Hillary Clinton likens Trump rally in Ohio to the Nazis

Hillary is simply pointing out, in a subtle way, that the democrat party Regime needs to step up the arrests of democrat party oppnoents......the FBI/gestapo, will not be enough to arrest all the opponents of the Regime before the November election....deployment of the new, 87,000 IRS troops may be necessary sooner than thought, and the shock troops in BLM and Antifa may be necessary to aid in the mass arrests that will be necessary.......deporting the enemies of the Regime to work camps must be seen as the most important step in solidifying Freedom for the democrat party......
The khunt massively over estimates the capabilities of the left.

Just think....

21 years in AFGHANISTAN.... The US military along with NATO and UN support could not remove the Taliban, which was not exactly a beloved government in that country.

The idea these democrook sociopaths could wipe out their opponents is laughable. I kinda wish they would try so that I could begin getting souvenirs off the corpses of UN troops and some armored vehicles as well.
The khunt massively over estimates the capabilities of the left.

Just think....

21 years in AFGHANISTAN.... The US military along with NATO and UN support could not remove the Taliban, which was not exactly a beloved government in that country.

The idea these democrook sociopaths could wipe out their opponents is laughable. I kinda wish they would try so that I could begin getting souvenirs off the corpses of UN troops and some armored vehicles as well.

Hmmmm...it is obvious that the unit of the democrat party FBI/Gestapo tasked with arresting internet opposition to the Regime missed you......please contact the local office of the democrat party FBI/gestapo and make them aware of your location so that they can quickly proceed with taking you into custody..........

Your cooperation is appreciated, but not necessary, you will be taken into custody..........best to peacefully submit now.....
Hitler used "innuendo, mocking humor and irony" in his speeches, according to historian Thomas Weber

sound familiar?
on the other hand, Hitler's dream as a child was to be a preacher, he would climb on a stool in the kitchen and pretend to give a sermon at length. he wanted to talk AT, not TO people.

there's nothing like that anywhere in Trump's biography
no one knows this, but Hilter was introduced by a German-American to football, which Hitler loved. the "Sieg Heil" salute was a direct copy of a salute used by cheerleaders in American football

The Nazi rally call “Sieg Heil” was inspired by American football techniques. Hitler seemed to emulate these techniques at his rallies. How many times has Trump said to the nation that he likes being a cheerleader?
Hitler's alpine retreat in the mountains of Bavaria was one of the most important centers of government in the Third Reich, he would often go there before he would make big decisions

the same can be said about Trump and Mar-A-Lago!

Hitler went nuts when he realized that the allied powers entered Berlin.

Trump goes nuts every single day at the slightest liberal comment or action

so Trump is worse than Hitler!
Always trust your first gut instinct with tyrannical madmen. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck then it's probably Hitler or Trump.
You think Hitler was Far-Right he was:
Head of socialist workers party
Anti-free market
Wanted to nationalise
Had his own youth party
just to summarize and make clear:

Hitler allied with the Bavarian based, the poor of Germany economy disaster, industrialists who were anti-socialists, and later conservatives. However, he began his propaganda campaigns using socialism
just to summarize and make clear:

Hitler allied with the Bavarian based, the poor of Germany economy disaster, industrialists who were anti-socialists, and later conservatives. However, he began his propaganda campaigns using socialism
Hitler was responsible for creating the Volkswagen Beetle, the people's car. Enough said!!
They have the mind of criminals alright. They pin the blame on the other guy in order to try and make themselves look less guilty. It never works though. We all know that they're guilty as hell.
Hillary Clinton correlated elements of former President Donald Trump's rally in Ohio over the week to how Adolf Hitler cultivated a fervent following.
Speaking at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin, Texas, on Friday, the former 2016 presidential contender recounted that she used to ponder how Hitler managed to rise to power and then took note of Trump's appeal, warning that the United States is in a struggle for democracy.
"I remember as a young student, you know, trying to figure out how people get basically brought in by Hitler. How did that happen? I'd watch newsreels, and I'd see this guy standing up there ranting and raving and people shouting and raising their arms. I thought, 'What's happened to these people?'" Clinton said, per a Fox News report.
Trump held a rally in Youngstown, Ohio, last Saturday to stir up support for Ohio Senate contender J.D. Vance, who has been facing considerable competition from Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) in polling.
“We saw the rally in Ohio the other night,” Clinton added, per the outlet. “Trump is ranting and raving for more than an hour, and you have these rows of young men with their arms raised.”

Is Hillary Clinton dumb or evil or both.
She used the DOJ and the FBI to try and frame Trump with her crazy Russian Collusion Conspiracy.
This was a major crime.
The Democrat Party is undermining our "democracy" with their illegal use of our government agencies as political weapons.
Joe Biden was acting like an "authoritarian" hate monger with his Nuremberg speech.
It is the Democrats who are the real threat to the republic, not Trump.
The Democrat Party is a dangerous political cult that believes its own propaganda.

She is way off the mark here.

It is far more like a Jim Jones worship service than NAZI rally.

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