Hilarious! Republicans are having a bad day in so many ways.

Republicans have a possible indictment of their president and the irreparable damage to their party that would result
Alan Dershowitz -“The Justice Department has twice ruled in a long extensive memo, which I just read this morning, for the second or third time, stating clearly that the president cannot be indicted, prosecuted, and tried while serving in office. The only mechanism the Constitution provides is that he could be impeached, and once impeached and removed from office, he can then be charged with a criminal trial. But a sitting president cannot — according to the Justice Department, be tried.”
CNN is a fascist hate site?

One of the worst. The Heinreich Himmlers at CNN have utterly no regard for integrity and fact.

The truth is I get a lot of my information from Fox and Richard Spencer and Steve Bannon and Donald Trump himself and other leaders of the Republican Party.

Yet the only thing you ever link to is radical left hate sites. Funny dat..... :dunno:

Just post what they put out there and watch right wingers scream liar.

95% of what you post is absurdly false. You take distortions and half-truths from the hate sites and put your own special RDerp spin on them.

It’s odd if you think about it. Republicans follow these people without question and then when you post their positions they scream liar. Makes you wonder what they’re actually following.

If Republicans didn’t believe what I post they would say why instead they attack the messenger.

It’s pitiful.

It’s just pitiful.


You live in a Stalinist fantasy. What you post, including the above, has no relation to fact or reality.
Republicans have a possible indictment of their president and the irreparable damage to their party that would result

Ooohhhh, so you Commies GOT HIM NOW?

Well how about that....


Think if democrats put one tenth the effort into finding solutions that you do into treason, what a productive world this would be.....

Ah, but you're just fucking traitors...
Republicans have a possible indictment of their president and the irreparable damage to their party that would result

Ooohhhh, so you Commies GOT HIM NOW?

Well how about that....


Think if democrats put one tenth the effort into finding solutions that you do into treason, what a productive world this would be.....

Ah, but you're just fucking traitors...
Solutions?? A member of the fiscal responsibility party speaks about dems finding solutions?
How's the weather in your made up world? If you ever make it to reality, we'll both read this OP of yours and laaaaauuugh.
I couldn't make up what Trump and the Republicans do.

No one would believe it.

That's why I post links. Most of the time with video.

Seeing and hearing is believing.

Most of the time, your video has nothing to do with your subject.

Which is only partisan butthurt on your part.
Not true.

Very little of what you post has any relation to facts.

You are a creature of hate. You spew Nazi propaganda from Thinkprogess, CNN, DailyKOS and other vile fascist hate sites. It's all you do.
CNN is a fascist hate site?

The truth is I get a lot of my information from Fox and Richard Spencer and Steve Bannon and Donald Trump himself and other leaders of the Republican Party.

Just post what they put out there and watch right wingers scream liar.

It’s odd if you think about it. Republicans follow these people without question and then when you post their positions they scream liar. Makes you wonder what they’re actually following.

If Republicans didn’t believe what I post they would say why instead they attack the messenger.

It’s pitiful.

It’s just pitiful.

What they attack are your sorry stupid conclusions.

Which really are no conclusions...they are more wet dreams.

I watch Trump and know he is a moron. Do I care ? Not at all.

He isn't damaging the country so I really am not worried.

You, somehow think the US can't survive him. Well, it survived Obama. It can survive him.

In fact it is doing quite well.

You have your underwear up you buttcrack over all kinds of stuff nobody cares about.

You keep saying pitiful.

I would agree that describes you to the molecule.
Republicans have a possible indictment of their president and the irreparable damage to their party that would result

Not in the least.

Granted the party is a mess....

But we still beat you, hold the WH, the senate, and have appointed two good judges.

So, you party is an even bigger mess.
How's the weather in your made up world? If you ever make it to reality, we'll both read this OP of yours and laaaaauuugh.
I couldn't make up what Trump and the Republicans do.

No one would believe it.

That's why I post links. Most of the time with video.

Seeing and hearing is believing.

Most of the time, your video has nothing to do with your subject.

Which is only partisan butthurt on your part.
Not true.

Very little of what you post has any relation to facts.

You are a creature of hate. You spew Nazi propaganda from Thinkprogess, CNN, DailyKOS and other vile fascist hate sites. It's all you do.
CNN is a fascist hate site?

The truth is I get a lot of my information from Fox and Richard Spencer and Steve Bannon and Donald Trump himself and other leaders of the Republican Party.

Just post what they put out there and watch right wingers scream liar.

It’s odd if you think about it. Republicans follow these people without question and then when you post their positions they scream liar. Makes you wonder what they’re actually following.

If Republicans didn’t believe what I post they would say why instead they attack the messenger.

It’s pitiful.

It’s just pitiful.

Just look at your Avatar.

You could not smear Kavenaugh with a 30 year old crap story (that nobody cared about anyway.....even if it were true).

He's on the SCOTUS.

And you are still holding your ass with both hands.

We are moving on.

You are stuck in your buttcrackhurt.

Pitiful.....to the max.
Republicans have a possible indictment of their president and the irreparable damage to their party that would result
And they deserve every bit of it Never in my memory has an ah president tried so hard to divide America

You were gone for eight years while Obama screwed things up ?
Yes the 75 straight months of 6 digit job gains and a great stock market were horrible Add in a 4% unemployment rate down from a republican 9% and the highest ever vote total and we have a complete screw up
Solutions?? A member of the fiscal responsibility party speaks about dems finding solutions?

How many times since 2015 have you fucking piece of shit traitor Marxists claimed "Trump IZ DUN, we got him...?"

With all the energy you put into treason, think if you piles of shit put that energy into something decent?
Republicans have a possible indictment of their president and the irreparable damage to their party that would result
And they deserve every bit of it Never in my memory has an ah president tried so hard to divide America

You were gone for eight years while Obama screwed things up ?
Yes the 75 straight months of 6 digit job gains and a great stock market were horrible Add in a 4% unemployment rate down from a republican 9% and the highest ever vote total and we have a complete screw up

Great Stock Market?

The market has made more gains since MONDAY than it did under 8 years of Queer Barry.
Solutions?? A member of the fiscal responsibility party speaks about dems finding solutions?

How many times since 2015 have you fucking piece of shit traitor Marxists claimed "Trump IZ DUN, we got him...?"

With all the energy you put into treason, think if you piles of shit put that energy into something decent?
The days of The House protecting the scum are over He might last 2 more years but will forever be thought of as an embarrassment to America, republican party, and all the nitwits who supported him
Republicans have a possible indictment of their president and the irreparable damage to their party that would result
And they deserve every bit of it Never in my memory has an ah president tried so hard to divide America

You were gone for eight years while Obama screwed things up ?
Yes the 75 straight months of 6 digit job gains and a great stock market were horrible Add in a 4% unemployment rate down from a republican 9% and the highest ever vote total and we have a complete screw up

Great Stock Market?

The market has made more gains since MONDAY than it did under 8 years of Queer Barry.
How'd it end up for the year?? give or take another day?
Solutions?? A member of the fiscal responsibility party speaks about dems finding solutions?

How many times since 2015 have you fucking piece of shit traitor Marxists claimed "Trump IZ DUN, we got him...?"

With all the energy you put into treason, think if you piles of shit put that energy into something decent?
The days of The House protecting the scum are over He might last 2 more years but will forever be thought of as an embarrassment to America, republican party, and all the nitwits who supported him


Yeah, you GOT HIM NOW... :backpedal:
Solutions?? A member of the fiscal responsibility party speaks about dems finding solutions?

How many times since 2015 have you fucking piece of shit traitor Marxists claimed "Trump IZ DUN, we got him...?"

With all the energy you put into treason, think if you piles of shit put that energy into something decent?
The days of The House protecting the scum are over He might last 2 more years but will forever be thought of as an embarrassment to America, republican party, and all the nitwits who supported him


Yeah, you GOT HIM NOW... :backpedal:
Talk to me after 75 subpoenas make trump wet his pants with darling moron children get indicted
Republicans have a possible indictment of their president and the irreparable damage to their party that would result
And they deserve every bit of it Never in my memory has an ah president tried so hard to divide America

You were gone for eight years while Obama screwed things up ?
Yes the 75 straight months of 6 digit job gains and a great stock market were horrible Add in a 4% unemployment rate down from a republican 9% and the highest ever vote total and we have a complete screw up

Great Stock Market?

The market has made more gains since MONDAY than it did under 8 years of Queer Barry.
How'd it end up for the year?? give or take another day?

Year isn't over yet, Comrade.

240 more on the DJIA and the year ends up.
Solutions?? A member of the fiscal responsibility party speaks about dems finding solutions?

How many times since 2015 have you fucking piece of shit traitor Marxists claimed "Trump IZ DUN, we got him...?"

With all the energy you put into treason, think if you piles of shit put that energy into something decent?
The days of The House protecting the scum are over He might last 2 more years but will forever be thought of as an embarrassment to America, republican party, and all the nitwits who supported him


Yeah, you GOT HIM NOW... :backpedal:
Talk to me after 75 subpoenas make trump wet his pants with darling moron children get indicted

Torquemada loves to torture the children of his victims. But Trump is the president. Yes, you traitors have declared Torquemada the most powerful man in the world, far more powerful than the president.

Fuck with Trumps kids and I suspect you traitor fucks will find out just how wrong you really are...
And they deserve every bit of it Never in my memory has an ah president tried so hard to divide America

You were gone for eight years while Obama screwed things up ?
Yes the 75 straight months of 6 digit job gains and a great stock market were horrible Add in a 4% unemployment rate down from a republican 9% and the highest ever vote total and we have a complete screw up

Great Stock Market?

The market has made more gains since MONDAY than it did under 8 years of Queer Barry.
How'd it end up for the year?? give or take another day?

Year isn't over yet, Comrade.

240 more on the DJIA and the year ends up.
Hope it goes up another 1000 Top stocks I have are AAPL MSFT FB and SQ Owned them at their highs and never sold them,,,,,,,,,,,so I'm a loser this year
Solutions?? A member of the fiscal responsibility party speaks about dems finding solutions?

How many times since 2015 have you fucking piece of shit traitor Marxists claimed "Trump IZ DUN, we got him...?"

With all the energy you put into treason, think if you piles of shit put that energy into something decent?
The days of The House protecting the scum are over He might last 2 more years but will forever be thought of as an embarrassment to America, republican party, and all the nitwits who supported him


Yeah, you GOT HIM NOW... :backpedal:
Talk to me after 75 subpoenas make trump wet his pants with darling moron children get indicted

Torquemada loves to torture the children of his victims. But Trump is the president. Yes, you traitors have declared Torquemada the most powerful man in the world, far more powerful than the president.

Fuck with Trumps kids and I suspect you traitor fucks will find out just how wrong you really are...
Want to see him go bonkers He's half way there

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