Hillary Approved Sending Sarin Gas To Rebels To Frame Assad

The world wide left is trying to set Trump up for a fail. Just like they did to Bush by telling him Saddam had Chem weapons. Our own CIA may have purposely misled Bush in hopes of ruining his presidency.
They are doing it again here. Don't fall for it Trump!
"We were able to find a solution that didn't necessitate the use of force that actually removed the chemical weapons that were known from Syria, in a way that the use of force would never have accomplished. Our aim in contemplating the use of force following the use of chemical weapons in August of 2013 was not to intervene in the civil war, not to become involved in the combat between Assad and the opposition, but to deal with the threat of chemical weapons by virtue of the diplomacy that we did with Russia and with the Security Council. We were able to get the Syrian government to voluntarily and verifiably give up its chemical weapons stockpile....."

Susan Rice

In January, Susan Rice Assured NPR the Obama Admin Removed Chemical Weapons From Syria

How f---ing incompetent is this woman ???

Syria Gas Attack 'False Flag' Accusations And Why They're Totally Wrong | The Huffington Post

He particularly objected to the headline of my story on April 28th, “Seymour Hersh Says Hillary Approved Sending Libya’s Sarin to Syrian Rebels”, because he said that I was going too far to read this into his statement there.

I called to his attention that the fact that Gaddafi’s stockpiles included sarin had been rather widely alleged by other journalists and was confirmed in 2015, but he responded by saying that it’s not something that he had reported and so I shouldn’t have assumed that he accepted it as being factual.

Are we peddling FAKE NEWS again?
Orange Pumpkin Trump laughs at Don Rickles, then orders him deported to Alabama.

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