quoted Brett Kavanaugh’s infamous line about liking and drinking beer. Another pro-life themed one calls Republicans “the party that has a future” because it doesn’t kill babies. A third declares there’s only two genders. And of course there’s one featuring President Donald Trump.

Contrasted with the fliers seen around campus for a club called Queer Devil Worshippers for a Better Future, that all sounds pretty mild.

Over 50 conservative fliers were destroyed, forcing them to switch from color printing to black and white to save money.

Observe progressive reverence for free speech on display:

for some reason i want to send them a few bucks so they can make a beer run ....and stop at printer for some triggerin flyers

Destroying fliers they don’t like is one of the many ways lefists use bully tactics to marginalize opposition and make conservatives feel like they are alone against the herd.
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship - Moonbattery
Well to be really really really fair the college Republicans we're promoting white nationalism and enticing racism ,hatred,and bigotry.One P.O.C. student who donned a sacred Muslim veil of womens liberation proclaimed that she no longer felt safe.

Freedom of speech baby. You kids are free to put them up and rational folks are free to take them down.

If you were running this site, you would undoubtedly ban all conservatives.


You apparently have no problem with suppressing the expression of conservative ideas.

Lol, no kid, I have no problem with people who are offended by them removing some posters.
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship

What do you get when you pin up fliers with right-of-center messages in a campus free speech zone? You can probably guess the answer: vigilante censorship by militant moonbats who cannot stand for any point of view to be expressed except the one they are fed by their professors and mindlessly conform to. The UMM College Republicans confirmed it at the University of Minnesota Morris with a hidden camera:

Several student passersby took the fliers down, according to the video, obtained exclusively by The College Fix. Others drew big Xs through them. One student used other posters to cover the College Republican ones up. And in one video, a woman wearing a UMM shirt, possibly an employee, is also seen taking down the fliers.
The fliers were not exactly provocative.

The fliers advertised the College Republicans’ meeting time and location. One quoted Brett Kavanaugh’s infamous line about liking and drinking beer. Another pro-life themed one calls Republicans “the party that has a future” because it doesn’t kill babies. A third declares there’s only two genders. And of course there’s one featuring President Donald Trump.

Contrasted with the fliers seen around campus for a club called Queer Devil Worshippers for a Better Future, that all sounds pretty mild.

Over 50 conservative fliers were destroyed, forcing them to switch from color printing to black and white to save money.

Observe progressive reverence for free speech on display:

for some reason i want to send them a few bucks so they can make a beer run ....and stop at printer for some triggerin flyers

Destroying fliers they don’t like is one of the many ways lefists use bully tactics to marginalize opposition and make conservatives feel like they are alone against the herd.
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship - Moonbattery
Well to be really really really fair the college Republicans we're promoting white nationalism and enticing racism ,hatred,and bigotry.One P.O.C. student who donned a sacred Muslim veil of womens liberation proclaimed that she no longer felt safe.

Freedom of speech baby. You kids are free to put them up and rational folks are free to take them down.

A perfect example as to why liberals need to be exterminated.

Oh that's ya go, "they took down my fliers, they deserve to die".

Fuckin' retard.

Sorry,those against freedom of speech have no place in America other than in mass graves.

Like most conservitards you don't even know what that means.

So you wouldnt mind if the mods here on USMB deleted every post you made?
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship

What do you get when you pin up fliers with right-of-center messages in a campus free speech zone? You can probably guess the answer: vigilante censorship by militant moonbats who cannot stand for any point of view to be expressed except the one they are fed by their professors and mindlessly conform to. The UMM College Republicans confirmed it at the University of Minnesota Morris with a hidden camera:

Several student passersby took the fliers down, according to the video, obtained exclusively by The College Fix. Others drew big Xs through them. One student used other posters to cover the College Republican ones up. And in one video, a woman wearing a UMM shirt, possibly an employee, is also seen taking down the fliers.
The fliers were not exactly provocative.

The fliers advertised the College Republicans’ meeting time and location. One quoted Brett Kavanaugh’s infamous line about liking and drinking beer. Another pro-life themed one calls Republicans “the party that has a future” because it doesn’t kill babies. A third declares there’s only two genders. And of course there’s one featuring President Donald Trump.

Contrasted with the fliers seen around campus for a club called Queer Devil Worshippers for a Better Future, that all sounds pretty mild.

Over 50 conservative fliers were destroyed, forcing them to switch from color printing to black and white to save money.

Observe progressive reverence for free speech on display:

for some reason i want to send them a few bucks so they can make a beer run ....and stop at printer for some triggerin flyers

Destroying fliers they don’t like is one of the many ways lefists use bully tactics to marginalize opposition and make conservatives feel like they are alone against the herd.
Hidden Camera Reveals Vigilante Censorship - Moonbattery
Well to be really really really fair the college Republicans we're promoting white nationalism and enticing racism ,hatred,and bigotry.One P.O.C. student who donned a sacred Muslim veil of womens liberation proclaimed that she no longer felt safe.

Freedom of speech baby. You kids are free to put them up and rational folks are free to take them down.

If you were running this site, you would undoubtedly ban all conservatives.


You apparently have no problem with suppressing the expression of conservative ideas.

Lol, no kid, I have no problem with people who are offended by them removing some posters.

You support the suppression of another's expression. Why?

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