Hillary Clinton calls email scandal a "nothing burger"

Republican made up BS isn't against the law either! Trying to deflect constantly bringing up leaks only shows desperation in comparison to real issues of Election tampering/collusion with Russians! It's blowing up in your face and all you guys can talk about is Rice maybe unmasked Flynn! I never thought I'd hear Republicans like Trump defending them so much! It's as pathetic as this argument! :9: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno:

Yup, still waiting for a smidgen of evidence regarding those "real issues".

Are you deaf? The evidence is coming right out of Trump's mouth everyday! The crime is called "obstruction of justice" when a sitting President tries to pressure the FBI Director to "lay off his boy Flynn! He's a good guy!" If you don't think firing someone that's investigating you is obstruction, I guess I don't know what is! :9: :argue: :blahblah:

again - legally he can fire whoever he wants.

also - trump IS NOT UNDER INVESTIGATION now is he?

you keep using that word. i do not think it means what you think it means.

That's why you're having trouble; you're just not thinking! Trump promotes willful ignorance! That's up to you, but as long as I have breath in my weak arse body, I'd like to live in reality rather than the Alt.-Universe you appear to be living in! Good luck with that when it all blows up; mark my words! This is HUGE with all kinds of circumstantial evidence against Trumo as compared to the made-up BS with Hillary concerning Benghazi! I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me "her crime" in that issue? I guess you just want to PROVE a lie so you can say to us, "SEE!" Well bravo, you have your meaningless victory with a nitwit at the helm of STATE! I pray you don't have kids to have to deal with the residual affects of his tenure! Obama left things in pretty good shape so he doesn't have to deal with the crippked economy and all the rest that occurred during "W's" term in office! Still our fault to let this happen, but I've ceased to care! Again, good luck with him! If he can turn it around and we're all steppin' thru the tulips in great shape, I'll apologize and applaud it! I have a feeling HELL will freeze before that ever happens! :9: :blowup: :booze: :cuckoo: :dunno:
that's just it -

i'm fine waiting for results. you seem hellbent on being right, not seeing what *is* right.

fuck that shit. tired of people making life fit their views.

and again - obama has FISA UP HIS ASS - how come you let FACTS slide while you glom on "circumstantial" then tell other people they're being stupid.

I guess "stupid" must be consciousness of guilt since I try not to call certain people that adjective, but "ill-informed" wouldn't be accurate when the news is given to all, but Republicans have decided "who you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?" What you're doing is thinking everyone else is stupid to believe the constant whining and victimhood just because the TRUTH is being told about this Orange NERO! The USA is burning around him and all he wants to do is play golf! Funny how he's taken off more time than Obama's 8 years in vacation time already spending millions more for his travel and security! He doesn't care how much is blown in that and I guess you think it's his right, but what stress has he been under besides his own creation? He did it to himself accusing Obama of bugging Trump Tower! Republican investigations have disproven it all and he keeps trying to spin it! You're obviously dizzy; I got off Trump's merry-go-round 30 years ago! He was a fool then & he's still a fool! :blahblah: :boohoo: :bang3: :fu: :meow:
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Anyone who watched what he said about "hacking" knew he was being sarcastic. Sorry you are unable to recognize obvious sarcasm.

Presidents reveal intel to other heads of state all the time. Obama, himself, revealed intel to Russia regarding Syria.

Of course when Obama did it, The Washington Post had the headline "US shares intel with Russia"...and proceeded with a positive article talking about how the US and Russia are working together in Syria

When Trump did it, the same paper headline was "Trump reveals secrets to Putin"....and proceeded with an article about how absurd it is to share anything with Russia.

Now think about this....he shared with him the intel regarding laptop bombs that are not detectable. Americans fly to and from Russia daily.

Sorry he shared intel that may save American lives.

I know.,.....bad bad bad

LOL, thanks for the laugh.

Can you tell me more about how bad Hillarys handling of emails was for our national security.
I don't know how bad it was for our national security.

However, we know that .gov servers are as secure as technologically possible.;

That being said...I am curious......and I bet you wont answer this...

What reason did Hillary have to go out of her way to have a private server set up? After all, that is costly, time consuming, disruptive, possibly dangerous...and she had one already set up with the state department.

Now, we all know the reason she gave....you know....."I wanted all my emails on one device" was a lie seeing as a 12 year old knows how to have one device interact with multiple servers so I am sure the Head tech person at the state department know how to do it....

So what was the real reason and why did she lie about it?

Why don't you tell me the real reason.

It's amazing to watch you people cry about shitty handling of emails but are totally cool with Trump telling the Russians literally anything he wants.

The mental gymnastics is Olympic level quality. Bravo.
See? I was correct. You refuse to answer it.
Why is that? Why are you not curious as to why she did it and why she lied about the reason she did it?
You likely wont answer that question either.

FYI....want to know why I knew I you wouldn't answer the first one?

Because every time I ask someone that question, they divert and insult me....as you did....and don't answer the question.
I don't know how bad it was for our national security.

However, we know that .gov servers are as secure as technologically possible.;

That being said...I am curious......and I bet you wont answer this...

What reason did Hillary have to go out of her way to have a private server set up? After all, that is costly, time consuming, disruptive, possibly dangerous...and she had one already set up with the state department.

Now, we all know the reason she gave....you know....."I wanted all my emails on one device" was a lie seeing as a 12 year old knows how to have one device interact with multiple servers so I am sure the Head tech person at the state department know how to do it....

So what was the real reason and why did she lie about it?

Why don't you tell me the real reason.

It's amazing to watch you people cry about shitty handling of emails but are totally cool with Trump telling the Russians literally anything he wants.

The mental gymnastics is Olympic level quality. Bravo.
same kinda gymnastics you're using to avoid answering WHY she needed her own server. and all jarhead said was what the president can and can't do - he never said whether or not he agreed with what the president did, so - you're making shit up to fit your own argument.

I have no clue why she needed her own server. I also know I don't like Hillary and have never supported her. BUT if you are going to complain about our Security and how Hillary should be "locked up" for her handling of classified info I will 100% call out the raging hypocrisy when Trump has done far worse.
what has he done worse that is *illegal* (your not liking it doesn't count)

I already posted what he has done that is worse.

Anyone of import on record with actual facts or just more of the media reporting anonymous sources where a friend of a friend talked to someone who washes the car of the driver for someone who works in DC?

Hillary's FU is well documented. My son who has a DOE Q Clearance knows exactly what would happen to him if he tried to do an end run around security measures at his facility like Hillary did. He would never be able to work for the government again and would probably do jail time. The excuse that no one told her she couldn't do it is BS. Whether she took the monthly required security trainings and passed the tests or not, she is surrounded by people who DID know better. If you try and use the excuse that she was Sec of State and has the ability to determine what she can and can't do in regard to what is secure and what isn't, then you have to give the same latitude to President Trump instead of piss and moan that he is putting our nation in danger.
Who cares what the lying bitch says?!

Comey already confirmed during testimony under oath before Congress that Hillary broke laws.

Perp-Walk her ass in hadcuffs, put her in an orange jump suit, and let her be President of Cell Block 'D' already!
Yup, still waiting for a smidgen of evidence regarding those "real issues".

Are you deaf? The evidence is coming right out of Trump's mouth everyday! The crime is called "obstruction of justice" when a sitting President tries to pressure the FBI Director to "lay off his boy Flynn! He's a good guy!" If you don't think firing someone that's investigating you is obstruction, I guess I don't know what is! :9: :argue: :blahblah:

again - legally he can fire whoever he wants.

also - trump IS NOT UNDER INVESTIGATION now is he?

you keep using that word. i do not think it means what you think it means.

That's why you're having trouble; you're just not thinking! Trump promotes willful ignorance! That's up to you, but as long as I have breath in my weak arse body, I'd like to live in reality rather than the Alt.-Universe you appear to be living in! Good luck with that when it all blows up; mark my words! This is HUGE with all kinds of circumstantial evidence against Trumo as compared to the made-up BS with Hillary concerning Benghazi! I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me "her crime" in that issue? I guess you just want to PROVE a lie so you can say to us, "SEE!" Well bravo, you have your meaningless victory with a nitwit at the helm of STATE! I pray you don't have kids to have to deal with the residual affects of his tenure! Obama left things in pretty good shape so he doesn't have to deal with the crippked economy and all the rest that occurred during "W's" term in office! Still our fault to let this happen, but I've ceased to care! Again, good luck with him! If he can turn it around and we're all steppin' thru the tulips in great shape, I'll apologize and applaud it! I have a feeling HELL will freeze before that ever happens! :9: :blowup: :booze: :cuckoo: :dunno:
that's just it -

i'm fine waiting for results. you seem hellbent on being right, not seeing what *is* right.

fuck that shit. tired of people making life fit their views.

and again - obama has FISA UP HIS ASS - how come you let FACTS slide while you glom on "circumstantial" then tell other people they're being stupid.

I guess "stupid" must be consciousness of guilt since I try not to call certain people that adjective, but "ill-informed" wouldn't be accurate when the news is given to all, but Republicans have decided "who you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?" What you're doing is thinking everyone else is stupid to believe the constant whining and victimhood just because the TRUTH is being told about this Orange NERO! The USA is burning around him and all he wants to do is play golf! Funny how he's taken off more time than Obama's 8 years in vacation time already spending millions more for his travel and security! He doesn't care how much is blown in that and I guess you think it's his right, but what stress has he been under besides his own creation? He did it to himself accusing Obama of bugging Trump Tower! Republican investigations have disproven it all and he keeps trying to spin it! You're obviously dizzy; I got off Trump's merry-go-round 30 years ago! He was a fool then & he's still a fool! :blahblah: :boohoo: :bang3: :fu: :meow:
yet he is a billionaire and President of the United States and you are someone posting on a message board ranting about laws broken with no actual facts proving that laws were broken....not to mention if you DID have facts, they still would not be considered criminal actions.
Are you deaf? The evidence is coming right out of Trump's mouth everyday! The crime is called "obstruction of justice" when a sitting President tries to pressure the FBI Director to "lay off his boy Flynn! He's a good guy!" If you don't think firing someone that's investigating you is obstruction, I guess I don't know what is! :9: :argue: :blahblah:

again - legally he can fire whoever he wants.

also - trump IS NOT UNDER INVESTIGATION now is he?

you keep using that word. i do not think it means what you think it means.

That's why you're having trouble; you're just not thinking! Trump promotes willful ignorance! That's up to you, but as long as I have breath in my weak arse body, I'd like to live in reality rather than the Alt.-Universe you appear to be living in! Good luck with that when it all blows up; mark my words! This is HUGE with all kinds of circumstantial evidence against Trumo as compared to the made-up BS with Hillary concerning Benghazi! I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me "her crime" in that issue? I guess you just want to PROVE a lie so you can say to us, "SEE!" Well bravo, you have your meaningless victory with a nitwit at the helm of STATE! I pray you don't have kids to have to deal with the residual affects of his tenure! Obama left things in pretty good shape so he doesn't have to deal with the crippked economy and all the rest that occurred during "W's" term in office! Still our fault to let this happen, but I've ceased to care! Again, good luck with him! If he can turn it around and we're all steppin' thru the tulips in great shape, I'll apologize and applaud it! I have a feeling HELL will freeze before that ever happens! :9: :blowup: :booze: :cuckoo: :dunno:
that's just it -

i'm fine waiting for results. you seem hellbent on being right, not seeing what *is* right.

fuck that shit. tired of people making life fit their views.

and again - obama has FISA UP HIS ASS - how come you let FACTS slide while you glom on "circumstantial" then tell other people they're being stupid.

I guess "stupid" must be consciousness of guilt since I try not to call certain people that adjective, but "ill-informed" wouldn't be accurate when the news is given to all, but Republicans have decided "who you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?" What you're doing is thinking everyone else is stupid to believe the constant whining and victimhood just because the TRUTH is being told about this Orange NERO! The USA is burning around him and all he wants to do is play golf! Funny how he's taken off more time than Obama's 8 years in vacation time already spending millions more for his travel and security! He doesn't care how much is blown in that and I guess you think it's his right, but what stress has he been under besides his own creation? He did it to himself accusing Obama of bugging Trump Tower! Republican investigations have disproven it all and he keeps trying to spin it! You're obviously dizzy; I got off Trump's merry-go-round 30 years ago! He was a fool then & he's still a fool! :blahblah: :boohoo: :bang3: :fu: :meow:
yet he is a billionaire and President of the United States and you are someone posting on a message board ranting about laws broken with no actual facts proving that laws were broken....not to mention if you DID have facts, they still would not be considered criminal actions.

yep. not arguing how you feel about the guy. not a huge fan of his either but i do appreciate his trying to NOT be like all the crap we've had before us. i'll give him every chance to succeed and not pre-judge him as guilty to satisfy my own insecurities.

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