Hillary Clinton Colluded In The 2016 Election

I often wondered if it caused the loss of the four Americans in Benghazi.

Or somebody else somewhere. Informants in Russia for instance, or spies here in the US, or communications that are supposed to be protected for a reason even if nobody dies or gets outed. That unsecured server could have allowed a ton of information to be hacked that should never have been on that server. Bottom line, she should've gone to prison for that.
Some say that if Hillary would have been prosecuted it would have implicated Obama as he sent email to her on her unauthorized account. We don’t dare cast aspersions on our first black President. That would be called white supremacy and racism.

Obama must have known Hillary was using an unauthorized account but he lacked the cojones to insist she stop and if necessary to fire her.

But then it might be pointed out that messing with Hillary can be bad for your health.
Some say that if Hillary would have been prosecuted it would have implicated Obama as he sent email to her on her unauthorized account. We don’t dare cast aspersions on our first black President. That would be called white supremacy and racism.

Obama must have known Hillary was using an unauthorized account but he lacked the cojones to insist she stop and if necessary to fire her.

But then it might be pointed out that messing with Hillary can be bad for your health.

My guess is, they all thought that Hillary would be elected in 2016 and so the problem would go away.

I think everyone knew about that unsecured serve and knew it was a national security threat, but they just didn't care as long as it wasn't their ass in a crack. And I'm sure that when Trump won, a lot of people got really scared.
Anne Coulter exposed Hillary's collusion back in 2018 in her book 'Resistance is Futile', with footnotes!
This is not any kind of a new revelation.
What was the collusion that Anne Coulter's book exposed???
yes it’s pretty obvious the dnc and clinton did everything the obama admin and the propagandist falsely accused the trump admin of doing…and they knew it
Some say that if Hillary would have been prosecuted it would have implicated Obama as he sent email to her on her unauthorized account. We don’t dare cast aspersions on our first black President. That would be called white supremacy and racism.

Obama must have known Hillary was using an unauthorized account but he lacked the cojones to insist she stop and if necessary to fire her.

But then it might be pointed out that messing with Hillary can be bad for your health.
Everyone sent emails to that email address, not just Obama.... All her employees, and any govt worker needing to email her.

She had a SCIF in her house set up by Secret Service to receive and or send top secret info....I believe it's done via a secured fax, is what I read.

If she had gotten and used a State dept email address at State.gov, that system is an UNCLASSIFIED system, the system her employees use at State.gov to communicate with each other and diplomats etc, is an UNCLASSIFIED system as well, just like her server.

Her employees, who were passing emails back and forth of the top secret info/documents to each other for years without forwarding it to her until right before she left office, would be in jail if they got the top secret document off of and in a SCIF, then removed the classification markings....which the FBI never said happened.

I read years ago, the reason the 4 top secret email chain documents were not marked as top secret etc classified on her server was because they were NOT gotten through a SCIF and our intelligence agencies that classified it....

They got the info from a friend and spy and ears for Hillary, Sydney Blumenthal. Where and how and who.... Blumenthal got this info from.... It never said.
There are few investigations because high level Democrats are above the rule of law. The investigations that do occur end up as whitewashes. Since democrats in high political positions realize this we get more and more corruption.

I’m sure if there is any influence peddling by Trump and or family involved in the Chinese money loaned to the Jakarta resort it will be investigated by dozens of dedicated FBI agents for the next two years if not more. However Trump doesn’t have much influence these days.

If China makes another deal with Hunter nothing will happen. He could sell one of his amateur paintings for a billion dollars and the media would call it the greatest work of art ever made.

'because high level Democrats are above the rule of law'
You nut jobs keep claiming that because your ilk can just 'feel' others are corrupt and committed crimes.
Repeat it enough times and it becomes the truth, just like Joseph Goebbels.

Just like election fraud.
'because high level Democrats are above the rule of law'
You nut jobs keep claiming that because your ilk can just 'feel' others are corrupt and committed crimes.
Repeat it enough times and it becomes the truth, just like Joseph Goebbels.

Just like election fraud.
Unfortunately it is the truth and you know it. However your team is the one above the rule of law so you are just fine with that.

In my opinion that is shortsighted and when this nation spits apart you will realize the error of allowing corruption and malfeasance to go unpunished. We had a good thing going in this nation but greed screwed it up like always.
Unfortunately it is the truth and you know it. However your team is the one above the rule of law so you are just fine with that.

In my opinion that is shortsighted and when this nation spits apart you will realize the error of allowing corruption and malfeasance to go unpunished. We had a good thing going in this nation but greed screwed it up like always.
'However your team is the one above the rule of law so you are just fine with that.'
Of course, they are.
I can just 'feel' it, if I repeat it enough times, it becomes the truth.

'you will realize the error of allowing corruption and malfeasance to go unpunished'.
Maybe one day you will.
But your party defends it.
Even though they get caught.
'However your team is the one above the rule of law so you are just fine with that.'
Of course, they are.
I can just 'feel' it, if I repeat it enough times, it becomes the truth.

'you will realize the error of allowing corruption and malfeasance to go unpunished'.
Maybe one day you will.
But your party defends it.
Even though they get caught.
'However your team is the one above the rule of law so you are just fine with that.'
Of course, they are.
I can just 'feel' it, if I repeat it enough times, it becomes the truth.

'you will realize the error of allowing corruption and malfeasance to go unpunished'.
Maybe one day you will.
But your party defends it.
Even though they get caught.

Again, the entire Russiagate scare was launched by the Clintonites, who not only paid Perkins Coie to hire the Beltway smear-specialists of Fusion GPS to draw up and promote the Steele allegations but also gossiped about the supposed Trump-Russia conspiracy, prompting allies in and out of government to pass their own hysterical tips in to the bureau.


A federal grand jury hande dup an indictment Thursday against a prominent Democratic attorney, alleging that he falsely claimed to the FBI that he was not representing Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign when he raised concerns about purported ties between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank.

Attorney linked to Hillary Clinton campaign indicted in Durham Russia origins probe​

Fellow travelers in the Obama administration, such as CIA chief John Brennan, also helped fan the flames. Indeed, Team Obama basically turned the gossip (which is all Steele or anyone ever offered) into a solid-seeming case.

But it was all a setup.

Can you imagine the outrage if Republicans had weaponized the FBI and the intel community for political purposes — all on the basis of a lie? It would have launched endless New York Times and Washington Post coverage.

But political party shouldn’t matter — this was an outrageous, crooked dirty tricks campaign. And most of the people involved are getting away with it.
…emphasis added

Again, the entire Russiagate scare was launched by the Clintonites, who not only paid Perkins Coie to hire the Beltway smear-specialists of Fusion GPS to draw up and promote the Steele allegations but also gossiped about the supposed Trump-Russia conspiracy, prompting allies in and out of government to pass their own hysterical tips in to the bureau.


A federal grand jury hande dup an indictment Thursday against a prominent Democratic attorney, alleging that he falsely claimed to the FBI that he was not representing Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign when he raised concerns about purported ties between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank.'s 2016 presidential campaign when he raised concerns about purported ties between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank.

Attorney linked to Hillary Clinton campaign indicted in Durham Russia origins probe

Fellow travelers in the Obama administration, such as CIA chief John Brennan, also helped fan the flames. Indeed, Team Obama basically turned the gossip (which is all Steele or anyone ever offered) into a solid-seeming case.

But it was all a setup.

Can you imagine the outrage if Republicans had weaponized the FBI and the intel community for political purposes — all on the basis of a lie? It would have launched endless New York Times and Washington Post coverage.

But political party shouldn’t matter — this was an outrageous, crooked dirty tricks campaign. And most of the people involved are getting away with it.
…emphasis added
Wow, such a 'breakthrough'.

An editorial from the NY compost about charging not revealing a source/client.
Another 'bombshell' Trumpaciles claim will break the case 'wide open'.

Another nothing burger.
Wow, such a 'breakthrough'.

An editorial from the NY compost about charging not revealing a source/client.
Another 'bombshell' Trumpaciles claim will break the case 'wide open'.

Another nothing burger.
Of course nothing will happen as the DOJ and FBI work for the high level democrats. That’s why the corrupt in this nation is so high. The rule of law should apply equally to everybody but it doesn‘t.

Of course nothing will happen as the DOJ and FBI work for the high level democrats. That’s why the corrupt in this nation is so high. The rule of law should apply equally to everybody but it doesn‘t.

Comey killed the rule of law on July 5th, 2016.
Of course nothing will happen as the DOJ and FBI work for the high level democrats. That’s why the corrupt in this nation is so high. The rule of law should apply equally to everybody but it doesn‘t.

Sure they do.
They are run by lizard people.
They kill and eat infants.
Sure they do.
They are run by lizard people.
They kill and eat infants.

The two articles I linked to never mentioned the BS you just posted.

The two articles I linked to never mentioned the BS you just posted.

Sure, an editorial and American thinker blog.
They may as well have.
They are just as credible as Q.
Sure, an editorial and American thinker blog.
They may as well have.
They are just as credible as Q.
Of course you rely on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS and the New York Times. They ALWAYS tell you the truth because they would never ever lie or produce propaganda.

Well for one thing your wonderful liberal media totally fell for the Trump/Putin collusion hoax.

Here’s a list of liberal media screw ups during the Trump era. It is rather LONG to say the least.

Of course you rely on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS and the New York Times. They ALWAYS tell you the truth because they would never ever lie or produce propaganda.

Well for one thing your wonderful liberal media totally fell for the Trump/Putin collusion hoax.

Here’s a list of liberal media screw ups during the Trump era. It is rather LONG to say the least.

More opinion from sources as credible as Q.

'Of course you rely on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS and the New York Times. They ALWAYS tell you the truth because they would never ever lie or produce propaganda'.

Nothing like FOX, OAN, Newsmax, Breitbart, Alex Jones, Facebook, Twitter or Q.

How many Pulitzers do they have?......................................COMBINED?
Durham's investigation is now bringing out the truth.

"In addition, Perkins Coie’s internal billing records, which Durham obtained, suggest something potentially more nefarious. Sussmann billed the hours he spent on the Alfa Bank probe to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, suggesting he was fanning the flames of the Russia probe on behalf of the former presidential candidate, another finding that didn’t jibe with his 2017 deposition."

So, essentially both sides are corrupt, both sides are in it for themselves

But people will attack only one side and claim the other is squeaky clean.


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