Hill Poll: Majority Believe obama Has Changed Country For The Worse


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Hill Poll: Majority Believe obama Has Changed Country For The Worse

Two-thirds of likely voters say President Obama has kept his 2008 campaign promise to change America — but it’s changed for the worse, according to a sizable majority.

A new poll for The Hill found 56 percent of likely voters believe Obama’s first term has transformed the nation in a negative way, compared to 35 percent who believe the country has changed for the better under his leadership.

The results signal broad voter unease with the direction the nation has taken under Obama’s leadership and present a major challenge for the incumbent Democrat as he seeks reelection this fall.

Conducted for The Hill by Pulse Opinion Research, the poll comes in the wake of last month’s Supreme Court decision that upheld the primary elements of Obama’s signature healthcare legislation.
It found 68 percent of likely voters — regardless of whether they approve or disapprove of Obama — believe the president has substantially transformed the country since his 2009 inauguration.

The feeling that Obama has changed the country for the worse is strongest among Republicans, at 91 percent, compared to 71 percent of Democrats who support Obama’s brand of change.

Strikingly, 1-in-5 Democrats say they feel Obama has changed the United States for the worse.

Hill Poll: Majority believe Obama has changed country for worse - TheHill.com
No shocker here. The board libtards will avoid this thread like the plague. It pretty much pops their little messiah is going to get reelected fantasy.

And it highlights how stupid the dems here must be. They're like the last of the few holdouts still left supporting the kenyan.

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At a campaign stop in Ohio on Friday, Obama actually said we’re still “heading in the right direction.” Is he kidding? As a stagnant GDP drops below 2 percent, employment falters, retail sales decline, and the ISM index for manufacturing drops below 50 (signaling contraction)? No objective observer can deny that the economy is headed in the wrong direction.

I don’t like playing the pessimist, but the numbers are the numbers. This is exactly what former Clinton advisers James Carville, Doug Schoen, and Stanley Greenberg have been warning Obama about. People just don’t believe the economy is getting better. So he’s gotta change his message.
I wouldnt be surprised if the poll was accurate, but I dont take much stock in polls. We all know there are problems with Obama's leadership, that just means we need to step up and be the leaders our communities need.
How did Obama do that ? Did he appoint himself pResident ?
No. You (once again) got what you asked(voted) for.
Don't blame Obama for murkin ignorance.
Dems could really learn from the propaganda machine that IS the GObP. They spend enormous money lying to the public and obviously, its effective.
That's pretty obvious. He's left a dismal future for many generations to come.
It's what I would expect.
Now will enough Dems swallow their ego, admit they fucked up, and transform this to the polling booth ? Probably not.
No shocker here. The board libtards will avoid this thread like the plague. It pretty much pops their little messiah is going to get reelected fantasy.

And it highlights how stupid the dems here must be. They're like the last of the few holdouts still left supporting the kenyan.


I'm here.

Maybe you didn't get the memo, but Presidential elections aren't determined by a random sample of 1000 likely voters. Its going to be hard for those who might vote for Romney to drag their asses to the polls to vote for someone who has no clear stance on any issue except that he wants to be President and cut his own taxes.
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By continuing Bush's/Clinton's/ect's policies.

"You know that hopey changey stuff? I was f'ing lying to y'all!"

- B. Hussein

Boy barry wasn't lying. He did change the country. He changed into his vision of socialism and if he gets another chance he'll keep doing it.

"You know that hopey changey stuff? I was f'ing lying to y'all!"

- B. Hussein

Boy barry wasn't lying. He did change the country. He changed into his vision of socialism and if he gets another chance he'll keep doing it.


Many smoke alarms actually do come with the equivalent of a snooze button, moron. If you're cooking and a false alarm is triggered, you hit the button and it disables the alarm for a few minutes. Without them, you might have to choose between listening to a constant alarm while you cook something that releases a lot of smoke, or taking the alarm down (and risk forgetting to put it back up).
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