Hillary Clinton may be using Richard Nixon playbook.

Its just that she has a mountain range of lies, deceit, and skeletons for all to see. Maybe she's trying some of that same lipstick that O used to dress himself up.

That sounds strange, but could be true. Tricky Dick had to remake himself to win the White House. Hillary may be attempting the same.

WOW! And the far left will still vote for her!

Nixon won didn't he? You posts threads on all types of shortcomings, but no link to support your "accusations." You post "maybes", "if", and "probably".

No the far left drones will vote for whoever they are told to vote for. Just like they did in 2008 when they believed they had a choice..
Also a factor in W's re-election. Like Nixon, most knew he was corrupt and incompetent but his name was well known.

"Jeb Bush has his famous last name as a calling card, for better or worse. But Scott Walker’s name does not ring many bells outside Wisconsin.

Ted Cruz is not even well known in Texas."

I just heard that as many as 20 Repubs will be running - most of whom are relatively unknown.
Also a factor in W's re-election. Like Nixon, most knew he was corrupt and incompetent but his name was well known.

"Jeb Bush has his famous last name as a calling card, for better or worse. But Scott Walker’s name does not ring many bells outside Wisconsin.

Ted Cruz is not even well known in Texas."

I just heard that as many as 20 Repubs will be running - most of whom are relatively unknown.

Yet the far left will still vote for Hilary even though she is worse than Nixon, worse than Bush..
Also a factor in W's re-election. Like Nixon, most knew he was corrupt and incompetent but his name was well known.

"Jeb Bush has his famous last name as a calling card, for better or worse. But Scott Walker’s name does not ring many bells outside Wisconsin.

Ted Cruz is not even well known in Texas."

I just heard that as many as 20 Repubs will be running - most of whom are relatively unknown.

Yet the far left will still vote for Hilary even though she is worse than Nixon, worse than Bush..

You forgot to use the word "drone".
Stupid thread, she's not answering questions because she doesn't have the answers. Now with the new Benghazi revelations we may not see the old bitch for months
Also a factor in W's re-election. Like Nixon, most knew he was corrupt and incompetent but his name was well known.

"Jeb Bush has his famous last name as a calling card, for better or worse. But Scott Walker’s name does not ring many bells outside Wisconsin.

Ted Cruz is not even well known in Texas."

I just heard that as many as 20 Repubs will be running - most of whom are relatively unknown.
LOL! Where do you make this stuff up?
They are both crooks and liars, so it makes sense.

I'll stipulated to that -- But.....

Nixon was the last of the Imperial Presidents. Up to Nixon, the US President was all but the King in name only. His word was law, he faced no opposition.

Nixon acted accordingly. And wrongly. He should have know the times were changing, that people had been badly burned by LBJ and JFK and they just didn't want an unfettered President.

Hitlery is another story altogether. So is the dimocrap party.

Nixon only PROPOSED that the IRS go after his enemies and that was enough (among other things) to get before an impeachment hearing.

obama DID IT. And -- Nothing.

Nixon was a choir boy compared to modern dimocraps.
Stupid thread, she's not answering questions because she doesn't have the answers. Now with the new Benghazi revelations we may not see the old bitch for months
She is trying to micromanage this campaign so cannot afford reporters' questions that havent been fully vetted. She is reduced to discussing cookie recipes and how she loves her grandson.
Stupid thread, she's not answering questions because she doesn't have the answers. Now with the new Benghazi revelations we may not see the old bitch for months
She is trying to micromanage this campaign so cannot afford reporters' questions that havent been fully vetted. She is reduced to discussing cookie recipes and how she loves her grandson.

I read today her daughter is impossible to work for also, people leaving the Foundation in droves, the apple doesn't fall far

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