Hillary Clinton: Aliens May Have Visited Us Already

Jimmy Carter believed in them. Should we believe Hillary?

Clinton: Aliens may have visited us already

Aliens live among us.

Palin, trump, Bachmann, Cruz, Bundy, Coulter...

And they don't hide that they are aliens, isn't that weird?
Neither does this one.

I was wondering why all those Hillary Supporters out in the audience at her last campaign stop were wearing tin foul hats.... :p
Several women in the past have claimed to have been visited and probed by a squishy, pasty-faced, white alien.... turns out it was just Slick Willey... :p
So you don't think 200 billion stars in our galaxy and possibly 2-3 planets on avg around each one could mean any other life in our milkyway? Yet, you call Hillary nuts?

There's at least a dozen earth or somewhat larger worlds within the habitual zone discovered so far.

Thanks Spock.
There have been no aliens visiting Earth. Sorry.

If there is life elsewhere in the Universe, and that is a big IF, it is probably along the lines of microbes. Bacteria. Plankton.

Alien life sure as shit isn't piloting a cigar-shaped light organ.

Clinton is pandering to the woo-woo crowd. And if she is elected, and says she searched government records and there is nothing there, the woo-woos will cry cover-up.

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