Highest Ranking General Sent in to Secure Victory for Putin has Been Taken Out by Ukraine Military

Since the Ukraine is in violation of its 1992 treaties to NOT join any alliances hostile to Russia, then "pouring the supplies into Ukraine" is an act of war that is going to get Americans killed.
Russia has no choice.
Kyiv murdered over 14k ethnic Russians since 2014, stole over $20 billion worth of Russian oil and gas, and tried to put NATO nukes on Russia's border.
That is similar to the Cuba Missile Crisis, and we all know how that turned out.
The US removed the offending missiles from Turkey.
Putting offensive missiles on the border of a country is an act of war.
Since Ukraine stated it would not host NATO missiles all along your lie is noted and dismissed.
The general that was killed was apparently in charge of Russian EW efforts. Gerisimov was injured and Dvornikov was present status unknown. It's ironic that the strike was almost certainly the result of a SIGSEC failure.

The fact that Putin sent Gerisimov to take charge over the stalled Izium offensive illustrates the failure of Russian C2. It would be like us sending Milley to take over a battlefield command. It's just not done.

Taking one General out isn't a big thing- the 2IC is there to take over. But take out the command HQ, they lose the ability to communicate with the field commanders. That's big. This was very nearly a decapitation strike.

Equipment acquisition, training, planning, logistics, leadership, medevac, SEA/DEAD, target selection, discipline, maintenance, engineering, recovery, joint operations, air ops.... I don't think any part at any level has not been fubarred.

Russia has lost this war, we're just waiting for the dying to end.
Here's an example of the failure of SIGSEC. When Russia invaded, their comms were so FUBAR that they were using cell phones to communicate. Russian soldiers didn't bring their own cell phones to Ukraine- they took the phones from civilians when they took over the towns and villages.

The Ukrainians took advantage of that. They made an app so people could report their stolen phones and the locations, and the Ukrainians used this data to track the movements of the Russian units.

It really simplifies targeting when the enemy is giving you continuous updates on their position, lol.
The cauldron (encirclement) in the Donbas already holds ~90,000 Ukrainian troops. Thusfar, they have not been able to break out. 160 of these were sent to Valhalla yesterday.
The cauldron (encirclement) in the Donbas already holds ~90,000 Ukrainian troops. Thusfar, they have not been able to break out. 160 of these were sent to Valhalla yesterday.
Lol. They are not trying to break out, and there is no "encirclement".

Ukrainians on the north side of the Donetsk are conducting harassing attacks on the Russian LOC, but there are no strategic positions on that side of the river for Ukraine. Eventually they will retreat to the south bank, and will blow the remaining bridge and the Oskil dam. The Russian advance (if there ever is one) will be mired in the mud again.

The speed of the Russian advance has been 0.78 km/day- you are not going to surprise anyone at that pace.

The terrain around Izium is open fields interspersed with forests- perfect for the defenders, and bad for Russia who has to advance on 2 main roads.

And oh by the way, the command HQ's in Izium and Kherson were just destroyed by Ukraine, so there is ZERO C2 on the Russian side right now.

The line of contact will remain static for the foreseeable future. Russia will continue to make the daily attacks and Ukraine will continue to repel, and the conscripts Russia is throwing at the Ukrainian positions will keep getting killed in large numbers.
Events must be going from bad to worse for the Russian ground troops as a chief of staff should not be in an active combat zone.

It simply means the US is illegally sneaking in longer range missiles.
I guess those snipers probably feel like if women and children can die at the hands of brave Russian warriors....then,
Fuck the Russians and Fuck their generals. Who cares if you die when you see civilians being murdered? you might as well just take out the ones giving the orders.

The fascist Ukrainian racist Azov Battalion is proud of the 14k ethnic Russian civilians they massacred.
Russia is avoiding civilian casualties, and could have just leveled Kyiv from a distance if they had wanted to.
It is Kyiv who is responsible for all the deaths, by deliberately committing acts of war, like trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border.
Just think how devastating to the morale of Russian soldiers it must be, to see burned out Russian tanks everywhere they look, as they approach many of these cities.

The Russians shifted to the east, where there are no burned out Russian tanks, only burned out Ukraine tanks.
Where is the proof that snipers are dying? What we do know for a fact is that generals and high ranking officers are dying. I'm no military analyst but I would say that is definitely not how you win a war. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

It's not going well. Now they know, lol.

Snipers do not usually have any backup, so then always die.
They are always a human sacrifice.
The only exception is if they hold high ground like an urban building, that is heavily fortified.
For example, in Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc., snipers always died.
Guerrilla warfare works damn well. Why do you think we lost in Iraq and Afghanistan?


On the eve of US failure in the Vietnam War in 1969, Henry Kissinger explained America’s failure to win victory as: “We fought a military war; our opponents fought a political one. We sought physical attrition; our opponents aimed for our psychological exhaustion. In the process we lost sight of one of the cardinal maxims of guerrilla war: the guerrilla wins if he does not lose. The conventional army loses if it does not win.”…emphasis added

Jaish ul-Adl, in a series of articles posted on the Internet titled “In the Shadow of the Lances”, used to give practical guidance to potential foreign fighters that al-Qaeda was recruiting to fight in Iraq. The articles explained the merits of employing guerrilla warfare against the US and coalition forces. Al-Neda, al-Qaeda’s main website at that time, used to boast the advantages of using guerrilla warfare to target the occupying forces. Under the title “Guerrilla Warfare Is the most Powerful Weapon Muslims have, and It is The Best Method to Continue the Conflict with the Crusader Enemy” these treatises explained how:

“This is the method that expelled the direct Crusader colonialism from most of the Muslim lands, with Algeria the most well known ... The successful attempts of dealing defeat to invaders using guerrilla warfare were many, and we will not expound on them. However, these attempts have proven that the most effective method for the materially weak against the strong is guerrilla warfare.”

Guerrilla warfare works when it is the general population that is uprising.
But in the east, the general population is ethnic Russian and hates Kyiv, so then the Kyiv forces can't use guerrilla warfare.

Looks like our guys in CIA, MI5 know everything about Moscow Oriental thugs.​

Guys we almost killed Butcher of Syrians - herr Gerasimov , oh its SO SO GOOD ))))​

That is a lie.
The only Syrians the Russians fought were al Qaeda or ISIS.
Lol. They are not trying to break out, and there is no "encirclement".

Ukrainians on the north side of the Donetsk are conducting harassing attacks on the Russian LOC, but there are no strategic positions on that side of the river for Ukraine. Eventually they will retreat to the south bank, and will blow the remaining bridge and the Oskil dam. The Russian advance (if there ever is one) will be mired in the mud again.

The speed of the Russian advance has been 0.78 km/day- you are not going to surprise anyone at that pace.

The terrain around Izium is open fields interspersed with forests- perfect for the defenders, and bad for Russia who has to advance on 2 main roads.

And oh by the way, the command HQ's in Izium and Kherson were just destroyed by Ukraine, so there is ZERO C2 on the Russian side right now.

The line of contact will remain static for the foreseeable future. Russia will continue to make the daily attacks and Ukraine will continue to repel, and the conscripts Russia is throwing at the Ukrainian positions will keep getting killed in large numbers.

Open fields are perfect for the Russian advance, not for the Ukrainian forces that need forest to hide in.

And the Ukrainians destroyed nothing.
It was illegal US missiles that hit the Russian base.
Open fields are perfect for the Russian advance, not for the Ukrainian forces that need forest to hide in.
Here is the google earth of the area around Izium. Zoom in on the E40 and the road between Izium and Barvinkove. There are a million hidey-holes along both routes. If Russia is going to encircle the JFO, that's where they gotta go.

And the Ukrainians destroyed nothing.
It was illegal US missiles that hit the Russian base
It was 3x BM-21's, not US missiles. The dispersal patter shows that. Truth is, the hit on the HQ was either a very lucky shot, or there was a Kvitnik or some other PGM mixed in with the unguided rockets.

If the NATO 155 tubes had done that strike the effects sheaf would be a lot more focused.

Wrt snipers- there is a new kind of sniper on the battlefield now. That is the guy with the commercial drone and repurposed grenade with 3D printed tail section. This new sniper sits far away in safety, and drops the grenade from 1000' on the unsuspecting orcs below. He doesn't have to be a crackshot with a rifle- he needs to be good at video games.

Just one more example of how Ukraine has transformed modern warfare in the course of this "special operation".
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Guerrilla warfare works when it is the general population that is uprising.
But in the east, the general population is ethnic Russian and hates Kyiv, so then the Kyiv forces can't use guerrilla warfare.
Fair point Biut that leaves Central and Western Ukraine s where the people seem to prefer resistance to being under Putin’s thumb.
The fascist Ukrainian racist Azov Battalion is proud of the 14k ethnic Russian civilians they massacred.
Russia is avoiding civilian casualties, and could have just leveled Kyiv from a distance if they had wanted to.
It is Kyiv who is responsible for all the deaths, by deliberately committing acts of war, like trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border.

You're living a fantasy. Ukraine used to have their OWN NUKES and they willingly gave them up in an arms agreement.
Ukraine isnt trying to put nukes anywhere, your making that up. AND, its not a war crime to defend yourself from an invader.
That is stupid.
Wounded officers means lots of snipers willing to die.
That is NOT how anyone wins a war.
And clearly the Ukraine is losing badly and will soon have to surrender completely.
When the Ukraine starts taking territory in Russia, then we can suggest they may be "winning".
Your endless predictions of Ukraine’s inevitable defeat keep getting shot down — much like Russian generals, tanks, boats and troops.

That's like the 2nd or third russian general injured among 13 killed. Numerous high ranking officers have also been lost, but we're supposed to believe the Russians are somehow winning from all the Putin puppets online. LMAO
Most of those generals were "killed" or injured only by the Ukrainian media.
You're living a fantasy. Ukraine used to have their OWN NUKES and they willingly gave them up in an arms agreement.
Ukraine isnt trying to put nukes anywhere, your making that up. AND, its not a war crime to defend yourself from an invader.
Same way, DPR and LPR have right to defend themselves from Ukrainian invasion.
You're living a fantasy. Ukraine used to have their OWN NUKES and they willingly gave them up in an arms agreement.
Ukraine isnt trying to put nukes anywhere, your making that up. AND, its not a war crime to defend yourself from an invader.
Ukraine never had "their own nukes" - those were Soviet nukes, controlled by Moscow.

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