Hillary Clinton has at least 20 point lead over GOP in new poll

Hillary Clinton has at least 20 point lead over GOP in new poll | Early & Often

Way To Go!! We have your back, Hillary!!

It's a poll of New York state. Any Democrat should be having at least a +20 here. Bill Clinton won it in 96 with +29, so did Obama in 2012. Hillary will likely win the Empire State by at least 32-34 points when all is said and done. Democrats under +20 in NY are likely losing the national election. Kerry won NY by +18, but lost nationally by -2.46. Gore won NY by +28 and also won nationally in the NPV by +0.52. Dukakis won NY in 88 by +5 but lost nationally to Bush (41) by -7.73. So, +20 in NY is actually bare-minimum to be competitive nationally. The +31 indicated in the poll is the more likely value, here.

I also want to remind that one individual poll says not a lot, but the aggregate of polling is indeed important.

I've already read and logged this poll and the latest Hillary vs. GOP thread will come out in the third week of September. By then, there will have been circa 200 Hillary vs. GOP polls since 2013 began.
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You say that you have Hilary's "back, PT but you should probably be asking yourself who's back Hilary Clinton has! She's the ultimate political animal...willing to do or say anything to get elected. If that's what you're looking for in a leader then by all means get behind Hilary!
Hillary Clinton has at least 20 point lead over GOP in new poll | Early & Often

Way To Go!! We have your back, Hillary!!
In her home state by a university poll. Early and often is the motto of the left promoting illegal voting practices. Typical way they win.

Quinnipiac is a respected and ACCURATE pollster, one of the 4 best in the 2012 presidential election, also by far the best pollster in the 2013 Christie gubernatorial race and the Virginia senatorial.

Before you poo-poo a polling organization, you should learn their track record first:

Statistikhengst's ELECTORAL POLITICS - 2013 and beyond: The moment of truth: how did the pollsters do?

Hand in hand with NBC is often Quinnipiac:

Quinnipiac (NYT/CBS):

StatePollsterPollster MarginActual MarginBiasBias (simplified)
OhioQuinnipiac / NYT / CBSD +5D +2,97D +2,03D +2
FloridaQuinnipiac / NYT / CBSD +1D +0,88D +0,120
New York*QuinnipiacD +28D +28,13R +0,130
VirginiaQuinnipiac / NYT / CBSD +2D +3,87R +1,87R +2
ConnecticutQuinnipiacD +14D +17,33R +3,33R +3
New Jersey*QuinnipiacD +8D +17,68R +9,68R +10
Bias (ALL)R +2,17
Bias (3 battlegrounds)R +0,66

As is the case with Marist, Quinnipiac has hooked up with a major newspaper and a major news network (NYT and CBS) to produce polling. There were 5 end polls, 3 were from battleground states.

Two big points here:

-Quinnipiac absolutely nailed the margin in Florida and New York.

-Though it has a conservative bias of R +2.17 for the 5 polls combined, among the three battlegrounds (Ohio, Florida and Virginia), its bias is absolute null. This is the only pollster to have acheived this mark, but then again, Quinnipiac only put out results for 3 of 12 battlegrounds. What "skewed" the results were the terrible poll numbers out of New Jersey (R +10!), which happened to a number of pollsters, most likely because of hurricane Sandy.

But just as was the case with Marist, no Liberal bias to be seen here!
You do realize that was just for New York do you not? So Hillary is leading big over the GOP in a strongly blue state that elected her to the Senate forgive me if I don't find this shocking.
Hillary Clinton has at least 20 point lead over GOP in new poll | Early & Often

Way To Go!! We have your back, Hillary!!
I'm rather baffled by your claim, PT. I was watching CNN a few nights ago and they were doing a segment on Hilary Clinton's shrinking poll numbers against a number of different GOP candidates.

its dem/lib propaganda, they are desperate because they know that HRC is very unpopular and losing votes every time she opens her idiotic pie hole.
If you ran a poll of Rick Perry vs. the Democrats you'd find Perry doing pretty well. You never compare one specific person against a group. That's stupid. Only an idiot like Statistheilhitler would fall for it/
In any case, I am sure all the polls in 2006 showed Hillary was a shoo-in. Actually I recall looking back at this and yes they did. Whether the match up was Hillary v. McCain or Hillary v. Giuliani, who was the front runner.
If you ran a poll of Rick Perry vs. the Democrats you'd find Perry doing pretty well. You never compare one specific person against a group. That's stupid. Only an idiot like Statistheilhitler would fall for it/
In any case, I am sure all the polls in 2006 showed Hillary was a shoo-in. Actually I recall looking back at this and yes they did. Whether the match up was Hillary v. McCain or Hillary v. Giuliani, who was the front runner.
As I recall wasn't the 2008 Presidential race supposed to be the big all New York battle between Hillary and Rudy?
Hillary Clinton has at least 20 point lead over GOP in new poll | Early & Often

Way To Go!! We have your back, Hillary!!
I'm rather baffled by your claim, PT. I was watching CNN a few nights ago and they were doing a segment on Hilary Clinton's shrinking poll numbers against a number of different GOP candidates.
Watching the ol' Faux again I see. CNN has had many stories and polls with Hillary leading at this point, fyi.
Hillary Clinton has at least 20 point lead over GOP in new poll | Early & Often

Way To Go!! We have your back, Hillary!!

It's not just your dog that's snoring Gramps, it's your Whole Party that's why the American people continue to suffer due to their inaction just like your dog that well represents your party.

That makes total sense considering the gop is poised to take the Senate. :cuckoo:
I wouldn't get too excited kids. Trey Gowdy hasn't even opened his investigation yet and there's not much hope that Bubba's wife avoids being exposed as a traitor to the United States, in the formal sense of the word; meaning how it is defined in the US Constitution. (For the "Progressives" that is the foundational law of the United States, with the relevant elements being found in Article 3, Section 3.)
Hillary Clinton has at least 20 point lead over GOP in new poll | Early & Often

Way To Go!! We have your back, Hillary!!

How many points does Hillary have vs. Elizabeth Warren?
Since they are both obviously very popular the current consensus among many is that Elizabeth should run as Hillary's Vice-President. Now with that Winning Team it would be extremely hard for any Republican to beat let's face it. I hope she does choose Elizabeth! They would make a Great team for the country, unequivocally!

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