Hillary Camp Ridiculously Attacking Trump On Dishonesty Through Media Surrogates

Hell, just put out the videos of Trump's speeches. That will be enough evidence for the serial liar that he is.
How so? His stadiums were packed with enthusiast crowds so hell yes, show the videos. And Hillary trying to pack coffee shops.
Hillary Clinton, the most corrupt and dishonest politician in history, attacked Trump on his honesty by sending out her minions to claim special privileges during the debate. Every one of them demanded that the moderator fact check Trump. This is just more of the same Clinton tactics....."Attack your opponent by accusing them of what you are guilty of"......as if that will make people think Trump is the liar, not Hillary.

This new low isn't the lowest that the Hillary campaign will sink to before it's done I'm afraid.

Before debate, Clinton works refs, asks for special treatment


Before debate, Clinton works refs, asks for special treatment

By Byron York (@ByronYork) • 9/25/16 11:48 PM

For several days, Democrats and their supporters in the press have demanded that presidential debate moderator Lester Holt factcheck Donald Trump in Monday night's showdown at Hofstra University. Those demands turned to pleading Sunday when Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, Robby Mook, appearing on ABC's "This Week," asked for special treatment for Clinton in the event that Trump tells lies from the debate stage.

"All that we're asking is that, if Donald Trump lies, that it's pointed out," Mook said. "It's unfair to ask for Hillary both to play traffic cop while with Trump, make sure that his lies are corrected, and also to present her vision for what she wants to do for the American people."

"But isn't that what a debater is supposed to do?" asked host George Stephanopoulos.

"Well, I think Donald Trump's special," Mook said. "We haven't seen anything like this…So we're saying this is a special circumstance, a special debate, and Hillary should be given some time to actually talk about what she wants to do to make a difference in people's lives. She shouldn't have to spend the whole debate correcting the record."

Other Clinton officials made a similar case in the days leading up to the debate. On Friday, Team Clinton held a conference call for reporters, urging Holt to factcheck Trump on the fly. "This is the role of the moderator…to call out those lies, and do it in real time," top campaign official Jennifer Palmieri said. "To not do that is to give Donald Trump a very unfair advantage."

And what kind of lies should Holt factcheck? In its email announcing the conference call, the Clinton campaign provided a handy list of "Trump's Seven Deadly Lies." Number one on the list was the Trump claim that seems to anger Democrats most — that he opposed the war in Iraq.

funny....dumb donald is a pathological liar.

you just don't care because you're a bigoted wing nut obama deranged trumpeter.

so there ya go.

odd, the same could be said about Hillary...

Well, not by you, but it could be said by many
Drilling down a little bit, it could be argued that Trump isn't a liar in the traditional way.

One could define "lying" as "saying something that you know isn't true".

As a person who communicates almost exclusively in hyperbole - can you think of anyone else like him? - Trump just makes shit up as he goes. He uses the most superlative possible word that pops into his mind at the moment as naturally as you or I use more traditional terms.

So really, it's not as if he is consciously taking a fact and changing it. He's not paying attention to facts, they're irrelevant to the moment. He's just selling, and he'll clean up the mess later.

He's an interesting case.
Obama said honesty is a liability in politics.

Hillary avoids it like a vampire avoids the Sun.
Drilling down a little bit, it could be argued that Trump isn't a liar in the traditional way.

One could define "lying" as "saying something that you know isn't true".

As a person who communicates almost exclusively in hyperbole - can you think of anyone else like him? - Trump just makes shit up as he goes. He uses the most superlative possible word that pops into his mind at the moment as naturally as you or I use more traditional terms.

So really, it's not as if he is consciously taking a fact and changing it. He's not paying attention to facts, they're irrelevant to the moment. He's just selling, and he'll clean up the mess later.

He's an interesting case.
Obama said honesty is a liability in politics.

Hillary avoids it like a vampire avoids the Sun.
Yeah, she doesn't exactly lead the league in honesty.

Would you agree with my post?
Drilling down a little bit, it could be argued that Trump isn't a liar in the traditional way.

One could define "lying" as "saying something that you know isn't true".

As a person who communicates almost exclusively in hyperbole - can you think of anyone else like him? - Trump just makes shit up as he goes. He uses the most superlative possible word that pops into his mind at the moment as naturally as you or I use more traditional terms.

So really, it's not as if he is consciously taking a fact and changing it. He's not paying attention to facts, they're irrelevant to the moment. He's just selling, and he'll clean up the mess later.

He's an interesting case.
Obama said honesty is a liability in politics.

Hillary avoids it like a vampire avoids the Sun.
Yeah, she doesn't exactly lead the league in honesty.

Would you agree with my post?
To a certain extent.
I think it's more that Trump has a language that is indicative to where he grew up. Most of what the left calls insults is just New Yorker-speak. He's also a born salesman, which makes him prone to hyperbole at times. But with all of his bombastic statements, deep down he is still able to show humility. I don't think Obama or Hillary is capable of that. They feel they are better than anyone they meet and have a habit of showing overly exaggerated, dishonest patronism for those they despise. On rare occasions they make their real thoughts known and it has come back to haunt them. On the other hand, Trump is the kind of guy you can go golfing with or have a drink with. Show him disrespect and he'll respond in kind. That's the New York way.
Drilling down a little bit, it could be argued that Trump isn't a liar in the traditional way.

One could define "lying" as "saying something that you know isn't true".

As a person who communicates almost exclusively in hyperbole - can you think of anyone else like him? - Trump just makes shit up as he goes. He uses the most superlative possible word that pops into his mind at the moment as naturally as you or I use more traditional terms.

So really, it's not as if he is consciously taking a fact and changing it. He's not paying attention to facts, they're irrelevant to the moment. He's just selling, and he'll clean up the mess later.

He's an interesting case.
Much like Bubba Clinton, he appears to believe what he's saying while he says it.
The spectacle of Hillary sycophants whining that this is a "special case" and Hillary needs moderator help just undermines the case that she is a credible candidate for president, much less capable of actually being president. What's she going to do when facing down Putin (or any other world leader for that matter) if she can't handle Trump on her own?
hiLIARy (or her surrogates) calling anyone a liar is hiLIARious.
The spectacle of Hillary sycophants whining that this is a "special case" and Hillary needs moderator help just undermines the case that she is a credible candidate for president, much less capable of actually being president. What's she going to do when facing down Putin (or any other world leader for that matter) if she can't handle Trump on her own?
They're just trying to rig the debate, plain and simple.
The spectacle of Hillary sycophants whining that this is a "special case" and Hillary needs moderator help just undermines the case that she is a credible candidate for president, much less capable of actually being president. What's she going to do when facing down Putin (or any other world leader for that matter) if she can't handle Trump on her own?
They're just trying to rig the debate, plain and simple.
This is true. They are attempting to establish a narrative whereby they can claim she actually "won", because Trump was a big fat meanie and the horrible moderator wouldn't stop him. Naturally, the Hillary camp would NOT accept such fact checking for their own candidate.
It will be interesting to watch tired, old, sickly hILLary as she attempts to fake the appearance of "health".

She'll be over-medicated and hyper stimulated.....with a little luck she might pass out on national television!
Hell, just put out the videos of Trump's speeches. That will be enough evidence for the serial liar that he is.
How so? His stadiums were packed with enthusiast crowds so hell yes, show the videos. And Hillary trying to pack coffee shops.

aside from the fact that you grossly overstate dumb Donald's abilities and grossly understate secretary Clinton's...... since when are "rallies" indicia of a majority of voters. it just means trumpsters have nothing better to do with their time.
It will be interesting to watch tired, old, sickly hILLary as she attempts to fake the appearance of "health".

She'll be over-medicated and hyper stimulated.....with a little luck she might pass out on national television!

quiet, nutter butter. you're barely even a joke anymore.
Trump will say anything to win and keeps repeating talking points that have been shown to be false. HC was asking for special treatment if she didn't want her statements fact-checked, otherwise it is fair treatment. I'm fine with the moderator calling BOTH of them out when they repeat a lie.
Not sure of your point beyond that you support being lied to if you support a candidate.

I support HC but don't approve of her lies. I think Trump's lies show a lack of respect for voters while HC's lies show poor judgment and paranoia. I hope they both get called out.
Hell, just put out the videos of Trump's speeches. That will be enough evidence for the serial liar that he is.
How so? His stadiums were packed with enthusiast crowds so hell yes, show the videos. And Hillary trying to pack coffee shops.

aside from the fact that you grossly overstate dumb Donald's abilities and grossly understate secretary Clinton's...... since when are "rallies" indicia of a majority of voters. it just means trumpsters have nothing better to do with their time.
Oh, Hillary voters were busy curing cancer and shaking up the world. Excuse me. Enthusiasm plays a big role in who turns out. I'm not seeing it for Hilly.
Trump will say anything to win and keeps repeating talking points that have been shown to be false. HC was asking for special treatment if she didn't want her statements fact-checked, otherwise it is fair treatment. I'm fine with the moderator calling BOTH of them out when they repeat a lie.
Not sure of your point beyond that you support being lied to if you support a candidate.

I support HC but don't approve of her lies. I think Trump's lies show a lack of respect for voters while HC's lies show poor judgment and paranoia. I hope they both get called out.
Hillary’s lies show that she's dishonest.
The spectacle of Hillary sycophants whining that this is a "special case" and Hillary needs moderator help just undermines the case that she is a credible candidate for president, much less capable of actually being president. What's she going to do when facing down Putin (or any other world leader for that matter) if she can't handle Trump on her own?
They're just trying to rig the debate, plain and simple.

yep, they saw what the Crowley moment did to Romney and they'd like a big moment like that handed to them on a platter.

they realize that the race is trending against them and that they need a big moment to turn this around or it is very possible that they lose this race.

As colorado and PA are shifting the race is almost even. todays fivethirtyeight has it at 51-48, the tightest it's been since before the conventions. The now forecast actually has him ahead. 54-45.

She needs to pull something out of her ass and she knows it.

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