Hillary Clinton (D-NY) goes 'full Monty' on Immigration Reform

I don't think she's really running against the gop field right now. She seems to be selecting talking points to appeal to wings of the party. She did wealth distribution awhile back. She is going full monty, but in reality I think the people who view immigration as really important would be OK with something short of citizenship, so long as in provided for some legal status that would allow people who'd been here for a long time to stay peaceably here, and pay in and collect social security.
Why would you do that to people you are going to let live here the rest of their lives? Why let them live here and develop family roots, yet keep them without citizenship to the Nation they live in, and will live in with ''your permission'' for the rest of their lives?

That's inhumane.

AND Un-American

They can apply for citizenship already. It's just that a lot of them don't. Many have lived here for decades and make no attempt to get citizenship. That's not anyone's fault but their own.
If you're speaking of illegal immigrants living in the US, no they can't just apply for citizenship. Once you enter the US illegal, the rules change. There is no path to citizenship if you are entered the country illegally and are living here.
More on Hillary's possible strategy. She may want to try and force the gop candidates to embrace "no path to citizenship" explicity. I linked earlier to Rubio, Jeb's and Walkers' vague positions that might allow them to flip flop after the primary. The blue and blue leaning states account for 247 EV. Colo and VA, with large Hispanic populations, would push that to 269. Rather than sitting back like she did last time, it appears she has a active plan to pressure the GOP a year and a half out.

Hillary Clinton s election to lose - POLITICO.com
I'm not thrilled with Hill, but the thought of W having any influence over a potus (beyond the notion of "JFC I'm not making THAT mistake again!") is scary.

Yes, the article is talking about the Blue Wall.

The effects of her immigration stance will be seen in polling in about 2 weeks.
I was reading an article yesterday which was saying that the security and fences and tightening down of their border in California has worked to stave off the illegals from entering through California, but now the illegals are coming in through much more dangerous and rugged parts of the United States like through Arizona, and many more are dying en route....and that it costs from $7k to $14k per illegal, to pay a Coyote to bring them in to the USA now.....the higher the fee, the safer and shorter the journey.

(How in the world can they afford this amount of money? Maybe we should let them in legally and have them pay this $7000 fee to the USA instead ofa Coyote, when they enter? J/K!)

AND that because of this we have slowed down tremendously illegals crossing the border and they were down to an estimated 500,000 illegal crossings a year now.....I think that's what it said...a half a million illegal crossings is considered low....compared to previous times....? (How they estimate these numbers is a mystery to me...)

Anyway, the article went on to say that this tightening up of the border that we have done, has caused an UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCE:

The price of paying a coyote to help them cross the border in more dangerous places...deadly places, along with the easy routes that were once available for them to go back and forth being tightened up, has lead more Mexicans to STAY HERE instead of going home for a while like they used to do, when they had made enough money for their families to survive on for a while. The article said that now it is too dangerous and hard for them to return home as easily....and be able to afford to return here as easily to work, when they needed more money again....so MORE illegals are staying here.

YEP, more illegals that are here, are staying here due to the borders being tightened up, that normally would not stay after they earned enough for the family.

So, I'm wondering if this Republican proposal that was in a Briebart article right after this past election, which said they wanted to just open up our borders completely to any Mexicans that want to come here and work, not even cap it to a certain number... (from what I read) and give them temporary visas to cross back and forth any day of the week....to stay here for months at a time for a job, then to go home whenever they want and return when ever they want yadahdahdahdahdah....

My first thoughts on reading this was WOW, what a turn around on immigration from the Republicans!

Then i asked myself, WHY? Why would they do that, why would they bitch and moan about all the illegals here taking American Jobs and then turn around and give a proposal such as the one Briebart reported on?

The only thing I could come up with is the Business Lobby, the business lobbies must want all the cheap labor and have convinced these guys in congress to propose OPEN BORDERS, the complete opposite of what I believe the Republican constituents wanted, from reading the Republicans on this site talking about it, and all the right wing media outlets for the past 10 years...

Shoot, the R congress fought President Bush's proposal on this temporary visa thing back when no Republican went against President Bush on anything, when they were lock steppers in congress.....but not on this....no way Jose' did they want President Bush's increase Temporary Visa Proposal....

And now, if the Briebart article is correct, this is the Republicans doing a complete turn around on the subject with no concern at all for the jobs of the Americans that are at entry level, or an about face, in the least....isn't it?

I'm actually considering this proposal of these key Republicans in the Briebart article....now that I realize that fencing the border and tightening the border has just kept more Mexicans here like the other article said, who actually don't want to be here 24/7 and live here forever, but just when they need to earn money, and would rather not be American citizens, they just want to be able to work and earn money and go back home...maybe temp visa for whomever, is the way to go?

My hesitations lie with not having caps on this right of passage, and with hurting the entry level American citizens, my fellow brothers and sisters, with getting these entry level jobs the Mexicans may be getting, also with how to screen so many Mexicans wanting temporary visa to come and go here, and with how loose as a goose this kind of free for all, OPEN BORDER PROPOSAL could be with our security???

AND OTHER THOUGHTS, which is a Devil's advocate type thinking... come to mind, and maybe I am wrong in thinking like this...but do we really want millions of foreigners coming back and forth to fill jobs and then go home, who could not give two hoots about becoming Americans or could not give two hoots about the American citizens, or our infrastructure, or without patriotism for our Nation, verses letting more of the Mexicans WANTING to move here permanently and wanting to have a better life for themselves and for their children, always and forever by becoming citizens?

I know I am babbling, and seem to be going on forever, but this subject of Immigration, and Illegal Immigration is deeper than pie, it's pretty complicated...
I don't think she's really running against the gop field right now. She seems to be selecting talking points to appeal to wings of the party. She did wealth distribution awhile back. She is going full monty, but in reality I think the people who view immigration as really important would be OK with something short of citizenship, so long as in provided for some legal status that would allow people who'd been here for a long time to stay peaceably here, and pay in and collect social security.
Why would you do that to people you are going to let live here the rest of their lives? Why let them live here and develop family roots, yet keep them without citizenship to the Nation they live in, and will live in with ''your permission'' for the rest of their lives?

That's inhumane.

AND Un-American

They can apply for citizenship already. It's just that a lot of them don't. Many have lived here for decades and make no attempt to get citizenship. That's not anyone's fault but their own.
If you're speaking of illegal immigrants living in the US, no they can't just apply for citizenship. Once you enter the US illegal, the rules change. There is no path to citizenship if you are entered the country illegally and are living here.
More on Hillary's possible strategy. She may want to try and force the gop candidates to embrace "no path to citizenship" explicity. I linked earlier to Rubio, Jeb's and Walkers' vague positions that might allow them to flip flop after the primary. The blue and blue leaning states account for 247 EV. Colo and VA, with large Hispanic populations, would push that to 269. Rather than sitting back like she did last time, it appears she has a active plan to pressure the GOP a year and a half out.

Hillary Clinton s election to lose - POLITICO.com
I'm not thrilled with Hill, but the thought of W having any influence over a potus (beyond the notion of "JFC I'm not making THAT mistake again!") is scary.
I don't think any of the leading GOP candidates are going stick their neck out on a path to citizenship. Some of the also rans may make "no path to citizenship" a part of their campaign promise to endear themselves to far right.
I don't think she's really running against the gop field right now. She seems to be selecting talking points to appeal to wings of the party. She did wealth distribution awhile back. She is going full monty, but in reality I think the people who view immigration as really important would be OK with something short of citizenship, so long as in provided for some legal status that would allow people who'd been here for a long time to stay peaceably here, and pay in and collect social security.
Why would you do that to people you are going to let live here the rest of their lives? Why let them live here and develop family roots, yet keep them without citizenship to the Nation they live in, and will live in with ''your permission'' for the rest of their lives?

That's inhumane.

AND Un-American

They can apply for citizenship already. It's just that a lot of them don't. Many have lived here for decades and make no attempt to get citizenship. That's not anyone's fault but their own.
If you're speaking of illegal immigrants living in the US, no they can't just apply for citizenship. Once you enter the US illegal, the rules change. There is no path to citizenship if you are entered the country illegally and are living here.
More on Hillary's possible strategy. She may want to try and force the gop candidates to embrace "no path to citizenship" explicity. I linked earlier to Rubio, Jeb's and Walkers' vague positions that might allow them to flip flop after the primary. The blue and blue leaning states account for 247 EV. Colo and VA, with large Hispanic populations, would push that to 269. Rather than sitting back like she did last time, it appears she has a active plan to pressure the GOP a year and a half out.

Hillary Clinton s election to lose - POLITICO.com
I'm not thrilled with Hill, but the thought of W having any influence over a potus (beyond the notion of "JFC I'm not making THAT mistake again!") is scary.
I don't think any of the leading GOP candidates are going stick their neck out on a path to citizenship. Some of the also rans may make "no path to citizenship" a part of their campaign promise to endear themselves to far right.
Which will be their undoing in the General Election.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Why would you do that to people you are going to let live here the rest of their lives? Why let them live here and develop family roots, yet keep them without citizenship to the Nation they live in, and will live in with ''your permission'' for the rest of their lives?

That's inhumane.

AND Un-American

They can apply for citizenship already. It's just that a lot of them don't. Many have lived here for decades and make no attempt to get citizenship. That's not anyone's fault but their own.
If you're speaking of illegal immigrants living in the US, no they can't just apply for citizenship. Once you enter the US illegal, the rules change. There is no path to citizenship if you are entered the country illegally and are living here.
More on Hillary's possible strategy. She may want to try and force the gop candidates to embrace "no path to citizenship" explicity. I linked earlier to Rubio, Jeb's and Walkers' vague positions that might allow them to flip flop after the primary. The blue and blue leaning states account for 247 EV. Colo and VA, with large Hispanic populations, would push that to 269. Rather than sitting back like she did last time, it appears she has a active plan to pressure the GOP a year and a half out.

Hillary Clinton s election to lose - POLITICO.com
I'm not thrilled with Hill, but the thought of W having any influence over a potus (beyond the notion of "JFC I'm not making THAT mistake again!") is scary.
I don't think any of the leading GOP candidates are going stick their neck out on a path to citizenship. Some of the also rans may make "no path to citizenship" a part of their campaign promise to endear themselves to far right.
Which will be their undoing in the General Election.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Yes, the fight for a Republican nomination is usually far more intense than the Democratic nomination because there are usually many more candidates more ideological more diverse. They take sides on an issue that either kills their chance of nomination or provides the Democratic candidate the ammunition needed to win.

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