Hillary Clinton and the Future Failure


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
So now enter Hillary Clinton and the deluded Democrats who jones for her Presidency. Maybe it’s time to ask what, specifically, we will get; what we can hope for, and whether it will usher in changes Americans overwhelmingly want (more about this, in a bit).

And here’s the answer – If we nominate Hillary Clinton we will get another DLC Democrat who mouths progressive values during the campaign, then shifts to the right when (and if) elected. In short, citizens get no real choice.

Hillary Clinton and the Future Failure of Progressive Hope and Change | Common Dreams
So now enter Hillary Clinton and the deluded Democrats who jones for her Presidency. Maybe it’s time to ask what, specifically, we will get; what we can hope for, and whether it will usher in changes Americans overwhelmingly want (more about this, in a bit).

And here’s the answer – If we nominate Hillary Clinton we will get another DLC Democrat who mouths progressive values during the campaign, then shifts to the right when (and if) elected. In short, citizens get no real choice.

Hillary Clinton and the Future Failure of Progressive Hope and Change | Common Dreams

I'm no Hillary Clinton fan - and I would like a real choice. So I hope the Democrats and Republicans can do better than another Clinton v Bush.
Hillary will never be POTUS. She can't win her own primaries. Liberals want a wingnut.
That's why Hillary has no chance of getting the nomination against a radical, lunatic, true believer like Liz Warren
hillary clinton isn't leftist enough?


how far out is someone to think that?
How anyone could even think in a flashing moment of insanity that Hillary Clinton would make a good President is beyond my comprehension.

White Water scam stold millions from elderly people's retirement funds.
Bimbo Eruption Gestapo Queen, destroyed innocent women's lives after her husband raped and assaulted them.
The stupid "reset button" debacle.
The Ambassador and four former Navy Seals murdered in Benghazi because she got the 3:00AM phone call and did not want to cause a scene that might embarrass Obama.
The phony 'stroke' to get out of appearing before Congress too answer questions.
The lies to the families of the slain Benghazi victims on the tarmac as the bodies were being unloaded.
"What difference,.....at this point in time.......does it make?"
The people Democrats choose to represent them is proof positive that the Democrat Party is the Party of morons and idiots!
wants to change America to socialism
hates freedom
wants the government to run everything
thinks the government is the answer
hates the free market
expects the peasants to use public schools, but not her
is pro-choice up to partial birth murder
will support post birth murder
pro spending
pro tax increases

what's further left?
Let's visualize the nightmare scenario: Hillary is the president elect on the first Wednesday of November in 2016.

She, having achieved her life-long goal, and exhausted all the help she could get from her tomcatting and philandering husband, would declare that she would want to be known as "President Rodham", ditching old Bill with great relish.
Let's visualize the nightmare scenario: Hillary is the president elect on the first Wednesday of November in 2016.

She, having achieved her life-long goal, and exhausted all the help she could get from her tomcatting and philandering husband, would declare that she would want to be known as "President Rodham", ditching old Bill with great relish.

Why is that such a nightmare for you?
Let's visualize the nightmare scenario: Hillary is the president elect on the first Wednesday of November in 2016.

She, having achieved her life-long goal, and exhausted all the help she could get from her tomcatting and philandering husband, would declare that she would want to be known as "President Rodham", ditching old Bill with great relish.

Why is that such a nightmare for you?

I think she's one of those gnostics who eat their aborted dead children. Or maybe a Cather.
Let's visualize the nightmare scenario: Hillary is the president elect on the first Wednesday of November in 2016.

She, having achieved her life-long goal, and exhausted all the help she could get from her tomcatting and philandering husband, would declare that she would want to be known as "President Rodham", ditching old Bill with great relish.

Why is that such a nightmare for you?

I think she's one of those gnostics who eat their aborted dead children. Or maybe a Cather.

LOL - thanks for the image.
I think Hillary is another Obama in the sense that they love all the trappings
of the Presidency but don't care much for the work that comes with it.
I bet if hillary becomes president, she will get rid of bill and marry a chick. Ain't no way a feminist will allow a man to be first lady.

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