Hillary Clinton Compares Trump To Weinstein, Sheriff Clarke Has Enough And Said THIS On Live TV


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
He's a little too coarse for my liking, but there are certainly moments my inner Clarke comes out. We're living in a time of too much bs and abuse, by people of all stripes. You basically know where he stands on issues, no grey area with him.

Added bonus in this interview, he takes on the NFL kneeling issue. He's right about Goodell screwing this up from the start.

One thing about the Clintons if they cant have something nobody will.......she is sabotaging her own party
Hildabeast calling anyone a sex offenders, that is The pot calling the kettle black. The Fucking bitch should just shut the fuck up.
The Witch should keep her mouth shut.

It does not get worse than Slick Billy her husband that she defended until the end...

what nerve that witch has

go and die under a tree woman!:mad-61:
He's a little too coarse for my liking, but there are certainly moments my inner Clarke comes out. We're living in a time of too much bs and abuse, by people of all stripes. You basically know where he stands on issues, no grey area with him.

Added bonus in this interview, he takes on the NFL kneeling issue. He's right about Goodell screwing this up from the start.

The funniest thing is there's a guy attacking Hillary for defending her husband, which she's wrong to do, but will back Trump up when we know what Trump's about.

Trump apologizes for "locker room talk"

This is Trump calling it "locker room talk", admitting that he basically said stuff that was completely wrong. Not only this he says there are wars going on which are much worse, which he is now actually leading.

Trump makes inappropriate remarks about young girl – video

This is Trump saying "I'm going to be dating her in 10 years" to an ELEVEN YEAR OLD GIRL.

Trump accused of inappropriate touching by two women - NYT

Trump being accused of touching and kissing women without consent, and saying it's not true.

This is Trump admitting to the sort of behavior that he was denying in the previous video. Hmmm...
The Witch should keep her mouth shut.

It does not get worse than Slick Billy her husband that she defended until the end...

what nerve that witch has

go and die under a tree woman!:mad-61:

But you'll defend Trump.

you can bet your ass I will.


You'll use anything you can get your hands on to attack those on the left, and you'll defend the same fucking shit that those on the right are doing.

Had Trump run as a Democrat, you'd be all over him accusing him of all sorts of shit that you won't accuse him of because he ran on a Republican ticket.

Donald Trump could 'shoot somebody and not lose voters' - CNNPolitics

Even Trump basically called you people fucking crazy

Trump: I could 'shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters'"

""I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally here."
David Clarke is garbage. Trump can be compared to Weinstein. He is a serial abuser of women. We also have heard what he thinks about women. Clarke is just another fascist Trump supporter.
He's a little too coarse for my liking, but there are certainly moments my inner Clarke comes out. We're living in a time of too much bs and abuse, by people of all stripes. You basically know where he stands on issues, no grey area with him.

Added bonus in this interview, he takes on the NFL kneeling issue. He's right about Goodell screwing this up from the start.

As always, Clarke is a straight shooter, was spot on and showed uncharacteristic restraint in his remarks against Mrs. Bill Clinton, former crooked 1st Lady, former carpetbagger Senator, former Clown Secretary of State, and twice former failed presidential candidate. I don't know if I could have been so contrite as Clarke: when was the last time you saw a former presidential candidate going around bashing the sitting president??! Isn't it amazing how Hillary is right there to champion any cause--------- just as soon as doing so works in her favor!
He's a little too coarse for my liking, but there are certainly moments my inner Clarke comes out. We're living in a time of too much bs and abuse, by people of all stripes. You basically know where he stands on issues, no grey area with him.

Added bonus in this interview, he takes on the NFL kneeling issue. He's right about Goodell screwing this up from the start.

The funniest thing is there's a guy attacking Hillary for defending her husband, which she's wrong to do, but will back Trump up when we know what Trump's about.

Trump apologizes for "locker room talk"

This is Trump calling it "locker room talk", admitting that he basically said stuff that was completely wrong. Not only this he says there are wars going on which are much worse, which he is now actually leading.

Trump makes inappropriate remarks about young girl – video

This is Trump saying "I'm going to be dating her in 10 years" to an ELEVEN YEAR OLD GIRL.

Trump accused of inappropriate touching by two women - NYT

Trump being accused of touching and kissing women without consent, and saying it's not true.

This is Trump admitting to the sort of behavior that he was denying in the previous video. Hmmm...

Trump is a amateur compared to slick willy and company....

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