Hillary Blames Her Loss on White Women Listening to Their Husbands

Imagine Romney blaming his loss on black women listening to their husbands and you can appreciate her candor even more.

I think she is talking about the Stepford wives & June Clevers of the Republican party. If you have ever attended a Republican women's meeting--they don't talk about promoting women to the Presidency--they are the Tammy Wynet's (stand by your man) type of women. The closet place they'll ever promote a woman is to local offices, the senate, congress--but NEVER the White House. That was pretty clear by how the RNC treated Carly Fiorina. Some of them are very vocal about it. They just don't see a woman as President, it terrifies them.

While we have the UK, and several countries where women are or have been the ultimate leader, not here. We're at least 60 years behind UK. Everyone remembers Margaret Thatcher, and now Teresa May is the prime minister of the UK. Germany has Angela Merkel.

There is no one that could have watched any of the debates between Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump and walked away believing that Trump was competent, knowledgeable and qualified to be POTUS. She creamed him in every debate. If they tell you differently, they're lying through their teeth.


Misogyny played a yuuuge part in the 2016 election. And if you're hoping for a woman President, you'll NEVER get it from the Republican party. Misogyny is deeply rooted in the Republican party.
There was a reason Republicans put on a "raining men" platform in 2016 to run against one woman. They are terrified of the 1st woman President, because they know when there is one, there will be more. Here is a good article on this.
Dear Hillary: How very dare you! - Democratic Underground

Good lord. "Creamed" him in every debate? Alrighty then.

Yeah she kicked his ass in every debate. You know she did. You voted for the ASS CLOWN--even after the Hollywood Access tape came out. Any woman that voted for Trump after hearing that, was basically saying "I voted for my attacker"--:auiqs.jpg:

I don't know how you could be a mother or grandmother of a girl and admit to them that you voted for Donald Trump. You women should be wearing bags over your heads.

What I know is that she was a shit candidate and that's why she lost. (The debates and the election). I didn't vote for Trump either, but he is destroying your side at every turn.
Aren't all hetero men pussy-grabbers to one degree or another?

I mean, they aren't weenie-grabbers, ergo ...
The more that woman-like thing runs it mouth, the sorrier I feel for Bill being married to it. Have you seen how terrible he looks? It's from Hillary sucking the life force out of him like the vampire it is. No wonder Bill made her the most cuckolded wife in America.
So shocking the Democratic Party still hasn't dumped the lying corrupt asshole. I mean they still support her, knowing her and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz rigged the Democratic Primaries. That Party is a real mess. Possibly the most corrupt institution on earth.
Wives listening to their husbands????

I know. I've been married to a Republican woman for 29 years. When do we get to the part where she listens to me??? LMAO.

My mother has a masters degree in physical therapy. My sister has a PhD in Math. My oldest daughter double Majored in Math & French at Duke and is 2 years from her PhD at Berkeley. My niece did two tours in Afghanistan. My wife majored in biochem at Smith College. My grandmothers were a nurse and a teacher, which was something back in their days.

Leftists think Republican women are weak and submissive? Leftists need to stop dragging their knuckles on the ground.

The worst are leftist women who's message to women is don't do what a man tells you to do, do what I tell you to do. That they want women to think for themselves is a lie. They'll let the dear little honeys know what to think. What they do
Imagine Romney blaming his loss on black women listening to their husbands and you can appreciate her candor even more.

I think she is talking about the Stepford wives & June Clevers of the Republican party. If you have ever attended a Republican women's meeting--they don't talk about promoting women to the Presidency--they are the Tammy Wynet's (stand by your man) type of women. The closet place they'll ever promote a woman is to local offices, the senate, congress--but NEVER the White House. That was pretty clear by how the RNC treated Carly Fiorina. Some of them are very vocal about it. They just don't see a woman as President, it terrifies them.

While we have the UK, and several countries where women are or have been the ultimate leader, not here. We're at least 60 years behind UK. Everyone remembers Margaret Thatcher, and now Teresa May is the prime minister of the UK. Germany has Angela Merkel.

There is no one that could have watched any of the debates between Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump and walked away believing that Trump was competent, knowledgeable and qualified to be POTUS. She creamed him in every debate. If they tell you differently, they're lying through their teeth.


Misogyny played a yuuuge part in the 2016 election. And if you're hoping for a woman President, you'll NEVER get it from the Republican party. Misogyny is deeply rooted in the Republican party.
There was a reason Republicans put on a "raining men" platform in 2016 to run against one woman. They are terrified of the 1st woman President, because they know when there is one, there will be more. Here is a good article on this.
Dear Hillary: How very dare you! - Democratic Underground

Good lord. "Creamed" him in every debate? Alrighty then.

Yeah she kicked his ass in every debate. You know she did. You voted for the ASS CLOWN--even after the Hollywood Access tape came out. Any woman that voted for Trump after hearing that, was basically saying "I voted for my attacker"--:auiqs.jpg:

I don't know how you could be a mother or grandmother of a girl and admit to them that you voted for Donald Trump. You women should be wearing bags over your heads.

By kicking his ass, you mean Blamery said what you wanted to hear
Imagine Romney blaming his loss on black women listening to their husbands and you can appreciate her candor even more.

You need to stop obsessing over Hillary. It's a sign of mental illness. No one cares what she says anymore; she is irrelevant, everyone on the left knows that. You need to deal with the madman who is currently in the oval office. Deal with current issues.

maybe the ole hag needs to quit giving us the ammunition

Apparently some people are asking her to speak or asking her for interviews. That doesn't mean you have to pay any attention. I don't. If you don't like her, why would you bother? Don't you have anything better to do?

Defending the woman who attacked sexual assault victims a second time. How feminist of you
Imagine Romney blaming his loss on black women listening to their husbands and you can appreciate her candor even more.

You need to stop obsessing over Hillary. It's a sign of mental illness. No one cares what she says anymore; she is irrelevant, everyone on the left knows that. You need to deal with the madman who is currently in the oval office. Deal with current issues.

As soon as Hillary stops making public speeches blaming America for her being such a lousy person, then I will stop.
Until then, I will mock her every time she gets behind a microphone.

That doesn't say much about you. Most people would have something better to do with their lives.

The irony of your post and the post you responded to ... LOL

So tell me again how your view is that women should be allowed to think for themselves and you'll destroy any useless bimbo who dares to disagree with you. In what way are you different than Archie Bunker that way?
Democrats distance themselves from Hillary Clinton’s ‘backward’ claim

Democratic senators facing tough reelection fights distanced themselves Tuesday from Hillary Clinton after she said President Trump’s voters came from less productive parts of the country and were attracted by a backward-looking message.

“Those are kind of fighting words for me, because I’m partial to Missouri voters,” said Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.), who is running in a state Trump won by 19 points. “I think they were expressing their frustration with the status quo. I may not have agreed with their choice, but I certainly respect them. And I don’t think that’s the way you should talk about any voter especially ones in my state.”

Clinton made the comments Saturday at a conference in Mumbai in response to a question about how Trump won the 2016 election. She noted that the parts of the country she carried produced more economic activity than the “middle” of the country won by Trump.

Democrats distance themselves from Hillary Clinton’s ‘backward’ claim

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