Hillary Clinton Colluded In The 2016 Election

Yeah, she did. As I recall, Comey did not recommend an indictment against her because he didn't believe the prosecution couldn't prove criminal intent. The only problem is, that's not the law. Federal law states that 'gross negligence' in handling the nation's intelligence can be punished criminally with prison time or fines, and there is no requirement that defendants act intentionally or recklessly. Since no one has ever been successfully prosecuted under that federal law for that crime without proving criminal intent, the democrats used that as an excuse to let her off the hook. It was funny, Comey's own finding was that Hillary did in fact exhibit gross negligence, but the wording got changed by that smarmy Strzok bastard to look less criminal. Okay, not funny but that's DC politics and justice for you.

But make no mistake, she WAS guilty as hell and should've gone to jail for it. An ordinary person would have been indicted and convicted; many others have been convicted without proving intent, but well, she was a democrat and a Clinton. Different rules for some people. To say she was not above the law is ridiculous.
No one in her position would be charged with a crime for what she did...unless in the military....perhaps, but they are under a more restrictive military code.

Petraeus was charged with a misdemeanor, for top secret breach that he knowingly did, and knowingly lied about, to investigators....is what Comey said...

Him with a misdemeanor for what he did, left Hillary's unknowing breach because the TS documents were not marked top secret according to law, left her with a reprimand at most, as a justifiable punishment....
Anne Coulter exposed Hillary's collusion back in 2018 in her book 'Resistance is Futile', with footnotes!
This is not any kind of a new revelation.

and Anne Coulter is
Of course the FBI didn’t find Hillary guilty of anything. Hillary is above the rule of law.

The FBI is corrupt at the top if not all the way through and through. That’s one reason there is so much corruption in our government. The rule of law doesn’t apply equally to all. Those who are lucky enough to be above the rule of law take full advantage of that fact.

As I have recently explained, the misimpression that Clinton’s case is primarily about “extreme carelessness” rather than willful misconduct is the result of Obama administration sleight-of-hand. Mrs. Clinton should have been investigated (and charged) under section 793(e) since she, like Lee, willfully and unlawfully retained classified information in unauthorized places (and transmitted it to unauthorized people). The gross-negligence felony (793(f)) should have been the prosecutors’ fallback position — i.e., even if a jury somehow rejected the overwhelming evidence that she willfully mishandled the intelligence, she could still be convicted if the jury concluded she was grossly negligent.

In a deceptive two-step, the Obama Justice Department first claimed Clinton could not be prosecuted for willful mishandling because she did not have a motive to harm the United States (not an element of the offense, and thus not true). Then, it claimed that she could not be prosecuted for gross negligence, either. To do so, they insisted, would (a) be constitutionally problematic because negligence is usually a civil-law standard, not a basis for criminal guilt; and (b) unfairly single her out because the Justice Department rarely brings such cases. This was nonsense on stilts: There is plenty of constitutional support for using negligence as a basis for criminal liability (for example, negligent homicide); the standard here was gross negligence, and it was applied only to a special category of government officials who were given security clearances after extensive training in the proper handling of classified materials; military officials have been prosecuted for gross negligence for misconduct far less serious than Clinton’s; and section 793(f) is a presumptively valid congressional statute that has never been held unconstitutional in its century on the books, so if there was any question, the Justice Department should have defended the law, not undermined it.

The Justice Department and FBI arguments about negligence were specious. Yet, by drawing us into this morass, the Obama administration ingeniously set the framework for public discussion of Clinton’s case: just carelessness, not real crime. In reality, Clinton was like Lee: She should have been prosecuted for willful misconduct.

Imagine an investigation of racial bias in a bank, with investigators discovering a long series of serious errors and departures from ordinary standards and practices, violations of business norms, etc., not by a single loan officer but by three separate business units overseen by the highest levels of management — with all of those errors disadvantaging African-American mortgage borrowers. Would we need texts and emails documenting active racial bias on the part of the bankers to conclude that there was racial bias at play? If we found that a police department had violated its own standards on a regular basis in its treatment of African-American suspects but uncovered no texts or emails documenting racial intent, would we be satisfied that no racial bias existed?

Of course not.

And, in the case of the Obama administration, using investigative agencies as political weapons fits a well-established pattern of behavior. Under the Obama administration, the IRS abused its powers for political purposes: Conservative nonprofits were targeted for investigation and harassment. So was the National Labor Relations Board. So was the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. In fact, this is part of a pattern of behavior among Democrats both inside and outside of the federal government: New York State has just been forced to abandon a political jihad against Exxon, which Democrats attempted to prosecute for indulging wrongthink on global warming, using securities law as a pretext. Democratic prosecutors have abused their powers to harass and intimidate climate-policy critics including policy nonprofits such as the Competitive Enterprise Institute. That isn’t a conspiracy theory — New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman (later driven from office) organized the campaign and announced his intentions in the New York Times.

The FBI’s actions in the Trump matter were outrageous, with agents going so far as to alter documents included as part of the FISA warrant process.

Focus in on that for a moment: The Federal Bureau of Investigation under the Obama administration sought to launch an investigation of the rival party’s presidential campaign in order to spy on it under powers reserved for national-security purposes. (FISA stands for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.) In order to activate those powers, the FBI had to go to a federal court for permission, which it did — with falsified documents in hand. If the FBI attorney who altered that document avoids seeing the inside of a federal prison cell, it will be a grave disservice to justice.

The FBI’s handling of the Nassar case reflects a stunning failure of empathy by the agents, as well as a callous abandonment of duty amid the ongoing threat to public safety that Nassar posed. Gymnasts and Nassar victims Simone Biles, Maggie Nichols and Aly Raisman, along with Maroney, told the Senate on Wednesday that the agency’s derelictions were both procedural and moral. In downplaying their experiences, delaying the investigation, and failing to collect evidence of Nassar’s crimes, the FBI committed a second, additional harm against Nassar’s victims: not only were they abused, but they were insulted and disregarded by those who were supposedly there to help them.

As Maroney put it in her testimony, “What is the point of reporting abuse if our own FBI agents are going to take it upon themselves to bury that report in a drawer?”[/i]

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You are just implying that all FBI agents are corrupt based on the actions of a few.

all or nothing fallacy is counter to human intelligence and the ability to differentiate.

If they did an investigation and NEVER pushed for prosecution then you might have an argument.

instead your argument is based on your believe that she was guilty as it is political.
It really had nothing to do with the FBI investigation into Clinton. They said that Clinton did things wrong but it wasn't enough to warrant prosecution.

Mistake were made in the gymnastic case.
Still the guy who did molest her is in jail. The guys in the FBI who made mistakes were fired.

so you really can't quote the two and say that it is the same.

FBI foils alleged plot to kidnap Michigan governor

well I guess as a republican then you would assumed the FBI messed up and should have allowed them to kidnap her.
LOL. Boy you guys can really turn over the manure, can't you? I have never known anyone before in my entire life of a few decades who can shovel the shit better than the left, the biggest hypocrites on the planet.
Yes, I am a Never Trumper, like many other conservatives.

Here's how I explain it to people like you.

If someone who is a guest in my neighbor's house shit all over the furniture, I would not like that person. I would never make that person my friend.

If someone who is a guest in MY house shits all over MY furniture, I would detest that person far more than the person who shit on my neighbor's furniture.


The people shitting all over the Democrats' furniture are Bernie Sanders, AOC, Biden, et al.

The guy shitting all over the Republican furniture is Donald Trump and all the spineless GOP fuckers who let him. Trump has stunk up the place so badly that I left the party after a lifetime of membership. I abandoned my home.

So you're a fair weather fan that goes where the popular opinion tells you to go right?

If you were a republican and actually had faith and belief in it then you wouldn't change teams over a single loss. It shows you're willing and very easily able to abandon your person convictions, ideas and morals soon as you're team doesn't win and isn't popular.

Someone shit on your couch so instead of kicking that one person out, and cleaning/replacing the couch you instead burned down the entire house and left it.

No opinion you have about politics will ever be worth a thing or mean a thing.
So you're a fair weather fan that goes where the popular opinion tells you to go right?
Wrong. I go with the conservatives.
If you were a republican and actually had faith and belief in it then you wouldn't change teams over a single loss. It shows you're willing and very easily able to abandon your person convictions, ideas and morals soon as you're team doesn't win and isn't popular.

Someone shit on your couch so instead of kicking that one person out, and cleaning/replacing the couch you instead burned down the entire house and left it.

No opinion you have about politics will ever be worth a thing or mean a thing.
Wrong. I quit voting in 2006 after the GOP doubled the federal debt. I've been waiting ever since for the psychopaths, liars, hypocrites, retards, and bigots who have hijacked the party go away.

I finally gave hope after Donald Trump was elected.

So I did NOT change over a single loss. The GOP of old no longer exists.

As Reagan said about switching from the Democrat Party to the Republican Party, "I did not leave the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party left me.

Just so. I did not leave the Republican Party. The Republican Party left me.
So after five fucking years, THIS is the best ya got? :lmao:

No one who commits treason is immune to arrest and a trial to determine guilt or innocent of charges their crime elicited.
Some people prefer to live with their head buried in the sand.


and Anne Coulter is

You are just implying that all FBI agents are corrupt based on the actions of a few.

all or nothing fallacy is counter to human intelligence and the ability to differentiate.

If they did an investigation and NEVER pushed for prosecution then you might have an argument.

instead your argument is based on your believe that she was guilty as it is political.
I hope most FBI agents are honest but I am beginning to wonder. It appears we have a problem with our trusted FBI.

I’ll spend a lot of my day watching football. The reason I watch it is that I believe in most cases the referees try to insure both teams in a game follow the rules.

Now if the referees were to suddenly decide to favor my team over its opponents I might be pleased for a while but eventually I would quit watching football.

Recently the DOJ and the FBI has shown favoritism toward certain high level politicians and some say these agencies have been “weaponized” by the Democratic Party against conservative groups like the Tea Party and the Trump Deplorables.

You may be happy as can be that Hillary Clinton, Joe and Hunter Biden and a bunch of other high level liberal politicians and a few conservative politicians are totally above the rule of law but eventually the day will come when this nation will break apart. People hate unfairness be it corrupt referees in sports or corrupt law enforcement agencies.

If and when the United States spits up it will no longer be the strongest nation in the world. Perhaps China will take over. If the Communist Chinese ever end up running things in this nation people will curse the day they took over. And don’t kid yourself. The Chinese are busy buying our corrupt politicians lock stick and barrel right now.

1) An opinion for the Hill.
2) An opinion for Forbes.
3) Another opinion for the Hill.
4) If Schreckinger has all this 'evidence' why aren't there ANY official investigations?

Let me guess, the deep state?

'I’ll spend a lot of my day watching football. The reason I watch it is that I believe in most cases the referees try to insure both teams in a game follow the rules'.

'Now if the referees were to suddenly decide to favor my team over its opponents I might be pleased for a while but eventually I would quit watching football'.

The refs can't cheat, they have evidence of a penalty, a touchdown, off sides, pass interference, with instant replay and video evidence.

'The Chinese are busy buying our corrupt politicians lock stick and barrel right now'.

Yes, they are, but republicans ignore their dear leader, who has 34 Chinese patents.

President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast. Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)May 13, 2018

Too many jobs in CHINA lost?
'merica first'?

Trump did not mention in that tweet or its follow-ups that on Thursday, the developer of a theme park resort outside of Jakarta had signed a deal to receive as much as $500 million in Chinese government loans, as well as another $500 million from Chinese banks, according to Agence France-Presse.
Trump’s family business, the Trump Organization, has a deal to license the Trump name to the resort, which includes a golf course and hotels.

Drop sanctions, get a $1 billion check from China.
LOL. Boy you guys can really turn over the manure, can't you? I have never known anyone before in my entire life of a few decades who can shovel the shit better than the left, the biggest hypocrites on the planet.
Oh come on repub are the master of their domain.
1) An opinion for the Hill.
2) An opinion for Forbes.
3) Another opinion for the Hill.
4) If Schreckinger has all this 'evidence' why aren't there ANY official investigations?

Let me guess, the deep state?

'I’ll spend a lot of my day watching football. The reason I watch it is that I believe in most cases the referees try to insure both teams in a game follow the rules'.

'Now if the referees were to suddenly decide to favor my team over its opponents I might be pleased for a while but eventually I would quit watching football'.

The refs can't cheat, they have evidence of a penalty, a touchdown, off sides, pass interference, with instant replay and video evidence.

'The Chinese are busy buying our corrupt politicians lock stick and barrel right now'.

Yes, they are, but republicans ignore their dear leader, who has 34 Chinese patents.

President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast. Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)May 13, 2018

Too many jobs in CHINA lost?
'merica first'?

Trump did not mention in that tweet or its follow-ups that on Thursday, the developer of a theme park resort outside of Jakarta had signed a deal to receive as much as $500 million in Chinese government loans, as well as another $500 million from Chinese banks, according to Agence France-Presse.
Trump’s family business, the Trump Organization, has a deal to license the Trump name to the resort, which includes a golf course and hotels.

Drop sanctions, get a $1 billion check from China.
There are few investigations because high level Democrats are above the rule of law. The investigations that do occur end up as whitewashes. Since democrats in high political positions realize this we get more and more corruption.

I’m sure if there is any influence peddling by Trump and or family involved in the Chinese money loaned to the Jakarta resort it will be investigated by dozens of dedicated FBI agents for the next two years if not more. However Trump doesn’t have much influence these days.

If China makes another deal with Hunter nothing will happen. He could sell one of his amateur paintings for a billion dollars and the media would call it the greatest work of art ever made.

Yeah, she did. As I recall, Comey did not recommend an indictment against her because he didn't believe the prosecution couldn't prove criminal intent. The only problem is, that's not the law. Federal law states that 'gross negligence' in handling the nation's intelligence can be punished criminally with prison time or fines, and there is no requirement that defendants act intentionally or recklessly. Since no one has ever been successfully prosecuted under that federal law for that crime without proving criminal intent, the democrats used that as an excuse to let her off the hook. It was funny, Comey's own finding was that Hillary did in fact exhibit gross negligence, but the wording got changed by that smarmy Strzok bastard to look less criminal. Okay, not funny but that's DC politics and justice for you.

But make no mistake, she WAS guilty as hell and should've gone to jail for it. An ordinary person would have been indicted and convicted; many others have been convicted without proving intent, but well, she was a democrat and a Clinton. Different rules for some people. To say she was not above the law is ridiculous.
While it is rarely mentioned it is possible that Hillary’s ”careless”handling of classified information might have cost lives or ruined the success of classified missions.

I often wondered if it caused the loss of the four Americans in Benghaz. The CIA may have been involved in shipping arms from Libya to Syria which could have led to the attack. Perhaps Hillary gave the operation away in the email on her improperly secured and unauthorized computer server.

While it is rarely mentioned it is possible that Hillary’s ”careless”handling of classified information might have cost lives or ruined the success of classified missions.

I often wondered if it caused the loss of the four Americans in Benghaz. The CIA may have been involved in shipping arms from Libya to Syria which could have led to the attack. Perhaps Hillary gave the operation away in the email on her improperly secured and unauthorized computer server.

I often wondered if it caused the loss of the four Americans in Benghazi.

Or somebody else somewhere. Informants in Russia for instance, or spies here in the US, or communications that are supposed to be protected for a reason even if nobody dies or gets outed. That unsecured server could have allowed a ton of information to be hacked that should never have been on that server. Bottom line, she should've gone to prison for that.
Durham's investigation is now bringing out the truth.

"In addition, Perkins Coie’s internal billing records, which Durham obtained, suggest something potentially more nefarious. Sussmann billed the hours he spent on the Alfa Bank probe to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, suggesting he was fanning the flames of the Russia probe on behalf of the former presidential candidate, another finding that didn’t jibe with his 2017 deposition."


You must have intended to put this in Political Satire – it’s certainly a lie and clearly not a current event.
LOL. Boy you guys can really turn over the manure, can't you? I have never known anyone before in my entire life of a few decades who can shovel the shit better than the left, the biggest hypocrites on the planet.
Your thread premise is a joke – correct? It’s an attempt to entertain your fallow conservatives with something stupid and ridiculous, not to be taken seriously by anyone.
Durham has nothing... In near 3 years of investigating.... WOW! What a waste of money!
Did anyone expect anything ? I'm beginning to think these investigations are just another fraud to steal tax payer money and distribute it amongst themselves. I'm certainly am not a detective, but if you can't find a fucking crime in DC , you ain't looking ...

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