Hillary Clinton Is Just To Damn Old

The problem with Hillary isn't her age, it's the fact that she's dishonest and corrupt. We don't need 8 more years of stonewalling and government abuse. Voters are getting burnt out on politics as usual.

To be honest, if somebody were to go around killing every Democrat in Washington this country would be much better off....and that's a sad commentary on Beltway politics.
People age at different rates and that's just fact. Some stay youthful for a long time. Cher and Lena Horne come to mind. But Hillary is aging quickly, VERY quickly. See photo below....

This picture was taken yesterday. Looks like Mitch McConnel with long hair. Shes aging hard NOT just on the outside but ALSO on the inside. Now they SAY she fell and hit her head and had a blood clot. Strokes are CAUSED by blood clots and odds are she had a mini stroke and fell and hit her head. I worked end stage rehab for 27 years and THAT is what is telling me they are LYING about what went down.

Their STORY about dehydration does NOT play either. When your body is UNABLE to tell your mind you need a glass of water YOUR wiring harness IS screwed up. There SO off the mark calling this as that they MIGHT want to think again democrats. She had a half DOZEN people standing around here at ALL times and STILL dehydrated?

She is aging on the inside RAPIDLY. THIS woman does not have four years of HIGH stress job abilities in her. the campaign MIGHT kill her. So you democrats may want to open your field and get some more folks. Just being honest with you here democrats that's all.

NO person who ever DIED on the trail ever served ONE DAY in office. And as much as you want to be there I have a VERY strong feeling she will not. I think you democrats should stop your support for her on sheer morals and ethics. NOT hers but YOURS.

Your pushing her and her alone COULD very well lead to her death. I TRULY suggest YOU think about it.
She's been on an ego trip for years. She craves attention, and feeds off of power and influence. She would die in a short time without the spotlight and national attention of some kind. If she fails to win the White House, she'll go into deep depression and become a very angry and miserable soul.
She has passed her mental and physical prime. Shes the "old war horse" now NOT presidential just the loud lone mouth crying from the tar pit of days gone by.

They called Carter and Ford statesmen because they were just to damn old to have an impact any more. THAT is where she is now. Her day HAS passed and the democrats NEED to start shopping and supporting NEW blood or wither and die like their aging relics of yester year.
Yea, but you know how damn stupid voters are. She'll get her share of votes.
Yeah but not enough to win and the BIGGER problem for democrats is they are ALL getting old. The Republicans have already been through this with Dole and McCain. Look at the field this time. It's a whole NEW game.

Republicans have more youth in party AND office now and democrats are STILL selling old war horses. Democrats are relying on the fact that the 50+ crowd is that same old Lawrence Welk group but that's NOT true. It's the 'boomers" this time.

And THEIR people THEIR leadership belongs to a group passed.
Boomers are simply NOT buy into going BACK to the days of George Wallace or Bull Conner. We ARE done with that generation AND the ones "trained" by it.
The problem is that voters are brainwashed into believing that they have to voter for either a Republican or a Democrat. Voters believe that they have no choice but to vote for a professional politician. That's exactly why this country is in the sad shameful shape that it's in now.
Rapid aging is a side effect of selling your soul to the Devil in order to gain dominion over your fellow man.
People age at different rates and that's just fact. Some stay youthful for a long time. Cher and Lena Horne come to mind. But Hillary is aging quickly, VERY quickly. See photo below....

This picture was taken yesterday. Looks like Mitch McConnel with long hair. Shes aging hard NOT just on the outside but ALSO on the inside. Now they SAY she fell and hit her head and had a blood clot. Strokes are CAUSED by blood clots and odds are she had a mini stroke and fell and hit her head. I worked end stage rehab for 27 years and THAT is what is telling me they are LYING about what went down.

Their STORY about dehydration does NOT play either. When your body is UNABLE to tell your mind you need a glass of water YOUR wiring harness IS screwed up. There SO off the mark calling this as that they MIGHT want to think again democrats. She had a half DOZEN people standing around here at ALL times and STILL dehydrated?

She is aging on the inside RAPIDLY. THIS woman does not have four years of HIGH stress job abilities in her. the campaign MIGHT kill her. So you democrats may want to open your field and get some more folks. Just being honest with you here democrats that's all.

NO person who ever DIED on the trail ever served ONE DAY in office. And as much as you want to be there I have a VERY strong feeling she will not. I think you democrats should stop your support for her on sheer morals and ethics. NOT hers but YOURS.

Your pushing her and her alone COULD very well lead to her death. I TRULY suggest YOU think about it.
She's been on an ego trip for years. She craves attention, and feeds off of power and influence. She would die in a short time without the spotlight and national attention of some kind. If she fails to win the White House, she'll go into deep depression and become a very angry and miserable soul.
She has passed her mental and physical prime. Shes the "old war horse" now NOT presidential just the loud lone mouth crying from the tar pit of days gone by.

They called Carter and Ford statesmen because they were just to damn old to have an impact any more. THAT is where she is now. Her day HAS passed and the democrats NEED to start shopping and supporting NEW blood or wither and die like their aging relics of yester year.
Yea, but you know how damn stupid voters are. She'll get her share of votes.
Yeah but not enough to win and the BIGGER problem for democrats is they are ALL getting old. The Republicans have already been through this with Dole and McCain. Look at the field this time. It's a whole NEW game.

Republicans have more youth in party AND office now and democrats are STILL selling old war horses. Democrats are relying on the fact that the 50+ crowd is that same old Lawrence Welk group but that's NOT true. It's the 'boomers" this time.

And THEIR people THEIR leadership belongs to a group passed.
Boomers are simply NOT buy into going BACK to the days of George Wallace or Bull Conner. We ARE done with that generation AND the ones "trained" by it.
The problem is that voters are brainwashed into believing that they have to voter for either a Republican or a Democrat. Voters believe that they have no choice but to vote for a professional politician. That's exactly why this country is in the sad shameful shape that it's in now.
The Tea Party and the Libertarians have been making inroads BECAUSE of their youth. If you vote Tea Party OR Libertarian OR Republican ALL choices mean you are moving RIGHT.

Other then North Korea or Cuba what is LEFT of a democrat?
...The problem is that voters are brainwashed into believing that they have to voter for either a Republican or a Democrat. Voters believe that they have no choice but to vote for a professional politician. That's exactly why this country is in the sad shameful shape that it's in now.
No, they're not brainwashed... just realistic.. knowing that the deck is stacked heavily in favor of a two-party system... and they don't want to waste their vote... preferring to vote time and again for the lesser of two evils who stands a chance of winning, rather than pissing their vote away on candidates who talk-the-talk but who have zero chance of winning.

Change the system so that we can have a half-dozen viable parties who all have a chance of placing candidates into office and more folks will vote for those other parties.
The problem with Hillary isn't her age, it's the fact that she's dishonest and corrupt. We don't need 8 more years of stonewalling and government abuse. Voters are getting burnt out on politics as usual.

To be honest, if somebody were to go around killing every Democrat in Washington this country would be much better off....and that's a sad commentary on Beltway politics.
The FACT she is out of touch only ADDS to her age issue. Highlites it even.
...The problem is that voters are brainwashed into believing that they have to voter for either a Republican or a Democrat. Voters believe that they have no choice but to vote for a professional politician. That's exactly why this country is in the sad shameful shape that it's in now.
No, they're not brainwashed... just realistic.. knowing that the deck is stacked heavily in favor of a two-party system... and they don't want to waste their vote... preferring to vote time and again for the lesser of two evils who stands a chance of winning, rather than pissing their vote away on candidates who talk-the-talk but who have zero chance of winning.

Change the system so that we can have a half-dozen viable parties who all have a chance of placing candidates into office and more folks will vote for those other parties.
I have argued long and hard we should eliminate the primary and vote BOTH offices of president AND VP.
She's been on an ego trip for years. She craves attention, and feeds off of power and influence. She would die in a short time without the spotlight and national attention of some kind. If she fails to win the White House, she'll go into deep depression and become a very angry and miserable soul.
She has passed her mental and physical prime. Shes the "old war horse" now NOT presidential just the loud lone mouth crying from the tar pit of days gone by.

They called Carter and Ford statesmen because they were just to damn old to have an impact any more. THAT is where she is now. Her day HAS passed and the democrats NEED to start shopping and supporting NEW blood or wither and die like their aging relics of yester year.
Yea, but you know how damn stupid voters are. She'll get her share of votes.
Yeah but not enough to win and the BIGGER problem for democrats is they are ALL getting old. The Republicans have already been through this with Dole and McCain. Look at the field this time. It's a whole NEW game.

Republicans have more youth in party AND office now and democrats are STILL selling old war horses. Democrats are relying on the fact that the 50+ crowd is that same old Lawrence Welk group but that's NOT true. It's the 'boomers" this time.

And THEIR people THEIR leadership belongs to a group passed.
Boomers are simply NOT buy into going BACK to the days of George Wallace or Bull Conner. We ARE done with that generation AND the ones "trained" by it.
The problem is that voters are brainwashed into believing that they have to voter for either a Republican or a Democrat. Voters believe that they have no choice but to vote for a professional politician. That's exactly why this country is in the sad shameful shape that it's in now.
The Tea Party and the Libertarians have been making inroads BECAUSE of their youth. If you vote Tea Party OR Libertarian OR Republican ALL choices mean you are moving RIGHT.

Other then North Korea or Cuba what is LEFT of a democrat?
Party or labels mean absolutely nothing. I don't understand why people have to have a party or label. Wouldn't it be much better to call oneself an American, and vote for a pro-American? Just forget the party and label BS, and write-in a candidate. Send a strong message to professional politicians that we're no longer playing their game.
...The problem is that voters are brainwashed into believing that they have to voter for either a Republican or a Democrat. Voters believe that they have no choice but to vote for a professional politician. That's exactly why this country is in the sad shameful shape that it's in now.
No, they're not brainwashed... just realistic.. knowing that the deck is stacked heavily in favor of a two-party system... and they don't want to waste their vote... preferring to vote time and again for the lesser of two evils who stands a chance of winning, rather than pissing their vote away on candidates who talk-the-talk but who have zero chance of winning.

Change the system so that we can have a half-dozen viable parties who all have a chance of placing candidates into office and more folks will vote for those other parties.
Hell, voters have been wasting their votes for over a half century now. So, that boat don't float. And, voting for "the lesser of two evils" is just stupid, dumb, and nothing more than a cheap excuse to aid and abet the crooks that have sold us out. Try preaching that dumb sermon to someone that doesn't know any better. I was born during the day, but it wasn't yesterday. Voters need to wake up and smell the coffee before there is no more coffee to smell. It's laughable and pathetic to hear people say "lesser of two evils", and "wasting votes". What exactly has voting for professional politicians gotten anyone over the past half century or so? Look at where we are now, and the sad shameful state of this once great nation. Yet, voters continue to play the game, and by doing so, they aid and abet the ones doing the damage. Go figure.
She has passed her mental and physical prime. Shes the "old war horse" now NOT presidential just the loud lone mouth crying from the tar pit of days gone by.

They called Carter and Ford statesmen because they were just to damn old to have an impact any more. THAT is where she is now. Her day HAS passed and the democrats NEED to start shopping and supporting NEW blood or wither and die like their aging relics of yester year.
Yea, but you know how damn stupid voters are. She'll get her share of votes.
Yeah but not enough to win and the BIGGER problem for democrats is they are ALL getting old. The Republicans have already been through this with Dole and McCain. Look at the field this time. It's a whole NEW game.

Republicans have more youth in party AND office now and democrats are STILL selling old war horses. Democrats are relying on the fact that the 50+ crowd is that same old Lawrence Welk group but that's NOT true. It's the 'boomers" this time.

And THEIR people THEIR leadership belongs to a group passed.
Boomers are simply NOT buy into going BACK to the days of George Wallace or Bull Conner. We ARE done with that generation AND the ones "trained" by it.
The problem is that voters are brainwashed into believing that they have to voter for either a Republican or a Democrat. Voters believe that they have no choice but to vote for a professional politician. That's exactly why this country is in the sad shameful shape that it's in now.
The Tea Party and the Libertarians have been making inroads BECAUSE of their youth. If you vote Tea Party OR Libertarian OR Republican ALL choices mean you are moving RIGHT.

Other then North Korea or Cuba what is LEFT of a democrat?
Party or labels mean absolutely nothing. I don't understand why people have to have a party or label. Wouldn't it be much better to call oneself an American, and vote for a pro-American? Just forget the party and label BS, and write-in a candidate. Send a strong message to professional politicians that we're no longer playing their game.
Let them keep the label if they want, it's NOT where choice is anyway. Choice is in the number to choose from. What IF each party could give you THREE choices?

Use the primary in that case to find your parties THREE choices then enter ALL THREE in the general and let her go! That gives the people MORE time to decide and shape the future.
Yea, but you know how damn stupid voters are. She'll get her share of votes.
Yeah but not enough to win and the BIGGER problem for democrats is they are ALL getting old. The Republicans have already been through this with Dole and McCain. Look at the field this time. It's a whole NEW game.

Republicans have more youth in party AND office now and democrats are STILL selling old war horses. Democrats are relying on the fact that the 50+ crowd is that same old Lawrence Welk group but that's NOT true. It's the 'boomers" this time.

And THEIR people THEIR leadership belongs to a group passed.
Boomers are simply NOT buy into going BACK to the days of George Wallace or Bull Conner. We ARE done with that generation AND the ones "trained" by it.
The problem is that voters are brainwashed into believing that they have to voter for either a Republican or a Democrat. Voters believe that they have no choice but to vote for a professional politician. That's exactly why this country is in the sad shameful shape that it's in now.
The Tea Party and the Libertarians have been making inroads BECAUSE of their youth. If you vote Tea Party OR Libertarian OR Republican ALL choices mean you are moving RIGHT.

Other then North Korea or Cuba what is LEFT of a democrat?
Party or labels mean absolutely nothing. I don't understand why people have to have a party or label. Wouldn't it be much better to call oneself an American, and vote for a pro-American? Just forget the party and label BS, and write-in a candidate. Send a strong message to professional politicians that we're no longer playing their game.
Let them keep the label if they want, it's NOT where choice is anyway. Choice is in the number to choose from. What IF each party could give you THREE choices?

Use the primary in that case to find your parties THREE choices then enter ALL THREE in the general and let her go! That gives the people MORE time to decide and shape the future.
Hell, even so, every name on the ballots would be professional politicians. That wouldn't make any difference. It'd just be the same game with more players.
...Hell, voters have been wasting their votes for over a half century now. So, that boat don't float. And, voting for "the lesser of two evils" is just stupid, dumb, and nothing more than a cheap excuse to aid and abet the crooks that have sold us out. Try preaching that dumb sermon to someone that doesn't know any better. I was born during the day, but it wasn't yesterday. Voters need to wake up and smell the coffee before there is no more coffee to smell. It's laughable and pathetic to hear people say "lesser of two evils", and "wasting votes". What exactly has voting for professional politicians gotten anyone over the past half century or so? Look at where we are now, and the sad shameful state of this once great nation. Yet, voters continue to play the game, and by doing so, they aid and abet the ones doing the damage. Go figure.
You are both right and wrong.

But you do not change people's minds by calling them stupid,right?
...The problem is that voters are brainwashed into believing that they have to voter for either a Republican or a Democrat. Voters believe that they have no choice but to vote for a professional politician. That's exactly why this country is in the sad shameful shape that it's in now.
No, they're not brainwashed... just realistic.. knowing that the deck is stacked heavily in favor of a two-party system... and they don't want to waste their vote... preferring to vote time and again for the lesser of two evils who stands a chance of winning, rather than pissing their vote away on candidates who talk-the-talk but who have zero chance of winning.

Change the system so that we can have a half-dozen viable parties who all have a chance of placing candidates into office and more folks will vote for those other parties.
Hell, voters have been wasting their votes for over a half century now. So, that boat don't float. And, voting for "the lesser of two evils" is just stupid, dumb, and nothing more than a cheap excuse to aid and abet the crooks that have sold us out. Try preaching that dumb sermon to someone that doesn't know any better. I was born during the day, but it wasn't yesterday. Voters need to wake up and smell the coffee before there is no more coffee to smell. It's laughable and pathetic to hear people say "lesser of two evils", and "wasting votes". What exactly has voting for professional politicians gotten anyone over the past half century or so? Look at where we are now, and the sad shameful state of this once great nation. Yet, voters continue to play the game, and by doing so, they aid and abet the ones doing the damage. Go figure.
Quite a few voters HAVE wasted their votes for a long time BUT that is changing and the evidence to that is quite clear as the Libertarian party is bigger and stronger. You have seen the birth of the Tea Party as well AND they are taking offices.

This group of "boomers" are the children of 1950 through 1960.
Hillary and her generation were the dope smoking 60s. The current generation of boomers are the youngest children of the "greatest generation". And NOT the product of George Wallace or Bull Conner or Hillary.

WE the last generation of boomers ARE by BIRTH RIGHT the final word from the greatest generation. And we damn sure intend to have OUR say.

Do you think those stupid stinking hippy's from the 60s taught us about gun rights? The greatest generation gave us Reagan. And WE have our dawg in the fight and his name is CRUZ.

Those stupid stinking hippy's had charge for a while, that's how we got Carter/Clinton and Obama. Now it's the LAST of the boomers and they ARE a different breed. OUR time to change things has come and old worn out stupid stinking hippy's have to go.
...Hell, voters have been wasting their votes for over a half century now. So, that boat don't float. And, voting for "the lesser of two evils" is just stupid, dumb, and nothing more than a cheap excuse to aid and abet the crooks that have sold us out. Try preaching that dumb sermon to someone that doesn't know any better. I was born during the day, but it wasn't yesterday. Voters need to wake up and smell the coffee before there is no more coffee to smell. It's laughable and pathetic to hear people say "lesser of two evils", and "wasting votes". What exactly has voting for professional politicians gotten anyone over the past half century or so? Look at where we are now, and the sad shameful state of this once great nation. Yet, voters continue to play the game, and by doing so, they aid and abet the ones doing the damage. Go figure.
You are both right and wrong.

But you do not change people's minds by calling them stupid,right?
They're not going to change regardless. And, I call it like it is. What do you call it when voters continue to do the same thing, yet expect a different result? Do you have a better word for it? If so, what is it?
People age at different rates and that's just fact. Some stay youthful for a long time. Cher and Lena Horne come to mind. But Hillary is aging quickly, VERY quickly. See photo below....

This picture was taken yesterday. Looks like Mitch McConnel with long hair. Shes aging hard NOT just on the outside but ALSO on the inside. Now they SAY she fell and hit her head and had a blood clot. Strokes are CAUSED by blood clots and odds are she had a mini stroke and fell and hit her head. I worked end stage rehab for 27 years and THAT is what is telling me they are LYING about what went down.

Their STORY about dehydration does NOT play either. When your body is UNABLE to tell your mind you need a glass of water YOUR wiring harness IS screwed up. There SO off the mark calling this as that they MIGHT want to think again democrats. She had a half DOZEN people standing around here at ALL times and STILL dehydrated?

She is aging on the inside RAPIDLY. THIS woman does not have four years of HIGH stress job abilities in her. the campaign MIGHT kill her. So you democrats may want to open your field and get some more folks. Just being honest with you here democrats that's all.

NO person who ever DIED on the trail ever served ONE DAY in office. And as much as you want to be there I have a VERY strong feeling she will not. I think you democrats should stop your support for her on sheer morals and ethics. NOT hers but YOURS.

Your pushing her and her alone COULD very well lead to her death. I TRULY suggest YOU think about it.
Considering you and the author are partisan hacks, I bet she is in better shape than demented Reagan...was
...The problem is that voters are brainwashed into believing that they have to voter for either a Republican or a Democrat. Voters believe that they have no choice but to vote for a professional politician. That's exactly why this country is in the sad shameful shape that it's in now.
No, they're not brainwashed... just realistic.. knowing that the deck is stacked heavily in favor of a two-party system... and they don't want to waste their vote... preferring to vote time and again for the lesser of two evils who stands a chance of winning, rather than pissing their vote away on candidates who talk-the-talk but who have zero chance of winning.

Change the system so that we can have a half-dozen viable parties who all have a chance of placing candidates into office and more folks will vote for those other parties.
Hell, voters have been wasting their votes for over a half century now. So, that boat don't float. And, voting for "the lesser of two evils" is just stupid, dumb, and nothing more than a cheap excuse to aid and abet the crooks that have sold us out. Try preaching that dumb sermon to someone that doesn't know any better. I was born during the day, but it wasn't yesterday. Voters need to wake up and smell the coffee before there is no more coffee to smell. It's laughable and pathetic to hear people say "lesser of two evils", and "wasting votes". What exactly has voting for professional politicians gotten anyone over the past half century or so? Look at where we are now, and the sad shameful state of this once great nation. Yet, voters continue to play the game, and by doing so, they aid and abet the ones doing the damage. Go figure.
Quite a few voters HAVE wasted their votes for a long time BUT that is changing and the evidence to that is quite clear as the Libertarian party is bigger and stronger. You have seen the birth of the Tea Party as well AND they are taking offices.

This group of "boomers" are the children of 1950 through 1960.
Hillary and her generation were the dope smoking 60s. The current generation of boomers are the youngest children of the "greatest generation". And NOT the product of George Wallace or Bull Conner or Hillary.

WE the last generation of boomers ARE by BIRTH RIGHT the final word from the greatest generation. And we damn sure intend to have OUR say.

Do you think those stupid stinking hippy's from the 60s taught us about gun rights? The greatest generation gave us Reagan. And WE have our dawg in the fight and his name is CRUZ.

Those stupid stinking hippy's had charge for a while, that's how we got Carter/Clinton and Obama. Now it's the LAST of the boomers and they ARE a different breed. OUR time to change things has come and old worn out stupid stinking hippy's have to go.
It's people in general. Voters are a mixture of it all.
People age at different rates and that's just fact. Some stay youthful for a long time. Cher and Lena Horne come to mind. But Hillary is aging quickly, VERY quickly. See photo below....

This picture was taken yesterday. Looks like Mitch McConnel with long hair. Shes aging hard NOT just on the outside but ALSO on the inside. Now they SAY she fell and hit her head and had a blood clot. Strokes are CAUSED by blood clots and odds are she had a mini stroke and fell and hit her head. I worked end stage rehab for 27 years and THAT is what is telling me they are LYING about what went down.

Their STORY about dehydration does NOT play either. When your body is UNABLE to tell your mind you need a glass of water YOUR wiring harness IS screwed up. There SO off the mark calling this as that they MIGHT want to think again democrats. She had a half DOZEN people standing around here at ALL times and STILL dehydrated?

She is aging on the inside RAPIDLY. THIS woman does not have four years of HIGH stress job abilities in her. the campaign MIGHT kill her. So you democrats may want to open your field and get some more folks. Just being honest with you here democrats that's all.

NO person who ever DIED on the trail ever served ONE DAY in office. And as much as you want to be there I have a VERY strong feeling she will not. I think you democrats should stop your support for her on sheer morals and ethics. NOT hers but YOURS.

Your pushing her and her alone COULD very well lead to her death. I TRULY suggest YOU think about it.
Too old, and too ugly. Or did someone say that already?
People age at different rates and that's just fact. Some stay youthful for a long time. Cher and Lena Horne come to mind. But Hillary is aging quickly, VERY quickly. See photo below....

This picture was taken yesterday. Looks like Mitch McConnel with long hair. Shes aging hard NOT just on the outside but ALSO on the inside. Now they SAY she fell and hit her head and had a blood clot. Strokes are CAUSED by blood clots and odds are she had a mini stroke and fell and hit her head. I worked end stage rehab for 27 years and THAT is what is telling me they are LYING about what went down.

Their STORY about dehydration does NOT play either. When your body is UNABLE to tell your mind you need a glass of water YOUR wiring harness IS screwed up. There SO off the mark calling this as that they MIGHT want to think again democrats. She had a half DOZEN people standing around here at ALL times and STILL dehydrated?

She is aging on the inside RAPIDLY. THIS woman does not have four years of HIGH stress job abilities in her. the campaign MIGHT kill her. So you democrats may want to open your field and get some more folks. Just being honest with you here democrats that's all.

NO person who ever DIED on the trail ever served ONE DAY in office. And as much as you want to be there I have a VERY strong feeling she will not. I think you democrats should stop your support for her on sheer morals and ethics. NOT hers but YOURS.

Your pushing her and her alone COULD very well lead to her death. I TRULY suggest YOU think about it.
at least Reagan wasn't in the body of an average 70 yr old, even doctors were amazed of his excellent condition for a man his age, then look at the Clinton's, both already look 80, why cant they both just move to Florida and call it a night already!

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