Hillary Clinton fact of the day - she's an anti-Semite.

So, as expected, you refused to back up your nutty claims about Sanger. You just raged, and hoped that deflection would prevent people from noticing you couldn't back up your bullshit.

That leads to the new point. Hillary haters tend to be both gutless and dishonest.
So, as expected, you refused to back up your nutty claims about Sanger. You just raged, and hoped that deflection would prevent people from noticing you couldn't back up your bullshit.

That leads to the new point. Hillary haters tend to be both gutless and dishonest.

A posted a freaking link from the Washington Post. Seriously....are you an idiot?

Ben Carson’s focus on black abortions, Margaret Sanger and eugenics, explained

Yes, you posted a link that doesn't back up your stupid shit in any way. Bravo! You sure showed everyone!

Once more, you can demonstrate to everyone you're not lying by simply showing where Sanger said blacks were inferior, as you directly claimed she said. But you won't do that. You just keep coming up with creative excuses as to why you're a special little snowflake who isn't required to back up their crazy claims.

I'm enjoying this, you know. After all, everyone knows what happened. You brainlessly parroted some stupid shit your cult fed you, and you now know you screwed up, but you're not honest enough to admit it, so you just keep digging down deeper into the stupid hole. Please proceed.
Hillary Clinton fact of the day - she's an anti-Semite.

Is that a bad thing?
Locke is from the "We Hide Our Lack Of Solutions By Going On The Attack" school of no thought.

"Hey, check the tickler file. What turd have we not thrown at Hillary in a while?"

"I found this old Jew bastard thing. There's a lot of dust on it."


Pathetic argument. I bet you were giving a standing whistling ovation when the lefties dug up a practical joke Mitt Romney did in high school. But I understand, you think life is a one-way street.
Yes, you posted a link that doesn't back up your stupid shit in any way. Bravo! You sure showed everyone!

Once more, you can demonstrate to everyone you're not lying by simply showing where Sanger said blacks were inferior, as you directly claimed she said. But you won't do that. You just keep coming up with creative excuses as to why you're a special little snowflake who isn't required to back up their crazy claims.

I'm enjoying this, you know. After all, everyone knows what happened. You brainlessly parroted some stupid shit your cult fed you, and you now know you screwed up, but you're not honest enough to admit it, so you just keep digging down deeper into the stupid hole. Please proceed.

Welfare, you got caught lying outright about Sanger, and everyone knows it now. Squealing and running 3 times tends to convince people that you can't back up your bullshit.

You do understand that chronic liars spend eternity in the 8th circle of hell, right? I have to be concerned for your eternal soul, since you don't seem to be. I know you think God told you it was fine to lie for the cause, but that was actually Satan talking. God was telling you to speak the truth, but you hardened your heart and refused to listen.
Welfare, you got caught lying outright about Sanger, and everyone knows it now. Squealing and running 3 times tends to convince people that you can't back up your bullshit.

You do understand that chronic liars spend eternity in the 8th circle of hell, right? I have to be concerned for your eternal soul, since you don't seem to be. I know you think God told you it was fine to lie for the cause, but that was actually Satan talking. God was telling you to speak the truth, but you hardened your heart and refused to listen.


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