Highest Ranking General Sent in to Secure Victory for Putin has Been Taken Out by Ukraine Military

Do you really believe that Ukraine can win in this conflict?
Yep. The odds are strongly against them. No question. But the Russians have proceeded very poorly. And the Ukrainian victims are fighting back like few expected. Now they are getting outside support (military materiel, primarily). The Russians weren’t prepared for this, obviously.

Nonetheless, the Ukrainians are truly up against it. Even weakened and facing problems, Russia has the edge in this war they started. But that doesn’t guarantee their victory. In many ways, Putin has already gotten his ass kicked and has suffered enormous harm. Now if he were to just die, the Russians might just pull out. Maybe keep a part of what they stole and the war could end.
Just think how devastating to the morale of Russian soldiers it must be, to see burned out Russian tanks everywhere they look, as they approach many of these cities.
Those Russians soldiers don't watch Ukrainian TV and don't read Ukrainian fakes news. They see a real battlefield with destroyed Ukrainian tanks and killed Ukrainian soldiers.
Those Russians soldiers don't watch Ukrainian TV and don't read Ukrainian fakes news. They see a real battlefield with destroyed Ukrainian tanks and killed Ukrainian soldiers.
Or they see their own comrades being savaged and killed in very large numbers. They see lots of their own tanks wrecked. Their own flagship sunk. Their own Generals getting killed and injured. They see that they aren’t making much progress — even after destroying entire towns and cities and they still can’t “take” those places.

You place too much stock in Russia’s propaganda.
The fascist Ukrainian racist Azov Battalion is proud of the 14k ethnic Russian civilians they massacred.
Russia is avoiding civilian casualties, and could have just leveled Kyiv from a distance if they had wanted to.
It is Kyiv who is responsible for all the deaths, by deliberately committing acts of war, like trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border.

How many Ukrainians has the Wagner Group murdered?

Yep. The odds are strongly against them. No question. But the Russians have proceeded very poorly. And the Ukrainian victims are fighting back like few expected. Now they are getting outside support (military materiel, primarily). The Russians weren’t prepared for this, obviously.
Previous time liberation of Ukraine took two years. Right now Russians are going quite well - they don't bite more than they can chew in one time. Even if there are only 1% of "pro-Ukrainian" guys on the "liberated" lands it means tens of thousands of potential "terrorists" - a hell of job for FSB and Rosguard, especially if they want to avoid unnecessary victims and still want to keep minds and hearts of the locals.

Nonetheless, the Ukrainians are truly up against it. Even weakened and facing problems, Russia has the edge in this war they started. But that doesn’t guarantee their victory. In many ways, Putin has already gotten his ass kicked and has suffered enormous harm. Now if he were to just die, the Russians might just pull out. Maybe keep a part of what they stole and the war could end.
Actually, they proceed even better than in the second Chechen campaign, and Putin's support is still increasing.
What is even more important, if Vladimir "It Is Better To Bend Than To Break" Putin gone, all his potential successors are supporters of the "hurder line" like Dmitriy "He's not Demon" and "Finish the Leftovers" Medvedev.
Previous time liberation of Ukraine took two years. Right now Russians are going quite well - they don't bite more than they can chew in one time. Even if there are only 1% of "pro-Ukrainian" guys on the "liberated" lands it means tens of thousands of potential "terrorists" - a hell of job for FSB and Rosguard, especially if they want to avoid unnecessary victims and still want to keep minds and hearts of the locals.

Actually, they proceed even better than in the second Chechen campaign, and Putin's support is still increasing.
What is even more important, if Vladimir "It Is Better To Bend Than To Break" Putin gone, all his potential successors are supporters of the "hurder line" like Dmitriy "He's not Demon" and "Finish the Leftovers" Medvedev.
Lol. Sure. I’m gonna pretend that I believe that almost as hard as you pretend to believe it. Then, go for a nice cruise on the Moskva.
Those Russians soldiers don't watch Ukrainian TV and don't read Ukrainian fakes news. They see a real battlefield with destroyed Ukrainian tanks and killed Ukrainian soldiers.

I wasn't talking about Ukrainian tv. The ruskie soldiers will see plenty of burned out Russian tanks and other crap as they drive toward various Ukrainian cities.

And you have no way of knowing which news is fake.
Or they see their own comrades being savaged and killed in very large numbers.

They see lots of their own tanks wrecked.

Not as much as Ukrainian propaganda declare. Not even close. And what is even more important - they see much more Ukrainian soldiers killed and Ukrainian tanks destroyed.

Their own flagship sunk.
It's normal for the Russians. Actually, their oldest Black Sea Fleet ship - salvage ship Kommuna saw the death of three Black Sea Fleet flagships.

Their own Generals getting killed and injured.
But when their Generals are at the front line - they increase moral of their soldiers.

They see that they aren’t making much progress — even after destroying entire towns and cities and they still can’t “take” those places.
Actually Kherson and Melitopol (as well as many towns in the future Kherson People Republic and Zaporijie People Republic) are not damaged at all. Mariupol is damaged much less than was Grozniy or Aleppo.
What is even more important for increasing moral of the Russian soldiers - they see plenty of saved Russians, really grateful for their liberation, debt cancellation, significantly decreased fuel prices and so on. They really see that they are fighting for defending their own kind.
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Those Russians soldiers don't watch Ukrainian TV and don't read Ukrainian fakes news. They see a real battlefield with destroyed Ukrainian tanks and killed Ukrainian soldiers.

So...... you don't think Russian soldiers are seeing the 3500 burned out Russian vehicles and tanks when they roll into Ukraine? You don't think they see all the dead and torn up pieces of what was once 18 year old conscripts just like themselves? Ukrainians, all professional fighters, unlike Russian conscripts,, are fighting for their land, their freedom and the lives of their families and friends. What are conscripts fighting for? To stay alive? To loot? A bigger backyard for Putin? Who do you think will be more motivated to fight? It's not wonder morale in the russian army is absolute shit. Intercepted calls show they don't even know why they're even in Ukraine. How's that for a strategy to motivate your own soldiers, lol
Snipers do not usually have any backup, so then always die.
They are always a human sacrifice.
The only exception is if they hold high ground like an urban building, that is heavily fortified.
For example, in Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc., snipers always died.

But where is the actual proof of dead Ukrainian snipers? Show me their dead bodies :laugh:
So...... you don't think Russian soldiers are seeing the 3500 burned out Russian vehicles and tanks when they roll into Ukraine?
Nobody saw that 3500 burned out "Russian vehicles". It's just tales.

You don't think they see all the dead and torn up pieces of what was once 18 year old conscripts just like themselves?
The Army of Russian Federation don't use conscripts in this special operation. DPR and LPR use, but all men in DPR and LPR know what they are fighting for.
And the guys from the Russian Federation know, that they are fighting against evil Nazies, who actually kill Russian people in DPR, LPR and Odessa.

Ukrainians, all professional fighters, unlike Russian conscripts,, are fighting for their land, their freedom and the lives of their families and friends.
Actually, Ukrainian soldiers do not fight for their land, freedom or lives of their families. Some of them are fighting for money, some - afraid denazification.

What are conscripts fighting for? To stay alive? To loot? A bigger backyard for Putin? Who do you think will be more motivated to fight?
Right now the most motivated fighters are in People's Militia of DPR. They have been shelled by Ukrainian Army for eight years, and many of their friends and relatives were killed by Ukrainian Army and Neo-Nazi battalions.

It's not wonder morale in the russian army is absolute shit. Intercepted calls show they don't even know why they're even in Ukraine. How's that for a strategy to motivate your own soldiers, lol
Actually, they believe that DPR and LPR are independent states and Crimea is a part of Russia. And they have pretty good reasons to think so.
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BTW, talking about Russian propaganda, there are few nice songs, explaining some of their motives:

Donbas is with us​

In the deep darkness, the Beast awoke,
And to the God, the price was named,
Everyone bowed down, even brothers in Christ,
Everyone bowed down, but not my country.

The year was graceful and fruitful,
And death was drunken with blood,
The lead filled clouds overtook the skies,
Everything bowed down, but not my country.

Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Donbas is with us,
And so is God!

Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Russia is with us,
And so is God!

Here the memory never gave up on our fathers,
We never gave up on our forefathers lands,
Not for any price will you find the words,
To give a life for fatherland is nothing.

And once again the Russian power is at hand,
Both life and death, for our country are red [beautiful],
It stands and holds the heavenly clouds,
My undefeated county.

Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Donbas is with us,
And so is God!

Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Russia is with us,
And so is God!

May be it that we'll die on the cross,
But on our knees we shall not be thrown,
On the bloody battlefield, one is for all,
Holds and keeps the heavenly clouds Donbas.

Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Donbas is with us,
And so is God!

Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Moscow is with us,
And so is God!
Nobody saw that 3500 burned out "Russian vehicles". It's just tales.

The Army of Russian Federation don't use conscripts in this special operation. DPR and LPR use, but all men in DPR and LPR know what they are fighting for.
And the guys from the Russian Federation know, that they are fighting against evil Nazies, who actually kill Russian people in DPR, LPR and Odessa.

Actually, Ukrainian soldiers do not fight for their land, freedom or lives of their families. Some of them are fighting for money, some - afraid denazification.

Right now the most motivated fighters are in People's Militia of DPR. They have been shelled by Ukrainian Army for eight years, and many of their friends and relatives were killed by Ukrainian Army and Neo-Nazi battalions.

Actually, they believe that DPR and LPR are independent states and Crimea is a part of Russia. And they have pretty good reasons to think so.

Funny, how Russians don't even have so called "tales" to tell, probably because their entire "special operation" is so completely and utterly FUBAR at this point not even state tv can spin it, lmao. The only ppl running interference for Russia are nutty right wingers here in this country.

Conscripts are all Russia has. Don't be surprised when Putin declares all out war on Ukraine and calls up more on May 9th

You probably believe that Ukraine is murdering russian speakers don't you? lol
Funny, how Russians don't even have so called "tales" to tell, probably because their entire "special operation" is so completely and utterly FUBAR at this point not even state tv can spin it, lmao. The only ppl running interference for Russia are nutty right wingers here in this country.
Actually, if you really want to learn something about the Russian point of view on this operation you can easily find plenty of sources in English, for example, these telegram channels:




Conscripts are all Russia has. Don't be surprised when Putin declares all out war on Ukraine and calls up more on May 9th
Obviously, you are wrong. Declaring of all out war on Ukraine only is impossible by their military doctrine. There are four levels of the military conflicts:
1) armed conflict (right now in the form of the special military operation) ;
2) local war (between two states) - conventional weapon only;
3) regional war (between states of the single region, for example - European war) - conventional and nuclear weapon;
4) large-scale war (against states from more than one region, for example - Europe and America) - they are going to use "everything".

So, they can't declare "all out war" to single Ukraine, only to NATO. And I very doubt that they will do it until August (if there won't be really stupid mistakes of Biden's Administration, of course) .

You probably believe that Ukraine is murdering russian speakers don't you? lol
All Ukrainians are Russian speakers. So yes, murdering of pro-Russian activists and opposition (for example, Odessa massacre or indiscriminative shelling of Donbass) is murdering of Russian-speakers.


  • IMG_20220409_140514.jpg
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BTW, talking about Russian propaganda, there are few nice songs, explaining some of their motives:

Donbas is with us​

In the deep darkness, the Beast awoke,
And to the God, the price was named,
Everyone bowed down, even brothers in Christ,
Everyone bowed down, but not my country.

The year was graceful and fruitful,
And death was drunken with blood,
The lead filled clouds overtook the skies,
Everything bowed down, but not my country.

Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Donbas is with us,
And so is God!

Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Russia is with us,
And so is God!

Here the memory never gave up on our fathers,
We never gave up on our forefathers lands,
Not for any price will you find the words,
To give a life for fatherland is nothing.

And once again the Russian power is at hand,
Both life and death, for our country are red [beautiful],
It stands and holds the heavenly clouds,
My undefeated county.

Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Donbas is with us,
And so is God!

Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Russia is with us,
And so is God!

May be it that we'll die on the cross,
But on our knees we shall not be thrown,
On the bloody battlefield, one is for all,
Holds and keeps the heavenly clouds Donbas.

Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Donbas is with us,
And so is God!

Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Moscow is with us,
And so is God!

The most delirious thing is that Putin knows religion is necessary for the prisoners, just as the "founding fathers" (sans Indigene) of America knew. The second most delirious thing is that a non-existent god and his dead son are supposedly voyeurs to all of this (and [italics]) already know what's going to happen.
Actually, if you really want to learn something about the Russian point of view on this operation you can easily find plenty of sources in English, for example, these telegram channels:
View attachment 640326
View attachment 640319

View attachment 640327

Obviously, you are wrong. Declaring of all out war on Ukraine only is impossible by their military doctrine. There are four levels of the military conflicts:
1) armed conflict (right now in the form of the special military operation) ;
2) local war (between two states) - conventional weapon only;
3) regional war (between states of the single region, for example - European war) - conventional and nuclear weapon;
4) large-scale war (against states from more than one region, for example - Europe and America) - they are going to use "everything".

So, they can't declare "all out war" to single Ukraine, only to NATO. And I very doubt that they will do it until August (if there won't be really stupid mistakes of Biden's Administration, of course) .

All Ukrainians are Russian speakers. So yes, murdering of pro-Russian activists and opposition (for example, Odessa massacre or indiscriminative shelling of Donbass) is murdering of Russian-speakers.
The catholic-CIA POSPOTUS will not be allowed to make mistakes because the Pentagon knows that the US would lose and NATO would be blown out of the sky.
Actually, if you really want to learn something about the Russian point of view on this operation you can easily find plenty of sources in English, for example, these telegram channels:
View attachment 640326
View attachment 640319

View attachment 640327

Obviously, you are wrong. Declaring of all out war on Ukraine only is impossible by their military doctrine. There are four levels of the military conflicts:
1) armed conflict (right now in the form of the special military operation) ;
2) local war (between two states) - conventional weapon only;
3) regional war (between states of the single region, for example - European war) - conventional and nuclear weapon;
4) large-scale war (against states from more than one region, for example - Europe and America) - they are going to use "everything".

So, they can't declare "all out war" to single Ukraine, only to NATO. And I very doubt that they will do it until August (if there won't be really stupid mistakes of Biden's Administration, of course) .

All Ukrainians are Russian speakers. So yes, murdering of pro-Russian activists and opposition (for example, Odessa massacre or indiscriminative shelling of Donbass) is murdering of Russian-speakers.

How many rubles is putin paying you?
The catholic-CIA POSPOTUS will not be allowed to make mistakes because the Pentagon knows that the US would lose and NATO would be blown out of the sky.
Talking about Roman Catholic position.


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