Highways Need a Higher Gas Tax

the so called Post Master General and then Senator Cantor had a plan.....to offset deficit spending to keep the highway trust fund solvent by mandating the end to Saturday delivery and using the money saved there for highway maintenance.
I'll bet they could save even MORE money if they only delivered one day a week! :lol:

:lol:.....smart ass.....why i oughta....
The hell wth more gas taxes...Tax the bloated rich and oil companies their fair share, and pass an infrastructure/jobs act. After 30 year of give the rich and corporations and investment in the country a pass, our roads and bridges, ports, railroads and airports are a mess...

Here we go with the "fair share" nonsense....

Since you brought this up please share with the class....
What exactly do you mean by that.
Be as specific as possible please....

You have heard it many times from your leaders over at MSNBC....

Tell us exactly what you mean...

How much is fair share...Give us a percentage,give us a dollar amount.

90% or is that just a starting point.
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That's a good one, you put a smile on my face.

If the gas taxes were used where they were supposed to be used we wouldn't have this thread because there would be enough revenue.

the so called Post Master General and then Senator Cantor had a plan.....to offset deficit spending to keep the highway trust fund solvent by mandating the end to Saturday delivery and using the money saved there for highway maintenance... instead of letting the PO use that money to help with their problems....and this guy is the PMG?.....

Postal logic, Harry. PMG must be a obama lap dog.

and yet not one Senator,not even Issa, has called for this guy to step down......:dunno:
The hell wth more gas taxes...Tax the bloated rich and oil companies their fair share, and pass an infrastructure/jobs act. After 30 year of give the rich and corporations and investment in the country a pass, our roads and bridges, ports, railroads and airports are a mess...

you rock Frankie.....:rock:
Fair share....
Fair share....

To a Lib fair share means most of what a person or company earns.
For after all Libs feel that any money earned by a company or individual belongs to government first.
Libs have always dreamed of $5 gas, but since we are getting there, they now want it much higher.

In their minds, the higher it gets, the less we drive, the more we walk, bicycle, and take mass transit.

They hate suburbia, and rural areas. They want us all living in large urban areas in walking distance to all services. This has always been their master plan.

Your Rightwing programming has definitely integrated itself into what used to be your brain.

I'm a Liberal and I want the teabaggers holding the House hostage to eliminate Wall Street speculation on oil, which would bring the price of a gallon of gas down 40-80 cents.

I also want them to put a cap on exports of refined gas, which would bring the price down.

Why won't the House Republicans do anything to lower the price of gas, teabagger?

Gas was about $1.79 when Obama took office, why doesn't Obama work to lower prices, Occubagger ?
18.3(?) Cents in fed taxes has been steady for that long
Yep, it's been steady for over 20 years. With the higher revenues from higher gas prices, oil companies pay higher taxes to the feds, meaning the feds have more to invest in highway funds. Gas taxes should be going down instead of up!

Oil companies don't receive gas taxes, dope.
When you gassed up at 99 cents/gallon the oil companies had to pay a portion of that revenue to the government in the form of taxes. Now that you gas up at $3.33/gallon the oil companies have pay more to the government in the form of taxes due to the higher revenues. This has nothing to do with the gas taxes which have remained steady for over 20 years.
Higher gas tax?!?!? At the start of 2002, I recall paying 99 cents a gallon for gas. Now, 12 years later the price is over 3 bucks. How could anyone justify needing a higher gas tax when gas is $3.50/gallon, but not when it was 99 cents/gallon?

18.3(?) Cents in fed taxes has been steady for that long
Sometime in the 2000s Georgia raised their gas tax by 30 cents a gallon.

I'm sure it's Obama's fault.

Try and stay on the topic, Synth, it's difficult, I know.

Whatever you read into my post was nothing more than sheer stupidity on your part.
Try and show me where anything I posted was about your messiah.
Good grief some of you wingers are dense. :eusa_whistle:
Libs have always dreamed of $5 gas, but since we are getting there, they now want it much higher.

In their minds, the higher it gets, the less we drive, the more we walk, bicycle, and take mass transit.

They hate suburbia, and rural areas. They want us all living in large urban areas in walking distance to all services. This has always been their master plan.

Your Rightwing programming has definitely integrated itself into what used to be your brain.

I'm a Liberal and I want the teabaggers holding the House hostage to eliminate Wall Street speculation on oil, which would bring the price of a gallon of gas down 40-80 cents.

I also want them to put a cap on exports of refined gas, which would bring the price down.

Why won't the House Republicans do anything to lower the price of gas, teabagger?

Gas was about $1.79 when Obama took office, why doesn't Obama work to lower prices, Occubagger ?

Because Presidents have no such power, that's why. And for the record gas prices were only at $1.90 on 1/20/09 because of an overcorrection plummet after hitting an all-time high of $4.30 (in today's dollars) the previous summer. It plummeted with the economic collapse. Neither the high nor the low were realistic or sustainable. And neither was the doing of either President.


Gas prices follow the price of oil on the international market. It's out of our hands. That master valve at the White House does not exist. This bullshit about how either Bush or O'bama either set records or caused them to rise is just that -- bullshit.
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And they always seem able to divert them away to the general fund for some reason.

This just in: "seem to" STILL isn't an argument.

Better luck tamorra.

Another one that thinks lottery money goes to education...

This just in: an insinuative ipse dixit post on an internet message board still isn't an argument. Don't bother asking again tamorra.
If a gallon of gas costs 37 cents, a two cent tax is a big deal. If a gallon of gas costs $3.70, maybe 2 cents isn't such a big deal.

This just in: "seem to" STILL isn't an argument.

Better luck tamorra.

Another one that thinks lottery money goes to education...

This just in: an insinuative ipse dixit post on an internet message board still isn't an argument. Don't bother asking again tamorra.

And I bet this one thinks that the Social Security trust fund is solvent as well..
Your Rightwing programming has definitely integrated itself into what used to be your brain.

I'm a Liberal and I want the teabaggers holding the House hostage to eliminate Wall Street speculation on oil, which would bring the price of a gallon of gas down 40-80 cents.

I also want them to put a cap on exports of refined gas, which would bring the price down.

Why won't the House Republicans do anything to lower the price of gas, teabagger?

Gas was about $1.79 when Obama took office, why doesn't Obama work to lower prices, Occubagger ?

Because Presidents have no such power, that's why. And for the record gas prices were only at $1.90 on 1/20/09 because of an overcorrection plummet after hitting an all-time high of $4.30 (in today's dollars) the previous summer. It plummeted with the economic collapse. Neither the high nor the low were realistic or sustainable. And neither was the doing of either President.


Gas prices follow the price of oil on the international market. It's out of our hands. That master valve at the White House does not exist. This bullshit about how either Bush or O'bama either set records or caused them to rise is just that -- bullshit.

But wait, I thought the high prices back in '07-'08 were due to Bush trying to help all of his rich oil buddies ?
Gas was about $1.79 when Obama took office, why doesn't Obama work to lower prices, Occubagger ?

Because Presidents have no such power, that's why. And for the record gas prices were only at $1.90 on 1/20/09 because of an overcorrection plummet after hitting an all-time high of $4.30 (in today's dollars) the previous summer. It plummeted with the economic collapse. Neither the high nor the low were realistic or sustainable. And neither was the doing of either President.


Gas prices follow the price of oil on the international market. It's out of our hands. That master valve at the White House does not exist. This bullshit about how either Bush or O'bama either set records or caused them to rise is just that -- bullshit.

But wait, I thought the high prices back in '07-'08 were due to Bush trying to help all of his rich oil buddies ?

Yep. It was on the news everyday. Libs were screaming and reporters were hanging out at gas stations peddling stories about these horrid economic conditions due to bush policy and blah blah blah. Fast forward to O and 3.50 to 4.00 a gallon prices and the media became silent and subservient.
According to this, the author would happily see gasoline prices at $5 per gallon in order to make the highways safe.

But, you and I know that more money going into the federal treasury is nothing but another incentive to hire more bureaucrats or give the ones already entrenched bigger bonuses.

Read more @ http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/16/opinion/16wed1.html?ref=todayspaper&_r=0

The roads and highways in my part by an large seem pretty good, don't see a problem with them except maybe the endless construction.

The problem with the highway gasoline fund is that the more fuel efficient cars means less tax revenue. Thus the higher the tax the more people will by more fuel efficient automobiles it is a self feeding problem. I am thinking that doing away with the gas tax and going to a tax based on mileage might be fairer, unless fuel efficient car don't wear out the roads as fast as other cars.

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