High School Freshman Suspended For Having A Picture Of A Gun...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011

Yet another student has been suspended for having something that represents a gun, but isn’t actually anything like a real gun.

This time, Daniel McClaine, Jr., a freshman at Poston Butte High School in Tan Valley, Arizona, made the mistake of setting a picture of a gun as the desktop background on his school-issued computer.

The picture shows an AK-47 lying on a flag, reports KNXV-TV. The gun isn’t his, McClaine assured the ABC affiliate in Phoenix. He found it on the Internet and liked it, partly because he is interested in serving in the military after graduation.

A teacher reportedly ratted McClaine out after noticing the Soviet-era rifle on the computer. McClaine originally received a three-day suspension.

After McClaine’s father contacted the local press, Florence Unified School District officials suddenly decided that the younger McClaine could return to school on Monday.

District policy states that students cannot use school-issued laptops to send or display “offensive messages or pictures,” explains KNXV. Students also cannot use them to produce, retrieve, send or forward images that are considered “harassing, threatening or illegal.”...

Read more: High school freshman suspended for having a picture of a gun | The Daily Caller
First off the kid made a dumb choice, second the teacher or teachers could have handled it differently.

Lastly, the school needs to get into the real world and figure out how to educate and not how to make stupid decisions.
"Soviet-era rifle"?

It's an AK-47, still one of the most popular "assault rifles" in the world, and arguably, the best assault rifle ever made by ANY country.

We have some at the homestead. Very dependable. Built to last. But since they are are only SEMI-automatic rifles, they are NOT "assault rifles".
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“To me it's ridiculous. Three days for a picture? It wasn't like he was standing in front of the school holding the gun,” said Daniel McClaine Sr. “He should have got a warning. He shouldn't have ever been suspended. Not for something so frivolous.”

Suspended for picture of a gun: Student Daniel McClaine Jr. hassled for computer desktop background

The father apparently thinks a three day suspension is suitable for standing in front of the school with a gun.

My kids were told as they headed off to school: if you break the school rules you have to deal with the consequences.

Looks like many parents rush in and protect Johnny from his own mistakes.
“To me it's ridiculous. Three days for a picture? It wasn't like he was standing in front of the school holding the gun,” said Daniel McClaine Sr. “He should have got a warning. He shouldn't have ever been suspended. Not for something so frivolous.”

Suspended for picture of a gun: Student Daniel McClaine Jr. hassled for computer desktop background

The father apparently thinks a three day suspension is suitable for standing in front of the school with a gun.

My kids were told as they headed off to school: if you break the school rules you have to deal with the consequences.

Looks like many parents rush in and protect Johnny from his own mistakes.

Well of course that's not what the Father said. But you know that. Oh well, just you being Ravi the Raving Lunatic again i guess. Keep up the bad work dummy. :)
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"Soviet-era rifle"?

It's an AK-47, still one of the most popular "assault rifles" in the world, and arguably, the best assault rifle ever made by ANY country.

We have some at the homestead. Very dependable. Built to last. But since they are are only SEMI-automatic rifles, they are NOT "assault rifles".

Correct. Unfortunately, there are so many uninformed ignorant politicians out there spewing nonsense. They don't know a thing about guns. All they know is, they have to hurry up and ban something. It's just like them not reading Bills before voting on them. It's just pure ignorance. Civilian rifles are not Assault Rifles.
Seriously Suspended for just a picture of a gun?
The school system has been completely collapsed.
The indoctrination begins very early these days.
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"Soviet-era rifle"?

It's an AK-47, still one of the most popular "assault rifles" in the world, and arguably, the best assault rifle ever made by ANY country.

We have some at the homestead. Very dependable. Built to last. But since they are are only SEMI-automatic rifles, they are NOT "assault rifles".

Correct. Unfortunately, there are so many uninformed ignorant politicians out there spewing nonsense. They don't know a thing about guns. All they know is, they have to hurry up and ban something. It's just like them not reading Bills before voting on them. It's just pure ignorance. Civilian rifles are not Assault Rifles.

:eusa_whistle:Correct. They have to pass the bill in order to find out whats in it. Wonder if they even went to school.
"Soviet-era rifle"?

It's an AK-47, still one of the most popular "assault rifles" in the world, and arguably, the best assault rifle ever made by ANY country.

We have some at the homestead. Very dependable. Built to last. But since they are are only SEMI-automatic rifles, they are NOT "assault rifles".

Correct. Unfortunately, there are so many uninformed ignorant politicians out there spewing nonsense. They don't know a thing about guns. All they know is, they have to hurry up and ban something. It's just like them not reading Bills before voting on them. It's just pure ignorance. Civilian rifles are not Assault Rifles.

:eusa_whistle:Correct. They have to pass the bill in order to find out whats in it. Wonder if they even went to school.

"Soviet-era rifle"?

It's an AK-47, still one of the most popular "assault rifles" in the world, and arguably, the best assault rifle ever made by ANY country.

We have some at the homestead. Very dependable. Built to last. But since they are are only SEMI-automatic rifles, they are NOT "assault rifles".
"But, but, I'm a liberal who's afraid of his own shadow and those guns are big and scarey! Please Mr. President, make the world safe for me with your Executive Orders".
"Soviet-era rifle"?

It's an AK-47, still one of the most popular "assault rifles" in the world, and arguably, the best assault rifle ever made by ANY country.

We have some at the homestead. Very dependable. Built to last. But since they are are only SEMI-automatic rifles, they are NOT "assault rifles".
"But, but, I'm a liberal who's afraid of his own shadow and those guns are big and scarey! Please Mr. President, make the world safe for me with your Executive Orders".

Ironically, his assault on the Second Amendment has forced many Americans to seriously consider arming themselves. Gun Sales are through the roof. Many Citizens who would have never considered owning a gun, are now seriously looking into it. And the States are finally waking up and reasserting their rights & authority too. So i'm definitely 'Glass Half Full' on this one. A lot of good is gonna come out of this.
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Totally over the top reaction from school officials.

However, right now schools are hyper-sensitive to guns, they are terrified of another Newtown, so I can understand the feeling that its better to overreact than to miss a sign of danger.

I'm glad they reversed their decision.
Totally over the top reaction from school officials.

However, right now schools are hyper-sensitive to guns, they are terrified of another Newtown, so I can understand the feeling that its better to overreact than to miss a sign of danger.

I'm glad they reversed their decision.

Better to over react to a PHOTO???

Christ almighty we're doomed.

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