High Protein Foods

Unless you want an estrogen boost (apparently it mimicks it)
Urban legend wives tale.

Urban legend wives tale.

I've read too many articles outlining the negative aspects including estrogen replicating features. Maybe you are right but it would take many sources and up to date resesrch after all I have read.
I've read too many articles outlining the negative aspects including estrogen replicating features. Maybe you are right but it would take many sources and up to date resesrch after all I have read.

Products like eggs and milk high estrogen levels because they are produced in parts of the animal’s body that regulate its hormones.

Eating high estrogen foods can help people who suffer from various conditions related to low estrogen levels

I was listening to a doctor on YouTube who increased his intake of beans and he said his white blood cell count went down, he said there is something in beans (don't remember the name) that fights infections and you don't need the same number of white blood cells in your bloodstream. Pretty cool stuff.
Prevents colon cancer
I've increased my intake of beans over the past 3-4 years. I make a lot of bean soup. I got a colonoscopy last Tuesday and it had been ten years since the last one, the doctor said he would be surprised if he didn't find any polyps in the colon, which he didn't in my last procedure 10 years prior.

He was surprised, no polyps.
I've read too many articles outlining the negative aspects including estrogen replicating features. Maybe you are right but it would take many sources and up to date resesrch after all I have read.
Here's another debunk. Look, most "he men's" distaste for soy is rooted in the fact they think it..um..well...doesn't make them as much like a Washington Monument as they want their women to think they are. :auiqs.jpg:

I've increased my intake of beans over the past 3-4 years. I make a lot of bean soup. I got a colonoscopy last Tuesday and it had been ten years since the last one, the doctor said he would be surprised if he didn't find any polyps in the colon, which he didn't in my last procedure 10 years prior.

He was surprised, no polyps.
I usually eat kidney beans in the form of homemade chili. I eat a lot of broccoli stir fry too. All for this very reason.
Here's another debunk. Look, most "he men's" distaste for soy is rooted in the fact they think it..um..well...doesn't make them as much like a Washington Monument as they want their women to think they are. :auiqs.jpg:

turn in your man card .
Eat brown rice (or any whole grain) with your beans and it will provide complete protein, all the different proteins you get from a steak. For that matter a peanut butter sandwich on whole grain bread will also provide complete protein. That is because peanuts are legumes, just like beans. Taking it to an extreme Cracker Jacks (peanuts and corn) also provide a little complete protein along with too much sugar.
Different absorption profile. Animal protein is more efficient for the human body. Depends on your goals obviously.

The only advantage animal protein has is that it usually has more essential amino acids per serving. There are only 9 amino acids that humans have to consume because the body cannot make them.

Animal protein also has a slightly higher anabolic effect. The absorption issue is not really significant since you only absorb about 2% more animal protein compared to plant protein and that is easily made up for when you realize that plant protein has a far lower calorie density so all you have you to is eat 2% more and you'll still get the same amount of protein without all the additional saturated fats and cholesterol


Once your gut gets acclimatized to the higher fiber flatulence isn't really a problem any more.
Kidney beans are disgusting.
And extremely difficult to digest.

Nothing better than this!
Beans have countless health benefits.
I didn't believe it, but I know someone who has been strict vegan for 2 years now. Same body weight, same weight lifting strength no loss of energy. So I'm convinced I'm just not gonna do it. Wouldn't be prudent.
Urban legend wives tale.

Probably just that low-test guys gravitate toward soy.
I eat over 200g of protein a day. Everything I eat is low or no sugar. I also track my calories in MyFitnessPal and go to the gym four times a week. I might drink alcohol once or twice a month at most. That's how I stay in shape with low body fat while I see most guys my age walking around with either guts or no muscle tone to speak of.

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