Hillary Clinton Re-emerges...Setting Ground Work for Her Return?

Hillary would make a good running mate for Kam Harris.

I know those two would have your vote. :eusa_whistle:

At least one good thing would come of that, if that team got elected.

With Hitlery being, finally, just a heartbeat away from the Presidency, and The Whore being the only one standing between her that that position, how long do you think The Whore would have left to live? My guess would be slightly over two years—just long enough that the one who filled the remaining term of a President who suddenly died under mysterious circumstances would be eligible to be elected to two terms after that.
It has nothing to do with the establishment and everything to do with how worthless and morally bankrupt she is as a person.
She's still very much establishment, even though there might be some real evidence that she is as depraved as you suggest.
I have to question the use of the word, 'depraved' to describe her but I'm open to you backing it up with some evidence.
I could suggest that she's as undesirable as a political candidate as most of them, save a few such as Marjorie, Gaitz, and a few others who take the cake.

Go look at Mac1958's thread about Trump. Take notice of how deeply he hates Trump. Multiply that by an order of magnitude and you'll be getting close to just how depraved she is and how much I loath her.
I don't need to depend on someone else's opinion on this question.
Hillary would make a good running mate for Kam Harris.

I know those two would have your vote. :eusa_whistle:
I'd be concerned if both those phony shit beasts started cackling simultaneously, our galaxy might collapse. It's literally the equivalent of dividing the universe by zero.
If it looks like Sleepy Joe is fading, someone has to take leadership in the Democrat Party if he leaves.

Why not Mrs. Clinton? She paid her dues, and even Obama said that she is more qualified to be President than her husband or even him.

I am sure that Hillary is thinking "why not me?" If that doofus Biden can get in, why not me in 2024? Who's out there on the Democrat side that I should worry about? They're all a buncha Far Left Loons, she might think all she has to do is paint herself as a moderate. At this point, it looks like Trump will be the GOP nominee, and he has done nothing to help his cause since he left office and in fact some might say he has done more harm than good to himself and the Republican Party.

I'm sure that many of us thought Joe Biden was done, thrown on the trash heap of history and destined to be forgotten. Same as Hillary was after she lost in 2008. It looks like she is testing the waters and considering the possibilities. If Joe can do it, so can she.
Why are conservatives obsessed with Hillary Clinton?

I don't think conservatives are half as obsessed with Hillary as the left has TDS.

I saw a lot more left posters have avatars skewering Trump, than I ever saw them skewering Hillary. In fact, some STILL have TDS avatars.

No joke.
Hillary Clinton laying the groundwork for political comeback? Hillary Clinton reemerges from loss to ovations in safe NYC bubble

Like a groundhog that's seen it's shadow Hillary comes out of her burrow.
"She may have been the loser but Hillary Clinton is still getting the ovations, especially in her town, New York.

After a devastating loss, Clinton is recovering her New York state of mind with the help of the Big Apple's fashion, entertainment and theater crowds, who always supported her and now have embraced her back into the fold."

It's a given that New York crowds will go ga ga for the old war horse. But what about Texas? And middle America?

Clinton is flogging her new book and she's coming out sounding like Bob Dole, John Kerry, Joe Biden and other political
long timers who always pursued the office of President with little luck (Biden was given the office, he never earned
it or even spent much energy trying).

Hillary made a teary theatrical speech invoking her mother upon her return to the stage. Let's see if this smoldering dumpster fire erupts in flames.
erupts in flames
She didn't have a devastating loss.
Bill Clinton was not indicted for pedophilia, and tramp was just as involved, he and Epstein were good friends.
I guess that's why Donald Trump threw his "good friend" Epstein out of Mira Lago and forbade
his ever returning there.

To say Trump was just as involved with Jeffery Epstein is a real blatant lie and easily disproved but
you don't post to establish truths. You post to claim whatever makes you feel good and
furthers a reprehensible agenda.
Though you don't seem bright enough to realize blatant lies don't make you look good in any way.
Bill Clinton was not indicted for pedophilia, and tramp was just as involved, he and Epstein were good friends.
No surprise you cover for them too.

You think Bill Clinton didn't know what Epstein was up to? Is Hillary so dumb she didn't know what Bill was up to?

You people are sick.

Hillary Clinton Re-emerges...Setting Ground Work for Her Return?​

Out of the chrysalis emerges …

The same old decrepit hairy ugly caterpillar.


The repeating ugly cycle of Hillary Clinton
The former Rush Limbaugh put a huge amount of time and effort into making Hillary a villain.

You see his show was based on World Wide Wrestling but only with politicians. So the former Rush Limbaugh needed heroes and villains just like they have heroes and villains in World Wide Wrestling.
Point of fact, actually, it was the hard left that uncovered the Clinton corruption was back when Billy was running for the DNC nominations back in the day. When he was sucking the air out of the room from more progressive candidates, and was considered conservative, by more progressive candidates in the 90's, progressives were the one's blowing the whistle on the corruption.

Rush just picked up what was already out there.

Wow, that interesting, I just went to the link, and it was dead. Not surprising, I went there a few months ago, and I had to use the Wayback machine. But at least it was still archived. But NOW? They have even scrubbed the archives. HOLY SHIT. I have never seen that happen before.

I found a mirror. I suggest you read it, I don't think it will be there for long.

Ah. . . found it here, been relocated, no chart anymore.


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