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High School Physics solve 9/11

Wonder why no one rants about Flight 93. Now THAT is a conspiracy theory I could get into. There was NO plane in that hole. What happened to it? Where was all the junk, luggage, bodies, etc? Nothing there but a hole. Where was the plane?

because its already been proven that 95% of the wreckage was recovered, the black boxes were recovered and your "empty hole" had thousands of pounds of airplane parts in it. plus the DNA from the passengers and crew matched the body parts found at the site.
Wonder why no one rants about Flight 93. Now THAT is a conspiracy theory I could get into. There was NO plane in that hole. What happened to it? Where was all the junk, luggage, bodies, etc? Nothing there but a hole. Where was the plane?
they pulled about 95% of the plane from that "empty" hole
learn the facts before you make yourself look even more stupid
Wonder why no one rants about Flight 93. Now THAT is a conspiracy theory I could get into. There was NO plane in that hole. What happened to it? Where was all the junk, luggage, bodies, etc? Nothing there but a hole. Where was the plane?

One of the bits of dishonesty of the Troofer movement is they only show one picture from one perspective. Thing hit very fast and very hard, and the detrius was spread over a wide area outside the range of the pictures the troofers like to use.

There was a large wooded area near the divot, and the debris scattered into there.

Also, as a general rule, news organizations don't show pictures of dead bodies or body portions. The national enquirer to the contrary, and they usually only do the body in a box. So they wouldn't do that.

There are pictures of debris from the crash. The plane seems to have been going at a very fast rate when it hit. The destruction seems to have been pretty comprehensive.

Wonder why no one rants about Flight 93. Now THAT is a conspiracy theory I could get into. There was NO plane in that hole. What happened to it? Where was all the junk, luggage, bodies, etc? Nothing there but a hole. Where was the plane?

because its already been proven that 95% of the wreckage was recovered, the black boxes were recovered and your "empty hole" had thousands of pounds of airplane parts in it. plus the DNA from the passengers and crew matched the body parts found at the site.

Wonder why no one rants about Flight 93. Now THAT is a conspiracy theory I could get into. There was NO plane in that hole. What happened to it? Where was all the junk, luggage, bodies, etc? Nothing there but a hole. Where was the plane?
they pulled about 95% of the plane from that "empty" hole
learn the facts before you make yourself look even more stupid

Wonder why no one rants about Flight 93. Now THAT is a conspiracy theory I could get into. There was NO plane in that hole. What happened to it? Where was all the junk, luggage, bodies, etc? Nothing there but a hole. Where was the plane?

One of the bits of dishonesty of the Troofer movement is they only show one picture from one perspective. Thing hit very fast and very hard, and the detrius was spread over a wide area outside the range of the pictures the troofers like to use.

There was a large wooded area near the divot, and the debris scattered into there.

Also, as a general rule, news organizations don't show pictures of dead bodies or body portions. The national enquirer to the contrary, and they usually only do the body in a box. So they wouldn't do that.

There are pictures of debris from the crash. The plane seems to have been going at a very fast rate when it hit. The destruction seems to have been pretty comprehensive.


And FYI, I am not stupid.
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I showed pics from a troofer site.

I have to admit I had not heard that they had fished stuff out of that hole. Bear in mind, that thing was moving at 600+mph when it hit. What was inside was aluminum, plastic and soft tissue. None of which is engineered for 600mph impacts with the ground.

Dive Con is attracted to this section like Jimmy Swaggart to a brothel. He knows it is unhealthy self destructive and he comes here anyway. He hears these arguments on a regular basis, and he gets testy.

And FYI, I am not stupid.

No you obviously have some common sense and likely not one of the fulltime disinfo agents stuck to the net...

There are some basic core facts that are indisputable descrepencies to the official story.....somehow the net is plastered with a huge smokescreen of disinformation that makes it a daunting task to research 9/11 and find them.
Wonder why no one rants about Flight 93. Now THAT is a conspiracy theory I could get into. There was NO plane in that hole. What happened to it? Where was all the junk, luggage, bodies, etc? Nothing there but a hole. Where was the plane?

They recovered 95% of the plane that you want to believe was not in that hole. Do some research. Something other than Loose change maybe.
While we are on the subject, Who do you think is a good role model?

It is dependent on the topic at hand.

If you're saying about being a vocalist, I would say Rod Stewart due to his longevity and the fact that his voice has been consistent throughout; he didn't bend to the standard of the time and became the standard IMHO. Now if the topic is personal stability, I doubt you'd want to model after Rod Stewart.

As for Jesse Ventura being a role model, perhaps if you're talking about re-inventing yourself. If you're talking about someone committed to the "truth", you should look at two things; the abject silliness of his trade for the better part of his life (professional wrestling) and the current theater he is putting on that totally ignores concrete evidence in favor of hearsay, junk science (when science is used at all), and bizarre conclusions drawn from the lightest clowns you can find on the subject.

Frankly Jesse is cashing in on the weak minded dolts and for that, I guess you can call him a role model in business; for me...I'll stick with Demming and Welch.

As for your statement about McVeigh; can you please explain to us why there hasn't been something like 350,000 truck bombs going off if the Military is doing that to the soldiers? I'm guessing he was warped from jump street. What do you think?
Btw Baruch,you cant even get your lies and disinformation straight about the cause of the towers collapse with your other disinformation agent buddies on here in the fact that your the first one that has EVER come on here and said that the keroscene from the jet fuel melted the towers.Lol.

All the other disinformation agents that have come on here in the past and present have ALL said it didnt melt the steel it just weakend it which caused the collapse which btw,has been proven false as well. YOU cant even get your stories straight with your other disinformation agent trolls on here. lol.

Dont know how to break this to you agent,but you know nothing about steel temperatures or the heat of jet fuel.Like I said,even the other 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists have all aknowledged on here always that Jet fuel only reaches temps of 1800 degrees F and that steel doesnt begin to melt till temps of 2800 degrees F.Nice try though.lol.You really should consult with THEM first before deciding what lies to spread in the future.lol.

My opinion on Mcveigh's PDSS (Post Dramatic Stress Syndrome) is he is one of the smallest percentile to take it to the degree he took it to. Now, if your asking me why is Mcveigh the only soldier that resorted to murder with PDSS, this one is easy. I put up my posts through an Iphone, so I don't think that I can put up links. On a documentary on HDNet via Dan Rather's Reports, they talked about soldier's homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal tendencies through PDSS. It is a LARGE number! They had stories of soldiers coming home from Iraq and not showing the faintest hint of being the same person they were before they served their time. Soldiers and Military Personel killing is not uncommon at all. Remember the psychologist just this past year that went on a killing spree? Not, every person reacts the same way. Again, people like Mcveigh and Maj. Nidal Hasan are the smallest percentile... But are indeed another example of an epidemic that is a severely an ongoing problem.
I wrote this before, and I'll write this again. I do not have or had any friends or family that have served in the military. I respect to the upmost for they have given something that is a thing they can't get back .... Their Time and their livelihood. For the sake of us. For that, I can say to every person that has served in any branch of the military. GOOD OR BAD, weak or strong, Big or small, I don't care what anybody says! ... THANK YOU! YOU ARE MY HERO!!!!!!!!
Why not reinvestigate and find out for once and for all WHY it happened like it did.

Remember they did lie us into war , what else were they willing to LIE about?

Oh and there is one other thing..."they" and the 9/11 Commissioners are not the same thing. If "they" did "lie us into war", you should keep in mind that no Afghans or Iraqi nationals are used...doesn't that seem strange to not use dissidents or even highly placed operatives of those nations to do these supposed hijackings?

If "they" were lying and the likes of Atta and the others are stooges. Why not give them a better back story than being Egyptians and Saudis? What would it have hurt...even if they did not eventually go to war? Sort of a "keep your options open" strategy "they" would have thought of.

This is an obscure detail I suppose but using stooges and not giving them a more useful back story seems like a free precaution they did not take advantage of; right?

Now, what if Atta and company are not stooges? Then you would have to believe that the 19 hijackers with ties to Al Queda ended up on flights that were commandeered electronically by "them". Pretty hard to believe that they would go through the trouble of placing them on planes and not giving them a more useful back story...don't you think?

The ties to Al Queda are interesting as well; are they not? If you were going to pick an enemy to attack, would you want it to be this ghost-like existance on the other side of the world with few targets to hit, few videos that you can show of precision bombing runs by the air force or by the Navy bombers or would you want it to be something with fixed targets--think Desert Strom--that you can show on the 6 o'clock news--us blowing the crapola out of?

In other words, would you rather fight people not in uniform or people in uniform? I would surmise people in uniform seeing as how we rolled up Nazi Germany in about 13 months after D-Day when we didn't have the advantages we have today (cruise missiles, satellite support, etc...). Do you remember the Viet Nam Conflict? It was much different than WWII. Lyndon Johnson had it consume his Presidency so much he didn't run for re-election when he had the chance. He was the first President since the 1920's to do so if I recall. So "they", you're saying, made a calculated effort to NOT indict the government of Iraq or the government of Afghanistan or any other government that they could have disposed of easily (how long did Desert Storm last) in favor of a guerrilla style war whose execution is very hard and whose operations are not ones you can show on CNN.

In other words, pin it on Saddam, not Bin Laden; perhaps you can give me a reason why "they" chose Bin Laden over Saddam?
Why not reinvestigate and find out for once and for all WHY it happened like it did.

Remember they did lie us into war , what else were they willing to LIE about?

Oh and there is one other thing..."they" and the 9/11 Commissioners are not the same thing. If "they" did "lie us into war", you should keep in mind that no Afghans or Iraqi nationals are used...doesn't that seem strange to not use dissidents or even highly placed operatives of those nations to do these supposed hijackings?

If "they" were lying and the likes of Atta and the others are stooges. Why not give them a better back story than being Egyptians and Saudis? What would it have hurt...even if they did not eventually go to war? Sort of a "keep your options open" strategy "they" would have thought of.

This is an obscure detail I suppose but using stooges and not giving them a more useful back story seems like a free precaution they did not take advantage of; right?

Now, what if Atta and company are not stooges? Then you would have to believe that the 19 hijackers with ties to Al Queda ended up on flights that were commandeered electronically by "them". Pretty hard to believe that they would go through the trouble of placing them on planes and not giving them a more useful back story...don't you think?

The ties to Al Queda are interesting as well; are they not? If you were going to pick an enemy to attack, would you want it to be this ghost-like existance on the other side of the world with few targets to hit, few videos that you can show of precision bombing runs by the air force or by the Navy bombers or would you want it to be something with fixed targets--think Desert Strom--that you can show on the 6 o'clock news--us blowing the crapola out of?

In other words, would you rather fight people not in uniform or people in uniform? I would surmise people in uniform seeing as how we rolled up Nazi Germany in about 13 months after D-Day when we didn't have the advantages we have today (cruise missiles, satellite support, etc...). Do you remember the Viet Nam Conflict? It was much different than WWII. Lyndon Johnson had it consume his Presidency so much he didn't run for re-election when he had the chance. He was the first President since the 1920's to do so if I recall. So "they", you're saying, made a calculated effort to NOT indict the government of Iraq or the government of Afghanistan or any other government that they could have disposed of easily (how long did Desert Storm last) in favor of a guerrilla style war whose execution is very hard and whose operations are not ones you can show on CNN.

In other words, pin it on Saddam, not Bin Laden; perhaps you can give me a reason why "they" chose Bin Laden over Saddam?

In other words..ramble babbel blah blah huh what???...

shut the fuck up
My opinion on Mcveigh's PDSS (Post Dramatic Stress Syndrome) is he is one of the smallest percentile to take it to the degree he took it to. Now, if your asking me why is Mcveigh the only soldier that resorted to murder with PDSS, this one is easy. I put up my posts through an Iphone, so I don't think that I can put up links. On a documentary on HDNet via Dan Rather's Reports, they talked about soldier's homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal tendencies through PDSS. It is a LARGE number! They had stories of soldiers coming home from Iraq and not showing the faintest hint of being the same person they were before they served their time. Soldiers and Military Personel killing is not uncommon at all. Remember the psychologist just this past year that went on a killing spree? Not, every person reacts the same way. Again, people like Mcveigh and Maj. Nidal Hasan are the smallest percentile... But are indeed another example of an epidemic that is a severely an ongoing problem.
I wrote this before, and I'll write this again. I do not have or had any friends or family that have served in the military. I respect to the upmost for they have given something that is a thing they can't get back .... Their Time and their livelihood. For the sake of us. For that, I can say to every person that has served in any branch of the military. GOOD OR BAD, weak or strong, Big or small, I don't care what anybody says! ... THANK YOU! YOU ARE MY HERO!!!!!!!!

I work for a health care facility that manages a number of clinics (although I am not a health care professional--logistics expert or the closest thing they have to it). We see PTSD cases since some of it involves a mis-trust of the VA. But if you look at PTSD dating back to Viet Nam, Bosnia, Panama, Greneda, and of course Desert Storm, Iraqi Freedom,
Afghan Freedom and take the hundreds of thousands if not millions of men who served, so far, we have one mass murderer who went to the lengths of McVeigh. I think your linkage to PTSD is suspect at best but who really knows how that cracker crumbled.

One thing, I feel, is certain is that if the military did that to him, the raw materials were there long before he was in uniform and I think you would have had the same end result for the Murrah Building as well as McVeigh whether or not he ever entered a recruiting station.
Btw Baruch,you cant even get your lies and disinformation straight about the cause of the towers collapse with your other disinformation agent buddies on here in the fact that your the first one that has EVER come on here and said that the keroscene from the jet fuel melted the towers.Lol.

All the other disinformation agents that have come on here in the past and present have ALL said it didnt melt the steel it just weakend it which caused the collapse which btw,has been proven false as well. YOU cant even get your stories straight with your other disinformation agent trolls on here. lol.

Dont know how to break this to you agent,but you know nothing about steel temperatures or the heat of jet fuel.Like I said,even the other 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists have all aknowledged on here always that Jet fuel only reaches temps of 1800 degrees F and that steel doesnt begin to melt till temps of 2800 degrees F.Nice try though.lol.You really should consult with THEM first before deciding what lies to spread in the future.lol.

Can you translate this into english. Or some other human language?

I have seen several posts here that claim that in order to melt steel you need 4000. I am not denying that. I am complaining of the troofer bait and switch of confusing melting point with failure point. Failure point is a great deal lower. Failure point is around 1300 degrees, well below the burning point of kerosene.

I am going to repost these pictures here. Wood does not burn anywhere near the heat of Kerosene. You can deform steel by wood fire burning long and hot enough. The steel does not have to melt. It just has to be week enough that enough pressure can bend it.
That is how steel is made for things we need. It is heated and then reformed. This is what General Sherman did to GA's railroads. Folks in GA still have yet to forget or forgive.


This is one of the more annoying troofer tactics. This is one of the things that kills their credibility.

One of the weirder Troofer arguments about buildings 1 & 2 was that somehow a cloud of dust protected the lower floors from compaction as the upper floors smacked them down. You have 15 floors of material collapsing onto the next floor down, that floors supports will fail. And then the next floor. And then the next floor. As the thing goes down, we loose some material to ejection and fall off, but a lot of the material that is slamming down on the next floor is still coming down, and according to Newton, it is headed strait down and not going off to the sides as Troofers think it should.
Oh, so now we have these conspiracy loons trying to throw up high school physics as proof.


I guess all those "former this', "retired thats'", and "anonymous thoses" weren't providing enough evidence to prove their asinine theories.


And these clowns wonder why nobody believes their bullshit, and dismisses them as nothing more than Rosie Odonnell type NUTJOBS!:cuckoo:

These truther clowns seriously need to get a life.

Seriously, you can bet your last dollar that the majority of these fools have never had a girlfriend. Never held a girls hand. Never kissed a girl. Never felt a titty. Never had their dicks wet.

Sad really, but very true!
Oh, so now we have these conspiracy loons trying to throw up high school physics as proof.


I guess all those "former this', "retired thats'", and "anonymous thoses" weren't providing enough evidence to prove their asinine theories.


And these clowns wonder why nobody believes their bullshit, and dismisses them as nothing more than Rosie Odonnell type NUTJOBS!:cuckoo:


In the 1990's I took high school physics; never once did we measure clouds by energy

"Each Twin Tower dust cloud measured 8.5 KT
of (energy) force spreading out of the building."

I would submit that the person who wishes you to believe that a cloud is measured in terms of energy makes a living doing something that requires no o intelligence whatsoever. Since it seems to be a cut-and-paste, you really should consider the poster who first cut than pasted the nonsense to be equally moronic and in need of attention from medical professionals.

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