Hillary Clinton deleted entire servers and it was no big deal.

Smashed blackberry phones. Deleted emails. Used bleach bit to cover any tracks. Refused to turn over documents. Had servers in VERY unsecured places.

She wasn't even president with the privileges that position affords. Yet we get a DAILY drumbeat about Trump as if some new law was passed that suddenly made it criminal AFTER Hillary.

The hypocrisy is astounding. And I haven't even touched on Bidens document fiasco.

The flip side is those who screamed lock her up are now looking the other way with Trump.

It's all a shit show and quite embarrassing for our nation.
The lies Trump and the MAGA media tell you creduloids are quite different from what Trump says in private.

From the Smith indictment which you all steadfastly refuse to read:

That's where you are wrong.
They are different cases, different circumstances.
You can't expect sameness in everything in life.
Some things are different from other things.
Your propagandists fabricated this Hunter Biden "scandal" precisely to distract you MAGAts from Trump's criminality and drum up your selective outrage about "unequal justice."
They are hoping that if you believe the standards are unequal then maybe you will think Trump is less guilty.
It's called normalizing the outrageous.
Looks like you are swallowing the bait too.
Any unbiased person who looks at how Hillary, Joe Biden and Hunter Biden have been handled compared with how Trump and people around him have been harassed would see the unfairness.

Did you see the wonderful deal Hunter Biden almost got. Trump would be hung high if he was charged with the same crimes.

So if Trump commits so much fraud why has he not been charged by now? He has been investigated, investigated and investigated. Surely if what you say is true the evidence would have been uncovered by now. Trump was being investigated before he won tHe election and all the way through the four years he was in office and the time since he left office.
Things are different now. He is facing charges he cannot lie, bribe, buy or stall his way out of.
Actually most criminals like Trump lie low, keep their mouths shut, and fly under the radar as much as possible.
His style, it tyrns out, is going to be what does him in.
He drew too much attention to his crimes.
Things are different now. He is facing charges he cannot lie, bribe, buy or stall his way out of.
Actually most criminals like Trump lie low, keep their mouths shut, and fly under the radar as much as possible.
His style, it tyrns out, is going to be what does him in.
He drew too much attention to his crimes.
WTF are you talking about?

Try to stay on topic.

This thread is about HILLARY CLINTON and her miraculous escape from justice thanks to our CORRUPT DOJ.

Don't let the leftards drag you through the mud. Force them to focus.
Trump was the ultimate insider!

I could easily find a photo of the Carter's and notorious mass murderer Jim Jones. Does it mean that they were members of his flock? Probably not. It ain't hard to find the Clinton's smooching with terrorist Yassir Arifat either.
Trump was playing the game as any smart businessman would.

Perhaps between paying off the mafia so he could build skyscrapers and politicians he got fed up with all the corruption.

Still Trump had no idea how deep the corruption was in the D.C. Swamp.

It seems to me the corruption got totally out of hand when the Clintons arrived in Washington D.C.

So if Trump commits so much fraud why has he not been charged by now? He has been investigated, investigated and investigated. Surely if what you say is true the evidence would have been uncovered by now. Trump was being investigated before he won tHe election and all the way through the four years he was in office and the time since he left office.
Things are different now. He is facing charges he cannot lie, bribe, buy or stall his way out of.
Actually most criminals like Trump lie low, keep their mouths shut, and fly under the radar as much as possible.
His style, it tyrns out, is going to be what does him in.
He drew too much attention to his crimes.
WTF are you talking about?

Try to stay on topic.

This thread is about HILLARY CLINTON and her miraculous escape from justice thanks to our CORRUPT DOJ.

Don't let the leftards drag you through the mud. Force them to focus.
Are you trying to talk about her just so you don't have to talk about Trump's 74 felony charges?
Things are different now. He is facing charges he cannot lie, bribe, buy or stall his way out of.
Actually most criminals like Trump lie low, keep their mouths shut, and fly under the radar as much as possible.
His style, it tyrns out, is going to be what does him in.
He drew too much attention to his crimes.
As I have said, if Trump is actually guilty of any crimes he should face prosecution. But the same applies to Hunter and even Joe Biden.

A growing number of people are losing trust in the FBI and DOJ. The future of our nation requires we have confidence in our government. If we continue down this path we may find our nation will split apart in a decade or two.
I could easily find a photo of the Carter's and notorious mass murderer Jim Jones. Does it mean that they were members of his flock? Probably not. It ain't hard to find the Clinton's smooching with terrorist Yassir Arifat either.
It does prove he’s an insider. That’s all I said. Touchy, touchy! :rolleyes-41:
WTF are you talking about?

Try to stay on topic.

This thread is about HILLARY CLINTON and her miraculous escape from justice thanks to our CORRUPT DOJ.

Don't let the leftards drag you through the mud. Force them to focus.
Wrong forum, you’re looking for‘History’. :cool-45:
And she was denied the presidency. And now Trump should be denied the presidency because of doing the same thing, right?

Well to start with, there was absolutely nothing illegal about Hillary Clinton’s server. I know Donald Trump has repeatedly said that Hillary Clinton had a “secret, illegal server“ but it was not secret, and it wasn’t illegal.

We know that her server was neither secret nor illegal, because after she left office at the end of Obama’s first term, The new GOP house passed a law, make it illegal for government officials to use private servers, so that no one else could use a private email server like Hillary Clinton.

This is how Donald Trump takes a germ of truth, and then wraps it up in a whole bunch of bullshit and lies, and feeds it back to you people and you get outraged that she “got away” with this “illegal server”.

Trey Gowdy pretended that he had no idea that Clinton was using a private email server, but that was a lie. Gowdy voted for the bill banning private servers for government workers in 2013, as a freshman Representative.
WTF are you talking about?

Try to stay on topic.

This thread is about HILLARY CLINTON and her miraculous escape from justice thanks to our CORRUPT DOJ.

Don't let the leftards drag you through the mud. Force them to focus.

There was no “miraculous escape from justice”. Clinton’s server was not secret or illegal at the time that she was Secretary of State. The law banning the use of private email for government business was passed AFTER she left office.
Do you think Trump might just have something to do with this?
Yes. The way Trump has been treated compared to how Hillary, Joe and Hunter Biden have been treated is enough to make a rational, sane and unbiased person realize the system is corrupt.

Smashed blackberry phones. Deleted emails. Used bleach bit to cover any tracks. Refused to turn over documents. Had servers in VERY unsecured places.

She wasn't even president with the privileges that position affords. Yet we get a DAILY drumbeat about Trump as if some new law was passed that suddenly made it criminal AFTER Hillary.

The hypocrisy is astounding. And I haven't even touched on Bidens document fiasco.

The flip side is those who screamed lock her up are now looking the other way with Trump.

It's all a shit show and quite embarrassing for our nation.

You missed the "flipside" point.
Hillary was just Sec of State, and has no security clearance at all, so was not legally supposed to have ANY classified docs, much less broadcasting them all over the world on her illegal server.

No one is "looking the other way with Trump".
Trump was president when those classified docs were made, so then legally he has total authority to do whatever he wants with them.
Entirely different.
Presidents write the classified doc laws as their own arbitrary executive orders, and their authority never goes away.

So this is worse than just embarrassing.
Allow with the 2 bogus impeachments, this clearly was "insurrection" by trying to impede both the 2016 and 2024 elections.
She's a Liberal. We have already seen how much the Liberals will lie, as example they called the court with the plea proceedings pretending to be a Republican requesting something be removed from the plea document but the Judge traced the call back to Hunter Biden's Attorney's office.
Smashed blackberry phones. Deleted emails. Used bleach bit to cover any tracks. Refused to turn over documents. Had servers in VERY unsecured places.

She wasn't even president with the privileges that position affords. Yet we get a DAILY drumbeat about Trump as if some new law was passed that suddenly made it criminal AFTER Hillary.

The hypocrisy is astounding. And I haven't even touched on Bidens document fiasco.

The flip side is those who screamed lock her up are now looking the other way with Trump.

It's all a shit show and quite embarrassing for our nation.

Clinton didn’t do anything in an effort obstruct justice or conceal crimes.

Trump did.

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