High Speed Rail?,So Will Alexandria Cortez & Friends Help Build This Monstrosity?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:abgg2q.jpg: So the genuis Cortez is all giddy over the thought/dream of high speed rail all over the USA !!, no more long 4/5 hour flights! Yah !!!. But did she ever give thought to what a pain it would be to construct god only knows how many miles of this train project before its finally done. And who is going to build it? Building super highway systems is a pain in the ass, takes years!
Did the Genius Cortez even consider this burden/dilemma before she dreamed it up? So who will build this high speed train system? "The Little People",,while Cortez is living up a 5 start luxury life-style in 2030?
When asked how did she plan on paying for her Great New Deal, AOC admitted that if we took all of the wealth from the wealthiest Americans and took the resources form the wealthiest companies in the US, it all would not even 'come close' to being able to pay for what is in her 'Sci-Fi Fantasy Novel'.

Again, an un-achievable goal based on non-existent technology admittedly being unaffordable even if it was physically possible.

Great Plan! :p
When asked how did she plan on paying for her Great New Deal, AOC admitted that if we took all of the wealth from the wealthiest Americans and took the resources form the wealthiest companies in the US, it all would not even 'come close' to being able to pay for what is in her 'Sci-Fi Fantasy Novel'.

Again, an un-achievable goal based on non-existent technology admittedly being unaffordable even if it was physically possible.

Great Plan! :p
Cortez: so like, how are we gona pay for this? like, i guess we can just print up the money?
So do you Luddites have STOCK in buggy whip manufacturers?

Trains are 19th Century technology, not modern.

The problem with trains is their lack of flexibility. As the people move and new destinations become popular and old ones become less popular, massive new infrastructure has to be build with new stations and tracks laid. A growing nation like America would need to have millions of Coolies immigrating from China for the kind of track laying that would need to be laid.

Buses and planes are a lot more flexible. They can change routes. Cars are even more flexible.
The Rats got this thing about trains.....they're euro-trash at heart....like royalty, don't like their passport pic so want the US to join the EU. :cuckoo:
The Rats got this thing about trains.....they're euro-trash at heart....like royalty, don't like their passport pic so want the US to join the EU. :cuckoo:
i guess the genius will propose that we use dinasours to move all of the equipment/supplies to the job sites
First we need to define terms....there's no such thing as "fossil fuel". Oil is an abiotic resource continually replenishing it's self from the Earth's core. That means there is no "peak oil" either like the bookworms were predicting while Barry was posing as a president....same as coal...we'll never run out of it.
High speed trains would be amazing in certain busy corridors on the east or west coast. AOC is too nutty though, and Trump is too dumb to see that.
First we need to define terms....there's no such thing as "fossil fuel". Oil is an abiotic resource continually replenishing it's self from the Earth's core. That means there is no "peak oil" either like the bookworms were predicting while Barry was posing as a president....same as coal...we'll never run out of it.
Yea...it only takes 30 to 100 million years to replenish.

blink of an eye...dumbass

How Long Does It Take for Oil to Form Naturally?
High speed trains would be amazing in certain busy corridors on the east or west coast. AOC is too nutty though, and Trump is too dumb to see that.

They already have it....everybody who works in NYC lives in Connecticut.
Trains are 19th Century technology, not modern.

Yea...you never heard of maglev?

There are no solar or wind powered jets.

No one was saying there are

In some locations like Japan or New York City, High speed rail can make sense.

But most Americans live in areas with no where near the density to make it worthwhile.

Example given, if there was a High Speed train in Hermitage PA to connect Hermitage with Youngstown, Erie and Canton , how many would bother to take it?
First we need to define terms....there's no such thing as "fossil fuel". Oil is an abiotic resource continually replenishing it's self from the Earth's core. That means there is no "peak oil" either like the bookworms were predicting while Barry was posing as a president....same as coal...we'll never run out of it.
Yea...it only takes 30 to 100 million years to replenish.

blink of an eye...dumbass

How Long Does It Take for Oil to Form Naturally?

Hey turd.....once again you'd have stepped on your dick if you had a dick....your "experts" are as stupid as you are. Here's a quote from your link: "Crude oil is a fossil fuel and, as the name implies, it is derived from fossils." :21:

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