Hillary Calls For Lack of Civility / More Violence - WH condemns attempted attacks on Obama/Clintons

hopefully they can find who is doing this and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.
How did the person time the deliveries to all reach their destinations on the exact same day? How did they get the addresses of so many high profile people?

I'm guessing this is a foreign based threat, maybe even foreign state sponsored.
Congressional GOP leaders on Wednesday condemned those who mailed suspicious packages to the homes of President Obama and Hillary Clinton as well as CNN’s offices in New York, warning that "acts of pure terror” have no place in American politics or society.

House Majority Whip R-La Steve Scalise:
“These attempted attacks that have been made are beyond criminal, they are acts of pure terror. Violence and terror have no place in our politics or anywhere else in our society. "I have experienced first-hand the effects of political violence, and am committed to using my voice to speak out against it wherever I can.

“Those responsible for these evil acts of terror must be hunted down and brought to justice, and I have great confidence that our law enforcement officers will succeed in that mission. As a nation, we must agree that this is a dangerous path and it cannot become the new normal.”

R-Paul Ryan:
"Our country stands united in the face of attempted terrorism targeting President Obama, Secretary Clinton, and CNN," he tweeted. "Rest assured law enforcement will hunt down the criminals who did this and bring them to justice."

Senate Majority Leader R-Ky:
"(I stand) with all Americans" in condemning the "attempted acts of domestic terrorism. As we continue to learn more, Americans are united in gratitude for the first responders — the Secret Service, the Postal Service, and other law enforcement — who protect our leaders and public figures from such unconscionable acts,”

GOP leaders: 'Acts of pure terror' have no place in politics


D- Hillary Clinton:
"You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. That's why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that's when civility can start again."

D-Maxine Waters:
"Let's make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere. We've got to get the children connected to their parents,"
Yeah, Clinton's rhetoric has been very dangerous. Can only be construed as being awful incitement. Shame on her.
Congressional GOP leaders on Wednesday condemned those who mailed suspicious packages to the homes of President Obama and Hillary Clinton as well as CNN’s offices in New York, warning that "acts of pure terror” have no place in American politics or society.

House Majority Whip R-La Steve Scalise:
“These attempted attacks that have been made are beyond criminal, they are acts of pure terror. Violence and terror have no place in our politics or anywhere else in our society. "I have experienced first-hand the effects of political violence, and am committed to using my voice to speak out against it wherever I can.

“Those responsible for these evil acts of terror must be hunted down and brought to justice, and I have great confidence that our law enforcement officers will succeed in that mission. As a nation, we must agree that this is a dangerous path and it cannot become the new normal.”

R-Paul Ryan:
"Our country stands united in the face of attempted terrorism targeting President Obama, Secretary Clinton, and CNN," he tweeted. "Rest assured law enforcement will hunt down the criminals who did this and bring them to justice."

Senate Majority Leader R-Ky:
"(I stand) with all Americans" in condemning the "attempted acts of domestic terrorism. As we continue to learn more, Americans are united in gratitude for the first responders — the Secret Service, the Postal Service, and other law enforcement — who protect our leaders and public figures from such unconscionable acts,”

GOP leaders: 'Acts of pure terror' have no place in politics


D- Hillary Clinton:
"You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. That's why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that's when civility can start again."

D-Maxine Waters:
"Let's make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere. We've got to get the children connected to their parents,"
That's what Hillary Clinton and Maxine Waters said AFTER the bombs were found?
That's what Hillary Clinton and Maxine Waters said AFTER the bombs were found?
No, it is what they said after their party's violent rhetoric inspired the attempted assassination of GOP politicians and the shooting of R-Scalise.
Congressional GOP leaders on Wednesday condemned those who mailed suspicious packages to the homes of President Obama and Hillary Clinton as well as CNN’s offices in New York, warning that "acts of pure terror” have no place in American politics or society.

House Majority Whip R-La Steve Scalise:
“These attempted attacks that have been made are beyond criminal, they are acts of pure terror. Violence and terror have no place in our politics or anywhere else in our society. "I have experienced first-hand the effects of political violence, and am committed to using my voice to speak out against it wherever I can.

“Those responsible for these evil acts of terror must be hunted down and brought to justice, and I have great confidence that our law enforcement officers will succeed in that mission. As a nation, we must agree that this is a dangerous path and it cannot become the new normal.”

R-Paul Ryan:
"Our country stands united in the face of attempted terrorism targeting President Obama, Secretary Clinton, and CNN," he tweeted. "Rest assured law enforcement will hunt down the criminals who did this and bring them to justice."

Senate Majority Leader R-Ky:
"(I stand) with all Americans" in condemning the "attempted acts of domestic terrorism. As we continue to learn more, Americans are united in gratitude for the first responders — the Secret Service, the Postal Service, and other law enforcement — who protect our leaders and public figures from such unconscionable acts,”

GOP leaders: 'Acts of pure terror' have no place in politics


D- Hillary Clinton:
"You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. That's why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that's when civility can start again."

D-Maxine Waters:
"Let's make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere. We've got to get the children connected to their parents,"
That's what Hillary Clinton and Maxine Waters said AFTER the bombs were found?
What did they say after republicans were harrassed and attacked at restaurants and elsewhere?
That's what Hillary Clinton and Maxine Waters said AFTER the bombs were found?
No, it is what they said after their party's violent rhetoric inspired the attempted assassination of GOP politicians and the shooting of R-Scalise.
Really? That was H. Clinton and M. Waters direct responses to the baseball field shooting?

I must admit, I find your comparison of what GOPr's said AFTER the bombs were found to something that H. Clinton and M. Waters said before the bombs to be rather dishonest.
Congressional GOP leaders on Wednesday condemned those who mailed suspicious packages to the homes of President Obama and Hillary Clinton as well as CNN’s offices in New York, warning that "acts of pure terror” have no place in American politics or society.

House Majority Whip R-La Steve Scalise:
“These attempted attacks that have been made are beyond criminal, they are acts of pure terror. Violence and terror have no place in our politics or anywhere else in our society. "I have experienced first-hand the effects of political violence, and am committed to using my voice to speak out against it wherever I can.

“Those responsible for these evil acts of terror must be hunted down and brought to justice, and I have great confidence that our law enforcement officers will succeed in that mission. As a nation, we must agree that this is a dangerous path and it cannot become the new normal.”

R-Paul Ryan:
"Our country stands united in the face of attempted terrorism targeting President Obama, Secretary Clinton, and CNN," he tweeted. "Rest assured law enforcement will hunt down the criminals who did this and bring them to justice."

Senate Majority Leader R-Ky:
"(I stand) with all Americans" in condemning the "attempted acts of domestic terrorism. As we continue to learn more, Americans are united in gratitude for the first responders — the Secret Service, the Postal Service, and other law enforcement — who protect our leaders and public figures from such unconscionable acts,”

GOP leaders: 'Acts of pure terror' have no place in politics


D- Hillary Clinton:
"You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. That's why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that's when civility can start again."

D-Maxine Waters:
"Let's make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere. We've got to get the children connected to their parents,"
That's what Hillary Clinton and Maxine Waters said AFTER the bombs were found?
What did they say after republicans were harrassed and attacked at restaurants and elsewhere?
Probably the same kind of thing that is said by GOPrs after anyone else gets harassed in restaurants, stores, etc.
Congressional GOP leaders on Wednesday condemned those who mailed suspicious packages to the homes of President Obama and Hillary Clinton as well as CNN’s offices in New York, warning that "acts of pure terror” have no place in American politics or society.

House Majority Whip R-La Steve Scalise:
“These attempted attacks that have been made are beyond criminal, they are acts of pure terror. Violence and terror have no place in our politics or anywhere else in our society. "I have experienced first-hand the effects of political violence, and am committed to using my voice to speak out against it wherever I can.

“Those responsible for these evil acts of terror must be hunted down and brought to justice, and I have great confidence that our law enforcement officers will succeed in that mission. As a nation, we must agree that this is a dangerous path and it cannot become the new normal.”

R-Paul Ryan:
"Our country stands united in the face of attempted terrorism targeting President Obama, Secretary Clinton, and CNN," he tweeted. "Rest assured law enforcement will hunt down the criminals who did this and bring them to justice."

Senate Majority Leader R-Ky:
"(I stand) with all Americans" in condemning the "attempted acts of domestic terrorism. As we continue to learn more, Americans are united in gratitude for the first responders — the Secret Service, the Postal Service, and other law enforcement — who protect our leaders and public figures from such unconscionable acts,”

GOP leaders: 'Acts of pure terror' have no place in politics


D- Hillary Clinton:
"You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. That's why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that's when civility can start again."

D-Maxine Waters:
"Let's make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere. We've got to get the children connected to their parents,"
That's what Hillary Clinton and Maxine Waters said AFTER the bombs were found?
What did they say after republicans were harrassed and attacked at restaurants and elsewhere?
Probably the same kind of thing that is said by GOPrs after anyone else gets harassed in restaurants, stores, etc.
Prove it with a link, liar.
Really? That was H. Clinton and M. Waters direct responses to the baseball field shooting?

Why do you keep 'moving the goal posts' in an attempt to defend their continued despicable call for criminal harassment, violent intolerance, violence, and a complete abandonment of civility until they get what they want?

Despite the violent rhetoric that led to one of their insane base attempting to assassinate GOP politicians - successfully shooting one, despite their promise to cease and desist immediately after (which lasted 12 hours), despite their calling for the 1st Lady's son to be ripped from Melania's arms / kidnapped / raped by pedophiles, despite despicable calls for female members of Trump's team to be kidnapped / beaten / caged / raped (where the hell were the 'Feminists then), Hillary comes forward and publicly calls for an INCREASE in violence and a DECREASE in civility....and you attempt to defend her and Maxine Waters.

That actually says a lot more about YOU than it does about THEM.

Immediately following Hillary's call for more violence a female GOP candidate was physically attacked by a liberal defacing her campaign HQ, Liberal vandalized another GOP HQ, a peaceful Pro-Life female protestor was attacked / kicked in the stomach......

And you continue to attempt to defend / justify the Left / Hillary?

During the 2016 campaign - you remember how several GOP HQs were FIRE-BOMBED? NO? Maybe this will help you remember:

Local GOP office in North Carolina firebombed - CNNPolitics

During the 2016 campaign Hillary's team was caught paying a group to send thugs to beat up Trump supporters AT TRUMP RALLIES.....
- Dem operative 'stepping back' after video suggests group incited violence at Trump rallies - CNNPolitics

But you keep spinning, deflecting, gyrating, moving the goal posts, etc....in defense of Hillary, Maxine, and all the other despicable desperate Democrats calling for violence against those who oppose their ideology / 'rule'....

As I said, it says a lot more about YOU than it does them.....
Probably the same kind of thing that is said by GOPrs ....

'Probably'...... another unsubstantiated accusation by the Left / snowflakes. Every time they do it people are reminded of their despicable attack on Kavanaugh. Keep it up. :p
Her and Maxine Waters especially, have created this very dangerous environment. I'm not surprised there's been more violence. I fully expect more.
I'm guessing this is a foreign based threat, maybe even foreign state sponsored.
Sure foreigners using Donnie Dirtbag's "Enemies List."
These are Tramp's home grown rally TERRORISTS doing his bidding, and you and Tramp know it.

Right. None of the explosives went off though. Is that a telling sign to you or just really bad work? The guy is 0 for, what? 10?
I'm guessing this is a foreign based threat, maybe even foreign state sponsored.
Sure foreigners using Donnie Dirtbag's "Enemies List."
These are Tramp's home grown rally TERRORISTS doing his bidding, and you and Tramp know it.

Right. None of the explosives went off though. Is that a telling sign to you or just really bad work? The guy is 0 for, what? 10?

Could be a Democrat-False Flag event. They've been known to feign attacks. They've been busted on numerous occasions.
I'm guessing this is a foreign based threat, maybe even foreign state sponsored.
Sure foreigners using Donnie Dirtbag's "Enemies List."
These are Tramp's home grown rally TERRORISTS doing his bidding, and you and Tramp know it.

Right. None of the explosives went off though. Is that a telling sign to you or just really bad work? The guy is 0 for, what? 10?
Which proves they were completely fake and completely incapable of detonating. People who actually build bombs know how to actually detonate them.
That's what Hillary Clinton and Maxine Waters said AFTER the bombs were found?
No, it is what they said after their party's violent rhetoric inspired the attempted assassination of GOP politicians and the shooting of R-Scalise.
Really? That was H. Clinton and M. Waters direct responses to the baseball field shooting?

I must admit, I find your comparison of what GOPr's said AFTER the bombs were found to something that H. Clinton and M. Waters said before the bombs to be rather dishonest.

Seriously? You really should keep up with the news. Most know that wasn't what was said in response to the baseball field shooting. Most also know that is exactly what Clinton and Waters did say.

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