Hillary Clinton mentor: West Virginia Sen. Robert Byrd organized a 150-member chapter of the Klan

KKK...it's a Democrat thing
Hardly so as GOP members are a part of it also and have been for a hundred years...

Rice Means....
Ed Jackson....
George Baker....
Owen Brewster....
Clarence Morley....

The city council of Anaheim....

The virtually entire state of Indiana....

And then there was:


(NYT, 1924, more here)​

Said it here a million times --- the Klan was not a political organization. When it did dabble in either supporting or opposing political candidates it worked with (or against) Democrats or Republicans, whichever would serve the Klan's interests.
The GOP was formerly Whigs and the Southern Whigs owned slaves....

Do yourself a favor, and stop lying.

The Republicans were formed as an abolitionist party.

------ which also comprised the dying Whig party, the segment of it that was anti-slavery.

There's one in particular that even you wallowing in your ignorance might have heard of, Pothead.
His name was "Abraham Lincoln".

Interesting dynamic, the Whigs. They couldn't come to agreement on slavery, which is why they disintegrated, but what they did agree on was Big Government. And they brought that philosophy with them to the new Republican Party.
Surprised that more White nationalists aren't democrats, tbh. The party's platform renders Blacks and Hispanics poor and polarized.

Seems like a natural fit. OJ meet glove.
Hardly so as GOP members are a part of it also and have been for a hundred years...

Lying again butt-boi?

I slapped you silly last time you told this lie.

Look, you're a scummy little fuck with zero integrity, but for Allahs sake, how many times can you run with the same fucking lies? :dunno:
Edward L. "Ed" Jackson (December 27, 1873 - November 18, 1954)
David Curtiss "Steve" Stephenson (August 21, 1891 – June 28, 1966)

Two of the most prominent members of the GOP and KKK members...
Surprised that more White nationalists aren't democrats, tbh. The party's platform renders Blacks and Hispanics poor and polarized.

Seems like a natural fit. OJ meet glove.
No party affiliation makes you poor...get a grip..Social mobility is there if utilized..
Byrd was indeed a Klan member. He opposed the racial integration of the armed forces and filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act for fourteen hours. He voted against the Voting Rights Act of 1965. He gave the thumb’s down to Thurgood Marshall’s Supreme Court nomination.

But, he recanted. He called his Klan ties the “worst mistake of my life.” He said, “I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America.” Late in life he explained regretfully, “I apologized a thousand times… and I don’t mind apologizing over and over again. I can’t erase what happened.”

In 2008, shortly after his home state had shown its racial disapproval of Barack Obama by handing Hillary Clinton a 41-point victory, Robert Byrd endorsed him by saying, “Barack Obama is a noble-hearted patriot and humble Christian, and he has my full faith and support.”

Did he redeem himself in the end? Well, eventually the NAACP awarded him its highest rating as they mourned his passing in 2010.

Why Make the “Democrats are the Real Racists” Argument?

Coming from a guy who thinks a billionaire is a loser... not convinced.

Good thing it isn't necessary to convince the likes of you. The NAACP forgives him, after all.
------ which also comprised the dying Whig party, the segment of it that was anti-slavery.

The Whig party tore itself apart over the issue of slavery - more accurately, slave states. Though the Whigs had a plank opposed to slavery, some of the party sought compromise with the democrats over the admission of new slave states. The democrats being avidly pro-slavery. (then, as now)

There's one in particular that even you wallowing in your ignorance might have heard of, Pothead.
His name was "Abraham Lincoln".

Interesting dynamic, the Whigs. They couldn't come to agreement on slavery, which is why they disintegrated, but what they did agree on was Big Government. And they brought that philosophy with them to the new Republican Party.

In fact it was slave states, paint huffer, which were the undoing of the Whigs. Reference Lincoln's "House Divided" speech.
Hardly so as GOP members are a part of it also and have been for a hundred years...

Lying again butt-boi?

I slapped you silly last time you told this lie.

Look, you're a scummy little fuck with zero integrity, but for Allahs sake, how many times can you run with the same fucking lies? :dunno:
Edward L. "Ed" Jackson (December 27, 1873 - November 18, 1954)
David Curtiss "Steve" Stephenson (August 21, 1891 – June 28, 1966)

Two of the most prominent members of the GOP and KKK members...

I'm not going to spend the time refuting you yet again, as you have zero integrity (democrat!) but prior to WWII there were no Republicans in the KKK.
Byrd was indeed a Klan member. He opposed the racial integration of the armed forces and filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act for fourteen hours. He voted against the Voting Rights Act of 1965. He gave the thumb’s down to Thurgood Marshall’s Supreme Court nomination.

But, he recanted. He called his Klan ties the “worst mistake of my life.” He said, “I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America.” Late in life he explained regretfully, “I apologized a thousand times… and I don’t mind apologizing over and over again. I can’t erase what happened.”

In 2008, shortly after his home state had shown its racial disapproval of Barack Obama by handing Hillary Clinton a 41-point victory, Robert Byrd endorsed him by saying, “Barack Obama is a noble-hearted patriot and humble Christian, and he has my full faith and support.”

Did he redeem himself in the end? Well, eventually the NAACP awarded him its highest rating as they mourned his passing in 2010.

Why Make the “Democrats are the Real Racists” Argument?

Coming from a guy who thinks a billionaire is a loser... not convinced.

Good thing it isn't necessary to convince the likes of you. The NAACP forgives him, after all.


That stands for "National Field Hands for the DNC," right?
This type of thing makes Trump look like he's trying to out-idiot the Democrats.
Hardly so as GOP members are a part of it also and have been for a hundred years...

Lying again butt-boi?

I slapped you silly last time you told this lie.

Look, you're a scummy little fuck with zero integrity, but for Allahs sake, how many times can you run with the same fucking lies? :dunno:
Edward L. "Ed" Jackson (December 27, 1873 - November 18, 1954)
David Curtiss "Steve" Stephenson (August 21, 1891 – June 28, 1966)

Two of the most prominent members of the GOP and KKK members...

I'm not going to spend the time refuting you yet again, as you have zero integrity (democrat!) but prior to WWII there were no Republicans in the KKK.

As long as you don't count Jackson (mentioned above) and Stephenson (ditto), the governor and political boss of the entire state of Indiana from county commissioners to the Mayor of Indianapolis John Duvall (who went to jail for it)
  • Or Owen Brewster, Governor/Congresscritter/Senator/McCarthy Fellow Traveller of Maine...
  • Or DeForest Perkins, lower level political machinist, same state who conspired with Brewster;
  • Or Rice Means, Governor of Colorado....
  • Or George Baker, Mayor of Portland (Ore)...
  • Or Clarence Morley, Senator from Colorado...

-- Or all these guys at the grassroots level:

>> Avowed klansmen became mayors of Saco (John G. Smith)*, Westbrook (Charles S. Tuttle Jr) and Rockland.[28] The Klan "figured prominently" in the election of mayor Allen M. Irish of Bath.[29] In 1923 the Klan were beginning "to take an active part in the politics" of Brewer,[30] and the following year Kleagle Farnsworth declared that "all Klan candidates" on the ballot had elected in the town of Dexter, Maine (Gov. Brewster's home town).[29] In 1928 the New York Times referred to Newport and Kennebunkport as "old Ku Klux capitals"[31] Other political figures whose elections were reportedly endorsed by the Klan included Androscoggin County sheriff E.E. Additon, Auburn mayor Fred E. Walton,[32] Lisbon Falls state representative Louis A. Jack, and president of the Maine State Senate Hodgdon Buzzell.​

That's a good fifteen or twenty, minuimum. Oh and the city council of Anaheim too.

Again, Pothead, the Klan wasn't out for politics per se It was out to buy politicians that would smooth the way for them, and oppose those who didn't. BOTH of those ends invovled BOTH Democrats and Republicans. That list on the end there is in Maine, all Republicans, and their opposition came from other Republicans, as well as the insignificant-at-the-time Democrats (Maine was as solidly Republican as the South was solidly Democratic).

Maine's Gone Mad: Ku Klux Klan in Maine
Wiki: The Klan and the Maine Republican Party

And once again, if there were "no Republicans in the KKK prior to WWII" --- how do you explain this, from 1924?


Last edited:
Hardly so as GOP members are a part of it also and have been for a hundred years...

Lying again butt-boi?

I slapped you silly last time you told this lie.

Look, you're a scummy little fuck with zero integrity, but for Allahs sake, how many times can you run with the same fucking lies? :dunno:
Edward L. "Ed" Jackson (December 27, 1873 - November 18, 1954)
David Curtiss "Steve" Stephenson (August 21, 1891 – June 28, 1966)

Two of the most prominent members of the GOP and KKK members...

I'm not going to spend the time refuting you yet again, as you have zero integrity (democrat!) but prior to WWII there were no Republicans in the KKK.

As long as you don't count Jackson (mentioned above) and Stephenson (ditto), the governor and political boss of the entire state of Indiana from county commissioners to the Mayor of Indianapolis John Duvall (who went to jail for it)
  • Or Owen Brewster, Governor/Congresscritter/Senator/McCarthy Fellow Traveller of Maine...
  • Or DeForest Perkins, lower level political machinist, same state who conspired with Brewster;
  • Or Rice Means, Governor of Colorado....
  • Or George Baker, Mayor of Portland (Ore)...
  • Or Clarence Morley, Senator from Colorado...

-- Or all these guys at the grassroots level:

>> Avowed klansmen became mayors of Saco (John G. Smith)*, Westbrook (Charles S. Tuttle Jr) and Rockland.[28] The Klan "figured prominently" in the election of mayor Allen M. Irish of Bath.[29] In 1923 the Klan were beginning "to take an active part in the politics" of Brewer,[30] and the following year Kleagle Farnsworth declared that "all Klan candidates" on the ballot had elected in the town of Dexter, Maine (Gov. Brewster's home town).[29] In 1928 the New York Times referred to Newport and Kennebunkport as "old Ku Klux capitals"[31] Other political figures whose elections were reportedly endorsed by the Klan included Androscoggin County sheriff E.E. Additon, Auburn mayor Fred E. Walton,[32] Lisbon Falls state representative Louis A. Jack, and president of the Maine State Senate Hodgdon Buzzell.​

That's a good fifteen or twenty, minuimum. Oh and the city council of Anaheim too.

Again, Pothead, the Klan wasn't out for politics per se It was out to buy politicians that would smooth the way for them, and oppose those who didn't. BOTH of those ends invovled BOTH Democrats and Republicans. That list on the end there is in Maine, all Republicans, and their opposition came from other Republicans, as well as the insignificant-at-the-time Democrats (Maine was as solidly Republican as the South was solidly Democratic).

Maine's Gone Mad: Ku Klux Klan in Maine
Wiki: The Klan and the Maine Republican Party

And once again, if there were "no Republicans in the KKK prior to WWII" --- how do you explain this, from 1924?



And furthermore --- is there any special reason you qualified the statement with "prior to World War Two"?

What happened after World War II, Pothead?

I know one thing that did. Klan activity and recruitment was resurgent after that war, milking the xenophobia around the onrush of immigration --- much as now. Along came a guy named Stetson Kennedy from North Florida teamed up with the writers of the most wildly popular national radio serial, "Superman" (TV hadn't taken off yet) in 1946 and wrote dramas for it called "The Clan of the Fiery Cross"

>> Struggling to make use of his findings, Kennedy approached the writers of the Superman radio serial. It was perfect timing. With the war over and the Nazis no longer a threat, the producers were looking for a new villain for Superman to fight. The KKK was a great fit for the role.

In a 16-episode series titled "Clan of the Fiery Cross," the writers pitted the Man of Steel against the men in white hoods. As the storyline progressed, the shows exposed many of the KKK's most guarded secrets. By revealing everything from code words to rituals, the program completely stripped the Klan of its mystique. Within two weeks of the broadcast, KKK recruitment was down to zero. And by 1948, people were showing up to Klan rallies just to mock them. << -- How Superman Defeated the KKK
Sounded like this:

(all 16 episodes are on YouTube)​

Kennedy had infiltrated the Klan and wrote an exposé called The Klan Unmasked, which inside info was used for the radio series. Got the Klan's corporate charter revoked that Simmons had set up in 1915 with the help of Georgia Governor Ellis Arnall.. Also wrote The Jim Crow Guide to the USA as part of his ongoing crusade to shine light on it. And ran for Governor of Florida but got firebombed and driven out of the country by the same right-wing terrorists he stood up to. Guess what political party Kennedy and Arnall were in. And get your handkerchief ready.

Mythology / History. Guess which one's more fun.

So again --- why the distinction 'prior to World War Two'?

GOP members had slaves also.....Don't be too daft.........

Uh no dumbfuck, they sure didn't.

A lack of integrity is expected from those of your filthy party, but you're just fucking stupid...
Which filthy party am I a member of?

I'm sure you wouldn't go to a party unless it WAS filthy....
Damn right, I'm a degenerate through and through, it seems funner and exciting.

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