Hillary Clinton deleted entire servers and it was no big deal.

Sandusky,Home of the Lyman Boat Works and also the
great amusement park Cedar Point was a real hoot in summer.
All those young adults did in summer on a saturday night was
drive round and round the block in downtown Sandusky.
Really boring.Reminds one of the Movie - Tommy Boy - {1995 }
and Cow tipping.
I remember Geneva-on-the-Lake, Ohio

It was a resort town that was busy in the summer. In the 60s there was a riot every year I believe around the 4th of July.

I learned that some of my ā€˜friendsā€ planned a robbery during the riot. They knew of a bar that stored the cash under a loose floorboard and when the riot started the owner would shut down the bar and leave.

My friends planned to break in, grab the cash box and hide it underneath their vehicle. When the riots ended they would just drive away in the line of traffic.

I joined the Air Force. When I returned home on leave I asked one of the guys what happened. He said there was no riot that year. They tried everything they could think of but couldnā€™t get anything going.

What youā€™re seeing is the difference between how things go when you cooperate with the investigation and when you donā€™t.

Without a doubt, Trump is entitled and combative. All of his problems stem from those bad instincts.
Trump is an outsider. Those who run the Swamp are not fond of outsiders they donā€™t control.

They donā€™t want more billionaires running for President.

Plus Trump wasnā€™t fond of dirty little wars that make the military industrial complex so much money. How can you run the United States without at least one dirty little war?
Again QED. No problem with your hyperpartisanship. Just don't get pissy when no one takes you seriously. (PS you might want to check out NARA's General Counsel's testimony before Congress when he admits NARA told Trump to fuck himself).
This is the guy youā€™re referring to.

So itā€™s a lie that NARA didnā€™t help in the White House.

Sorry, but youā€™re not hyper partisan for taking Trumpā€™s personal defense attorneys at their word. Thatā€™s just not being a dope.
Trump is an outsider. Those who run the Swamp are not fond of outsiders they donā€™t control.

They donā€™t want more billionaires running for President.

Plus Trump wasnā€™t fond of dirty little wars that make the military industrial complex so much money. How can you run the United States without at least one dirty little war?

Bingo of course.

(Weird that the Democrats used to be against wars and being the worlds policeman, I guess they got properly paid off.)
Trump is an outsider. Those who run the Swamp are not fond of outsiders they donā€™t control.

They donā€™t want more billionaires running for President.

Plus Trump wasnā€™t fond of dirty little wars that make the military industrial complex so much money. How can you run the United States without at least one dirty little war?
Oh please. These little stories are just rationalizations.

If there is two standards of justice, itā€™s not by party but by social class.

Trump is a rich asshole and rich assholes know they can almost always get away with whatever they want.

It has nothing to do with the ā€œdeep stateā€ or any other made up boogey men. It definitely has nothing to do with the military industrial complex, who were doing just fine with Trumpā€™s expanding military budgets.

Rich people just do whatever they want and let their lawyers fix it for them.
What youā€™re seeing is the difference between how things go when you cooperate with the investigation and when you donā€™t.

Without a doubt, Trump is entitled and combative. All of his problems stem from those bad instincts.
So how entitled was Hillary.Or now Hunter Biden,
That's like comparing a stork to a humming bird.
Yuz guys are such a trip.
Yuz all would screw up a movie like - Easy Rider - { 1969 }
just by being someone watching the parade scene where Fonda
and Hopper got arrested for riding their choppers at the back of
a city parade.
" Parading without a permit ?.You gotta be kiddin'.I mean,you
know who this is.This is Captain America.I'm Billy.Hey,we're headliners,
baby!We've played every fair in this part of the country,I mean,for
top dollar too. "
Oh please. These little stories are just rationalizations.

If there is two standards of justice, itā€™s not by party but by social class.

Trump is a rich asshole and rich assholes know they can almost always get away with whatever they want.

It has nothing to do with the ā€œdeep stateā€ or any other made up boogey men. It definitely has nothing to do with the military industrial complex, who were doing just fine with Trumpā€™s expanding military budgets.

Rich people just do whatever they want and let their lawyers fix it for them.
Oh! how contraire.I guess that explains the New World Order
elites or authoritarians.Like this goofy son of George Soros {Alex }.
Been to the Biden White House at least a dozen times.
However the same should apply to Hillary, Joe Biden and his son Hunter.
That's where you are wrong.
They are different cases, different circumstances.
You can't expect sameness in everything in life.
Some things are different from other things.
Your propagandists fabricated this Hunter Biden "scandal" precisely to distract you MAGAts from Trump's criminality and drum up your selective outrage about "unequal justice."
They are hoping that if you believe the standards are unequal then maybe you will think Trump is less guilty.
It's called normalizing the outrageous.
Looks like you are swallowing the bait too.
I remember Geneva-on-the-Lake, Ohio

It was a resort town that was busy in the summer. In the 60s there was a riot every year I believe around the 4th of July.

I learned that some of my ā€˜friendsā€ planned a robbery during the riot. They knew of a bar that stored the cash under a loose floorboard and when the riot started the owner would shut down the bar and leave.

My friends planned to break in, grab the cash box and hide it underneath their vehicle. When the riots ended they would just drive away in the line of traffic.

I joined the Air Force. When I returned home on leave I asked one of the guys what happened. He said there was no riot that year. They tried everything they could think of but couldnā€™t get anything going.

View attachment 808867
Surely you've seen - Tommy Boy { 1995 } Farleys best.
There will never be another like him.He was more entertaining than Belushi.
I got the first tabloid { Grocery store } on the shelves explaing in detail
the last 24 hrs. of Farley's life.
I still have it.Jerry Springer supposedly lived across the hall
from Farley's Chicago apartment.I believe Farley made it to his door
when he collapsed.
Oh please. These little stories are just rationalizations.

If there is two standards of justice, itā€™s not by party but by social class.

Trump is a rich asshole and rich assholes know they can almost always get away with whatever they want.

It has nothing to do with the ā€œdeep stateā€ or any other made up boogey men. It definitely has nothing to do with the military industrial complex, who were doing just fine with Trumpā€™s expanding military budgets.

Rich people just do whatever they want and let their lawyers fix it for them.
So then why are you supporting the party that wants to keep people poor?
That's where you are wrong.
They are different cases, different circumstances.
You can't expect sameness in everything in life.
Some things are different from other things.
Your propagandists fabricated this Hunter Biden "scandal" precisely to distract you MAGAts from Trump's criminality and drum up your selective outrage about "unequal justice."
They are hoping that if you believe the standards are unequal then maybe you will think Trump is less guilty.
It's called normalizing the outrageous.
Looks like you are swallowing the bait too.
Pathetic attempt to rationalize and
That's where you are wrong.
They are different cases, different circumstances.
You can't expect sameness in everything in life.
Some things are different from other things.
Your propagandists fabricated this Hunter Biden "scandal" precisely to distract you MAGAts from Trump's criminality and drum up your selective outrage about "unequal justice."
They are hoping that if you believe the standards are unequal then maybe you will think Trump is less guilty.
It's called normalizing the outrageous.
Looks like you are swallowing the bait too.
Not even gross negligence as if one of Draculas keepers
{ like the bug-eating Renfield. } You wouldn't know/recognize the
God's honest truth if it gave you a wedgy { pulled up yer skivvies real
quick }.At least MAGA folk act human and humane.
The left does not value Truth.
No way to get around it.
Pathetic attempt to rationalize and

Not even gross negligence as if one of Draculas keepers
{ like the bug-eating Renfield. } You wouldn't know/recognize the
God's honest truth if it gave you a wedgy { pulled up yer skivvies real
quick }.At least MAGA folk act human and humane.
The left does not value Truth.
No way to get around it.
Are you trying to speak English here?
Smashed blackberry phones. Deleted emails. Used bleach bit to cover any tracks. Refused to turn over documents. Had servers in VERY unsecured places.

She wasn't even president with the privileges that position affords. Yet we get a DAILY drumbeat about Trump as if some new law was passed that suddenly made it criminal AFTER Hillary.

The hypocrisy is astounding. And I haven't even touched on Bidens document fiasco.

The flip side is those who screamed lock her up are now looking the other way with Trump.

It's all a shit show and quite embarrassing for our nation.
But no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute.
Trump is an outsider.
Outsiders don't evade justice for 35 years, making donations to the "right" people in order not to be indicted for fraud. Outsiders don't have the Mayor of New York City in their pocket. Outsiders aren't able to use non-union labor and Mob-controlled cement in NYC to build Trump Tower.
Outsiders don't evade justice for 35 years, making donations to the "right" people in order not to be indicted for fraud. Outsiders don't have the Mayor of New York City in their pocket. Outsiders aren't able to use non-union labor and Mob-controlled cement in NYC to build Trump Tower.
So if Trump commits so much fraud why has he not been charged by now? He has been investigated, investigated and investigated. Surely if what you say is true the evidence would have been uncovered by now. Trump was being investigated before he won tHe election and all the way through the four years he was in office and the time since he left office.
Surely you've seen - Tommy Boy { 1995 } Farleys best.
There will never be another like him.He was more entertaining than Belushi.
I got the first tabloid { Grocery store } on the shelves explaing in detail
the last 24 hrs. of Farley's life.
I still have it.Jerry Springer supposedly lived across the hall
from Farley's Chicago apartment.I believe Farley made it to his door
when he collapsed.
I just recently started watching movies. For a decade movies turned me off as they were so damn unrealistic. I will have to try to watch that movie.
Trump is an outsider. Those who run the Swamp are not fond of outsiders they donā€™t control.

They donā€™t want more billionaires running for President.

Plus Trump wasnā€™t fond of dirty little wars that make the military industrial complex so much money. How can you run the United States without at least one dirty little war?
Trump was the ultimate insider!


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