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High School Physics solve 9/11

Lets just end this bullshit once and for all:


No physics degree necessary to figure that out!

Now, shut the fuck up already!
Sorry about the miss on the PTSD.... I just go off of my head and make mistakes. I am a human.
As for you remark about the severity. It doesn't matter about the severity. If it's one person... Or 1000 people, That is still the cause. They're are many cases of this disease where it's just a family.
In a poor attempt to an anology, It doesn't matter how many home-runs the baseball player hits... If he took steriods, he cheated! Timothy Mcveigh is Barry Bonds... He hit more homers than anyone else. Doesn't mean he is the only one cheating.

Before you all start writing it, YES I just compared Home-Runs to death. That's why it's an anology and not a comparison. You don't have to tell me.
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Candy, let's not forget what the main arguement was.
You impied that Jesse Ventura is NOT a hero.
Since you said that, you then imply that the rest of other people that have served our county are NOT heros as well, especially if they lie once.
That was the argument. So, what about it? Are our troops just idiots who do that? Or are they heroic?
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Candy, let's not forget what the main arguement was.
You impied that Jesse Ventura is NOT a hero.
Since you said that, you then imply that the rest of other people that have served our county are NOT heros as well, especially if they lie once.
That was the argument. So, what about it? Are our troops just idiots who do that? Or are they heroic?

Well, lets expand it a bit; because someone does something heroic (serving in our nation's military), does that give them license for life as a hero? Is Timothy McVeigh a hero; he destroyed a building and killed dozens of school children. He served our country. What about John Allen Muhammad (the DC Sniper) who killed 10 and injured 3 others including a thirteen year old? He served our country in the military. Richard Nixon who, at best, disgraced the Presidency served in the Navy. Is he a hero?

I think lying to people willfully about 9/11 attacks when there is zero evidence of a conspiracy involving our government is not the actions of a hero by any means.

I feel that you earn the title of hero to be sure. But you are able to tarnish your legacy as a hero. There is little doubt that any heroism Ventura has traded on has been tarnished by intentionally lying to a gullible subset of the Public.
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Heroics do not mean that when they talk of things they don't know about, that they can trump experts. There have been lots of heros whom I admire as heros, but policy wise, they stink.

George McGovern, for example flew 30 combat missions into europe. He could have gone home after 20, but volunteered for the next 10. I think it a good thing that he lost to Nixon.

Nixon, because of religion, had CO status. He volunteered into theater. (Guy was born a REMF, lived REMF, but he was very good at logistics which is why you need REMFs, and he seems to have been very good at what he did in theater.)

Strom Thurmond volunteered at age 45 and was among the first wave at Normandy. Stuff of heros. Lets not discuss his views on Race, will we?

Using a guy as an authority means he knows what he is talking about.

And while we can admire the heroics of Great Ajax and Achilles, it was slippery Odysseus who won the war.
You as usual make excellent points candycorn.
My point is what Mcveigh did by serving our country is HEROIC. Now, he became sick and killed lots of people. Sick from serving our country. Mcveigh IS a hero for serving our country. He needed help. SO, what I am saying is... When you do something as big as being a hero... It just doesn't go away! He still was HEROIC. He did killed LOTS of people, and that will forever tarnish him... HE STILL, IN ONE ASPECT OF HIS LIFE, IS A HERO! please don't take that away from him.
Jesse Ventura may be a VILE person to some. HE STILL IS A HERO. He lied, He bends the truth, he may not be likeable to you Candycorn, but dammit, HE IS STILL A HERO. If fibbing takes that away from you... THERE ARE NO HEROS!
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You as usual make excellent points candycorn.
My point is what Mcveigh did by serving our country is HEROIC. Now, he became sick and killed lots of people. Sick from serving our country. Mcveigh IS a hero for serving our country. He needed help. SO, what I am saying is... When you do something as big as being a hero... It just doesn't go away! He still was HEROIC. He did killed LOTS of people, and that will forever tarnish him... HE STILL, IN ONE ASPECT OF HIS LIFE, IS A HERO! please don't take that away from him.
Jesse Ventura may be a VILE person to some. HE STILL IS A HERO. He lied, He bends the truth, he may not be likeable to you Candycorn, but dammit, HE IS STILL A HERO. If fibbing takes that away from you... THERE ARE NO HEROS!
The only heros in war are those who never come home.
You must die to be a hero? Oh well, sorry people that serve our country... Unless you die, NO HERO FOR YOU! Am I the only person that thinks that sounds crazy?
You must die to be a hero? Oh well, sorry people that serve our country... Unless you die, NO HERO FOR YOU! Am I the only person that thinks that sounds crazy?
Laying down your life is the most heroic thing you can do for your country. I know this because a couple of my fellow rangers laid down their lives.

Unless you've lived it, you'll never understand the meaning.
And according to you, unless you they die... F**k THEM!
Dude, don't tell me I don't know the meaning... Are you telling me that a murder victim's family doesn't understand the consequences of murder because they haven't murdered before? How about drugs... Unless you are a druggo, I guess you won't understand that drugs are bad for you.

Please don't try to use your lost friends as an out to your argument.
Look in the face of a soldier who lost his leg and tell them they are not heros!
You are WAAAAYYYY off on this one.
And according to you, unless you they die... F**k THEM!
Dude, don't tell me I don't know the meaning... Are you telling me that a murder victim's family doesn't understand the consequences of murder because they haven't murdered before? How about drugs... Unless you are a druggo, I guess you won't understand that drugs are bad for you.

Please don't try to use your lost friends as an out to your argument.
Look in the face of a soldier who lost his leg and tell them they are not heros!
You are WAAAAYYYY off on this one.
Fact of the matter is, the term hero is used way to loosely.

Btw, I'm one of those who lost plenty in war. Yeah, I was wounded badly. Awarded a bronze star and purple heart. Am I a hero?.....NO!....just lucky.

In fact, i'll take you to the VA hospital here in So. Cal., where many of whom you mentioned are receiving treatment. Call them a hero, and I GUARANTEE you'll hear the same from them as you did from me.

You can call Mcveigh a hero until the cows come home. Fact is, he did the job for which he signed up for. He was brave, yes indeed but, he turned into a COWARD when he MURDERED our fellow citizens. Attaching the word hero to him in any way is ludicrous, and a slap in the face to all those who've given their lives. THE TRUE HEROS!

Fact is, he was the way he was long before he served.
Wicked Jester, I here your side of the argument. Very Valid.
Here's my question:
What is the difference between you... And the guys who died, WELL, Besides you got "LUCKY"?
What's that? You can't EXACTLY! I hope for your sake you are telling the truth... Or you are a sick person. You would lie to win a discussion?

There is ZERO difference between a soldier who died and who goes home. THEY ARE BOTH HEROS!
If you are telling the truth about who you are... Then, you are a hero, HERO. Just don't tell a lie, EVER... or you will lose your hero status. At least to candycorn.
Wicked Jester, I here your side of the argument. Very Valid.
Here's my question:
What is the difference between you... And the guys who died, WELL, Besides you got "LUCKY"?
What's that? You can't EXACTLY! I hope for your sake you are telling the truth... Or you are a sick person. You would lie to win a discussion?

There is ZERO difference between a soldier who died and who goes home. THEY ARE BOTH HEROS!
If you are telling the truth about who you are... Then, you are a hero, HERO. Just don't tell a lie, EVER... or you will lose your hero status. At least to candycorn.
First of all, posers are pieces of shit. I hate fucking posers, and i'm a master at outing them on these boards.

I don't want hero status. I don't even like the fact they used the words "heroic actions" in my bronze star declaration. The actions were the basic human instinct to survive, and to help secure my fellow rangers survival, THAT IS ALL!

In my honest opinion, the true heros are those who never come home. Those who will never see their families again.

It's not an easy thing to explain but, when a scumbag like Mcveigh is deemed a hero in anyway it makes me sick.
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Why not reinvestigate and find out for once and for all WHY it happened like it did.

Remember they did lie us into war , what else were they willing to LIE about?

Oh and there is one other thing..."they" and the 9/11 Commissioners are not the same thing. If "they" did "lie us into war", you should keep in mind that no Afghans or Iraqi nationals are used...doesn't that seem strange to not use dissidents or even highly placed operatives of those nations to do these supposed hijackings?

If "they" were lying and the likes of Atta and the others are stooges. Why not give them a better back story than being Egyptians and Saudis? What would it have hurt...even if they did not eventually go to war? Sort of a "keep your options open" strategy "they" would have thought of.

This is an obscure detail I suppose but using stooges and not giving them a more useful back story seems like a free precaution they did not take advantage of; right?

Now, what if Atta and company are not stooges? Then you would have to believe that the 19 hijackers with ties to Al Queda ended up on flights that were commandeered electronically by "them". Pretty hard to believe that they would go through the trouble of placing them on planes and not giving them a more useful back story...don't you think?

The ties to Al Queda are interesting as well; are they not? If you were going to pick an enemy to attack, would you want it to be this ghost-like existance on the other side of the world with few targets to hit, few videos that you can show of precision bombing runs by the air force or by the Navy bombers or would you want it to be something with fixed targets--think Desert Strom--that you can show on the 6 o'clock news--us blowing the crapola out of?

In other words, would you rather fight people not in uniform or people in uniform? I would surmise people in uniform seeing as how we rolled up Nazi Germany in about 13 months after D-Day when we didn't have the advantages we have today (cruise missiles, satellite support, etc...). Do you remember the Viet Nam Conflict? It was much different than WWII. Lyndon Johnson had it consume his Presidency so much he didn't run for re-election when he had the chance. He was the first President since the 1920's to do so if I recall. So "they", you're saying, made a calculated effort to NOT indict the government of Iraq or the government of Afghanistan or any other government that they could have disposed of easily (how long did Desert Storm last) in favor of a guerrilla style war whose execution is very hard and whose operations are not ones you can show on CNN.

In other words, pin it on Saddam, not Bin Laden; perhaps you can give me a reason why "they" chose Bin Laden over Saddam?

This is a really silly analysis to try and use as an argument against the possibility of a FF. May you have not noticed but a "more useful back story" was obviously not needed. Think back to March 02' or look at news reports and see if you can find anything where the Bush admin was having any sort of problem sending our military to Afghanistan because of who the hijackers were or where they came from. Even several months after 9E the Bush admin had no hurdles to do what they wanted based on a lack of a "back story" on the hijackers.

Then you ask why pick bin laden over Saddam? Could it be because bin laden has a history of terrorism against the US that happened in different parts of the world? If Saddam was tagged then invading iraq would have been the only viable invasion. You could not justify invading afghanistan because of Saddam. However, invading Iraq based on bin laden being responsible was a fairly easy sell to the US idiot population. The HR 114 passed by Congress claimed alkida being in iraq was one of the justifications to invade. Then you ask why pick a non-uniformed enemy. Are you serious? Picking an invisible enemy is the perfect justification to send your military wherever you want them to go. Iraq had nothing to do with 9E but the Bush admin constantly spoke of Saddam and 9E in the same sentences to help create the fear needed to invade iraq. The core selling point of the Bush Doctrine is to go where ever the terrorists are in the world. That means the entire globe is a potential target instead of one nation. Your questions simply reveal how little you understand what is happening and a complete inability to analyze geo-politics 101. How hard would it be for us to take over Cuba if we wanted to? If a bomb or two went off in a Florida mall the US could claim Cuba is allowing alkida to pass through in order to attack the US. How hard of a sell would it be to bomb Iran on the basis it is supplying Alkida terrorists the means to attack US soldiers in Iraq? As you can see, there are several reasons why bin laden is a great excuse to go wherever we want.
This is a really silly analysis to try and use as an argument against the possibility of a FF. May you have not noticed but a "more useful back story" was obviously not needed.

neither was thermite, a missile hitting the pentagon, remote controlled airplanes, the demolition of WTC7, crashing a plane into a field or any other stupid bullshit you twoofers come up with. all of it was not needed, you jackass!!

the fact is that none of your false flag or inside job stories make any sense at all. :cuckoo:
This is a really silly analysis to try and use as an argument against the possibility of a FF. May you have not noticed but a "more useful back story" was obviously not needed.

neither was thermite, a missile hitting the pentagon, remote controlled airplanes, the demolition of WTC7, crashing a plane into a field or any other stupid bullshit you twoofers come up with. all of it was not needed, you jackass!!

the fact is that none of your false flag or inside job stories make any sense at all. :cuckoo:

Good to see you being so consistent in your dishonesty to edit posts to your convience and by lying about what I have said. Makes it that much easier to laugh at your dumbass.
This is a really silly analysis to try and use as an argument against the possibility of a FF. May you have not noticed but a "more useful back story" was obviously not needed.

neither was thermite, a missile hitting the pentagon, remote controlled airplanes, the demolition of WTC7, crashing a plane into a field or any other stupid bullshit you twoofers come up with. all of it was not needed, you jackass!!

the fact is that none of your false flag or inside job stories make any sense at all. :cuckoo:

Good to see you being so consistent in your dishonesty to edit posts to your convience and by lying about what I have said. Makes it that much easier to laugh at your dumbass.

you think i need to quote your entire rambling post? GO FUCK YOURSELF!! :lol:

you said it. stick by it.
I just saw something in Candy's post that is unbelievable....almost. The government of Afghanistan was blamed for 9E by virtue of giving safe haven to bin laden. How the hell can you claim Afghanistan was not held responsible?
neither was thermite, a missile hitting the pentagon, remote controlled airplanes, the demolition of WTC7, crashing a plane into a field or any other stupid bullshit you twoofers come up with. all of it was not needed, you jackass!!

the fact is that none of your false flag or inside job stories make any sense at all. :cuckoo:

Good to see you being so consistent in your dishonesty to edit posts to your convience and by lying about what I have said. Makes it that much easier to laugh at your dumbass.

you think i need to quote your entire rambling post? GO FUCK YOURSELF!! :lol:

you said it. stick by it.

Iam laughing at you because you're so pathetic you have to take posts and edit them out of context then lie about what people have said. It makes it even easier to see why the OCT is questionable because when her most loyal lovers have to resort to outright lying that shows they cannot defend the OCT on its own merits. Punk ass ***** like you are hilarious because you truly believe your own bullshit.
I showed pics from a troofer site.

I have to admit I had not heard that they had fished stuff out of that hole. Bear in mind, that thing was moving at 600+mph when it hit. What was inside was aluminum, plastic and soft tissue. None of which is engineered for 600mph impacts with the ground.

Dive Con is attracted to this section like Jimmy Swaggart to a brothel. He knows it is unhealthy self destructive and he comes here anyway. He hears these arguments on a regular basis, and he gets testy.

Bullshit. He comes here to do nothing but whine. Like fizz, candy, ollie etc. Bunch of pansies who do nothing but pat each other on the back for name calling. Easy to see why too. None of them debate honestly.

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