Hillary Clinton: Aliens May Have Visited Us Already

The Oldzheimers has taken control. She is nuts.

Hillary Clinton says that aliens may have already visited humanity.

"I think we may have been [visited already]. We don't know for sure," the Democratic presidential front-runner told The Conway Daily Sun during a campaign stop in New Hampshire last week.

Her comment came after being asked about her husband Bill Clinton's comments during an appearance on late-night show "Jimmy Kimmel Live" in 2014, when he suggested that extraterrestrial life could exist.

Hillary Clinton told a Sun reporter that she would "get to the bottom" of UFOs.

The Oldzheimers has taken control. She is nuts.

Hillary Clinton says that aliens may have already visited humanity.

"I think we may have been [visited already]. We don't know for sure," the Democratic presidential front-runner told The Conway Daily Sun during a campaign stop in New Hampshire last week.

Her comment came after being asked about her husband Bill Clinton's comments during an appearance on late-night show "Jimmy Kimmel Live" in 2014, when he suggested that extraterrestrial life could exist.

Hillary Clinton told a Sun reporter that she would "get to the bottom" of UFOs.

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The Oldzheimers has taken control. She is nuts.

Hillary Clinton says that aliens may have already visited humanity.

"I think we may have been [visited already]. We don't know for sure," the Democratic presidential front-runner told The Conway Daily Sun during a campaign stop in New Hampshire last week.

Her comment came after being asked about her husband Bill Clinton's comments during an appearance on late-night show "Jimmy Kimmel Live" in 2014, when he suggested that extraterrestrial life could exist.

Hillary Clinton told a Sun reporter that she would "get to the bottom" of UFOs.

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Oh no!! Say it ain't so!! That warmonger will be attacking them next. Do they have a leader she can overthrow?
The Oldzheimers has taken control. She is nuts.

Hillary Clinton says that aliens may have already visited humanity.

"I think we may have been [visited already]. We don't know for sure," the Democratic presidential front-runner told The Conway Daily Sun during a campaign stop in New Hampshire last week.

Her comment came after being asked about her husband Bill Clinton's comments during an appearance on late-night show "Jimmy Kimmel Live" in 2014, when he suggested that extraterrestrial life could exist.

Hillary Clinton told a Sun reporter that she would "get to the bottom" of UFOs.

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At least the alien baby is better looking than Chelsea, that girl looks like a cross between a human and a horse,, Wait a second,,, did bill and hillary make a trip to Tijuana around the time Chelsea was conceived?
So you don't think 200 billion stars in our galaxy and possibly 2-3 planets on avg around each one could mean any other life in our milkyway? Yet, you call Hillary nuts?

There's at least a dozen earth or somewhat larger worlds within the habitual zone discovered so far.
So you don't think 200 billion stars in our galaxy and possibly 2-3 planets on avg around each one could mean any other life in our milkyway? Yet, you call Hillary nuts?

There's at least a dozen earth or somewhat larger worlds within the habitual zone discovered so far.
can we at least use the proper term for these planets? Class-M is what we are concerned with. But thats only if we go on the assumption that all life on all planets is going to be carbon based.
and yes, I honestly think that it would be rather foolish to assume that we are the only life in the entire universe.
Hillary: Aliens May Have Visted Us, Vows Investigation

Damn, did Bill boink Pedro's wife?????

The closest is 219 light years to us.

Even if an alien race captured the technology to fly at light speed, it would be a hell of a commitment to get to us!

With our current level of understanding of physics and modes of transportation, yes. With quantum teleportation or other as yet unknown methods of transporting things, maybe, maybe not.

How does one know there is "unknown" methods of transporting things? Just asking.
Ever notice that the nasa "live feeds" from space explorers are not really live . NASA goes over the images before releasing them.

Why? Afraid people might see somthing ??

They learned their lesson

The Oldzheimers has taken control. She is nuts.

Hillary Clinton says that aliens may have already visited humanity.

"I think we may have been [visited already]. We don't know for sure," the Democratic presidential front-runner told The Conway Daily Sun during a campaign stop in New Hampshire last week.

Her comment came after being asked about her husband Bill Clinton's comments during an appearance on late-night show "Jimmy Kimmel Live" in 2014, when he suggested that extraterrestrial life could exist.

Hillary Clinton told a Sun reporter that she would "get to the bottom" of UFOs.

View attachment 58804
At least the alien baby is better looking than Chelsea, that girl looks like a cross between a human and a horse,, Wait a second,,, did bill and hillary make a trip to Tijuana around the time Chelsea was conceived?

Webb Hubbell would have had to be there.


So you don't think 200 billion stars in our galaxy and possibly 2-3 planets on avg around each one could mean any other life in our milkyway? Yet, you call Hillary nuts?

There's at least a dozen earth or somewhat larger worlds within the habitual zone discovered so far.
Yes, Hillary is nuts saying aliens are visiting.
Of all the stuff about aliens the most interesting "evidence" is Puma Puku. I realize that given enough time, enough people and the right tools man could have built Puma Puku. But it seems awfully unlikely.
So you don't think 200 billion stars in our galaxy and possibly 2-3 planets on avg around each one could mean any other life in our milkyway? Yet, you call Hillary nuts?

There's at least a dozen earth or somewhat larger worlds within the habitual zone discovered so far.
Yes, Hillary is nuts saying aliens are visiting.
If they follow the prime directive how would we know they were visiting, they could hid their ship in orbit above the magnetic north pole so our equipment couldnt detect them.
So you don't think 200 billion stars in our galaxy and possibly 2-3 planets on avg around each one could mean any other life in our milkyway? Yet, you call Hillary nuts?

There's at least a dozen earth or somewhat larger worlds within the habitual zone discovered so far.
Yes, Hillary is nuts saying aliens are visiting.
If they follow the prime directive how would we know they were visiting, they could hid their ship in orbit above the magnetic north pole so our equipment couldnt detect them.
Maybe they have their own Capt Kirk.
So you don't think 200 billion stars in our galaxy and possibly 2-3 planets on avg around each one could mean any other life in our milkyway? Yet, you call Hillary nuts?

There's at least a dozen earth or somewhat larger worlds within the habitual zone discovered so far.
Yes, Hillary is nuts saying aliens are visiting.
If they follow the prime directive how would we know they were visiting, they could hid their ship in orbit above the magnetic north pole so our equipment couldnt detect them.
Maybe they have their own Capt Kirk.
Hiding above the poles would have to be John Luc Picard. they didnt figure it out until then.

The closest is 219 light years to us.

Even if an alien race captured the technology to fly at light speed, it would be a hell of a commitment to get to us!

With our current level of understanding of physics and modes of transportation, yes. With quantum teleportation or other as yet unknown methods of transporting things, maybe, maybe not.

How does one know there is "unknown" methods of transporting things? Just asking.

I don't, but I infer from newly emerging things, particularly in quantum physics, such as quantum entanglement, quantum teleportation etc.

How Quantum Entanglement Works (Infographic)

To me it's clear we are still scratching the surface on this stuff. Our observational tools for observing the universe and observing some of these sorts of phenomena in the lab are also in early developmental stages.

These are the areas we know about and can observe now. Will there be realms of physics that will be better understood as those areas are explored- almost certainly. Will new realms be found as a result of better tools and advancements in these areas- that isn't certain of course but I would call it probable.

There is an awful lot we don't know or cannot even directly observe now. Two examples that I can think of off the top of my head:

1. Dark matter/dark energy- we can't see these things but only infer it from their apparent effects on other things. It is approximately 95% of the matter/energy content of he universe.

Dark matter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. Gravitational waves. I cite this as scientists are currently working on a detector to directly observe them, so it is an example of our advancing the tools themselves in order to advance the science.

Gravitational wave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In physics, gravitational waves are ripples in the curvature of spacetime which propagate as waves, travelling outward from the source. Predicted in 1916[1][2] by Albert Einstein on the basis of his theory of general relativity,[3][4] gravitational waves theoretically transport energy as gravitational radiation. Sources of detectable gravitational waves could possibly include binary star systems composed of white dwarfs, neutron stars, or black holes. The existence of gravitational waves is a possible consequence of the Lorentz invariance of general relativity since it brings the concept of a limiting speed of propagation of the physical interactions with it. Gravitational waves cannot exist in the Newtonian theory of gravitation, in which physical interactions propagate at infinite speed.

Here is a piece on the detector:


So, do I think there is a lot we don't understand with any sort of depth- absolutely. Do I think there are things we know nothing of now? Probably.

Do I infer that we will take some of things we learn and turn them into ways of transporting ourselves around via development of better 'engines' or by learning to use those things to move us? Yep.

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