Highways Need a Higher Gas Tax

Gas taxes are earmarked for the highway fund. Your argument fails.

Those dollars mat very well be collected for the purpose of maintaining and building roads, but as we all know, such is not the case.
Federal road money funds get raided on a regular basis.
the federal highway fund is running out of money because of waste fraud and abuse.
Now the bastards want US to pay for THEIR misdeeds.
I don't think so.
Gas taxes are earmarked for the highway fund. Your argument fails.

Those dollars mat very well be collected for the purpose of maintaining and building roads, but as we all know, such is not the case.
Federal road money funds get raided on a regular basis.
the federal highway fund is running out of money because of waste fraud and abuse.
Now the bastards want US to pay for THEIR misdeeds.
I don't think so.

--- says the poster who presents no evidence beyond "it seems that...". Again.

How do you make up that 39%? :eusa_think:

If you're a business owner paying your employees exactly the same thing since 1993, do you answer their pleas for a cost-of-living raise with "you're running out of money because of waste, fraud and abuse - now you want me to pay for YOUR misdeeds? I don't think so"?

Yeah, you probably do.
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Gas taxes are earmarked for the highway fund. Your argument fails.

That's a good one, you put a smile on my face.

If the gas taxes were used where they were supposed to be used we wouldn't have this thread because there would be enough revenue.

Revenue from gas taxes has dropped due to more fuel efficient vehicles and less miles being driven by private vehicle owners, no tax hike has been implemented offset this downward trend.
That's a load of crap. Miles driven increases every year.
That revenue drop reported by the political left isn't a drop in revenue at all. They are anticipating a reduction in revenue because they want cover for years of pilfering from the cookie jar.
Like I said...Feel free to write a check. we already pay too much to get around.
That's a good one, you put a smile on my face.

If the gas taxes were used where they were supposed to be used we wouldn't have this thread because there would be enough revenue.

Revenue from gas taxes has dropped due to more fuel efficient vehicles and less miles being driven by private vehicle owners, no tax hike has been implemented offset this downward trend.
That's a load of crap. Miles driven increases every year.
That revenue drop reported by the political left isn't a drop in revenue at all. They are anticipating a reduction in revenue because they want cover for years of pilfering from the cookie jar.
Like I said...Feel free to write a check. we already pay too much to get around.

Feel free to write a check for the $50 billion the highway trust fund already stole from SS trust fund to cover the highway funding shortfall. It's time to stop mainlining roads until you thugs start squealing.

FYI miles driven & fuel consumption are down.
Libs have always dreamed of $5 gas, but since we are getting there, they now want it much higher.

In their minds, the higher it gets, the less we drive, the more we walk, bicycle, and take mass transit.

They hate suburbia, and rural areas. They want us all living in large urban areas in walking distance to all services. This has always been their master plan.

Your Rightwing programming has definitely integrated itself into what used to be your brain.

I'm a Liberal and I want the teabaggers holding the House hostage to eliminate Wall Street speculation on oil, which would bring the price of a gallon of gas down 40-80 cents.

I also want them to put a cap on exports of refined gas, which would bring the price down.

Why won't the House Republicans do anything to lower the price of gas, teabagger?

"eliminate Wall Street speculation on oil, which would bring the price of a gallon of gas down 40-80 cents."
Oil and gas futures are traded on an open market.
If those trades were to be ended, someone or some group would be charged with the duty of setting ( fixing) those prices...
Now, to whom do we look for benevolence that would give you satisfaction?
The government? The oil companies? The oil producing countries?
And when the cost to produce rises well beyond the consumer price, what then? Would you then agree that rationing is in order?
And of the cost to produce falls well below the consumer price, do you then scream to the government that you now wish it were again traded on an open market?
BTW, there has not been proposal one coming from Capitol Hill from any legislator that would mandate prices be fixed.
So your 'obstructionist' argument is a big fat FAIL...
You're a liberal alright.....You don't know what you want.
That's a good one, you put a smile on my face.

If the gas taxes were used where they were supposed to be used we wouldn't have this thread because there would be enough revenue.

Revenue from gas taxes has dropped due to more fuel efficient vehicles and less miles being driven by private vehicle owners, no tax hike has been implemented offset this downward trend.
That's a load of crap. Miles driven increases every year.
That revenue drop reported by the political left isn't a drop in revenue at all. They are anticipating a reduction in revenue because they want cover for years of pilfering from the cookie jar.
Like I said...Feel free to write a check. we already pay too much to get around.

Check this out.

Higher gas tax?!?!? At the start of 2002, I recall paying 99 cents a gallon for gas. Now, 12 years later the price is over 3 bucks. How could anyone justify needing a higher gas tax when gas is $3.50/gallon, but not when it was 99 cents/gallon?

18.3(?) Cents in fed taxes has been steady for that long
Sometime in the 2000s Georgia raised their gas tax by 30 cents a gallon.

I'm sure it's Obama's fault.

Uhh.....Georgia's gasoline tax is broken down as such
7.5% excise tax. 21.5 cents other taxes... or 29 cents per gallon. So by your statement, GA's gas tax was MINUS one cent per gallon?
This is not the first time I have busted you in a bald faced lie.
Not only are you a liberal. You are a lying sack of shit liberal. Which makes you a candidate for a leadership position of your ideology.
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Fair share....
Fair share....

To a Lib fair share means most of what a person or company earns.
For after all Libs feel that any money earned by a company or individual belongs to government first.

Nope...They believe it ultimately belongs to them....
The typical lib of today views those with higher incomes than they as money the lib would have in their pocket only if the higher earner were not paid more than what the lib deems as "fair".
We see it here all the time...."Well, if that CEO wasnt getting paid so much, the company would have money to give us all raises".
In the next sentence, these libs are screaming "GREED"...
Who are the greedy ones?
18.3(?) Cents in fed taxes has been steady for that long
Sometime in the 2000s Georgia raised their gas tax by 30 cents a gallon.

I'm sure it's Obama's fault.

Try and stay on the topic, Synth, it's difficult, I know.

Whatever you read into my post was nothing more than sheer stupidity on your part.
Try and show me where anything I posted was about your messiah.
Good grief some of you wingers are dense. :eusa_whistle:
Short bus is a perfect moniker for synth
Your Rightwing programming has definitely integrated itself into what used to be your brain.

I'm a Liberal and I want the teabaggers holding the House hostage to eliminate Wall Street speculation on oil, which would bring the price of a gallon of gas down 40-80 cents.

I also want them to put a cap on exports of refined gas, which would bring the price down.

Why won't the House Republicans do anything to lower the price of gas, teabagger?

Gas was about $1.79 when Obama took office, why doesn't Obama work to lower prices, Occubagger ?

Because Presidents have no such power, that's why. And for the record gas prices were only at $1.90 on 1/20/09 because of an overcorrection plummet after hitting an all-time high of $4.30 (in today's dollars) the previous summer. It plummeted with the economic collapse. Neither the high nor the low were realistic or sustainable. And neither was the doing of either President.


Gas prices follow the price of oil on the international market. It's out of our hands. That master valve at the White House does not exist. This bullshit about how either Bush or O'bama either set records or caused them to rise is just that -- bullshit.

Beg to differ....The domestic energy policies of each respective energy producing nation go a long way to influence consumer prices.
That's a good one, you put a smile on my face.

If the gas taxes were used where they were supposed to be used we wouldn't have this thread because there would be enough revenue.

Revenue from gas taxes has dropped due to more fuel efficient vehicles and less miles being driven by private vehicle owners, no tax hike has been implemented offset this downward trend.

Less wear on roads and bridges,less repairs less cost??

Piss poor management is more to blame than you talking points. New York has the highest taxes across the board and some of the worst roads.A state highway rout 38 runs through the town we live in,last fall they milled rumble strip into the center,which promptly broke the road surface up and had to be re milled out and replaced all withing a few months,not long befor that another state road had new line painted on,a good thing,except a month later they repaved over the new painted lines only to repaint once again on new pavement,which was just a thin coat,which has also failed rather quickly.This is what is the problem,not more mony.

That nonsense keeps the union thugs happy
Revenue from gas taxes has dropped due to more fuel efficient vehicles and less miles being driven by private vehicle owners, no tax hike has been implemented offset this downward trend.
That's a load of crap. Miles driven increases every year.
That revenue drop reported by the political left isn't a drop in revenue at all. They are anticipating a reduction in revenue because they want cover for years of pilfering from the cookie jar.
Like I said...Feel free to write a check. we already pay too much to get around.

Feel free to write a check for the $50 billion the highway trust fund already stole from SS trust fund to cover the highway funding shortfall. It's time to stop mainlining roads until you thugs start squealing.

FYI miles driven & fuel consumption are down.

The reason it's stealing from SSI is because it has been cut to the lowest levels in 25 years. I wish these fuckers would stop driving on our highways if they feel this way.
Sure but in the months before and the months after it was still between 1.80 and 1.50 per gallon.

Gasoline Price History

The tax needs to be adjusted for inflation.
But due to the higher gas prices, the feds are collecting more from the oil companies in the form of taxes. So the feds have more to invest in highway funds/infrastructure than they did when gas was only 99 cents/gallon. There should be no need to raise the gas tax as a result. Also, inflation does not explain an increase from 99 cents/gallon to $3.50/gallon in just twelve years.

What the feds (and states and local municipalities) collect is a constant fixed level; has nothing to do with what the final price per gallon at the pump is (with the exception that some states (Georgia is one) vary their tax on a sliding scale). So what determines that income is strictly the number of gallons sold. And if that number either goes down or stays level due to higher fuel efficiency, less driving, people telecommuting instead of commuting, etc, such income is going to fall behind the rising costs of road maintenance. Not rocket surgery.

That's exactly why some legislators have proposed a tax on mileage, where every vehicle would be monitored and taxed per X number of miles individually. Even though that would require retrofitting hundreds of millions of cars with spy devices and then people to maintain those devices ---- instead of just doing the no-brainer thing and raising the tax to where it works.

And no, it's not inflation causing prices to rise, it's demand worldwide, especially emerging engorging markets like China and India. That's why the President has no say in it -- the oil business is a worldwide profit-seeking venture. It's not subject to US legislation. Unless somebody wants to nationalize the oil companies and fly solo.

Nice try...
While newer autos are attaining better fuel economy, the avg age of a privately owned vehicle has gone past 11 years. Most of those autos are not in the newer CAFE standards range. Also, total miles driven increases each year. The idea that fuel tax revenue is falling must come under great scrutiny.
So far, no one has touched it because this mileage tax is an idea that is merely a trial balloon. This is an idea that is tested to see if it is politically palatable. If not, the idea goes away rather quickly as whomever the politician is that floated the idea, quickly runs from it. Especially in a year where that person or person is running for reelection.
If i were you, i'd put the champaign back in the darkest recesses of the wine cellar because this mileage tax thing will not be gaining the political traction it needs to even get into committee, let alone a floor vote in either house of ANY state.
IN all of this there is one constant. When government introduces away to extract more from the people or business, each will attempt to find ways to get around the extraction.
For example, Delaware has very low corporate taxes and a business friendly legislature. Many companies that do business across state lines are incorporated there.
When a state saddles their residents with high property taxes, some will move to neighboring states or purchase a second home or a piece of property to set up residence in the lower tax state.
One issue that may arise is if one state decides to move forward with a mileage tax, many auto owners will simply register their vehicles in other states. That is very easy to do.
For example, when I moved to SC, I found the personal property tax on vehicles to be exorbitant, I registered them at my in laws address in NC at a savings of 75%. Simple. Fuck 'em.
Gas taxes are earmarked for the highway fund. Your argument fails.

Those dollars mat very well be collected for the purpose of maintaining and building roads, but as we all know, such is not the case.
Federal road money funds get raided on a regular basis.
the federal highway fund is running out of money because of waste fraud and abuse.
Now the bastards want US to pay for THEIR misdeeds.
I don't think so.

--- says the poster who presents no evidence beyond "it seems that...". Again.

How do you make up that 39%? :eusa_think:

If you're a business owner paying your employees exactly the same thing since 1993, do you answer their pleas for a cost-of-living raise with "you're running out of money because of waste, fraud and abuse - now you want me to pay for YOUR misdeeds? I don't think so"?

Yeah, you probably do.

Where in my post do you see the words "it seems that"?
What 39%? WTF are you yammering about?
Your argument is specious. Your example is nonsense.
Revenue from gas taxes has dropped due to more fuel efficient vehicles and less miles being driven by private vehicle owners, no tax hike has been implemented offset this downward trend.
That's a load of crap. Miles driven increases every year.
That revenue drop reported by the political left isn't a drop in revenue at all. They are anticipating a reduction in revenue because they want cover for years of pilfering from the cookie jar.
Like I said...Feel free to write a check. we already pay too much to get around.

Feel free to write a check for the $50 billion the highway trust fund already stole from SS trust fund to cover the highway funding shortfall. It's time to stop mainlining roads until you thugs start squealing.

FYI miles driven & fuel consumption are down.
And for this ( conserving fuel) we should be punished? Typical government think.
BTW, it's a 0.4% drop in miles driven. Ok, then the feds can have the 0.4% which would be
a lousy 7/10ths of a penny per gallon added to the federal gas tax...Happy now?
BTW, there is now and never was a SS trust fund and you've not provided any data to support the amount.
Stop your politicians from stealing from the highway fund FIRST....
Revenue from gas taxes has dropped due to more fuel efficient vehicles and less miles being driven by private vehicle owners, no tax hike has been implemented offset this downward trend.
That's a load of crap. Miles driven increases every year.
That revenue drop reported by the political left isn't a drop in revenue at all. They are anticipating a reduction in revenue because they want cover for years of pilfering from the cookie jar.
Like I said...Feel free to write a check. we already pay too much to get around.

Check this out.


Less than 1% fewer total miles driven....Your point?

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