Hillary Clinton deleted entire servers and it was no big deal.

She was denied by the voters not the DOJ
False comparison fallacy, failed attempt to deflect.

Trump committed crimes in violation of the Espionage Act and obstructed justice by trying to destroy evidence of his crimes.

Both Trump’s state and Federal indictments are perfectly appropriate, warranted, and lawful.

Trump has only himself to blame.
There was no “miraculous escape from justice”. Clinton’s server was not secret or illegal at the time that she was Secretary of State. The law banning the use of private email for government business was passed AFTER she left office.

The law against using any but the State Department server came from 4 different law, the newest of which is FOIA, in 1996.
At issue are four sections of the law: the Federal Records Act, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the National Archives and Records Administration's (NARA) regulations and Section 1924 of Title 18 of the U.S. Crimes and Criminal Procedure Code.
No new law was later passed banning the use of private email servers.
It was always illegal.

But that is NOT the main criminal violations.
The MAIN criminal violation is that she had classified docs on her server, which not only is horrendous because she had no security clearance and could not even legally see classified docs at all, but she was making them easily available to hacker who found out about her private email server.
(Not that there is any evidence anyone ever did.)
And the second criminal violation is that she then illegally wiped the drive, so that the FBI could not tell if it ever had any classified docs on it, and that was deliberately obstructing justice.

She can sort of get a pass for having the illegal private email server, because it seems that was common.
But she should not have had any classified docs on it, and she should not have wiped it so that no one then knew what was compromised or not?
Smashed blackberry phones. Deleted emails. Used bleach bit to cover any tracks. Refused to turn over documents. Had servers in VERY unsecured places.

She wasn't even president with the privileges that position affords. Yet we get a DAILY drumbeat about Trump as if some new law was passed that suddenly made it criminal AFTER Hillary.

The hypocrisy is astounding. And I haven't even touched on Bidens document fiasco.

The flip side is those who screamed lock her up are now looking the other way with Trump.

It's all a shit show and quite embarrassing for our nation.
All of which was approved and typical, nothing illegal. Your propaganda is total BS. And you are still looking for any actual crime she was supposedly hiding LOL. Absolute idiocy....
There’s a lot to be said about your characterization of events, but the most important thing is

No court accepts “he did it first” as a defense

Trump does not have to use the defense of anyone else doing it first, because as president, he legally could do whatever he wanted with the classified docs his administration created.
When he gives himself copies, they then are his personal property, forever.
Let's see if we have this straight. She was denied the presidency by the voters, so you want the government to deny TRUMP! the presidency?
He is a criminal and a con man and a seditionist Mussolin/Putin wannabe and the worst president and liar in our entire history, Super Duper.
We either have equal justice under the law or we don't.
Your ‘argument’ is sophomoric, ignorant, and ridiculous.

What may or may not have happed to Clinton has no bearing whatsoever on Trump’s crimes and indictments.

There is no ‘double standard,’ Trump is not being ‘singled-out’; the evidence of Trump’s crimes are objective, documented, and compelling – it would be wrong for the Justice Department to not indict and prosecute Trump.
Yes. The way Trump has been treated compared to how Hillary, Joe and Hunter Biden have been treated is enough to make a rational, sane and unbiased person realize the system is corrupt.

This article is kind of garbage. Here’s a great example:
“Although Trump’s lawyers were working with the Justice Department, DOJ officials still decided to proceed aggressively with the classified documents case.

Trump’s attorneys had proactively invited FBI and Justice Department officials to visit Mar-a-Lago weeks before the raid and, at one point during the visit, even gave a top Justice Department official on the case a tour of the storage room where Trump was storing documents marked classified.

The FBI proceeded with the raid anyway, declining to give those same lawyers advanced notice that they would be searching their client’s home.”

The facts are clearly showing that Trump wasn’t working with the DoJ and was obstructing them. The DoJ wasn’t “proactively” invited, they came to receive the classified documents that Trump was legally required to turn over to them. The little “tour” is meaningless. The DoJ was forbidden from looking in any boxes.

And we know why. Because they would have found additional documents.
False comparison fallacy, failed attempt to deflect.

Trump committed crimes in violation of the Espionage Act and obstructed justice by trying to destroy evidence of his crimes.

Both Trump’s state and Federal indictments are perfectly appropriate, warranted, and lawful.

Trump has only himself to blame.

It is impossible for an ex-president to violate the Espionage Act, as they have total authority over the classified docs made during his administration, forever.
And he never tried "to destroy evidence".
There was no crime and he still had the boxes.

What is illegal is for the FBI, DOJ, or judge to read ANY of those classified docs that only Trump has legal authority over.
Every single one of the FBI, DOJ, or judiciary who took part in that illegal Mar-a-Lago raid should be in jail.
All of which was approved and typical, nothing illegal. Your propaganda is total BS. And you are still looking for any actual crime she was supposedly hiding LOL. Absolute idiocy....

It was illegal for a State Dept employee, to not use the State Dept server.
It was illegal Hillary to have any classified docs, since she had no security clearance.
It was illegal for her to put classified docs on an unencrypted server that is easily hacked.
It was illegal for her to wipe her server drive, so no one could tell what had been compromised or not.
Your ‘argument’ is sophomoric, ignorant, and ridiculous.

What may or may not have happed to Clinton has no bearing whatsoever on Trump’s crimes and indictments.

There is no ‘double standard,’ Trump is not being ‘singled-out’; the evidence of Trump’s crimes are objective, documented, and compelling – it would be wrong for the Justice Department to not indict and prosecute Trump.

Trump did absolutely nothing remotely illegal.
NARA and PRA only require copies, which do not come from the president, but from the originators like Langley, the FBI offices, the Pentagon, etc.
President have absolute authority over classified, docs, and if he gave himself copies for his memoirs, then he can legally retain them forever.
The raid on Mar-a-Lago was totally illegal.
It was illegal for a State Dept employee, to not use the State Dept server.
It was illegal Hillary to have any classified docs, since she had no security clearance.
It was illegal for her to put classified docs on an unencrypted server that is easily hacked.
It was illegal for her to wipe her server drive, so no one could tell what had been compromised or not.
Nobody cares about your ridiculous totally discredited BS. It worked for one election and now we all know you people have absolutely no clue but hateful divisive no evidence b s...
The law against using any but the State Department server came from 4 different law, the newest of which is FOIA, in 1996.
At issue are four sections of the law: the Federal Records Act, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the National Archives and Records Administration's (NARA) regulations and Section 1924 of Title 18 of the U.S. Crimes and Criminal Procedure Code.
No new law was later passed banning the use of private email servers.
It was always illegal.

But that is NOT the main criminal violations.
The MAIN criminal violation is that she had classified docs on her server, which not only is horrendous because she had no security clearance and could not even legally see classified docs at all, but she was making them easily available to hacker who found out about her private email server.
(Not that there is any evidence anyone ever did.)
And the second criminal violation is that she then illegally wiped the drive, so that the FBI could not tell if it ever had any classified docs on it, and that was deliberately obstructing justice.

She can sort of get a pass for having the illegal private email server, because it seems that was common.
But she should not have had any classified docs on it, and she should not have wiped it so that no one then knew what was compromised or not?
She was a great secretary of state and nobody cares about your BS but other dupes....
Things are different now. He is facing charges he cannot lie, bribe, buy or stall his way out of.
Actually most criminals like Trump lie low, keep their mouths shut, and fly under the radar as much as possible.
His style, it tyrns out, is going to be what does him in.
He drew too much attention to his crimes.

What "charges"?
Clearly Trump did nothing remotely illegal.
It is clearly slander and discrimination, like when Jean Carroll offered to model lingerie for Trump in a private dressing room, and now is claiming rape. How can one model lingerie without undressing?
The 2 impeachments not only are totally bogus, but clearly it was Joe Biden who illegally withheld congressional fund in order to illegally get Shokin fired, to protect Burisma Holdings.
Trump did nothing remotely illegal. He withheld no funds, and it is required by law to investigate Burisma Holdings, and that still had not happened.
Ex-presidents can have all the classified docs that his administration ever created, and most usually do.
The crime is trying to take Trump's classified docs away from him.
That is illegal.
Nobody cares about your ridiculous totally discredited BS. It worked for one election and now we all know you people have absolutely no clue but hateful divisive no evidence b s...

There is not a single thing I wrote that you could or did "discredit" in any way.
Trump violated no law, and can have all the classified docs that his administration created, that he wants.
She was a great secretary of state and nobody cares about your BS but other dupes....

Secretaries of State are politicians so then do NOT normally pass the background check required for a security clearance.
Hillary did not even try.
She never had a security clearance.
As Whitewater would have been enough to have prevented that.

She was an AWFUL Secretary of State, was responsible for murdering Qaddafi, push for the Arab Spring that killed Saddam, tried to kill Assad, and illegally attacked the Taliban.
She even went so far as to recommend nuking Iran.
He is a criminal and a con man and a seditionist Mussolin/Putin wannabe and the worst president and liar in our entire history, Super Duper.

I did like Trump, but he started no illegal wars like Hillary did and did not murder anyone like Hillary did.
Hillary was the most criminal Secretary of State since John Foster Dulles.
I did like Trump, but he started no illegal wars like Hillary did and did not murder anyone like Hillary did.
Hillary was the most criminal Secretary of State since John Foster Dulles.
Who needs evidence or intelligence when you have sean and rush and Tucker?
Smashed blackberry phones. Deleted emails. Used bleach bit to cover any tracks. Refused to turn over documents. Had servers in VERY unsecured places.

She wasn't even president with the privileges that position affords. Yet we get a DAILY drumbeat about Trump as if some new law was passed that suddenly made it criminal AFTER Hillary.

The hypocrisy is astounding. And I haven't even touched on Bidens document fiasco.

The flip side is those who screamed lock her up are now looking the other way with Trump.

It's all a shit show and quite embarrassing for our nation.
Doesn't matter...

Your Orange Baboon-God is going down...

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