Hillary Clinton Is Delusional

Gipper is a troll. He's just like Basquebromance. He makes up outrageous talking points just to get a rise, but never comes back to defend them. I'm starting to think they're the same person, probably all socks of one of the mods/admins trying to stir up discussion.
Interesting theory and quite possible. Thanks.
Joe had no choice on the stay in Mexico policy.

Lol. The D Party controls the WH and both houses of Congress. It’s a simple thing to change, but they don’t want to. He could probably do it but EO, but he won’t.

If you think a new potus can’t undo anything a previous one did, your mistaken.
Gipper is a troll. He's just like Basquebromance. He makes up outrageous talking points just to get a rise, but never comes back to defend them. I'm starting to think they're the same person, probably all socks of one of the mods/admins trying to stir up discussion.
Lol. Yeah anyone who disagrees with you crazy wingers is a troll.
Lol. The D Party controls the WH and both houses of Congress. It’s a simple thing to change, but they don’t want to. He could probably do it but EO, but he won’t.

If you think a new potus can’t undo anything a previous one did, your mistaken.
Yes, a new POTUS can undo what a previous POTUS has done but the Supreme Court can overrule him. That’s why the dems want to stack the Supreme Court., The end run plan is to establish a Marist socialist dictatorship to run our nation. A stacked SCOTUS will approve that.,
Lol. The D Party controls the WH and both houses of Congress. It’s a simple thing to change, but they don’t want to. He could probably do it but EO, but he won’t.

If you think a new potus can’t undo anything a previous one did, your mistaken.
The point was, dumbass, that he followed none of the proper procedure to change the policy. Of course, you probably knew that, and are trolling for your demented entertainment.

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