Hilarious Spin: Trump Caused the Shutdown!


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Oh my goodness. Let's see:

* Trump spent most of Thursday and Friday on the phone trying to convince Senate Democrats to vote for the House spending bill that would have kept the government open for another month.

* Trump repeatedly asked that DACA be considered separately from the budget, as it should be.

* The Democrats insisted on tying DACA to the budget.

* After the House passed a spending bill on Thursday by a fairly comfortable margin, Senate Democrats invoked a filibuster so that Republicans would need 60 votes to keep the government open.

* Trump invited Schumer to the White House on Friday afternoon to try to persuade him to support the spending bill and keep the government open.

* Schumer continued to oppose the spending bill and voted against it, as did most of his fellow Democrats.

* 47 of the 51 Republicans in the Senate voted for the spending bill, but only 5 Democrats voted for the bill.

Liberal conclusion: Trump caused the shutdown! You can't make up stuff that's funnier and more pathetic than this.
Oh my goodness. Let's see:

* Trump spent most of Thursday and Friday on the phone trying to convince Senate Democrats to vote for the House spending bill that would have kept the government open for another month.

* Trump repeatedly asked that DACA be considered separately from the budget, as it should be.

* The Democrats insisted on tying DACA to the budget.

* After the House passed a spending bill on Thursday by a fairly comfortable margin, Senate Democrats invoked a filibuster so that Republicans would need 60 votes to keep the government open.

* Trump invited Schumer to the White House on Friday afternoon to try to persuade him to support the spending bill and keep the government open.

* Schumer continued to oppose the spending bill and voted against it, as did most of his fellow Democrats.

* 47 of the 51 Republicans in the Senate voted for the spending bill, but only 5 Democrats voted for the bill.

Liberal conclusion: Trump caused the shutdown! You can't make up stuff that's funnier and more pathetic than this.
The Democrat Party and the liberal media continue to say that "the Republicans control both Houses of Congress and the White House". That is pure bullshit! When issues in the Senate require 60 votes, the Democrat Party controls the Senate and can defeat any bill put before them. Chuck Schumer is a goddamned LIAR, an obstructionist and an enemy of the people of the United States.
Oh my goodness. Let's see:

* Trump spent most of Thursday and Friday on the phone trying to convince Senate Democrats to vote for the House spending bill that would have kept the government open for another month.

* Trump repeatedly asked that DACA be considered separately from the budget, as it should be.

* The Democrats insisted on tying DACA to the budget.

* After the House passed a spending bill on Thursday by a fairly comfortable margin, Senate Democrats invoked a filibuster so that Republicans would need 60 votes to keep the government open.

* Trump invited Schumer to the White House on Friday afternoon to try to persuade him to support the spending bill and keep the government open.

* Schumer continued to oppose the spending bill and voted against it, as did most of his fellow Democrats.

* 47 of the 51 Republicans in the Senate voted for the spending bill, but only 5 Democrats voted for the bill.

Liberal conclusion: Trump caused the shutdown! You can't make up stuff that's funnier and more pathetic than this.
Let's do the blame game.
-First Obama implements DACA a bill that first appeared in 2001, giving a clear path to citizenship for people who where born and raised in the US.
-Second Trump promises on campaign not just a wall, but that Mexico pay for it
-Third Trump rescind DACA siting he wants congress to rule on it, not have it by EO. ( Trump has signed over 50 EO, but that one he didn't want?)
-Fourth. Democrats feel that since DACA recipients will be in danger of deportation in early march and NO steps have been taken to address the situation, use the budget to get a deal struck.
-Fifth. To that end they negotiate a deal that first Trump is for, then comes out against because he wants both funding for the wall that MEXICO was supposed for and a complete overhaul of the immigration system. Using the fact that he blew up DACA in the first place as leverage. Going as far as to use shithole countries in the negotiation, thereby insuring that Democratic lawmakers have to take a stand in order to keep the loyalty of their base.
-Sixth. The Republicans couldn't even get a budget that would be acceptable for all their own members.
But the Democrats are responsible? Here's a tip. When you NEGOTIATE something, you are supposed to let the person you negotiate with, get something in return. And when you act like a bully and the other person isn't afraid of you they will tend to fight back
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Most Left Wingers are so insane with hate that reality just doesn't matter to them.
The bad thing about it is that the Fake News feeds the dumb liberal crackpots everyday.
You will believe anything.

Uh, this is all a matter of record that played out on national TV. Were you on Mars for the last three days?

The Republican-controlled House DID pass a spending bill--one that included a six-year extension of CHIP--right? I can link you to the bill and the vote, if you want. And then the bill went to the Senate. Gee, which party's Senators voted overwhelmingly against it, by a margin of 44-5? And which party's Senators voted overwhelmingly for it, by a margin of 47-4? Oh, and which party invoked a filibuster so that keeping the government open would require 60 votes? Heard of C-SPAN? You can see all this with your eyes on C-SPAN.

You are a supreme example of the liberal willingness to ignore reality rather than admit error and fault. Even when these events played out on national TV for all to see, you ignore them.
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Republicans are in charge of the government now, all branches and their sycophants and Russian bots blame the democrats, you have to see it to believe it. One has to wonder what dumb pills they take in mass quantity to be this dumb?

There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." Soren Kierkegaard
This is great. Dems have moved their Party all-in in support of illegal aliens and fucking over our Veterans.

Great work! That's going to make a great commercial for the midterms
Republicans are in charge of the government now, all branches and their sycophants and Russian bots blame the democrats, you have to see it to believe it. One has to wonder what dumb pills they take in mass quantity to be this dumb?

There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." Soren Kierkegaard

Yea, most Democrat Voters don't understand that the Senate has to have 60 votes and the dirty rotten corrupt Democrat Senators just don't care about the American people, they only care about their racist illegal aliens who brag about invading our country.
Oh my goodness. Let's see:

* Trump spent most of Thursday and Friday on the phone trying to convince Senate Democrats to vote for the House spending bill that would have kept the government open for another month.

* Trump repeatedly asked that DACA be considered separately from the budget, as it should be.

* The Democrats insisted on tying DACA to the budget.

* After the House passed a spending bill on Thursday by a fairly comfortable margin, Senate Democrats invoked a filibuster so that Republicans would need 60 votes to keep the government open.

* Trump invited Schumer to the White House on Friday afternoon to try to persuade him to support the spending bill and keep the government open.

* Schumer continued to oppose the spending bill and voted against it, as did most of his fellow Democrats.

* 47 of the 51 Republicans in the Senate voted for the spending bill, but only 5 Democrats voted for the bill.

Liberal conclusion: Trump caused the shutdown! You can't make up stuff that's funnier and more pathetic than this.
Let's do the blame game.
-First Obama implements DACA a bill that first appeared in 2001, giving a clear path to citizenship for people who where born and raised in the US.
-Second Trump promises on campaign not just a wall, but that Mexico pay for it
-Third Trump rescind DACA siting he wants congress to rule on it, not have it by EO. ( Trump has signed over 50 EO, but that one he didn't want too?)
-Fourth. Democrats feel that since DACA recipients will be in danger of deportation in early march and NO steps have been taken to address the situation, use the budget to get a deal struck.
-Fifth. To that end they negotiate a deal that first Trump is for, then comes out against because he wants both funding for the wall that MEXICO was supposed for and a complete overhaul of the immigration system. Using the fact that he blew up DACA in the first place as leverage. Going as far as to use shithole countries in the negotiation, thereby insuring that Democratic lawmakers have to take a stand in order to keep the loyalty of their base.
-Sixth. The Republicans couldn't even get a budget that would be acceptable for all their own members.
But the Democrats are responsible? Here's a tip. When you NEGOTIATE something, you are supposed to let the person you negotiate with, get something in return. And when you act like a bully and the other person isn't afraid of you they will tend to fight back
liberal fool said:
-First Obama implements DACA a bill that first appeared in 2001, giving a clear path to citizenship for people who where born and raised in the US.
No. People that are born in the United States are citizens automatically, whether they are raised here or not. This has been so ever since the Constitution was adopted.

liberal fool said:
-Third Trump rescind DACA siting he wants congress to rule on it, not have it by EO. ( Trump has signed over 50 EO, but that one he didn't want too?)
President Trump rescinded Obama's DACA EO because it was ILLEGAL. Congress controls immigration, not the President.

liberal fool said:
-Fourth. Democrats feel that since DACA recipients will be in danger of deportation in early march and NO steps have been taken to address the situation, use the budget to get a deal struck.
Democrats have until March 5 to work out legal legislation to allow current DACA recipients to remain in the country. They made their demand to include DACA in a spending bill in order to insist on expansion of illegal immigration and increase their voting block.

liberal fool said:
But the Democrats are responsible? Here's a tip. When you NEGOTIATE something, you are supposed to let the person you negotiate with, get something in return. And when you act like a bully and the other person isn't afraid of you they will tend to fight back
Anything included in a spending bill should be related to spending. The loony Democrats want to include expansion of an illegal immigration EO in a spending bill. They are doing nothing more than hostage 'negotiations'. What they did is attempted extortion. Liberalism is a mental disorder...as exemplified in your asinine post.
Republicans are in charge of the government now, all branches and their sycophants and Russian bots blame the democrats, you have to see it to believe it. One has to wonder what dumb pills they take in mass quantity to be this dumb?

There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." Soren Kierkegaard

LOL! Are you really this stupid? Oh, so the Republicans are in charge so that means they can do whatever they want?! Ever heard of a Senate filibuster? Go look it up. When the minority party invokes a filibuster, the majority party has to get 60 votes to pass the bill. If the Democrats had not done a filibuster, the bill would have passed 52-48.

Another liberal who clearly flunked high school civics.
Republicans are in charge of the government now, all branches and their sycophants and Russian bots blame the democrats, you have to see it to believe it. One has to wonder what dumb pills they take in mass quantity to be this dumb?

There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." Soren Kierkegaard
See Post #3 above, you dimwit!
Oh my goodness. Let's see:

* Trump spent most of Thursday and Friday on the phone trying to convince Senate Democrats to vote for the House spending bill that would have kept the government open for another month.

* Trump repeatedly asked that DACA be considered separately from the budget, as it should be.

* The Democrats insisted on tying DACA to the budget.

* After the House passed a spending bill on Thursday by a fairly comfortable margin, Senate Democrats invoked a filibuster so that Republicans would need 60 votes to keep the government open.

* Trump invited Schumer to the White House on Friday afternoon to try to persuade him to support the spending bill and keep the government open.

* Schumer continued to oppose the spending bill and voted against it, as did most of his fellow Democrats.

* 47 of the 51 Republicans in the Senate voted for the spending bill, but only 5 Democrats voted for the bill.

Liberal conclusion: Trump caused the shutdown! You can't make up stuff that's funnier and more pathetic than this.
Let's do the blame game.
-First Obama implements DACA a bill that first appeared in 2001, giving a clear path to citizenship for people who where born and raised in the US.
-Second Trump promises on campaign not just a wall, but that Mexico pay for it
-Third Trump rescind DACA siting he wants congress to rule on it, not have it by EO. ( Trump has signed over 50 EO, but that one he didn't want too?)
-Fourth. Democrats feel that since DACA recipients will be in danger of deportation in early march and NO steps have been taken to address the situation, use the budget to get a deal struck.
-Fifth. To that end they negotiate a deal that first Trump is for, then comes out against because he wants both funding for the wall that MEXICO was supposed for and a complete overhaul of the immigration system. Using the fact that he blew up DACA in the first place as leverage. Going as far as to use shithole countries in the negotiation, thereby insuring that Democratic lawmakers have to take a stand in order to keep the loyalty of their base.
-Sixth. The Republicans couldn't even get a budget that would be acceptable for all their own members.
But the Democrats are responsible? Here's a tip. When you NEGOTIATE something, you are supposed to let the person you negotiate with, get something in return. And when you act like a bully and the other person isn't afraid of you they will tend to fight back
liberal fool said:
-First Obama implements DACA a bill that first appeared in 2001, giving a clear path to citizenship for people who where born and raised in the US.
No. People that are born in the United States are citizens automatically, whether they are raised here or not. This has been so ever since the Constitution was adopted.

liberal fool said:
-Third Trump rescind DACA siting he wants congress to rule on it, not have it by EO. ( Trump has signed over 50 EO, but that one he didn't want too?)
President Trump rescinded Obama's DACA EO because it was ILLEGAL. Congress controls immigration, not the President.

liberal fool said:
-Fourth. Democrats feel that since DACA recipients will be in danger of deportation in early march and NO steps have been taken to address the situation, use the budget to get a deal struck.
Democrats have until March 5 to work out legal legislation to allow current DACA recipients to remain in the country. They made their demand to include DACA in a spending bill in order to insist on expansion of illegal immigration and increase their voting block.

liberal fool said:
But the Democrats are responsible? Here's a tip. When you NEGOTIATE something, you are supposed to let the person you negotiate with, get something in return. And when you act like a bully and the other person isn't afraid of you they will tend to fight back
Anything included in a spending bill should be related to spending. The loony Democrats want to include expansion of an illegal immigration EO in a spending bill. They are doing nothing more than hostage 'negotiations'. What they did is attempted extortion. Liberalism is a mental disorder...as exemplified in your asinine post.
No. People that are born in the United States are citizens automatically, whether they are raised here or not. This has been so ever since the Constitution was adopted.
You are right my bad. On the other hand I would call somebody who had lived in the US since before they could talk as American.

President Trump rescinded Obama's DACA EO because it was ILLEGAL. Congress controls immigration, not the President.
It's not illegal to not choose to enforce deportation for DACA recipients. There's no ruling on the legality of it by ANY court because it is NOT illegal. The status quo could have been maintained without any problems. Furthermore the legality of a particular EO has never been important to Trump, think of his first Muslim ban.

Democrats have until March 5 to work out legal legislation to allow current DACA recipients to remain in the country. They made their demand to include DACA in a spending bill in order to insist on expansion of illegal immigration and increase their voting block.
They made it at the only time they have some leverage. What are they supposed to do, keep their mouth shut and accept that Republicans don't give a shit?

Anything included in a spending bill should be related to spending. The loony Democrats want to include expansion of an illegal immigration EO in a spending bill. They are doing nothing more than hostage 'negotiations'. What they did is attempted extortion. Liberalism is a mental disorder...as exemplified in your asinine post.
And putting unrelated stuf on a bill is something BOTH sides have been known to do. Saying it is wrong is at best hypocritical if not dishonest. I thank you for answering the premise of what I say.
Schumer and the Dems are willing to put money into the dopey wall. Trump said no.

Not on this planet. Trump even agreed that about 800 miles of the border do not need a wall due to the terrain and conditions. He also agreed that part of the wall could be virtual (motion and thermal sensors, etc.). And why is the budget being held hostage to immigration in the first place? Because the Dems insist on it.

What planet do you live on?
Aren't the liberal replies some of the most amazing denials of reality in history?

I mean, all of this played out on national TV. The Republicans passed a spending bill in the House to keep the government open. Trump urged the Senate to pass it. Paul Ryan urged the Senate to pass it. But since the Dems insisted on tying DACA to the budget, they filibustered the bill because they knew that without a filibuster the bill would pass and the government would stay open. The bill got 52 votes, enough to pass without a filibuster, but since the Dems filibustered, it did not pass. And somehow, someway this is Trump's fault!
Schumer and the Dems are willing to put money into the dopey wall. Trump said no.

Not on this planet. Trump even agreed that about 800 miles of the border do not need a wall due to the terrain and conditions. He also agreed that part of the wall could be virtual (motion and thermal sensors, etc.). And why is the budget being held hostage to immigration in the first place? Because the Dems insist on it.

What planet do you live on?

Pay attention. The wall funding was in the deal that Trump shit on. You do not have command of the facts.

Trump and Ryan used the dreamers to play politics with the budget. Sorry to be the bearer of facts.

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