Hillary Beware: DNC Kingmaker Maddow Doesn't Appear to Like You. 2008 Again?

Did it seem to you like Maddow was knifing Hillary in the back like it seemed in 2008?

  • Yes

  • No, Maddow likes Hillary and doesn't favor Sanders over her.

  • I think worse than 2008

  • I think not as bad as 2008

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I think if Rachael Maddow wants Sanders in, Hillary doesn't have an icecube's chance in hell of getting the DNC nomination.

Clinton's ice cube chances have nothing to do with Maddow, and everything to do with Clinton's level of suck. After all, Bill stayed with her, so she obvious exceeds Monica.
So what? The Prince's Trust still doesn't validate anything you claim it does. You're full of shit, which is why you have such a dreadful record in court.

I think you misread the evidence. You need to take a look at the Prince's Trust that's archived in her head.
So what? The Prince's Trust still doesn't validate anything you claim it does. You're full of shit, which is why you have such a dreadful record in court.

I think you misread the evidence. You need to take a look at the Prince's Trust that's archived in her head.

If I had a coin for every time Sil cited her imagination as evidence I would be Scrooge McDuck. lol

People actually watch Madcow?

Hell, I thought in Hillary's case, it was Fallon who is actually the "King Maker"......

If any celebrity were going to be king maker for Hillary Clinton it would have to be Dr. Drew.


Seriously never heard of Dr. Drew?

no. sorry.

I thought Oprah was the Rush Limbaugh of the left.

Oprah got women to vote for him. That is 1/2 the electorate!! No wonder 2008 was a landslide.
only in the rightwingnut imagination.

you know she never supported obama for president, right?...know nothing wingers are funny.

Define "support"? I saw quite a bit of footage of her gushing over candidate Obama leading right straight up to the DNC decision and the Hillary squeeze-out of 2008.

Cue the video to 5:22. Tell me who it looks like she is stumping for and who she is loudly announcing "could lose it all" to the other candidate. Watch her facial expressions. If she was "for" Hillary back then over Obama, she dealt her a blow on the eve of SuperTuesday back in 2008 where the panel admits "will make or break the primary race" for either of the two close democratic candidates. See if you can tell who Maddow was nudging over the finish line..

only in the rightwingnut imagination.

you know she never supported obama for president, right?...know nothing wingers are funny.

Define "support"? I saw quite a bit of footage of her gushing over candidate Obama leading right straight up to the DNC decision and the Hillary squeeze-out of 2008.

Cue the video to 5:22. Tell me who it looks like she is stumping for and who she is loudly announcing "could lose it all" to the other candidate. Watch her facial expressions. If she was "for" Hillary back then over Obama, she dealt her a blow on the eve of SuperTuesday back in 2008 where the panel admits "will make or break the primary race" for either of the two close democratic candidates. See if you can tell who Maddow was nudging over the finish line..

I've found that rightwingers have trouble discerning the difference between not being Obama deranged and fawning all over him.

she agreed with things he's done...as does most of the country or he wouldn't have been elected with a majority of votes.... TWICE.

by support, I mean what normal people mean which is "vote for ______" which she never did.
I've found that rightwingers have trouble discerning the difference between not being Obama deranged and fawning all over him.

she agreed with things he's done...as does most of the country or he wouldn't have been elected with a majority of votes.... TWICE.

by support, I mean what normal people mean which is "vote for ______" which she never did.

How many "rightwingers" do you know that want to stop fracking and are for universal healthcare? (Check my threads dear). Anyway, in the video clip she beamed that Obama appealed to the far left. She didn't have to fawn over him on the eve of Super Tuesday 2008. Just a nudge with such a close race and her openly gushing that "he appeals to everyone from the far left to conservative middle voters" . That was her nudging him over home plate. I dare you to deny it.
I've found that rightwingers have trouble discerning the difference between not being Obama deranged and fawning all over him.

she agreed with things he's done...as does most of the country or he wouldn't have been elected with a majority of votes.... TWICE.

by support, I mean what normal people mean which is "vote for ______" which she never did.

How many "rightwingers" do you know that want to stop fracking and are for universal healthcare? (Check my threads dear). Anyway, in the video clip she beamed that Obama appealed to the far left. She didn't have to fawn over him on the eve of Super Tuesday 2008. Just a nudge with such a close race and her openly gushing that "he appeals to everyone from the far left to conservative middle voters" . That was her nudging him over home plate. I dare you to deny it.

I live in new York. i'd say probably even the republicans here understand that fracking is causing absurd numbers of earthquakes in Oklahoma and wouldn't support it.

as for universal health care, that isn't something this president pursued. he pursued the heritage foundation plan.
I live in new York. i'd say probably even the republicans here understand that fracking is causing absurd numbers of earthquakes in Oklahoma and wouldn't support it.

as for universal health care, that isn't something this president pursued. he pursued the heritage foundation plan.

Not a big Obama fan here, so don't know who you're talking to. Might want to get acquainted with the gigantic bloc of middle voters when you get a minute. We aren't cookie-cutter ideologues, in case you haven't been following along. There's a great big mob of us undulating around the middle, basically looking for sanity. And guess what? We all know it ain't going to be found on the left or the right proper..

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