High Crimes and Misdemeanors have no Statute of Limitation.



Remember, Republicans lost both House and Senate Seats during the last election. With this level of "Anti Trumpism", it's possible the Democrats could control the House after 2018. You can bet, there will be no investigation of Trump/Russian ties by the GOP before then. It will not be allowed.

But after 2018, if Democrats control the house and if evidence is found of a Trump/Russian connection, the GOP will be slaughtered in 2020. No one will trust them. They will be seen as anti-American. There will be no defense.

If they don't come to understand that, and don't take steps to investigate these alleged connections, it will be a GOP bloodbath.

Already, on the record, we have Trump saying no Russian connections and his son saying money is pouring in from Russia. So which is it? Without Russian connections, there is no way money would be pouring in.

If Republicans want to be honest to the American people, they better start investigating now. Don't wait.

Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

When asked about this, and his affection for Russian president Vladimir Putin, Trump said any inference that a connection exists between the two is absurd and the stuff of conspiracy. “I have ZERO investments in Russia,” he tweeted after the Democratic National Committee was apparently hacked by Russia and the emails released by Wiki Leaks on the eve of the DNC convention to nominate Clinton as its 2016 presidential candidate.

Finally, for all of his denials of Russian ties lately, Trump has boasted in the past of his many meetings with Russian oligarchs. During one trip to Moscow, Trump bragged that they all showed up to meet him to discuss projects around the globe. “Almost all of the oligarchs were in the room” just to meet with him, Trump said at the time.

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.
Remember, Republicans lost both House and Senate Seats during the last election. With this level of "Anti Trumpism", it's possible the Democrats could control the House after 2018. You can bet, there will be no investigation of Trump/Russian ties by the GOP before then. It will not be allowed.

But after 2018, if Democrats control the house and if evidence is found of a Trump/Russian connection, the GOP will be slaughtered in 2020. No one will trust them. They will be seen as anti-American. There will be no defense.

If they don't come to understand that, and don't take steps to investigate these alleged connections, it will be a GOP bloodbath.

Already, on the record, we have Trump saying no Russian connections and his son saying money is pouring in from Russia. So which is it? Without Russian connections, there is no way money would be pouring in.

If Republicans want to be honest to the American people, they better start investigating now. Don't wait.

Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

When asked about this, and his affection for Russian president Vladimir Putin, Trump said any inference that a connection exists between the two is absurd and the stuff of conspiracy. “I have ZERO investments in Russia,” he tweeted after the Democratic National Committee was apparently hacked by Russia and the emails released by Wiki Leaks on the eve of the DNC convention to nominate Clinton as its 2016 presidential candidate.

Finally, for all of his denials of Russian ties lately, Trump has boasted in the past of his many meetings with Russian oligarchs. During one trip to Moscow, Trump bragged that they all showed up to meet him to discuss projects around the globe. “Almost all of the oligarchs were in the room” just to meet with him, Trump said at the time.

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.
Putin will crush the Democrats in 2018 and 2020, you're powerless against Uncle Vlad
So you're saying we can still convene a grand jury on maobamas millions of immigration law violations?
Remember, Republicans lost both House and Senate Seats during the last election. With this level of "Anti Trumpism", it's possible the Democrats could control the House after 2018. You can bet, there will be no investigation of Trump/Russian ties by the GOP before then. It will not be allowed.

But after 2018, if Democrats control the house and if evidence is found of a Trump/Russian connection, the GOP will be slaughtered in 2020. No one will trust them. They will be seen as anti-American. There will be no defense.

If they don't come to understand that, and don't take steps to investigate these alleged connections, it will be a GOP bloodbath.

Already, on the record, we have Trump saying no Russian connections and his son saying money is pouring in from Russia. So which is it? Without Russian connections, there is no way money would be pouring in.

If Republicans want to be honest to the American people, they better start investigating now. Don't wait.

Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

When asked about this, and his affection for Russian president Vladimir Putin, Trump said any inference that a connection exists between the two is absurd and the stuff of conspiracy. “I have ZERO investments in Russia,” he tweeted after the Democratic National Committee was apparently hacked by Russia and the emails released by Wiki Leaks on the eve of the DNC convention to nominate Clinton as its 2016 presidential candidate.

Finally, for all of his denials of Russian ties lately, Trump has boasted in the past of his many meetings with Russian oligarchs. During one trip to Moscow, Trump bragged that they all showed up to meet him to discuss projects around the globe. “Almost all of the oligarchs were in the room” just to meet with him, Trump said at the time.

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.

Did Trump sign off for a deal to sell them uranium in exchange for a hefty donation to his "foundation"??? Oh, wait...that was Hitlery Clinton. As I recall, the Clintons also opened up the patent office to the Chi-coms in exchange for millions in donations.
My oh my how time marches on and people forget.....

So you're saying we can still convene a grand jury on maobamas millions of immigration law violations?
Don't say stupid shit when you know better.

Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President

Seriously, you actually swallowed that jizz.
Prove it isn't true.

Two links have already been posted dipshit, your dear leader altered the way the numbers were calculated, like he did on most govt stats to favor himself.
Funny how there right wingers want to turn every questionable Trump action to Obama or Hillary.

It's like a "get out of jail free" card.

Some examples:

Trump's son says Russian money is pouring in.
But Hillary gave a speech for money.

People who work for Trump worked for Russians.
But Obama's book was written by Bill Ayers.

Trump's foundation is illegal and under criminal investigation.
But Hillary gave a uranium mine to Russia.

It just goes on and on. They don't even know who they are defending. They imagine Trump of being some kind of magical and benevolent Oompa Loompa. Only he's a con artist.
So you're saying we can still convene a grand jury on maobamas millions of immigration law violations?
Don't say stupid shit when you know better.

Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President

As usual, you are wrong...

High deportation figures are misleading
You do know the government keeps records on how many have been deported?

Yeah, and your dear leader counted people who voluntarily turned around at the border as deportations, no other administration has done that. In other words he padded his own numbers to make it look like he was doing more than he was.
So you're saying we can still convene a grand jury on maobamas millions of immigration law violations?
Don't say stupid shit when you know better.

Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President

As usual, you are wrong...

High deportation figures are misleading
You do know the government keeps records on how many have been deported?
So you're saying we can still convene a grand jury on maobamas millions of immigration law violations?
Don't say stupid shit when you know better.

Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President

As usual, you are wrong...

High deportation figures are misleading
You do know the government keeps records on how many have been deported?

And da gubermint never, ever lies, eh????? Especially if it is a leftard president...no???
Did Trump sign off for a deal to sell them uranium in exchange for a hefty donation to his "foundation"??? Oh, wait...that was Hitlery Clinton.

No, that's you lying openly. Making shit up. Peddling a total fiction. Lying your ass off.

You do that, all the time, on every topic. All Trumpstains do. The party says lie, so they lie. They're afraid not to lie, because they'd get kicked out of the cult.
Funny how there right wingers want to turn every questionable Trump action to Obama or Hillary.

It's like a "get out of jail free" card.

Some examples:

Trump's son says Russian money is pouring in.
But Hillary gave a speech for money.

People who work for Trump worked for Russians.
But Obama's book was written by Bill Ayers.

Trump's foundation is illegal and under criminal investigation.
But Hillary gave a uranium mine to Russia.

It just goes on and on. They don't even know who they are defending. They imagine Trump of being some kind of magical and benevolent Oompa Loompa. Only he's a con artist.

No, Hitlery fast-tracked the sale of uranium to Russia...not that I have a problem with that but leftards claim that Russia is an enemy. Russia was able to get access to that uranium because of Hitlery's position as SoS and she received a hefty donation of 2.35 million dollars to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation that also took in BILLIONS for the Haitian earthquake relief fund but sadly only distributed about 5 percent of the money to the people. Her brother got mining rights for Haitian gold....but move along, folks....nothing to see here. Then we have the curious case of Laura Silsby that tried to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti that the Clintons interceded upon her behalf. You should do a little research on that.

Trump's foundation may indeed be guilty of being a front to funnel money to his empire...but there is no shadow of a doubt that the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative is nothing but a front for drug and human trafficking (especially children) that get their money laundered through CIA friendly banks that whitewash it. I know and comprehend more than you.....infinitely more. This is what I do every day ten to 12 hours a day........get it now????

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