Hillary Clinton calls email scandal a "nothing burger"

what has he done worse that is *illegal* (your not liking it doesn't count)

Being President; unethical = illegal IMO! Hiring his family, not divesting himself of business so in violation of all kinds of rules! I feel without a doubt, even with a Republican Congress, they'll have no choice but to impeach this idiot! :321: :banghead:
great. except your opinion isn't law. you can't impeach people you don't like or no president would make it past day 1.

obama spied on a ton of people - certainly NOT ethical *AND* illegal but let's put illegal down for a bit. according to your unethical = illegal are you also wanting obama in jail?

or are *ethics* more what you agree with or not in this case?

Republican made up BS isn't against the law either! Trying to deflect constantly bringing up leaks only shows desperation in comparison to real issues of Election tampering/collusion with Russians! It's blowing up in your face and all you guys can talk about is Rice maybe unmasked Flynn! I never thought I'd hear Republicans like Trump defending them so much! It's as pathetic as this argument! :9: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno:

Yup, still waiting for a smidgen of evidence regarding those "real issues".

Are you deaf? The evidence is coming right out of Trump's mouth everyday! The crime is called "obstruction of justice" when a sitting President tries to pressure the FBI Director to "lay off his boy Flynn! He's a good guy!" If you don't think firing someone that's investigating you is obstruction, I guess I don't know what is! :9: :argue: :blahblah:
Really? You know as fact that Trump tried to coerce Comey?
Even though Comey, under oath, last month said no one has ever tried to coerce him?
Even though, several years ago, when COmey was appointed he signed a document saying he will knowing break the law if he does not report attempts to coerce him to drop a case?
You know it as fact?
Trump was right. He could shoot someone in broad daylight and you people would still support him.

The sad part is that you only support him because of the (R) next to his name. You don't care what he does or says, even if it makes you look like a complete hypocrite. As long as he's on your "team" you will support him.

To quote Trump - "Sad"
Being President; unethical = illegal IMO! Hiring his family, not divesting himself of business so in violation of all kinds of rules! I feel without a doubt, even with a Republican Congress, they'll have no choice but to impeach this idiot! :321: :banghead:
great. except your opinion isn't law. you can't impeach people you don't like or no president would make it past day 1.

obama spied on a ton of people - certainly NOT ethical *AND* illegal but let's put illegal down for a bit. according to your unethical = illegal are you also wanting obama in jail?

or are *ethics* more what you agree with or not in this case?

Republican made up BS isn't against the law either! Trying to deflect constantly bringing up leaks only shows desperation in comparison to real issues of Election tampering/collusion with Russians! It's blowing up in your face and all you guys can talk about is Rice maybe unmasked Flynn! I never thought I'd hear Republicans like Trump defending them so much! It's as pathetic as this argument! :9: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno:

Yup, still waiting for a smidgen of evidence regarding those "real issues".

Are you deaf? The evidence is coming right out of Trump's mouth everyday! The crime is called "obstruction of justice" when a sitting President tries to pressure the FBI Director to "lay off his boy Flynn! He's a good guy!" If you don't think firing someone that's investigating you is obstruction, I guess I don't know what is! :9: :argue: :blahblah:
Really? You know as fact that Trump tried to coerce Comey?
Even though Comey, under oath, last month said no one has ever tried to coerce him?
Even though, several years ago, when COmey was appointed he signed a document saying he will knowing break the law if he does not report attempts to coerce him to drop a case?
You know it as fact?
emotional people don't do facts really well.
Trump was right. He could shoot someone in broad daylight and you people would still support him.

The sad part is that you only support him because of the (R) next to his name. You don't care what he does or says, even if it makes you look like a complete hypocrite. As long as he's on your "team" you will support him.

To quote Trump - "Sad"
i support him cause he isn't hillary.
i support him cause he's president and was elected by our processes.
i would have supported hillary despite my personal reservations if she won and bitched a hell of a lot less than liberals are bitching now

it makes you look like a complete hypocrite when you can manufacturer evidence at will and wave your hate-boner around expecting everyone to go "wow, this completely changes my mind!" yet you won't get mad at the same activities of someone on your OWN side, it would seem.

so the sad part is you only attack him cause he has an R next to his name, yet that somehow is not hypocritical.

fyi - i don't think he's dem or repub - he's trump and both sides don't care for him much. but he is president.
Trump was right. He could shoot someone in broad daylight and you people would still support him.

The sad part is that you only support him because of the (R) next to his name. You don't care what he does or says, even if it makes you look like a complete hypocrite. As long as he's on your "team" you will support him.

To quote Trump - "Sad"
i support him cause he isn't hillary.
i support him cause he's president and was elected by our processes.
i would have supported hillary despite my personal reservations if she won and bitched a hell of a lot less than liberals are bitching now

it makes you look like a complete hypocrite when you can manufacturer evidence at will and wave your hate-boner around expecting everyone to go "wow, this completely changes my mind!" yet you won't get mad at the same activities of someone on your OWN side, it would seem.

so the sad part is you only attack him cause he has an R next to his name, yet that somehow is not hypocritical.

fyi - i don't think he's dem or repub - he's trump and both sides don't care for him much. but he is president.

How many different ways can I tell you I don't like Clinton?

But that doesn't change the fact that the things Trump has done while President are being excused by his supporters where they complained ENDLESSLY about much less that Hillary had apparently done.

Hillary is not president, thank god. But Trump is and there are countless things he has done that should piss you off as an American.
Trump was right. He could shoot someone in broad daylight and you people would still support him.

The sad part is that you only support him because of the (R) next to his name. You don't care what he does or says, even if it makes you look like a complete hypocrite. As long as he's on your "team" you will support him.

To quote Trump - "Sad"
i support him cause he isn't hillary.
i support him cause he's president and was elected by our processes.
i would have supported hillary despite my personal reservations if she won and bitched a hell of a lot less than liberals are bitching now

it makes you look like a complete hypocrite when you can manufacturer evidence at will and wave your hate-boner around expecting everyone to go "wow, this completely changes my mind!" yet you won't get mad at the same activities of someone on your OWN side, it would seem.

so the sad part is you only attack him cause he has an R next to his name, yet that somehow is not hypocritical.

fyi - i don't think he's dem or repub - he's trump and both sides don't care for him much. but he is president.

How many different ways can I tell you I don't like Clinton?

But that doesn't change the fact that the things Trump has done while President are being excused by his supporters where they complained ENDLESSLY about much less that Hillary had apparently done.

Hillary is not president, thank god. But Trump is and there are countless thing he has done that should piss you off as an American.
then please name the illegal activities he's done.

if nothing illegal then i simply don't care cause that only leaves your personal preferences OF WHICH we all have to work through on ANY FREAKING GIVEN PRESIDENT who's ever held office.

like i said - if he's guilty - lock his blonde ass up with hillary and obama. lock him up alone - don't care. but the constant whining from people who just hate him and can't shut up about it is only helping HIM at this point.
It was... especially compared to imploring a foreign enemy to hack into the emails of your political opponent.
Oh...were you one of those simple minded people that truly believed Trump was imploring PUBLICLY for Putin to hack her emails?

Are you so simple minded that you did not see the sarcasm in his comment?

Sorry to hear that.
Seriously, I thought he was in secret contact with the Russians the whole time. I wish they would pick a horse and ride it.
Trump was right. He could shoot someone in broad daylight and you people would still support him.

The sad part is that you only support him because of the (R) next to his name. You don't care what he does or says, even if it makes you look like a complete hypocrite. As long as he's on your "team" you will support him.

To quote Trump - "Sad"
i support him cause he isn't hillary.
i support him cause he's president and was elected by our processes.
i would have supported hillary despite my personal reservations if she won and bitched a hell of a lot less than liberals are bitching now

it makes you look like a complete hypocrite when you can manufacturer evidence at will and wave your hate-boner around expecting everyone to go "wow, this completely changes my mind!" yet you won't get mad at the same activities of someone on your OWN side, it would seem.

so the sad part is you only attack him cause he has an R next to his name, yet that somehow is not hypocritical.

fyi - i don't think he's dem or repub - he's trump and both sides don't care for him much. but he is president.

How many different ways can I tell you I don't like Clinton?

But that doesn't change the fact that the things Trump has done while President are being excused by his supporters where they complained ENDLESSLY about much less that Hillary had apparently done.

Hillary is not president, thank god. But Trump is and there are countless thing he has done that should piss you off as an American.
then please name the illegal activities he's done.

if nothing illegal then i simply don't care cause that only leaves your personal preferences OF WHICH we all have to work through on ANY FREAKING GIVEN PRESIDENT who's ever held office.

like i said - if he's guilty - lock his blonde ass up with hillary and obama. lock him up alone - don't care. but the constant whining from people who just hate him and can't shut up about it is only helping HIM at this point.

Lock him up with Hillary and Obama? What did they do that was illegal?

I thought you only cared about what was illegal and not opinion.
Trump was right. He could shoot someone in broad daylight and you people would still support him.

The sad part is that you only support him because of the (R) next to his name. You don't care what he does or says, even if it makes you look like a complete hypocrite. As long as he's on your "team" you will support him.

To quote Trump - "Sad"
i support him cause he isn't hillary.
i support him cause he's president and was elected by our processes.
i would have supported hillary despite my personal reservations if she won and bitched a hell of a lot less than liberals are bitching now

it makes you look like a complete hypocrite when you can manufacturer evidence at will and wave your hate-boner around expecting everyone to go "wow, this completely changes my mind!" yet you won't get mad at the same activities of someone on your OWN side, it would seem.

so the sad part is you only attack him cause he has an R next to his name, yet that somehow is not hypocritical.

fyi - i don't think he's dem or repub - he's trump and both sides don't care for him much. but he is president.

How many different ways can I tell you I don't like Clinton?

But that doesn't change the fact that the things Trump has done while President are being excused by his supporters where they complained ENDLESSLY about much less that Hillary had apparently done.

Hillary is not president, thank god. But Trump is and there are countless thing he has done that should piss you off as an American.
then please name the illegal activities he's done.

if nothing illegal then i simply don't care cause that only leaves your personal preferences OF WHICH we all have to work through on ANY FREAKING GIVEN PRESIDENT who's ever held office.

like i said - if he's guilty - lock his blonde ass up with hillary and obama. lock him up alone - don't care. but the constant whining from people who just hate him and can't shut up about it is only helping HIM at this point.

Lock him up with Hillary and Obama? What did they do that was illegal?

I thought you only cared about what was illegal and not opinion.
Explosive Revelation of Obama Administration Illegal Surveillance of Americans

keep up. if that turns out to be true, he's going to be playing hard to get at the prison dances.
Now she's trying to blame the media for making a big deal about her email scandal, but Comey admitted that she had received and sent classified information on her private server. She said that the media acted as if it was the biggest thing since "Pearl Harbor". My Email Server Scandal is The "Biggest-nothing burger ever"

Well to be fair, in comparison to what Trump has done, her emails are small-potatoes.

Such as?

(and don't give me anything that has not been proven with fact).

LOL. Easy.

  1. Trump asked Russia to hack in to Americans emails.
  2. Trump intentionally leaked highly classified intelligence directly to the Russians from within the actual White House.
Anyone who watched what he said about "hacking" knew he was being sarcastic. Sorry you are unable to recognize obvious sarcasm.

Presidents reveal intel to other heads of state all the time. Obama, himself, revealed intel to Russia regarding Syria.

Of course when Obama did it, The Washington Post had the headline "US shares intel with Russia"...and proceeded with a positive article talking about how the US and Russia are working together in Syria

When Trump did it, the same paper headline was "Trump reveals secrets to Putin"....and proceeded with an article about how absurd it is to share anything with Russia.

Now think about this....he shared with him the intel regarding laptop bombs that are not detectable. Americans fly to and from Russia daily.

Sorry he shared intel that may save American lives.

I know.,.....bad bad bad

LOL, thanks for the laugh.

Can you tell me more about how bad Hillarys handling of emails was for our national security.
It was a rare case of the voters becoming aware of extreme carelessness and preventing it from gaining the reins of power.
Trump was right. He could shoot someone in broad daylight and you people would still support him.

The sad part is that you only support him because of the (R) next to his name. You don't care what he does or says, even if it makes you look like a complete hypocrite. As long as he's on your "team" you will support him.

To quote Trump - "Sad"
i support him cause he isn't hillary.
i support him cause he's president and was elected by our processes.
i would have supported hillary despite my personal reservations if she won and bitched a hell of a lot less than liberals are bitching now

it makes you look like a complete hypocrite when you can manufacturer evidence at will and wave your hate-boner around expecting everyone to go "wow, this completely changes my mind!" yet you won't get mad at the same activities of someone on your OWN side, it would seem.

so the sad part is you only attack him cause he has an R next to his name, yet that somehow is not hypocritical.

fyi - i don't think he's dem or repub - he's trump and both sides don't care for him much. but he is president.

How many different ways can I tell you I don't like Clinton?

But that doesn't change the fact that the things Trump has done while President are being excused by his supporters where they complained ENDLESSLY about much less that Hillary had apparently done.

Hillary is not president, thank god. But Trump is and there are countless thing he has done that should piss you off as an American.
then please name the illegal activities he's done.

if nothing illegal then i simply don't care cause that only leaves your personal preferences OF WHICH we all have to work through on ANY FREAKING GIVEN PRESIDENT who's ever held office.

like i said - if he's guilty - lock his blonde ass up with hillary and obama. lock him up alone - don't care. but the constant whining from people who just hate him and can't shut up about it is only helping HIM at this point.

Lock him up with Hillary and Obama? What did they do that was illegal?

I thought you only cared about what was illegal and not opinion.
Explosive Revelation of Obama Administration Illegal Surveillance of Americans

keep up. if that turns out to be true, he's going to be playing hard to get at the prison dances.

Haha, you can't go two posts without proving you're a hypocrite, can you? It's literally impossible.

I get it, you latched on to a disgusting pile of trash as your savior and now you can and do say literally anything to justify why you voted for the worst president this country has ever seen.
Well to be fair, in comparison to what Trump has done, her emails are small-potatoes.

Such as?

(and don't give me anything that has not been proven with fact).

LOL. Easy.

  1. Trump asked Russia to hack in to Americans emails.
  2. Trump intentionally leaked highly classified intelligence directly to the Russians from within the actual White House.
Anyone who watched what he said about "hacking" knew he was being sarcastic. Sorry you are unable to recognize obvious sarcasm.

Presidents reveal intel to other heads of state all the time. Obama, himself, revealed intel to Russia regarding Syria.

Of course when Obama did it, The Washington Post had the headline "US shares intel with Russia"...and proceeded with a positive article talking about how the US and Russia are working together in Syria

When Trump did it, the same paper headline was "Trump reveals secrets to Putin"....and proceeded with an article about how absurd it is to share anything with Russia.

Now think about this....he shared with him the intel regarding laptop bombs that are not detectable. Americans fly to and from Russia daily.

Sorry he shared intel that may save American lives.

I know.,.....bad bad bad

LOL, thanks for the laugh.

Can you tell me more about how bad Hillarys handling of emails was for our national security.
It was a rare case of the voters becoming aware of extreme carelessness and preventing it from gaining the reins of power.

And yet we ended up with someone who has actually personally handed russians highly classified information. Well done.

Such as?

(and don't give me anything that has not been proven with fact).

LOL. Easy.

  1. Trump asked Russia to hack in to Americans emails.
  2. Trump intentionally leaked highly classified intelligence directly to the Russians from within the actual White House.
Anyone who watched what he said about "hacking" knew he was being sarcastic. Sorry you are unable to recognize obvious sarcasm.

Presidents reveal intel to other heads of state all the time. Obama, himself, revealed intel to Russia regarding Syria.

Of course when Obama did it, The Washington Post had the headline "US shares intel with Russia"...and proceeded with a positive article talking about how the US and Russia are working together in Syria

When Trump did it, the same paper headline was "Trump reveals secrets to Putin"....and proceeded with an article about how absurd it is to share anything with Russia.

Now think about this....he shared with him the intel regarding laptop bombs that are not detectable. Americans fly to and from Russia daily.

Sorry he shared intel that may save American lives.

I know.,.....bad bad bad

LOL, thanks for the laugh.

Can you tell me more about how bad Hillarys handling of emails was for our national security.
It was a rare case of the voters becoming aware of extreme carelessness and preventing it from gaining the reins of power.

And yet we ended up with someone who has actually personally handed russians highly classified information. Well done.
Wow, "highly classified". Got a link on that one?
LOL. Easy.

  1. Trump asked Russia to hack in to Americans emails.
  2. Trump intentionally leaked highly classified intelligence directly to the Russians from within the actual White House.
Anyone who watched what he said about "hacking" knew he was being sarcastic. Sorry you are unable to recognize obvious sarcasm.

Presidents reveal intel to other heads of state all the time. Obama, himself, revealed intel to Russia regarding Syria.

Of course when Obama did it, The Washington Post had the headline "US shares intel with Russia"...and proceeded with a positive article talking about how the US and Russia are working together in Syria

When Trump did it, the same paper headline was "Trump reveals secrets to Putin"....and proceeded with an article about how absurd it is to share anything with Russia.

Now think about this....he shared with him the intel regarding laptop bombs that are not detectable. Americans fly to and from Russia daily.

Sorry he shared intel that may save American lives.

I know.,.....bad bad bad

LOL, thanks for the laugh.

Can you tell me more about how bad Hillarys handling of emails was for our national security.
It was a rare case of the voters becoming aware of extreme carelessness and preventing it from gaining the reins of power.

And yet we ended up with someone who has actually personally handed russians highly classified information. Well done.
Wow, "highly classified". Got a link on that one?

Sure do. Thanks for asking.
i support him cause he isn't hillary.
i support him cause he's president and was elected by our processes.
i would have supported hillary despite my personal reservations if she won and bitched a hell of a lot less than liberals are bitching now

it makes you look like a complete hypocrite when you can manufacturer evidence at will and wave your hate-boner around expecting everyone to go "wow, this completely changes my mind!" yet you won't get mad at the same activities of someone on your OWN side, it would seem.

so the sad part is you only attack him cause he has an R next to his name, yet that somehow is not hypocritical.

fyi - i don't think he's dem or repub - he's trump and both sides don't care for him much. but he is president.

How many different ways can I tell you I don't like Clinton?

But that doesn't change the fact that the things Trump has done while President are being excused by his supporters where they complained ENDLESSLY about much less that Hillary had apparently done.

Hillary is not president, thank god. But Trump is and there are countless thing he has done that should piss you off as an American.
then please name the illegal activities he's done.

if nothing illegal then i simply don't care cause that only leaves your personal preferences OF WHICH we all have to work through on ANY FREAKING GIVEN PRESIDENT who's ever held office.

like i said - if he's guilty - lock his blonde ass up with hillary and obama. lock him up alone - don't care. but the constant whining from people who just hate him and can't shut up about it is only helping HIM at this point.

Lock him up with Hillary and Obama? What did they do that was illegal?

I thought you only cared about what was illegal and not opinion.
Explosive Revelation of Obama Administration Illegal Surveillance of Americans

keep up. if that turns out to be true, he's going to be playing hard to get at the prison dances.

Haha, you can't go two posts without proving you're a hypocrite, can you? It's literally impossible.

I get it, you latched on to a disgusting pile of trash as your savior and now you can and do say literally anything to justify why you voted for the worst president this country has ever seen.
and you can't get it through your liberal ass head i don't care for trump. anything less than he is someone elses SAVIOR fucks up your world.

but - for hypocrisy - you saying obama didn't break the law and FISA is wrong? you can't admit YOUR GOLDEN GOD OBAMA COULD EVER DO ANYTHING WRONG!!!!!

see - kinda stupid that way, isn't it?
Being President; unethical = illegal IMO! Hiring his family, not divesting himself of business so in violation of all kinds of rules! I feel without a doubt, even with a Republican Congress, they'll have no choice but to impeach this idiot! :321: :banghead:
great. except your opinion isn't law. you can't impeach people you don't like or no president would make it past day 1.

obama spied on a ton of people - certainly NOT ethical *AND* illegal but let's put illegal down for a bit. according to your unethical = illegal are you also wanting obama in jail?

or are *ethics* more what you agree with or not in this case?

Republican made up BS isn't against the law either! Trying to deflect constantly bringing up leaks only shows desperation in comparison to real issues of Election tampering/collusion with Russians! It's blowing up in your face and all you guys can talk about is Rice maybe unmasked Flynn! I never thought I'd hear Republicans like Trump defending them so much! It's as pathetic as this argument! :9: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno:

Yup, still waiting for a smidgen of evidence regarding those "real issues".

Are you deaf? The evidence is coming right out of Trump's mouth everyday! The crime is called "obstruction of justice" when a sitting President tries to pressure the FBI Director to "lay off his boy Flynn! He's a good guy!" If you don't think firing someone that's investigating you is obstruction, I guess I don't know what is! :9: :argue: :blahblah:

again - legally he can fire whoever he wants.

also - trump IS NOT UNDER INVESTIGATION now is he?

you keep using that word. i do not think it means what you think it means.

That's why you're having trouble; you're just not thinking! Trump promotes willful ignorance! That's up to you, but as long as I have breath in my weak arse body, I'd like to live in reality rather than the Alt.-Universe you appear to be living in! Good luck with that when it all blows up; mark my words! This is HUGE with all kinds of circumstantial evidence against Trump as compared to the made-up BS with Hillary concerning Benghazi! I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me "her crime" in that issue? I guess you just want to PROVE a lie so you can say to us, "SEE!" Well bravo, you have your meaningless victory with a nitwit at the helm of STATE! I pray you don't have kids to have to deal with the residual affects of his tenure! Obama left things in pretty good shape so he doesn't have to deal with the crippked economy and all the rest that occurred during "W's" term in office! Still our fault to let this happen, but I've ceased to care! Again, good luck with him! If he can turn it around and we're all steppin' thru the tulips in great shape, I'll apologize and applaud it! I have a feeling HELL will freeze before that ever happens! :9: :blowup: :booze: :cuckoo: :dunno:
It's not at all about what is after President Trump's name.

It's entirely because of what is NOT after his name: "D".
great. except your opinion isn't law. you can't impeach people you don't like or no president would make it past day 1.

obama spied on a ton of people - certainly NOT ethical *AND* illegal but let's put illegal down for a bit. according to your unethical = illegal are you also wanting obama in jail?

or are *ethics* more what you agree with or not in this case?

Republican made up BS isn't against the law either! Trying to deflect constantly bringing up leaks only shows desperation in comparison to real issues of Election tampering/collusion with Russians! It's blowing up in your face and all you guys can talk about is Rice maybe unmasked Flynn! I never thought I'd hear Republicans like Trump defending them so much! It's as pathetic as this argument! :9: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno:

Yup, still waiting for a smidgen of evidence regarding those "real issues".

Are you deaf? The evidence is coming right out of Trump's mouth everyday! The crime is called "obstruction of justice" when a sitting President tries to pressure the FBI Director to "lay off his boy Flynn! He's a good guy!" If you don't think firing someone that's investigating you is obstruction, I guess I don't know what is! :9: :argue: :blahblah:

again - legally he can fire whoever he wants.

also - trump IS NOT UNDER INVESTIGATION now is he?

you keep using that word. i do not think it means what you think it means.

That's why you're having trouble; you're just not thinking! Trump promotes willful ignorance! That's up to you, but as long as I have breath in my weak arse body, I'd like to live in reality rather than the Alt.-Universe you appear to be living in! Good luck with that when it all blows up; mark my words! This is HUGE with all kinds of circumstantial evidence against Trumo as compared to the made-up BS with Hillary concerning Benghazi! I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me "her crime" in that issue? I guess you just want to PROVE a lie so you can say to us, "SEE!" Well bravo, you have your meaningless victory with a nitwit at the helm of STATE! I pray you don't have kids to have to deal with the residual affects of his tenure! Obama left things in pretty good shape so he doesn't have to deal with the crippked economy and all the rest that occurred during "W's" term in office! Still our fault to let this happen, but I've ceased to care! Again, good luck with him! If he can turn it around and we're all steppin' thru the tulips in great shape, I'll apologize and applaud it! I have a feeling HELL will freeze before that ever happens! :9: :blowup: :booze: :cuckoo: :dunno:
that's just it -

i'm fine waiting for results. you seem hellbent on being right, not seeing what *is* right.

fuck that shit. tired of people making life fit their views.

and again - obama has FISA UP HIS ASS - how come you let FACTS slide while you glom on "circumstantial" then tell other people they're being stupid.
great. except your opinion isn't law. you can't impeach people you don't like or no president would make it past day 1.

obama spied on a ton of people - certainly NOT ethical *AND* illegal but let's put illegal down for a bit. according to your unethical = illegal are you also wanting obama in jail?

or are *ethics* more what you agree with or not in this case?

Republican made up BS isn't against the law either! Trying to deflect constantly bringing up leaks only shows desperation in comparison to real issues of Election tampering/collusion with Russians! It's blowing up in your face and all you guys can talk about is Rice maybe unmasked Flynn! I never thought I'd hear Republicans like Trump defending them so much! It's as pathetic as this argument! :9: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno:

Yup, still waiting for a smidgen of evidence regarding those "real issues".

Are you deaf? The evidence is coming right out of Trump's mouth everyday! The crime is called "obstruction of justice" when a sitting President tries to pressure the FBI Director to "lay off his boy Flynn! He's a good guy!" If you don't think firing someone that's investigating you is obstruction, I guess I don't know what is! :9: :argue: :blahblah:

again - legally he can fire whoever he wants.

also - trump IS NOT UNDER INVESTIGATION now is he?

you keep using that word. i do not think it means what you think it means.

That's why you're having trouble; you're just not thinking! Trump promotes willful ignorance! That's up to you, but as long as I have breath in my weak arse body, I'd like to live in reality rather than the Alt.-Universe you appear to be living in! Good luck with that when it all blows up; mark my words! This is HUGE with all kinds of circumstantial evidence against Trump as compared to the made-up BS with Hillary concerning Benghazi! I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me "her crime" in that issue? I guess you just want to PROVE a lie so you can say to us, "SEE!" Well bravo, you have your meaningless victory with a nitwit at the helm of STATE! I pray you don't have kids to have to deal with the residual affects of his tenure! Obama left things in pretty good shape so he doesn't have to deal with the crippked economy and all the rest that occurred during "W's" term in office! Still our fault to let this happen, but I've ceased to care! Again, good luck with him! If he can turn it around and we're all steppin' thru the tulips in great shape, I'll apologize and applaud it! I have a feeling HELL will freeze before that ever happens! :9: :blowup: :booze: :cuckoo: :dunno:
Benghazi became an issue when she knowingly misled the American public about the cause of the attack....and the excuse she gave.
No one said she committed a crime. People DID, however, wonder why she opted to blame the attack on an American Citizen using his first amendment right. Did she feel that would make those that disagree with free speech, like free speech that much more?
Anyone who watched what he said about "hacking" knew he was being sarcastic. Sorry you are unable to recognize obvious sarcasm.

Presidents reveal intel to other heads of state all the time. Obama, himself, revealed intel to Russia regarding Syria.

Of course when Obama did it, The Washington Post had the headline "US shares intel with Russia"...and proceeded with a positive article talking about how the US and Russia are working together in Syria

When Trump did it, the same paper headline was "Trump reveals secrets to Putin"....and proceeded with an article about how absurd it is to share anything with Russia.

Now think about this....he shared with him the intel regarding laptop bombs that are not detectable. Americans fly to and from Russia daily.

Sorry he shared intel that may save American lives.

I know.,.....bad bad bad

LOL, thanks for the laugh.

Can you tell me more about how bad Hillarys handling of emails was for our national security.
It was a rare case of the voters becoming aware of extreme carelessness and preventing it from gaining the reins of power.

And yet we ended up with someone who has actually personally handed russians highly classified information. Well done.
Wow, "highly classified". Got a link on that one?

Sure do. Thanks for asking.
Now I get it. Have your back up against the wall and ignore my questions....AND my explanation.

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