Hillary beats Trump in Latest National Poll by 11%

Question for our resident libs and Hillaryites. When was the last time that Trump supporters attacked Hillary or Bernie supporters outside a Hillary or Bernie rally?

Oh, can't come up with any?

Conclusion: the violence is all on the left/dem/lib side.
They were not trespassing. The heckling and protest were at public venues. Use of embellishments and outright lies show the weakness of your argument.

They weren't public venues, they were venues reserved by Trump. You can't go to a wedding you are not invited to, you would be trespassing. You can't go to a concert you didn't buy a ticket for, you would be trespassing. Trump rallies are not inviting the leftist whack jobs you justify attacking Trump supporters, they are trespassing
They were public venues because Trump wanted to boost attendance. There were no pre-conditions, tickets or caveats. The rallies were open to the public and that is what makes them public venues.
1rt Amendment free speech does not get canceled just because temper tantrum Trump doesn' like what he is hearing. He had a right to ask for them to leave or have them removed. The mob and individual Trump supporters did not have a right to assault or mistreat them. Payback is a bitch.

Bull crap. The events are open to people who want to hear Trump, not people who don't want others to hear him. Show where anyone was invited who did not want to hear Trump.

Not going to hear back from you on that, am I?
Sure you will hear back from me. Show anyone was invited or not invited. A public venue means the public is invited, not individuals or specific groups. If that were the case it would be a closed venue.

These were Republican primary rallies. Attendance did not require showing a Republican Party ID or registration card or even a plain voter registration card.Anyone who showed up was allowed and in fact welcomed to the event. They were public events, purposely made public events for boosting attendance.

I went to a Trump rally, you dolt. I received an email from his organization that invited me to get a ticket if I wanted to go. You had to present the ticket at the door to gain admittance.

You obviously don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. That's why you are making stuff up.

Please keep spouting your ignorance. You only make yourself and the thugs look worse.
Well, that explains why you are so butthurt about the thread topic.
They handed those so called passes or tickets out for free as you entered the venue at the two I went to.
They weren't public venues, they were venues reserved by Trump. You can't go to a wedding you are not invited to, you would be trespassing. You can't go to a concert you didn't buy a ticket for, you would be trespassing. Trump rallies are not inviting the leftist whack jobs you justify attacking Trump supporters, they are trespassing
They were public venues because Trump wanted to boost attendance. There were no pre-conditions, tickets or caveats. The rallies were open to the public and that is what makes them public venues.
1rt Amendment free speech does not get canceled just because temper tantrum Trump doesn' like what he is hearing. He had a right to ask for them to leave or have them removed. The mob and individual Trump supporters did not have a right to assault or mistreat them. Payback is a bitch.

Bull crap. The events are open to people who want to hear Trump, not people who don't want others to hear him. Show where anyone was invited who did not want to hear Trump.

Not going to hear back from you on that, am I?
Sure you will hear back from me. Show anyone was invited or not invited. A public venue means the public is invited, not individuals or specific groups. If that were the case it would be a closed venue.

These were Republican primary rallies. Attendance did not require showing a Republican Party ID or registration card or even a plain voter registration card.Anyone who showed up was allowed and in fact welcomed to the event. They were public events, purposely made public events for boosting attendance.

I went to a Trump rally, you dolt. I received an email from his organization that invited me to get a ticket if I wanted to go. You had to present the ticket at the door to gain admittance.

You obviously don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. That's why you are making stuff up.

Please keep spouting your ignorance. You only make yourself and the thugs look worse.
Well, that explains why you are so butthurt about the thread topic.
They handed those so called passes or tickets out for free as you entered the venue at the two I went to.

apples and oranges. Most of the violence has been outside of the rally venues, where tickets are not required. Innocent people have been assaulted solely because of what they were wearing. What would you libs say if muslims had been assaulted because of their clothes?
No one thinks it's OK to punch people who are minding their own business. However, the people you are whining about weren't minding their own business. They were trespassing and disrupting private events. It's perfectly legal to give such people the boot.

The thugs you are defending, on the other hand, are attacking totally innocent people. They are nothing more than vicious criminals who belong in jail, and douche bags like you are trying to justify their behavior.
They were not trespassing. The heckling and protest were at public venues. Use of embellishments and outright lies show the weakness of your argument.

They weren't public venues, they were venues reserved by Trump. You can't go to a wedding you are not invited to, you would be trespassing. You can't go to a concert you didn't buy a ticket for, you would be trespassing. Trump rallies are not inviting the leftist whack jobs you justify attacking Trump supporters, they are trespassing
They were public venues because Trump wanted to boost attendance. There were no pre-conditions, tickets or caveats. The rallies were open to the public and that is what makes them public venues.
1rt Amendment free speech does not get canceled just because temper tantrum Trump doesn' like what he is hearing. He had a right to ask for them to leave or have them removed. The mob and individual Trump supporters did not have a right to assault or mistreat them. Payback is a bitch.

Bull crap. The events are open to people who want to hear Trump, not people who don't want others to hear him. Show where anyone was invited who did not want to hear Trump.

Not going to hear back from you on that, am I?
Sure you will hear back from me. Show anyone was invited or not invited. A public venue means the public is invited, not individuals or specific groups. If that were the case it would be a closed venue.

These were Republican primary rallies. Attendance did not require showing a Republican Party ID or registration card or even a plain voter registration card.Anyone who showed up was allowed and in fact welcomed to the event. They were public events, purposely made public events for boosting attendance.

Begging the question. I asked you to prove your claim everyone was invited, and you just repeated your assertion they were. So, prove "everyone" was invited
the clueless one here is you ... by your post alone says it all ... you think its ok for trump supporters to punch liberals, then when its happens to back to your trump supporters you're all incensed ... you can't stand tt ... you feel its a non-issue when it happen to us liberals first ... you turn a blind eye to it ... then lose it when we punch back ... I get it ... my bad ... i messed up ...its ok for republicans to punch you but its not ok for us liberals to punch back ...

No one thinks it's OK to punch people who are minding their own business. However, the people you are whining about weren't minding their own business. They were trespassing and disrupting private events. It's perfectly legal to give such people the boot.

The thugs you are defending, on the other hand, are attacking totally innocent people. They are nothing more than vicious criminals who belong in jail, and douche bags like you are trying to justify their behavior.
They were not trespassing. The heckling and protest were at public venues. Use of embellishments and outright lies show the weakness of your argument.

They weren't public venues, they were venues reserved by Trump. You can't go to a wedding you are not invited to, you would be trespassing. You can't go to a concert you didn't buy a ticket for, you would be trespassing. Trump rallies are not inviting the leftist whack jobs you justify attacking Trump supporters, they are trespassing
They were public venues because Trump wanted to boost attendance. There were no pre-conditions, tickets or caveats. The rallies were open to the public and that is what makes them public venues.
1rt Amendment free speech does not get canceled just because temper tantrum Trump doesn' like what he is hearing. He had a right to ask for them to leave or have them removed. The mob and individual Trump supporters did not have a right to assault or mistreat them. Payback is a bitch.
They were Trump rallies. Being outdoors didn't make them Townhall meetings. It's obvious to most people that it is a Trump, Hillary or Bernie rally. Most people, not you.

If right wing groups were trying to stop Hillary from speaking, they would be losing it. The idea a Synagogue could not throw out Nazis to came to protest at their service is flat out retarded
another question for hillaryites: when has your female messiah had an unscripted press conference where the reporters could ask whatever they wanted to ask?
No violence is justified, not even in retaliation, not even if Trump encourages it....not even if a Trump supporter sucker punches in the face a man handcuffed and being removed, and certainly not people just leaving the venue who have a trump hat on...no matter what Trump encourages by having his rallies in the most Democratic city in California, next to a college, with the majority of residents Latinos....no one should let him set them up for a fight....

Level headed people don't resort to violence... Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but Names will never hurt me.

And ALL of those people who resort to egg throwing and hat stealing and intimidation in San Jose' were wrong, no matter what Trump has said and implied about them, and all the Trump supporters that resorted to violence and sucker punches against the anti-trumpsters were wrong...even if Trump encourages it and offers to pay their lawyers when arrested.

Trump had a bad week, with his bigotry against the judge in his Trump U case and Veteran charity distribution....Hillary's speech using Trump's own words showing how he is UNFIT to serve was just the icing on the cake...the polling is reflecting this... it will yo-yo a hundred times before the election... with each having their bad weeks in polling.
No violence is justified, not even in retaliation, not even if Trump encourages it....not even if a Trump supporter sucker punches in the face a man handcuffed and being removed, and certainly not people just leaving the venue who have a trump hat on...no matter what Trump encourages by having his rallies in the most Democratic city in California, next to a college, with the majority of residents Latinos....no one should let him set them up for a fight....

Level headed people don't resort to violence... Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but Names will never hurt me.

And ALL of those people who resort to egg throwing and hat stealing and intimidation in San Jose' were wrong, no matter what Trump has said and implied about them, and all the Trump supporters that resorted to violence and sucker punches against the anti-trumpsters were wrong...even if Trump encourages it and offers to pay their lawyers when arrested.

Trump had a bad week, with his bigotry against the judge in his Trump U case and Veteran charity distribution....Hillary's speech using Trump's own words showing how he is UNFIT to serve was just the icing on the cake...the polling is reflecting this... it will yo-yo a hundred times before the election... with each having their bad weeks in polling.

nice spin attempt. but once again, you fail
Trump had a bad week, with his bigotry against the judge in his Trump U case and Veteran charity distribution....Hillary's speech using Trump's own words showing how he is UNFIT to serve was just the icing on the cake...the polling is reflecting this... it will yo-yo a hundred times before the election... with each having their bad weeks in polling.
Hillary talking about someone unfit for office is hilarious. She sold access to contributors to The Clinton Foundation, that alone makes her untrustworthy. Then the email incompetance/arrogance. I'll take the politically incorrect New Yawker over that.
Trump had a bad week, with his bigotry against the judge in his Trump U case and Veteran charity distribution....Hillary's speech using Trump's own words showing how he is UNFIT to serve was just the icing on the cake...the polling is reflecting this... it will yo-yo a hundred times before the election... with each having their bad weeks in polling.
Hillary talking about someone unfit for office is hilarious. She sold access to contributors to The Clinton Foundation, that alone makes her untrustworthy. Then the email incompetance/arrogance. I'll take the politically incorrect New Yawker over that.
you rely too much on your right wing media.... get out of your hole and read more than your chosen propagandists...
Trump had a bad week, with his bigotry against the judge in his Trump U case and Veteran charity distribution....Hillary's speech using Trump's own words showing how he is UNFIT to serve was just the icing on the cake...the polling is reflecting this... it will yo-yo a hundred times before the election... with each having their bad weeks in polling.
Hillary talking about someone unfit for office is hilarious. She sold access to contributors to The Clinton Foundation, that alone makes her untrustworthy. Then the email incompetance/arrogance. I'll take the politically incorrect New Yawker over that.
you rely too much on your right wing media.... get out of your hole and read more than your chosen propagandists...

Nonsense...the rw media are the only ones to be relied on for much truth at all. Get real Chump.
Trump had a bad week, with his bigotry against the judge in his Trump U case and Veteran charity distribution....Hillary's speech using Trump's own words showing how he is UNFIT to serve was just the icing on the cake...the polling is reflecting this... it will yo-yo a hundred times before the election... with each having their bad weeks in polling.
Hillary talking about someone unfit for office is hilarious. She sold access to contributors to The Clinton Foundation, that alone makes her untrustworthy. Then the email incompetance/arrogance. I'll take the politically incorrect New Yawker over that.

Hillary needs to go to jail.....period...case closed.
No violence is justified, not even in retaliation, not even if Trump encourages it....not even if a Trump supporter sucker punches in the face a man handcuffed and being removed, and certainly not people just leaving the venue who have a trump hat on...no matter what Trump encourages by having his rallies in the most Democratic city in California, next to a college, with the majority of residents Latinos....no one should let him set them up for a fight....

Level headed people don't resort to violence... Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but Names will never hurt me.

And ALL of those people who resort to egg throwing and hat stealing and intimidation in San Jose' were wrong, no matter what Trump has said and implied about them, and all the Trump supporters that resorted to violence and sucker punches against the anti-trumpsters were wrong...even if Trump encourages it and offers to pay their lawyers when arrested.

Trump had a bad week, with his bigotry against the judge in his Trump U case and Veteran charity distribution....Hillary's speech using Trump's own words showing how he is UNFIT to serve was just the icing on the cake...the polling is reflecting this... it will yo-yo a hundred times before the election... with each having their bad weeks in polling.

Are you allergic to twuth? Watch a black man chase down a unarmed white teenager >>>>>>>https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct...hXNa5v_TsQGQ_cGMw&sig2=WgFm8ERw5jX7-_nmfUKq7g
You guys love your polls at least when they favor your candidate.
e tu?

And you?

And right wingers don't love the polls when they favor their candidate?

Come onnnnnnn..... :lol:
I will care about polls starting in late September through till election day going on about them now is like thinking the weather forecast for this week will be the same five months from now.
Go Hillary go! I hope the senate and house goes democrat so we can pass some infrastructure, science and r&d funding! ;) Maybe we don't have to become a third world shit hole.

To hell with the party of no.

Yeah because the nearly $1 trillion in 'shovel ready' jobs worked awesome /sarcasm Then there was cash for clunkers and the money dumb ass Dem's pissed away on solar companies that went bankrupt. With friends like Democrats who needs enemies.
amen brother
I wonder how many people saw any part of that Hillary speech in which she calmly eviscerated Trump.

Probably very few. I hear there's a big dust-up over at the Kardashian's house over some shoes.
you sad but true... the kardashains shoes are more important to republicans then any kind of concern over the country ... and you are right she eviscerated Trump. thats why she went up 11 points ... and trumps was her hew name by him corrupt lying Hillary thats his best ... I can see it now if any leader makes a mean remark at trump, one nuke away, good by Mr. meanie leader

The republicans follow the Kardashians? ROFLMAO You're just blabbering to be blabbering
what are you pissed because you missed their last show... bet you didn't watch hillary eviscerate trump did ya ... she put him in his place ...

I listened to her drone on and on about foreign policy and kept thinking how she was an utter disaster as Sec of State. Then chuckled
yeah I bet you did... heres another lying republican

trump supporter punches protester in the face
I keep seeing all of these videos showing Trump supporters hitting the vile scum of the earth, Yet in everyone, the vile scum just happen to be IN THE MIDDLE OF A TRUMP RALLY TRYING TO DISRUPT.
Now show me the video that clearly shows Trump supporters chasing down the vile scum in the streets and beating them.
Oh wait, cant do that can you. Its always a Trump supporter defending themselves at a rally against the vile scum that show up and infiltrate the crowd just to start crap.
I would seriously be embarrassed to be associated with those common street urchins that intentionally go looking for trouble then cry when they find it.
Go Hillary go! I hope the senate and house goes democrat so we can pass some infrastructure, science and r&d funding! ;) Maybe we don't have to become a third world shit hole.

To hell with the party of no.

Yeah because the nearly $1 trillion in 'shovel ready' jobs worked awesome /sarcasm Then there was cash for clunkers and the money dumb ass Dem's pissed away on solar companies that went bankrupt. With friends like Democrats who needs enemies.
there was only one solar company that folded ... Now you're saying it was pissed away??? figures ....lets see here democrats tried to pass bill after bill for roads systems, waters systems, bills that would have produced millions of jobs ... that would have help us balanced the budget and pay down on the national Debt, and pulled people out of debt by them getting jobs ..
Although the rest of your post was fairly foolish also, I think this part deserves some special consideration.
Tell me, and the rest of us, how creating shovel ready jobs, and having the federal government pay the cost, would balance the budget and pay down the debt. Im sure if you really think about it you can see where it would increase the national debt and move the budget even farther away from the balancing point.
Or are you telling me that if my household budget is weak, I can fix it and become rich by borrowing money, then giving that money to others and then taking 20% of it back from them. Clue, Im out 80% of the money I borrowed and the interest that the loan came with.
But please, give us your educated advice on how to spend more than you take in and become rich doing it.
No violence is justified, not even in retaliation, not even if Trump encourages it....not even if a Trump supporter sucker punches in the face a man handcuffed and being removed, and certainly not people just leaving the venue who have a trump hat on...no matter what Trump encourages by having his rallies in the most Democratic city in California, next to a college, with the majority of residents Latinos....no one should let him set them up for a fight....

Level headed people don't resort to violence... Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but Names will never hurt me.

And ALL of those people who resort to egg throwing and hat stealing and intimidation in San Jose' were wrong, no matter what Trump has said and implied about them, and all the Trump supporters that resorted to violence and sucker punches against the anti-trumpsters were wrong...even if Trump encourages it and offers to pay their lawyers when arrested.

Trump had a bad week, with his bigotry against the judge in his Trump U case and Veteran charity distribution....Hillary's speech using Trump's own words showing how he is UNFIT to serve was just the icing on the cake...the polling is reflecting this... it will yo-yo a hundred times before the election... with each having their bad weeks in polling.

You can't even get a fucking sentence out denouncing the act without twisting it around and blaming Trump. Un-fucking-believable! Sounds just like Hillary's attempt... same thing... It's regrettable... It's wrong... even though he deserved every bit of it and is the reason for it!

Let me clue you in here... We don't have "no-go zones" in the US. No one deserves to be attacked for attending a political rally. PERIOD! And your little smug, half-assed attempts to condemn it while blaming it on Trump isn't going to resonate with the voters... the images of what happened in San Jose WILL resonate. So you sit here and fantasize about the latest handful of shit you threw at Trump that won't stick-- the "bad week" just happened for the liberal Democrats.

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