High Protein Foods

Go to Walmart get the 15 or 20 pack of great value breakfast patties if you’re really low on money plenty of protein there.

it’s about working out exercising. Stay off drugs , stay positive. Could be a little tough to stay positive with all the bad stuff going on in the country almost all from the far left…

I mean we have the governor of California saying “hey it’s OK to get high, it’s OK to let loose.”

Thank you to the senior citizens of America …in the 1970s Americans were lifting more compared to today. Whether it was bench pressing overhead press… on average the American was stronger in the 1970s compared to now.

for all the folks in this thread who are in their 50s or 70s…. Because of the rise of social media and drugs in this country, it’s a lot harder for young people to exercise and stay in shape. But there seems to be this extraordinary turn around. It’s like the summer of glory and honor is happening right now we’ve already had great news all over the place the return of Tucker Carlson for example

There appears to be more and more masses of young people all over the country, rejecting the hatred and racism from the far left. They’re getting out of the house they’re working out there getting off the cell phones … positive things happening.
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I have a high-level spinal cord injury along with a really bad prostate issue due to having a Catheter inside of me because of the injury. . Doesn’t stop me from working out.

I was down to about 160(probably 145 or less when I was in the hospital)pounds and even with the injury getting off of a wheelchair I’m now at about 175 lbs. This is a massive victory over the far left and the neoconservatives who want Americans to be slaves and on drugs all the time. The corrupt elites can’t stand the sight of a young man, or a young woman who has control over their life, who is physically fit, who is not on drugs. And who is proud of their ancestors who is proud of their religion. We’re seeing so many people embrace this across the country.

I’m about 6’,1” . I’m probably gonna get to 190lbs . I did 100 push-ups yesterday. Three years ago I couldn’t lift up a darn fork.

im feeling it … I give glory to Jesus, and so many men and women who are in wheelchairs, but who have muscles who are jacked who are in the greatest shape one could imagine. Those people inspire me. I mean it’s an amazing feeling

and yeah, you see all these able-bodied, black and white people in America support BLM and they are the most evil people in the world ….or they’re on drugs and brainwashed. Maybe they should go through a wheelchair maybe they should feel what it’s like to not be able to use the bathroom on their own.

Either way we need to help them pray for them …thankfully they’re in the minority. .

So many great things are happening in this country. I see it every day at the gym on the streets from black Americans white Americans. They are supporting traditions and honor systems
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I made my vegan chili a couple days ago as my main meal at work. It'll last 3-4 days. I totaled up the protein of all the ingredients I used. It comes out to about 200 grams of protein spread over 3 days.

I've already mentioned my 120 gram breakfast I have once or twice a week.

My lunch also includes a couple sandwiches made with Ezekiel bread. 5 grams a slice. 20 grams in my 2 sandwiches NOT EVEN INCLUDING THE INGREDIENTS IN THE SANDWICH.

Then I usually have a protein shake (30 grams of protein) with all this, and fruit.

And that's just LUNCH

This is for the people who tell themselves vegans can't get the enough protein. It ain't hard.
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Nope. People who generate gas have a problem because they have an unhealthy gut. It gets that way from eating the standard dead American diet.

When you actually FUEL your body the healthy microbes return and everything changes.

It's not a problem AT ALL
I made my vegan chili a couple days ago as my main meal at work. It'll last 3-4 days. I totaled up the protein of all the ingredients I used. It comes out to about 200 grams of protein spread over 3 days.

I've already mentioned my 120 gram breakfast I have once or twice a week.

My lunch also includes a couple sandwiches made with Ezekiel bread. 5 grams a slice. 20 grams in my 2 sandwiches NOT EVEN INCLUDING THE INGREDIENTS IN THE SANDWICH.

Then I usually have a protein shake (30 grams of protein) with all this, and fruit.

And that's just LUNCH

This is for the people who tell themselves vegans can't get the enough protein. It ain't hard.

Protein and fat from animal meat are what made the evolution of the large human brain possible.

I wanted to say to the thread it seems like there’s been some arguments that can be pretty heated between vegans and those who eat meat. I would say that there’s no need for this. Everyone here, who is attempting to do the right thing by eating healthy should be happy

OK let’s thank CarlinAnnArbor for eating healthy. Thank you for contributing to our healthcare system and not being a burden on our healthcare system. I can tell you that those with cancer those who are in wheelchairs for the rest of their lives due to accidents or circumstances beyond their control….. are very thankful to people like the original poster for not putting a burden on our healthcare system.

Think about it, the more healthy, able-bodied people we have the more robust society we have. The more positivity we have. And this is how we stand up to the rich, elite corrupt Democrats and Republicans they want us all to be on drugs, and to eat fast food. Being healthy being kind to others this is a great victory.
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My issue sometimes could be taking in the calories I need. I get full pretty quick. Any tips on this from folks. I’m about 175 pounds right now I’m trying to get 190. I’m working out as much as I can based my injury.

OK so I’m 6 foot 1 and 175 pounds. as active as possible I walk as much as i can . So I’m thinking I should probably have 3000 cal a day?

I wonder if I eat too much protein. Sometimes I have 2 30 g protein bars along with meat. Daily sometimes could could be 100 g of protein. I don’t really have a lot of processed sugar. I rarely eat cake or cookies. Occasionally now I have a glass of chocolate milk. I have coffee in the morning and mostly water throughout the day.

I’m eating rice, chicken, steak, pork, carrots. I often use my air fryer. I used to eat eggs quite a bit, but I have seemingly cut down on that. OK so you folks heard some of my diet… what should I change if anything?
The only advantage animal protein has is that it usually has more essential amino acids per serving. There are only 9 amino acids that humans have to consume because the body cannot make them.

Animal protein also has a slightly higher anabolic effect. The absorption issue is not really significant since you only absorb about 2% more animal protein compared to plant protein and that is easily made up for when you realize that plant protein has a far lower calorie density so all you have you to is eat 2% more and you'll still get the same amount of protein without all the additional saturated fats and cholesterol

Caste Off Caste by Abolishing Hereditary Wealth

Can't you figure out why the Hindu ruling-class tyranny preached Veganism to those they oppressed mercilessly? That rabbit-diet was the hidden reason that their cowardly and low-energy army was defeated by a mere 30,000 British soldiers. Notice that those with the most important military assignment in the formerly Great Britain, protecting Buckingham Palace, are called "Beefeaters."

This is why our own Birth-Class Supremacists sponsor Veganism.
I eat over 200g of protein a day. Everything I eat is low or no sugar. I also track my calories in MyFitnessPal and go to the gym four times a week. I might drink alcohol once or twice a month at most. That's how I stay in shape with low body fat while I see most guys my age walking around with either guts or no muscle tone to speak of.
do you limit carbs .. and do you fast ?
If you’re bodybuilding you need a lot of protein.

Average guy, yeah. They’re just putting undue stress on their kidneys
isopure makes a great whey isolate powder that is low in carbs ... a little pricey though .
My issue sometimes could be taking in the calories I need. I get full pretty quick. Any tips on this from folks. I’m about 175 pounds right now I’m trying to get 190. I’m working out as much as I can based my injury.

OK so I’m 6 foot 1 and 175 pounds. as active as possible I walk as much as i can . So I’m thinking I should probably have 3000 cal a day?

I wonder if I eat too much protein. Sometimes I have 2 30 g protein bars along with meat. Daily sometimes could could be 100 g of protein. I don’t really have a lot of processed sugar. I rarely eat cake or cookies. Occasionally now I have a glass of chocolate milk. I have coffee in the morning and mostly water throughout the day.

I’m eating rice, chicken, steak, pork, carrots. I often use my air fryer. I used to eat eggs quite a bit, but I have seemingly cut down on that. OK so you folks heard some of my diet… what should I change if anything?
your body can only process about 40 to 50 grams of protein per meal .. anything more like 100 grams in a meal is a waste .. eat smaller smaller high protein meals every 3 hrs or so ... but be careful about wanting to be heavier .. being naturally thin is a good thing in many ways .. many people fight weight problems because it is easier for them to put on weight .. if you wanr to gain 15 lbs of muscle the natural healthy way its going to take a while to do so .
You can limit carbs and increase protein without committing to some sort of Keto diet that’s hard-to-impossible to maintain long term.

Cut out sugary drinks totally

No buns on hamburgers

Brown rice is always a better carb for your meal than mashed potatoes or bread

Fast food and pizza should be a rare-ish treat, not a daily thing. No more than once a week

Skinless chicken breasts, tuna, lean pork may be dull but they’re the best muscle building proteins

Similarly, oatmeal is boring af, but it’s a great source of good carbs and raw calories

Nothing worth having comes easy and there’s no easy way to get real results

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