Hillary Clinton Calls For "formal deprogramming" of Trump supporters

If the Hillary Secret Police kicks in your door at midnight and drags you away, what would you do?

  • I'd assimilate because resistance is futile.

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • I'd gladly sign up for reprogramming to mend my evil Conservative ways.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'd shoot my way out.

    Votes: 21 91.3%

  • Total voters
I doubt he'll be doing anything but enjoying a well deserved retirement. :)
While the man he was supposed to advise during the pandemic..ignored him, demeaned him, denigrated him, and now has 91 indictments pending against him. He will not only be remembered as the President who allowed a pandemic to run amok and kill hundreds of thousands..but also be remembered as the worst President this country ever elected. A fitting epitaph for your orange god! :)
Gonna be a very long and hard 4 years for you when he gets reelected.
How would this be done? Reeducation camps? America dodged a bullet when she was denied POTUS.

Hillary Clinton floats 'formal deprogramming' of Trump supporters, suggests GOP base is made of bigots

Her Nazi dog whistles had the expected result:

She's not wrong. Unfortunately, as one of my relatives always liked to say, "You Can't Fix Stupid". So deprogramming is a waste of time and money.
Fortunately, they are in the minority. My solution is to marginalize them...all of them. Don't give them a voice. Eventually, evolution will take care of
winnowing them out.

I am thinking FEMA education camps
They were built by Obama ten years ago and we need to build more of them

You really won’t mind it, it is something like summer camp
They have BINGO on Tuesday nights and Cornhole tournaments on the weekends

Formal deprogramming, that's what we do here with anti social elements. And that is exactly what MAGAs are, no different than any other menace to a peaceful society as for example drunk drivers and white collar criminals like Donald Trump. She was talking about incarceration and a criminal record.
Hope springs eternal. :)
He loses by even more than he did in 2020.
But you keep hope alive!
The other solace is that y'all have put all your eggs in this basket:



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I haven't consumed alcohol in over 30 years.
Braunschweiger Potato Hash is a very good.
I'm gonna have a Octoberfest on my deck. Hefe Weize and Kristal Weize because the dark Octoberfest beer is just not good. Stuff from the grill and weed. There's a guy who wants me to invite him so he can make a move on one of my female guests. You could come and meet a chubby Mexican Senorita.
I'm gonna have a Octoberfest on my deck. Hefe Weize and Kristal Weize because the dark Octoberfest beer is just not good. Stuff from the grill and weed. There's a guy who wants me to invite him so he can make a move on one of my female guests. You could come and meet a chubby Mexican Senorita.
sure. PM me your address.
She's not wrong. Unfortunately, as one of my relatives always liked to say, "You Can't Fix Stupid". So deprogramming is a waste of time and money.
Fortunately, they are in the minority. My solution is to marginalize them...all of them. Don't give them a voice. Eventually, evolution will take care of
winnowing them out.
So don't round them up and shoot them, just make them wish they were dead.

Say, that is the current plan.

Are you part of the Deep State?
Liberals lose one election, go on a seven year hissy fit, can no longer tell the difference between a man and a woman, protect other country's borders while opening ours, support grooming children into degenerate lifestyles, and think the sky is falling, yet believe other people need re-education. Wow!
Probably involves box cars and showers.......

‘Stalin Had a Word for That’:​

Republicans Slam Hillary Clinton’s Wish for ‘Formal Deprogramming’ of Trump Supporters​

6 Oct 2023 ~~ By Wendell Husebo

Republicans tore into two-time failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for her desire to formally deprogram Americans who support former President Donald Trump.
“There needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members,” Hillary Clinton told CNN Thursday. “So many of those extremists, those MAGA extremists, take their marching orders from Donald Trump, who has no credibility left by any measure.”
Brian Stelter, a former CNN anchor and now Harvard professor, appeared to take Hillary Clinton’s “deprogramming” comment to heart. He questioned on X “What would ‘formal deprogramming’ look like?”
“Stalin had a word for that: gulags,” talk show host Todd Starnes posted on X.
“CAMP?” conservative X account AMUSE questioned. “The FBI is already targeting Trump supporters ahead of the election, imagine if we lose in 2024? The hypothetical reeducation camps may become very real. Designating Trump supporters as a terror group allows for mass gun confiscation.”
As Hillary’s comment spread on the internet, conservatives continued to rip the two-time failed presidential candidate:

There`s a similarity between Hillary`s latest Marxist screed and Biden`s threat to MAGA.

One would logically have to come to the conclusion that this is the real ideology and goal of the Democrat Socialists of America (aka CPUSA), no different that Bill Ayers former leader of the Weather Underground terrorist group.
Speaking of Ayers and his connection to Obama.
Can you imagine if Trump had ties to a guy that is a serial bomber terrorist?
The bias and hypocrisy is disgusting!
In 1969, a guy named Bill Ayers co-founded a terrorist organization called Weather Underground, whose founding document called for “world communism.”, the Weather Underground conducted a campaign of bombing public buildings in opposition to U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War.
This is the same guy that helped to launch Barack Obama's political career in 1995.
Yes, the same person who bombed the U.S. Capital building and was said to have proposed the extermination of up to 25 million Americans.
Seems all the dots are being connected and they all lead to the present day, where now the DoJ/FBI considers Catholics and MAGA terrorists while allowing crime to run rampant throughout their Blue Plantation/Sanctuary cities.

‘Stalin Had a Word for That’:​

Republicans Slam Hillary Clinton’s Wish for ‘Formal Deprogramming’ of Trump Supporters​

6 Oct 2023 ~~ By Wendell Husebo

Republicans tore into two-time failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for her desire to formally deprogram Americans who support former President Donald Trump.
“There needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members,” Hillary Clinton told CNN Thursday. “So many of those extremists, those MAGA extremists, take their marching orders from Donald Trump, who has no credibility left by any measure.”
Brian Stelter, a former CNN anchor and now Harvard professor, appeared to take Hillary Clinton’s “deprogramming” comment to heart. He questioned on X “What would ‘formal deprogramming’ look like?”
“Stalin had a word for that: gulags,” talk show host Todd Starnes posted on X.
“CAMP?” conservative X account AMUSE questioned. “The FBI is already targeting Trump supporters ahead of the election, imagine if we lose in 2024? The hypothetical reeducation camps may become very real. Designating Trump supporters as a terror group allows for mass gun confiscation.”
As Hillary’s comment spread on the internet, conservatives continued to rip the two-time failed presidential candidate:

There`s a similarity between Hillary`s latest Marxist screed and Biden`s threat to MAGA.

One would logically have to come to the conclusion that this is the real ideology and goal of the Democrat Socialists of America (aka CPUSA), no different that Bill Ayers former leader of the Weather Underground terrorist group.
Speaking of Ayers and his connection to Obama.
Can you imagine if Trump had ties to a guy that is a serial bomber terrorist?
The bias and hypocrisy is disgusting!
In 1969, a guy named Bill Ayers co-founded a terrorist organization called Weather Underground, whose founding document called for “world communism.”, the Weather Underground conducted a campaign of bombing public buildings in opposition to U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War.
This is the same guy that helped to launch Barack Obama's political career in 1995.
Yes, the same person who was said to have proposed the extermination of up to 25 million Americans and bombed the U.S. Capitol building.
Seems all the dots are being connected and they all lead to the present day, where now the DoJ/FBI considers Catholics and MAGA terrorists while allowing crime to run rampant throughout their Blue Plantation/Sanctuary cities.

The flip side is if they tried it they could easily get Mussolined.

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