Hillary Clinton hits back hard - the GOP is gonna pay

How hard can Hildabeast possibly hit back trying to stand upright on those cankles?
you posted that in politics? :eusa_eh: n00bs will be n00bs :eusa_doh:

As to the OP, yeah the GOP shot thier wad long ago w/ their Fox perpetuated non-scandals :yawn: and the voters are wise to it

For some strange reason, Hillary thought if she stonewalled these scandals until sometime down the line...that the American public would simply cease to care. What she ended up doing however is simply postponing them until they could be hashed out in the middle of her run for the Presidency. Not the brightest of strategies....
The majority that voted for Obama thought Holder was pretty good. He stopped GOP voter suppression.

The job of the Attorney General of the United States is not to protect the agenda of President of the United States but rather to protect the rights of the citizens of the United States. Eric Holder will go down in history as one of the worst Attorney Generals we've ever had for just that reason.
Which he's done a great job doing. Republicans don't believe blacks are "real" Americans. We know that. But they are wrong. Voting rights protection are for everyone.

Eric Holder did not represent all Americans as our Attorney General...he represented only those Americans who's politics agreed with his. Show me one instance, R-Derp...where the Holder led Justice Department came down hard on a liberal...just one...I dare you.
It doesn't work like "he came down hard on a liberal or he came down hard on a conservative".
He came down hard on "voter suppression". That could be either liberal or conservative depending on who is or was doing it. That time it was conservatives.

How can you ask such a stupid fucking question? Do you even understand how government works?

I asked you a very simple question, R-Derp...show me one instance where Eric Holder went after a liberal. Just one...
You want me to do research for you? Name something illegal a liberal did that he should have gone after them for.
The job of the Attorney General of the United States is not to protect the agenda of President of the United States but rather to protect the rights of the citizens of the United States. Eric Holder will go down in history as one of the worst Attorney Generals we've ever had for just that reason.
Which he's done a great job doing. Republicans don't believe blacks are "real" Americans. We know that. But they are wrong. Voting rights protection are for everyone.

Eric Holder did not represent all Americans as our Attorney General...he represented only those Americans who's politics agreed with his. Show me one instance, R-Derp...where the Holder led Justice Department came down hard on a liberal...just one...I dare you.
It doesn't work like "he came down hard on a liberal or he came down hard on a conservative".
He came down hard on "voter suppression". That could be either liberal or conservative depending on who is or was doing it. That time it was conservatives.

How can you ask such a stupid fucking question? Do you even understand how government works?

I asked you a very simple question, R-Derp...show me one instance where Eric Holder went after a liberal. Just one...
You want me to do research for you? Name something illegal a liberal did that he should have gone after them for.

Since you're so concerned with voter suppression...let's start with the two New Black Panthers who stood outside of a polling place in Philadelphia brandishing a nightstick on election day. Remind me of what the Eric Holder Justice Department did to them?
Then let's talk about Justice Department "investigations" into Fast & Furious, Benghazi and the IRS targeting of conservative groups. It's been YEARS and progress on all of these investigations has been laughable. To be quite blunt...any investigation into an Obama backer wasn't going anywhere and the person behind the foot dragging has always been Holder! He was found in contempt of Congress for blatantly refusing to turn over documents asked for by Congressional investigators.
Any person with a scintilla of political knowledge knows Hillary is Taoist.
I don't think anybody is really paying attention to anything that stupid corrupt bitch has to say.

The Moon Bats crowds that have turning out for that clown Sander's rallies are an indication that many Moon Bats don't even take her seriously.
Corrupt is tricking America into a "war" then seeing only the "business opportunities" no matter how many Americans die or are maimed. And to the idiots that continue to support such a debacle and knowing it's a debacle, screw off.

Then The Hildabeast is corrupt because she voted for the war and Obama is corrupt because he fought the war for three years, called it a success and now has sent more troops back over. Biden called the Iraq War Obama's greatest achievement.

Corrupt is Obama using the IRS to disenfranchise an opposition political movement.

Corrupt is using taxpayer's money to funds bloated UAW pension funds after the UAW gave Obama millions in campaign contributions.

Corrupt is lying to the American people about Obamacare.

Corrupt is lying to the American people about Benghazhi.

Corrupt is lying to the American people about stolen valor in being under fire in Bosnia.

Corrupt is being Secretary of State and using the influence of the office to get foreign governments and corporations to contribute ungodly amounts of money to a sham foundation so that money can be skimmed off the top to make the Clintons filthy rich.
How hard can Hildabeast possibly hit back trying to stand upright on those cankles?
you posted that in politics? :eusa_eh: n00bs will be n00bs :eusa_doh:

As to the OP, yeah the GOP shot thier wad long ago w/ their Fox perpetuated non-scandals :yawn: and the voters are wise to it

For some strange reason, Hillary thought if she stonewalled these scandals until sometime down the line...that the American public would simply cease to care. What she ended up doing however is simply postponing them until they could be hashed out in the middle of her run for the Presidency. Not the brightest of strategies....
chutzpah. google it

9/11 3,000 perished, vietraq- 4,000+ perished
Interesting... Here's a woman that the right believes is stymied by a FAX machine, yet they also believe she has the technical acumen to scrub mail servers.

There is no consistency with the crazy right wing, they will post whatever the daily meme may be, and never question the talking points they parrot no matter how contradictory to what they posted the day before, or what they'll post tomorrow.

Just the email scandals that slam into the whacko leftists who bury their head into sand and close their ears. That's all. They make themselves look pitiful.
OMG. Emails! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When in anger, fear, or doubt,
run in circles, scream and shout.

Yes, R-Derp...emails! Emails that by law the people who work for us are required to preserve so we can be sure they aren't doing things that they shouldn't. Emails that Hillary Clinton first hid...and then destroyed. At least 50,000 of her emails...not to mention the emails of her inner circle who's private email exchanges with Clinton have also been destroyed. What these people did is against the law.
If she deleted emails, I suspect they were personal and she didn't want to share them. Who cares her daughter stopped taking birth control because she wanted a baby? Or her son in law had to switch to boxers.
If she had done something illegal, then all those GOP investigation' spending taxpayer money over 8,000 dollars a day for years, something would have turned up. If all they did was write about it and nothing happened, then so what? You could instigate a crime through emails, but what kind of crime could you commit that didn't affect anything?

Come on you guys. Start thinking and quit letting conspiracy theorists ruin you're tiny minds.

You DO realize that she did NOT follow the Law?

She did not have the AUTHORITY to "decide" that she could simply set up her own server and use her own system?

The "tiny minds" are those that excuse every stupid thing that this woman does.
I don't think anybody is really paying attention to anything that stupid corrupt bitch has to say.

The Moon Bats crowds that have turning out for that clown Sander's rallies are an indication that many Moon Bats don't even take her seriously.
Corrupt is tricking America into a "war" then seeing only the "business opportunities" no matter how many Americans die or are maimed. And to the idiots that continue to support such a debacle and knowing it's a debacle, screw off.

Then The Hildabeast is corrupt because she voted for the war and Obama is corrupt because he fought the war for three years, called it a success and now has sent more troops back over. Biden called the Iraq War Obama's greatest achievement.

Corrupt is Obama using the IRS to disenfranchise an opposition political movement.

Corrupt is using taxpayer's money to funds bloated UAW pension funds after the UAW gave Obama millions in campaign contributions.

Corrupt is lying to the American people about Obamacare.

Corrupt is lying to the American people about Benghazhi.

Corrupt is lying to the American people about stolen valor in being under fire in Bosnia.

Corrupt is being Secretary of State and using the influence of the office to get foreign governments and corporations to contribute ungodly amounts of money to a sham foundation so that money can be skimmed off the top to make the Clintons filthy rich.
Corrupt is GOP BS, dingbat.
There is no consistency with the crazy right wing, they will post whatever the daily meme may be, and never question the talking points they parrot no matter how contradictory to what they posted the day before, or what they'll post tomorrow.

Just the email scandals that slam into the whacko leftists who bury their head into sand and close their ears. That's all. They make themselves look pitiful.
OMG. Emails! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When in anger, fear, or doubt,
run in circles, scream and shout.

Yes, R-Derp...emails! Emails that by law the people who work for us are required to preserve so we can be sure they aren't doing things that they shouldn't. Emails that Hillary Clinton first hid...and then destroyed. At least 50,000 of her emails...not to mention the emails of her inner circle who's private email exchanges with Clinton have also been destroyed. What these people did is against the law.
If she deleted emails, I suspect they were personal and she didn't want to share them. Who cares her daughter stopped taking birth control because she wanted a baby? Or her son in law had to switch to boxers.
If she had done something illegal, then all those GOP investigation' spending taxpayer money over 8,000 dollars a day for years, something would have turned up. If all they did was write about it and nothing happened, then so what? You could instigate a crime through emails, but what kind of crime could you commit that didn't affect anything?

Come on you guys. Start thinking and quit letting conspiracy theorists ruin you're tiny minds.

You DO realize that she did NOT follow the Law?

She did not have the AUTHORITY to "decide" that she could simply set up her own server and use her own system?

The "tiny minds" are those that excuse every stupid thing that this woman does.

The entire E-Mailgate is an overblown hysteria by the echo chamber, and that includes Republican members of the H. or Rep. and Senate; it is 100% political and one more example of efforts to assassinate the character of everyone who will run for POTUS from the Democratic side of the aisle.

The reason being the Republican candidates are bereft of ideas, and cannot offer an agenda which most American voters will support - when one of their own says what most of them believe, they set on him as a pack of sharks and will attack and eat one of their school.
Last edited:
I don't think anybody is really paying attention to anything that stupid corrupt bitch has to say.

The Moon Bats crowds that have turning out for that clown Sander's rallies are an indication that many Moon Bats don't even take her seriously.
Corrupt is tricking America into a "war" then seeing only the "business opportunities" no matter how many Americans die or are maimed. And to the idiots that continue to support such a debacle and knowing it's a debacle, screw off.

Then The Hildabeast is corrupt because she voted for the war and Obama is corrupt because he fought the war for three years, called it a success and now has sent more troops back over. Biden called the Iraq War Obama's greatest achievement.

Corrupt is Obama using the IRS to disenfranchise an opposition political movement.

Corrupt is using taxpayer's money to funds bloated UAW pension funds after the UAW gave Obama millions in campaign contributions.

Corrupt is lying to the American people about Obamacare.

Corrupt is lying to the American people about Benghazhi.

Corrupt is lying to the American people about stolen valor in being under fire in Bosnia.

Corrupt is being Secretary of State and using the influence of the office to get foreign governments and corporations to contribute ungodly amounts of money to a sham foundation so that money can be skimmed off the top to make the Clintons filthy rich.
Corrupt is GOP BS, dingbat.

I am sorry but I am not a Republican so your little mindless hatefest on them means nothing to me.

The Democrat Party defines corruption for the most part. Obama and Hillary both lied to the American people with everything from the IRS scandal to Obamacare to Hillary denying she was using her government office to get rich and claiming there were no classified documents in her home server. One lie after another since 2008 from both of them.

Your little grade school tactic of claiming that since Johnny also did it somehow makes you less guilty is always amusing.
I don't think anybody is really paying attention to anything that stupid corrupt bitch has to say.

The Moon Bats crowds that have turning out for that clown Sander's rallies are an indication that many Moon Bats don't even take her seriously.
Corrupt is tricking America into a "war" then seeing only the "business opportunities" no matter how many Americans die or are maimed. And to the idiots that continue to support such a debacle and knowing it's a debacle, screw off.

Then The Hildabeast is corrupt because she voted for the war and Obama is corrupt because he fought the war for three years, called it a success and now has sent more troops back over. Biden called the Iraq War Obama's greatest achievement.

Corrupt is Obama using the IRS to disenfranchise an opposition political movement.

Corrupt is using taxpayer's money to funds bloated UAW pension funds after the UAW gave Obama millions in campaign contributions.

Corrupt is lying to the American people about Obamacare.

Corrupt is lying to the American people about Benghazhi.

Corrupt is lying to the American people about stolen valor in being under fire in Bosnia.

Corrupt is being Secretary of State and using the influence of the office to get foreign governments and corporations to contribute ungodly amounts of money to a sham foundation so that money can be skimmed off the top to make the Clintons filthy rich.
Corrupt is GOP BS, dingbat.

I am sorry but I am not a Republican so your little mindless hatefest on them means nothing to me.

The Democrat Party defines corruption for the most part. Obama and Hillary both lied to the American people with everything from the IRS scandal to Obamacare to Hillary denying she was using her government office to get rich and claiming there were no classified documents in her home server. One lie after another since 2008 from both of them.

Your little grade school tactic of claiming that since Johnny also did it somehow makes you less guilty is always amusing.

Another parroted ^^^ allegation echoing the dozens of others. The other commonality is there is no evidence provided to prove intent and not error or happenstance by any of the other members of the echo chamber.

Look up Mens Res; then you MIGHT understand why I find the echo chamber populated by partisan liars and/or simple fools.
The only reason I don't put you on ignore is because your ignorance is not only entertaining, but it reassures me that I'm on the correct side of issues. I'd only be worried if you and I agreed on anything.
deans threads have been the most entertaining since Truthmatters got the boot....
I don't think anybody is really paying attention to anything that stupid corrupt bitch has to say.

The Moon Bats crowds that have turning out for that clown Sander's rallies are an indication that many Moon Bats don't even take her seriously.
Corrupt is tricking America into a "war" then seeing only the "business opportunities" no matter how many Americans die or are maimed. And to the idiots that continue to support such a debacle and knowing it's a debacle, screw off.

Then The Hildabeast is corrupt because she voted for the war and Obama is corrupt because he fought the war for three years, called it a success and now has sent more troops back over. Biden called the Iraq War Obama's greatest achievement.

Corrupt is Obama using the IRS to disenfranchise an opposition political movement.

Corrupt is using taxpayer's money to funds bloated UAW pension funds after the UAW gave Obama millions in campaign contributions.

Corrupt is lying to the American people about Obamacare.

Corrupt is lying to the American people about Benghazhi.

Corrupt is lying to the American people about stolen valor in being under fire in Bosnia.

Corrupt is being Secretary of State and using the influence of the office to get foreign governments and corporations to contribute ungodly amounts of money to a sham foundation so that money can be skimmed off the top to make the Clintons filthy rich.
Corrupt is GOP BS, dingbat.

I am sorry but I am not a Republican so your little mindless hatefest on them means nothing to me.

The Democrat Party defines corruption for the most part. Obama and Hillary both lied to the American people with everything from the IRS scandal to Obamacare to Hillary denying she was using her government office to get rich and claiming there were no classified documents in her home server. One lie after another since 2008 from both of them.

Your little grade school tactic of claiming that since Johnny also did it somehow makes you less guilty is always amusing.

Another parroted ^^^ allegation echoing the dozens of others. The other commonality is there is no evidence provided to prove intent and not error or happenstance by any of the other members of the echo chamber.

Look up Mens Res; then you MIGHT understand why I find the echo chamber populated by partisan liars and/or simple fools.

The Clintons are the epitome of dishonest politicians who think of themselves first and everyone else second. They've made millions off "charitable donations" while pretending to be there for the little people! Surely there is someone else in the Democratic Party with at least a modicum of decency? Or is Hillary all you folks on the left have at this point?
Corrupt is tricking America into a "war" then seeing only the "business opportunities" no matter how many Americans die or are maimed. And to the idiots that continue to support such a debacle and knowing it's a debacle, screw off.

Then The Hildabeast is corrupt because she voted for the war and Obama is corrupt because he fought the war for three years, called it a success and now has sent more troops back over. Biden called the Iraq War Obama's greatest achievement.

Corrupt is Obama using the IRS to disenfranchise an opposition political movement.

Corrupt is using taxpayer's money to funds bloated UAW pension funds after the UAW gave Obama millions in campaign contributions.

Corrupt is lying to the American people about Obamacare.

Corrupt is lying to the American people about Benghazhi.

Corrupt is lying to the American people about stolen valor in being under fire in Bosnia.

Corrupt is being Secretary of State and using the influence of the office to get foreign governments and corporations to contribute ungodly amounts of money to a sham foundation so that money can be skimmed off the top to make the Clintons filthy rich.
Corrupt is GOP BS, dingbat.

I am sorry but I am not a Republican so your little mindless hatefest on them means nothing to me.

The Democrat Party defines corruption for the most part. Obama and Hillary both lied to the American people with everything from the IRS scandal to Obamacare to Hillary denying she was using her government office to get rich and claiming there were no classified documents in her home server. One lie after another since 2008 from both of them.

Your little grade school tactic of claiming that since Johnny also did it somehow makes you less guilty is always amusing.

Another parroted ^^^ allegation echoing the dozens of others. The other commonality is there is no evidence provided to prove intent and not error or happenstance by any of the other members of the echo chamber.

Look up Mens Res; then you MIGHT understand why I find the echo chamber populated by partisan liars and/or simple fools.

The Clintons are the epitome of dishonest politicians who think of themselves first and everyone else second. They've made millions off "charitable donations" while pretending to be there for the little people! Surely there is someone else in the Democratic Party with at least a modicum of decency? Or is Hillary all you folks on the left have at this point?

Another rant by another member of the crazy right wing - what a surprise! Notice people, once again a series of allegations are made without a shred of evidence. The sad thing is this dolt may actually believes it.
I don't think anybody is really paying attention to anything that stupid corrupt bitch has to say.

The Moon Bats crowds that have turning out for that clown Sander's rallies are an indication that many Moon Bats don't even take her seriously.
Corrupt is tricking America into a "war" then seeing only the "business opportunities" no matter how many Americans die or are maimed. And to the idiots that continue to support such a debacle and knowing it's a debacle, screw off.

Then The Hildabeast is corrupt because she voted for the war and Obama is corrupt because he fought the war for three years, called it a success and now has sent more troops back over. Biden called the Iraq War Obama's greatest achievement.

Corrupt is Obama using the IRS to disenfranchise an opposition political movement.

Corrupt is using taxpayer's money to funds bloated UAW pension funds after the UAW gave Obama millions in campaign contributions.

Corrupt is lying to the American people about Obamacare.

Corrupt is lying to the American people about Benghazhi.

Corrupt is lying to the American people about stolen valor in being under fire in Bosnia.

Corrupt is being Secretary of State and using the influence of the office to get foreign governments and corporations to contribute ungodly amounts of money to a sham foundation so that money can be skimmed off the top to make the Clintons filthy rich.
Corrupt is GOP BS, dingbat.

I am sorry but I am not a Republican so your little mindless hatefest on them means nothing to me.

The Democrat Party defines corruption for the most part. Obama and Hillary both lied to the American people with everything from the IRS scandal to Obamacare to Hillary denying she was using her government office to get rich and claiming there were no classified documents in her home server. One lie after another since 2008 from both of them.

Your little grade school tactic of claiming that since Johnny also did it somehow makes you less guilty is always amusing.
O and H didn't lie, just your phony scandal mongers...Fox, Rush, Heritage, McConnell etc etc-all the same lying BS. Nobody but dupes give a...
Corrupt is tricking America into a "war" then seeing only the "business opportunities" no matter how many Americans die or are maimed. And to the idiots that continue to support such a debacle and knowing it's a debacle, screw off.

Then The Hildabeast is corrupt because she voted for the war and Obama is corrupt because he fought the war for three years, called it a success and now has sent more troops back over. Biden called the Iraq War Obama's greatest achievement.

Corrupt is Obama using the IRS to disenfranchise an opposition political movement.

Corrupt is using taxpayer's money to funds bloated UAW pension funds after the UAW gave Obama millions in campaign contributions.

Corrupt is lying to the American people about Obamacare.

Corrupt is lying to the American people about Benghazhi.

Corrupt is lying to the American people about stolen valor in being under fire in Bosnia.

Corrupt is being Secretary of State and using the influence of the office to get foreign governments and corporations to contribute ungodly amounts of money to a sham foundation so that money can be skimmed off the top to make the Clintons filthy rich.
Corrupt is GOP BS, dingbat.

I am sorry but I am not a Republican so your little mindless hatefest on them means nothing to me.

The Democrat Party defines corruption for the most part. Obama and Hillary both lied to the American people with everything from the IRS scandal to Obamacare to Hillary denying she was using her government office to get rich and claiming there were no classified documents in her home server. One lie after another since 2008 from both of them.

Your little grade school tactic of claiming that since Johnny also did it somehow makes you less guilty is always amusing.

Another parroted ^^^ allegation echoing the dozens of others. The other commonality is there is no evidence provided to prove intent and not error or happenstance by any of the other members of the echo chamber.

Look up Mens Res; then you MIGHT understand why I find the echo chamber populated by partisan liars and/or simple fools.

The Clintons are the epitome of dishonest politicians who think of themselves first and everyone else second. They've made millions off "charitable donations" while pretending to be there for the little people! Surely there is someone else in the Democratic Party with at least a modicum of decency? Or is Hillary all you folks on the left have at this point?
BS. The Foundation is a charity, dingbat.

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