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High School Physics solve 9/11

Hi Baruch:

This Official Cover Story LIAR is here to push the Official Govt Cover Story no matter what anybody says. Period ...

Steel becomes ductile when exposed to high temperatures for long periods.

Bullony! We are talking about 2800-degree red-iron structural steel like this (my Topic) ...


... where box columns have sides measuring 4 inches thick! 'Steel' behaves one way in a laboratory, when disconnected from the larger steel-frame network. Any heat energy from building fires is absorbed by the massive steel girders, columns and beams and transmitted to cooler areas of the network MUCH faster than any single component can become 'ductile' (what a MORON!). Baruch talks about 2800-degree red-iron structural steel being exposed to high temperatures for 'long periods,' but WTC-2 collapsed from 'building fires' (the Govt LIE) within one hour!

OP Photograph Of WTC-7

Click on the Opening Post Photograph and look at WTC-7 standing tall 'above' the dust cloud! WTC-7 stood 350 feet 'away' from WTC-1 (pic) and only one side of the 47-story skyscraper was exposed to any falling debris. And yet, WTC-7 includes thousands and thousands of 2800-degree red-iron structural steel connections (pic) that had to be 'cut' in order to transform this ...


.... into this little pile ...


... in a matter of seconds. Look at all the faces of adjacent buildings to realize WTC-7 (like WTC-1 and WTC-2) collapsed 'straight down' into its own footprint! You should always remember that some WTC-7 Girders measure 9 feet tall ...


... and all of these connections had to be 'cut' all over the skyscraper allowing the building to implode neatly into its own footprint.

WTC7 was on fire from the jet fuel and matter ejected from the other two towers from about 10:00 till 5:00 when it fell.

Bullony! This is Official Cover Story Speculation by a guy sent here to defend Official Cover Story LIES. WTC-7 imploded during a 'symmetrical collapse' meaning that all four sides collapsed at the same time! Mr. Baruch has no explanation for how 'all' of the massive steel components were 'cut' on all sides of WTC-7 to create a symmetrical collapse ...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73qK4j32iuo"]WTC-7 Controlled Demolition Implosion[/ame]

... like any typical Controlled Demolition Implosion! If WTC-7 was affected by fires (not) or falling debris (not) from WTC-1 or WTC-2, then only 'one side' could possibly be affected! That means any 'weakened' side should collapse first and WTC-7 should have leaned over in that direction; which DID NOT HAPPEN.

The whole building was involved and there were lots of plastics that burned at high temperatures through the whole day. After several hours of heat, the steel just weakened enough that the building could no longer support its own weight.

Bullony! Building Fires typically burn between 800 and 1000 degrees (SchwabCorp/UL Info) but structural red-iron steel melts at 2800 degrees (911 Research).


Look at this picture of the North Tower showing a woman standing inside the impact hole! There are obviously NO high temperatures in this area, but all three skyscrapers suffered identical fates on the same day! And this bozo is trying to say that jet fuel (kerosene) traveled some 350 feet through the air to pass through WTC-7 exterior walls and through 3-hour spray-on insulation (pic) to create sufficient damage to cause the catastrophic collapse of the 47-story skyscraper!

The way steel was manufactured for a long time was it was formed in large retorts, poured into slabs, and the slabs were then run through rolling mills to be formed into the shapes that industry wanted. Rolling mills heated the steel to high temperatures and then worked it.

I 'do' (#3) know a lot about the demolition of commercial building structures and this guy is nothing but a Loyal Bushie/Obama LIAR. That is why his conjecture includes links to NOTHING and all of his posts are filled with Official Cover Story LIES, but STUPID Americans (#7-10) will believe just about anything ...


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I would advise that you recheck a few things.

First, you seem to be bothered by the fact it fell strait down. You seem to think the building should have gone over like a tree or something. Recheck your high school physics book. That is the way it is supposed to happen. Trees fall over because they have a diagonal cut at the base in the direction the lumberjack wants it to go.

Second, what is that 4000* number, actually? I think it is the melting point. It has been pointed out to you over and over again that steels loose most of their strength at temperatures a great deal lower.
Steel does not have to melt to fail.

The Madrid and Peking building look substantially different in design from the WTC buildings. The WTC 1 & 2 did not have the lattice structure in your Madrid building. Which also seems to have thick concrete floors and pillars quite different from the structures in NYC.

You subject steel to temperatures high enough for long enough, it will become week and easily bent. It is how the beams were made in the first place.

If you notice your picture, the box may be 4", but the steel itself is only 1/2" and is made into a box.

thicker steel than in your picture can be heated and deformed quite easily.

From the ACW, some pictures of what was done to steels 4" thick, or thicker with just ordinary firewood.



Sherman's men were making 30 miles per day on foot. They didn't have a lot of time to fool around, but enough time to get the job done. They also got quite creative. I have seen pictures where they formed letters from the twisted iron.

Look at this picture of the North Tower showing a woman standing inside the impact hole! There are obviously NO high temperatures in this area, but all three skyscrapers suffered identical fates on the same day!

you twoofers are a bunch of fucking moronic assholes.

you think maybe the poor woman in the photo was standing in a very dangerous area of an airplane impact because MAYBE SHE WAS TRYING TO FIND A WAY OUT?!!! wouldnt that mean the the heat and the fire and smoke in the building was so bad that she had to crawl over building and aircraft debris to get to a hole in a building where she might be able to get some cool fresh air to survive a few more minutes?

you think she was there enjoying the view?!!!

seriously, how fucked up in the head must you be to think that this dying woman needs to be shown as some type of proof that bush and company killed her? :cuckoo:

you guys are assholes.
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High school level Physics calculations show Gravity on the World Trade Center Towers was 0.1 KiloTons of TNT-equivalent energy in "action".

The debris and dust erupted over 8.5 KiloTons of 'TNT' energy in "reaction".

The WTC collapse happened in a vacuum?

If not, the problem becomes a tad bit more complicated than "high school physics".
Hi Mr. Baruch:

I would advise that you recheck a few things.

First, you seem to be bothered by the fact it fell strait down. You seem to think the building should have gone over like a tree or something ...

Save your Official Cover Story Stupidity ... that amounts to unbelievable hogwash! More that 1000 'real' Architects and Engineers (AE911Truth.org) and Scholars (ScholarsForTruth) and Demo Specialists (#3) agree with me. We are looking at ...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73qK4j32iuo"]... 'TWO' Controlled Demolition Implosions ...[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIx2CVRxRXg]9/11 Coincidences (8/19)[/ame]

Watch the short video to realize Baruch is full of BS ...


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Hi Mr. Baruch:

I would advise that you recheck a few things.

First, you seem to be bothered by the fact it fell strait down. You seem to think the building should have gone over like a tree or something ...

Save your Official Cover Story Stupidity ... that amounts to unbelievable hogwash! More that 1000 'real' Architects and Engineers (AE911Truth.org) and Scholars (ScholarsForTruth) and Demo Specialists (#3) agree with me. We are looking at ...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73qK4j32iuo"]... 'TWO' Controlled Demolition Implosions ...[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIx2CVRxRXg]9/11 Coincidences (8/19)[/ame]

Watch the short video to realize Baruch is full of BS ...



1000 out of how many millions? its insignificant. its less than one half of one tenth of one percent.

oh, and your list of engineers and architects include people that are neither architects nor engineers.
Candycorn, Jesse Ventura was a NAVY Seal, Entertainer, Fighter, and more importantly a Governor. Have you done any of them? If so, I hope it's the latter. You want to talk about HERO? He served our country! HE IS FOR DAMN SURE A HERO!
He dropped out of his Governor position for numerious reasons. The main one was because not only was he being bugged and spyed on... He had some shady character that were interrogating him on how he won his election. Some sort of board of people behind our country.
I am OBVIOUSLY a big fan of "The Body". 9/11 Inside Job you are absolutely right! I will listen to Jesse Ventura before any of these corrupt idiots that run this country.

Believe me the best thing to do is ignore agent candy corn.This guy goes around trolling just about every political message board out there,he spends like 14 hours a day going to all these boards posting non stop bullshit.someone with THAT much time on their hands is obviously a disinformation agent.they got plants like him on message boards like this one everywhere.You can tell he isnt the only one of them that has come on here that is one.many people here are in so much denial,they have been taken in by the likes of the agents like him,fizz,gam and baruch.

their logic cracks me up,it doesnt matter to them that hundreds of architects and engineers say they could have only come down cause of explosives,or that demolition experts,first responders,witnesses and firemen have said the same thing nor that to accept the official version,you got to ignore the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for thousands of years.:lol::lol:

THEIR logic is since the corporate controlled media and government agencys said so,its automatically true.what a bunch of morons.:lol::lol: its also not good enough for them that the many of the firefighters in new york called the 9/11 coverup commissions findings that fires caused the towers to collapse,that they called the investigation a half baked farce,NONE of that stuff matters to those fuckhead morons though that have come on here and defended the official version..:lol::lol:
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Hi Mr. Baruch:

I would advise that you recheck a few things.

First, you seem to be bothered by the fact it fell strait down. You seem to think the building should have gone over like a tree or something ...

Save your Official Cover Story Stupidity ... that amounts to unbelievable hogwash! More that 1000 'real' Architects and Engineers (AE911Truth.org) and Scholars (ScholarsForTruth) and Demo Specialists (#3) agree with me. We are looking at ...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73qK4j32iuo"]... 'TWO' Controlled Demolition Implosions ...[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIx2CVRxRXg]9/11 Coincidences (8/19)[/ame]

Watch the short video to realize Baruch is full of BS ...



plus THIS video you have shown many times also proves he is full of bullshit as well.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8n-nT-luFIw]YouTube - 9/11: Total Proof That Bombs Were Planted In The Buildings![/ame]

agents fizz and candycorn and others have never been able to debunk it.This fool Barach would be better off spreading his bullshit and lies to someone other than you since like you said,your a demolition expert which is why your far more qualified than ANY of us that have come on here and posted on what caused those towers to collapse since you have a family owned demolition business.:lol:
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their logic cracks me up,it doesnt matter to them that hundreds of architects and engineers say they could have only come down cause of explosives,or that demolition experts,first responders,witnesses and firemen have said the same thing nor that to accept the official version,you got to ignore the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for thousands of years.:lol::lol:

you are a fucking liar.

the hundreds are architects and engineers you are talking about are calling for a new investigation. they do NOT say "they could have only come down cause of explosives" (whatever the fuck that means).

hundreds of architects and engineers is a very small and insignificant percentage of the millions of architects and engineers in the world. its something like like one half of one tenth of one percent. its ridiculously low. the fact that you bring this up as some type of proof is laughable.

and to top it off, some of the people on the list are neither architects nor engineers!! there is a guy that builds swimming pools on the list!! :lol:
And anyone with a set of eyeballs and common sense solved 9/11 about 10 minutes after it happened.

Yeah, those fucking planes flying into the buildings were kind of a tip-off.

Loyal Bush dupe,they needed those planes to fly into the towers so they could use that as their fairy tale to spread that the planes striking the towers and the fire caused it to collapse.:lol::cuckoo::cuckoo:
agents fizz and candycorn and others have never been able to debunk it.

Agents Fizz and Candycorn, your cover has been compromised. Report back to the safe house immediately to await further instructions and new identities to be issued from company HQ upon your reactivation for future missions.

Of fuck, I just blew my cover too. We aren't very good at this, are we?

Oh well, see you at the safe house, I'll bring the beer.
And anyone with a set of eyeballs and common sense solved 9/11 about 10 minutes after it happened.

Yeah, those fucking planes flying into the buildings were kind of a tip-off.

Loyal Bush dupe,they needed those planes to fly into the towers so they could use that as their fairy tale to spread that the planes striking the towers and the fire caused it to collapse.:lol::cuckoo::cuckoo:

you guys cant even get your story straight. there were planes piloted by remote control, then there were no planes at all, then the jews did it, then bush did it, then it was a missile, then it was an A3, then the flights were cancelled, then explosive demolitions, then when explosive demolitions were proven wrong it was thermite, then when thermite was wrong it was nano-thermite...

get your fucking story straight!! :lol:
Candycorn, Jesse Ventura was a NAVY Seal, Entertainer, Fighter, and more importantly a Governor. Have you done any of them? If so, I hope it's the latter. You want to talk about HERO? He served our country! HE IS FOR DAMN SURE A HERO!
He dropped out of his Governor position for numerious reasons. The main one was because not only was he being bugged and spyed on... He had some shady character that were interrogating him on how he won his election. Some sort of board of people behind our country.
I am OBVIOUSLY a big fan of "The Body". 9/11 Inside Job you are absolutely right! I will listen to Jesse Ventura before any of these corrupt idiots that run this country.

Where are you appearing we'd love to see the rest of your standup act, because so far you are hilarious.

Ventura LOL
And anyone with a set of eyeballs and common sense solved 9/11 about 10 minutes after it happened.

Yeah, those fucking planes flying into the buildings were kind of a tip-off.

Loyal Bush dupe,they needed those planes to fly into the towers so they could use that as their fairy tale to spread that the planes striking the towers and the fire caused it to collapse.:lol::cuckoo::cuckoo:

I fucking hate Bush, so go eat a dick.

However, simply because I hate Bush and think he was one of the worst Presidents in modern history doesn't mean I automatically think he was involved in the greatest criminal conspiracy in the history of our country.

See, you are able to delineate between extremes when you possess the power of abstract though.

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