Hillary Clinton Should Step Down to Avoid Constitutional Crisis


didnt Hillary fall down the 40ft staircase last time she stepped down?
Rexx, seriously this is not a joke, there might be evidence that Anthony Weiners text of his erect penis gets Hillies nipples perky....................So please stop with the comedy already, this is a crisis of magnitude, what if that photo gets out.

Who would ever thought we would see the day when somehow, Hillarys emials would become inter-mixed with Anthony Wieners Emails.
Trump predicted this last year actually, quite amazing, but then the NSA has every email ever sent by anyone, so Trump could well have had this info last year.
like I have been saying for a year or so,,,,god i hope someone turns up an email where Hillary refers to both/either Obama as some overweight animal.
No she will not...

Until being convicted of perjury or anything else she will run for office... Being convicted in the media is not the same as actually being convicted of a crime...

As for those voting for her, well if her name is on the ballot then it is legal to cast their vote for her and to ask if the voter should be jailed for their vote is very un-American...


Did not vote for her nor would I ever!
Hillary Clinton Should Step Down to Avoid Constitutional Crisis

The FBI investigation has already revealed Hillary Clinton’s perjury, and a new investigation of additional classified documents shared through her personal email server can lead to criminal indictments—unless the FBI itself wants to fall on its sword in a far more visible and viral cover-up than we have seen to date.

It is not at all clear that the FBI has not already been hopelessly compromised: Did the FBI have knowledge of Barack Obama’s participation in the illegal email server and the president’s lies about it to the public? Who will investigate the investigators?

So are you really wanting to vote for a criminal? if so should you be arrested yourself?
Since Hillary wasn't indicted, the email case against her can be reopened and she can be tried and convicted without the issue of double jeopardy.
Better yet if Trump gets elected and the investigation takes a year or so, then Obama can not pardon her either as she will not yet be convicted.

This is actually glorious if it works out
While humor is imperative in the rag-tag game of politics, the author of the OP as brought up a very serious question. IMHO bill's wife will never concede defeat... She will have to be taken out through legal proceedings... Whether the proceedings are political or criminal is yet to be seen... Because of the least transparent Administration in the history of the USA has been in charge for the last 8 years, criminal charges may be questionable... As a tax payer for close to the last 50 years, political proceedings will not satisfy my very strong urge to see Bill's wife to pay for her criminal recklessness...

A constitutional crisis is a situation that a legal system's constitution or other basic principles of operation appear unable to resolve; it often results in a breakdown in the orderly operation of government
There won't be a constitutional crisis
There already is one as Comey defied the law in order to inform the people who the law says do not have the right to know, yet we all know that we do have the right to know, so there is the constitutional crisis in a nutshell
No No! you don't want Hillary to step down! thats what causes cath bags to break/leak

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