High Court to decide on abortion case.

High court case: abortion clinic protest-free zone

Wow...shocked baby murderers want to stifle people's freedom of speech with "zones".

Freedom of speech doesn't give people the right to harass other people. These anti-abortion nuts are infringing on other people's rights.

How would you like it, if a group of people parked on the public street in front of your house, and yelled "YOU ARE A STUPID NAZI" through megaphones 24/7?

I bet you'd complain to the police in a heartbeat.
They have a right to their opinion, they don't have the right to get up close and insult a woman going to PP for some fucking birth control pills.
High court case: abortion clinic protest-free zone

Wow...shocked baby murderers want to stifle people's freedom of speech with "zones".

At least you’re consistent in your ignorance of the Constitution and its case law. Zones or areas prohibiting those opposed to privacy rights from protesting in a manner that interferes with the operation of a clinic or other healthcare facility do not violate the First Amendment’s right to free speech. See, e.g., Hill v. Colorado (2000).
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High court case: abortion clinic protest-free zone

Wow...shocked baby murderers want to stifle people's freedom of speech with "zones".

Freedom of speech doesn't give people the right to harass other people. These anti-abortion nuts are infringing on other people's rights.

How would you like it, if a group of people parked on the public street in front of your house, and yelled "YOU ARE A STUPID NAZI" through megaphones 24/7?

I bet you'd complain to the police in a heartbeat.

That's my private property not public property like a sidewalk. Stop trying to murder a baby and you won't have a problem. People can get BC from a doctor no need to go to PP. My wife has been on BC and she NEVER got it from PP.
High court case: abortion clinic protest-free zone

Wow...shocked baby murderers want to stifle people's freedom of speech with "zones".

Freedom of speech doesn't give people the right to harass other people. These anti-abortion nuts are infringing on other people's rights.

How would you like it, if a group of people parked on the public street in front of your house, and yelled "YOU ARE A STUPID NAZI" through megaphones 24/7?

I bet you'd complain to the police in a heartbeat.

That's my private property not public property like a sidewalk. Stop trying to murder a baby and you won't have a problem. People can get BC from a doctor no need to go to PP. My wife has been on BC and she NEVER got it from PP.

No one is murdering any babies.
High court case: abortion clinic protest-free zone

Wow...shocked baby murderers want to stifle people's freedom of speech with "zones".

Freedom of speech doesn't give people the right to harass other people. These anti-abortion nuts are infringing on other people's rights.

How would you like it, if a group of people parked on the public street in front of your house, and yelled "YOU ARE A STUPID NAZI" through megaphones 24/7?

I bet you'd complain to the police in a heartbeat.

That's my private property not public property like a sidewalk. Stop trying to murder a baby and you won't have a problem. People can get BC from a doctor no need to go to PP. My wife has been on BC and she NEVER got it from PP.

The street in front of your house is not your private property, shithead.

It is a PUBLIC right of way.
Freedom of speech doesn't give people the right to harass other people. These anti-abortion nuts are infringing on other people's rights.

How would you like it, if a group of people parked on the public street in front of your house, and yelled "YOU ARE A STUPID NAZI" through megaphones 24/7?

I bet you'd complain to the police in a heartbeat.

That's my private property not public property like a sidewalk. Stop trying to murder a baby and you won't have a problem. People can get BC from a doctor no need to go to PP. My wife has been on BC and she NEVER got it from PP.

The street in front of your house is not your private property, shithead.

It is a PUBLIC right of way.

Wouldn't recommend standing out there..its a pretty busy road...someone might "accidentally" run ya over. :D

Tell me does murder stop a beating heart?

A fetus is not a baby.

Answer the question. Does murder stop a beating heart...stop trying to make it OK in your brain to murder a defenseless child...baby murderers and their advocates deserve one thing and one thing only.
They have a right to their opinion, they don't have the right to get up close and insult a woman going to PP for some fucking birth control pills.

Actually, there is no right to go uninsulted.

But I would appreciate it if you'd post a video of that actually happening. I've passed these lines, and the protesters were kind, and smiling, and definitely not insulting.
Oh, boy.

The right to privacy in one's daily business vs the right to speech.

Tough conundrum.
They have a right to their opinion, they don't have the right to get up close and insult a woman going to PP for some fucking birth control pills.

Actually, there is no right to go uninsulted.

No one ever said there was.

Although our rights are inalienable, they are not absolute, and subject to reasonable government restrictions, such as disallowing those opposed to privacy rights to interfere with the operation of a clinic.
Tell me does murder stop a beating heart?

A fetus is not a baby.

A fetus is a human at a particular stage of development...as is an adult, an adolescent, a toddler, a child, and a baby.

Different ages, same human.

You’re at liberty to call it whatever you like.

But as a fact of law the embryo/fetus is not a person entitled to Constitutional protections, where the privacy rights of the woman are paramount:

After analyzing the usage of "person" in the Constitution, the Court concluded that that word "has application only postnatally." Id., at 157. Commenting on the contingent property interests of the unborn that are generally represented by guardians ad litem, the Court noted: "Perfection of the interests involved, again, has generally been contingent upon live birth. In short, the unborn have never been recognized in the law as persons in the whole sense." Id., at 162. Accordingly, an abortion is not "the termination of life entitled to Fourteenth Amendment protection." Id., at 159. From this holding, there was no dissent, see id., at 173; indeed, no member of the Court has ever questioned this fundamental proposition. Thus, as a matter of federal constitutional law, a developing organism that is not yet a "person" does not have what is sometimes described as a "right to life."

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)
High court case: abortion clinic protest-free zone

Wow...shocked baby murderers want to stifle people's freedom of speech with "zones".

At least you’re consistent in your ignorance of the Constitution and its case law. Zones or areas prohibiting those opposed to privacy rights from protesting in a manner that interferes with the operation of a clinic or other healthcare facility do not violate the First Amendment’s right to free speech. See, e.g., Hill v. Colorado (2000).

This was not a unanimous holding, and the dissents are worth reading:

Scalia's dissenting opinion[edit]

Justices Scalia and Thomas dissenting:
1.This law is not content neutral as it is obviously only being applied to abortion clinics and anti-abortion messages.
2.Protecting citizens from unwanted speech is not a compelling state interest.
3.The amount of places actually being covered by this statute is very large if one considers the extensive amount of healthcare facilities there are. So, speech is being restricted very significantly.
4.This law removes one of the few outlets in which peaceful and civil pro-life citizens could get their point across to women considering abortion; now only inappropriate bullying groups will be heard.
5.This opinion of the court is in conflict with other First Amendment restriction cases. The only reason the Court is changing now is because the messages are not content neutral – it is about abortion.

Kennedy's dissenting opinion[edit]
1.This legislation is definitely content based and is in direct violation of the First Amendment.

Hill v. Colorado - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anyone who is too high brown to read it in the wiki can look up the holding itself. Too bad you didn't even bother with the wiki version.
A fetus is not a baby.

A fetus is a human at a particular stage of development...as is an adult, an adolescent, a toddler, a child, and a baby.

Different ages, same human.

But a fetus is not a person.

A viable fetus is considered a person and has rights as such. Perhaps you should read up a bit on fetal rights, a concept you seem unable to comprehend.

Fetal Rights legal definition of Fetal Rights. Fetal Rights synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

Now go finish sucking off that kangaroo before it dies of frustration.

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